Tied his five-flowered tie here to castrate him?

"This big brother, I beg you to let me go. I am a one-armed man. How can I enter the palace to be a father-in-law? I also hope that this big brother will do well and let the little man live."

The young man shook his head: "I can't do the Lord. This is the order of the prince. If you want to sue, you have to tell the king, you can't tell me." The young man turned and walked out of the dark room.

It is forced to faint again in a small space, which brings great pressure to people's psychology.

Liu Wenxuan constantly struggled to writh his body and wanted to break away from the ropes that tied him. But he was only a weak scholar, and he broke his arm and how to break away from the special knot in this army.

I don't know how long it took, the faint light that penetrated through the window gap gradually darkened, and the dark room became very dim. Liu Wenxuan was very tired, but he didn't dare to fall asleep, and he couldn't fall asleep. He was afraid that he would fall asleep. The white blade will stick out of his mind and cut to his next body.

He blinked until midnight, and the original silence of the outside was suddenly broken. There was a footstep sound. At least there were several people listening to the sound. The footsteps stopped outside the darkroom door and only heard a steady command. :"turn on."

The door slammed open, and a guard who took the lantern first entered, and then it was the prince of Jing Wang, who was dressed in a brocade suit. When the chilly peach blossoms swept to Liu Wenxuan's body, Liu Wenxuan apparently trembled. Many of the questions and anger that had been squeezed in the throat were vanishing, and the face was only dull.

"Wang, Wang Ye, the villain has no eyes, and there is a collision with Wang Ye in the past words. It is not for the villain. I also hope that you have a large number of adults, and you can spare the villain this time." Liu Wenxuan is alive and clear, self-righteous I have got a few big characters, I have read books for a few years, and I am a scholar. In this Xipo Village, I have a somewhat self-righteous thought. I can face the majesty of this day, his high, his self-righteousness, all become ridiculous, worthless. One mention.

Zhu Xi is cold and cold, and the eyes are cold and flashing: "Liu Wenxuan, you Dao Ben Wang invited you to come today, just for the collision of your words?"

Liu Wenxuan’s heart was squeaky, and his tongue was tied with a nervous tone: “That, that, Wang, Wang Ye, you are, is this for that?”

Zhu Xi stunned and said: "Will the king with the garlic?" He turned his head and looked at the guard who was holding the lantern on his side. He whispered: "Go and invite me."

Liu Wenxuan was scared enough, and quickly screamed: "Wang, the prince is forgiving, the villain is the only son in the family, can't break the incense, and ask Wang Ye to raise his hand and spare the life of the villain."

Zhu Xi was stunned by Liu Wenxuan’s face, and his heart was even more contemptuous: "What is the use of your commandment by the king?" - If the king is not as good as death, he should not be called every day. It’s not working, I want you to live in this world for a long time, be treated coldly, look at people’s eyes, and sneer!”

After Zhu Xi said, he left the darkroom. He didn't even look at Liu Wenxuan. He dared to play Yuan Qiu's idea under the meridian slope. He dared to go to the medicated diet building, and even recruited the people on the first floor. If the background leaves the country, it is necessary to have an enlightened commitment to offend the consequences of his Zhu Xi.

At midnight, Xiafu heard a scream, like a ghost crying, and everyone in Xipo Village heard it. He also heard that the voice of this sneaky voice is from Liu Wenxuan.

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