Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Chapter 474: Ghost Animal Edition

"How is it, brother, are you under pressure?" Shi Dazhu brought a bottle of Japanese sake and two wine glasses.

Qin Feng smiled.

"Brother, if you are going to be seen by several masters, you must be buried!" Qin Feng joked, "They don't care who you are, this is a terrible curse!"

"Hey, so I brought it up secretly." Shi Dazhu chuckled, "No, help you decompress!"

Qin Feng shrugged.

"If it was any other competition, I wouldn't be under any pressure. But this time, there is indeed some pressure. Especially I didn't expect to meet Lang Lang!" Qin Feng sighed.

It was a coincidence that I just ran into Lang Lang.

In terms of playing skills, Lang Lang is naturally world-class. Although the current Lang Lang is two years younger than Qin Feng, he is only 14 years old. But I have to say, he is a genius.

This playing technique is already extremely mature, and already has the style of a master. What is lacking is just a little on-the-spot experience.

Qin Feng is still slightly inferior in this respect. No way, Lang Lang is focusing on the piano. As for Qin Feng, he ran here and there, enjoying himself at ease. Although it is said that I also spend a certain amount of time every day to practice the piano.

But one is to focus on practicing the piano, life is only the piano, and the other is to practice the piano regularly. There will naturally be a gap between the two parties.

This is due to the fact that after Qin Feng was reborn, the mental power of his brain was stimulated, which was far stronger than that of ordinary people. Otherwise, the gap would be even greater.

Of course, if Qin Feng focuses on the piano, it will definitely exceed. But this piano is just a hobby of Qin Feng.

"Fortunately, this time I added the item of creation, otherwise, I would really lose!" Qin Feng sighed, "I can't afford to lose in a competition that must win the gold medal!"

"Don't worry too much, if you really lose, then you will lose." Shi Dazhu was relieved, "If you lose, it won't affect you!"

"It's easy to say! Several masters, I lost this competition specially for the preparation. I don't want to have time to be lazy in the future! Maybe I won't be able to go to the United States, and I was dragged by three masters to shut down Confinement practice!" Qin Feng gave Shi Dazhu a blank look.

"Then what should we do?" Shi Dazhu was a little anxious now.

Qin Feng thought about it.


My specialty is creation. Then I can only write new songs! "Qin Feng said, "I originally prepared a song, but it was not good enough. I didn't expect the opponent to be so strong, so I can only choose a better one!" "

"Then I won't delay you!" Shi Dazhu left with his wine glass.

This kind of thing is no joke.

After Shi Dazhu left, Qin Feng wondered what song he should change.

Originally, Qin Feng casually prepared "The Only One" by Wang Leehom, which was played with piano music, which was very pleasant to the ear. But now, in the face of Lang Lang's continuous production of various difficult songs, Qin Feng is under pressure.

If Qin Feng also changed to the repertoire of well-known composers, such as Mozart or Beethoven, he might not win. Even if the two play the same effect, Qin Feng will lose.

Therefore, it must be a new song, and it must be extremely difficult!

Qin Feng thought for a while, and there were many songs in his mind, but few wanted to win steadily.

"Brother, where's the wine?" Qin Feng called the room service and asked.

"Wine? Have you finished?" Shi Dazhu immediately came over with the bottle.

"No! I have a headache, drink some wine first to get some feeling!" Qin Feng smiled, opened the bottle, and poured two glasses.

Shi Dazhu rolled his eyes directly.

"Okay, anyway, the second place is the most, that's not bad. After all, you are constantly creating new songs!" Shi Dazhu said with relief.

After a few glasses of wine, Qin Feng suddenly became agitated.

In my mind, I really thought of a piece of music, but this piece is not easy to play.

Before this rebirth, Qin Feng also played Rhythm Master. Of course, the master of rhythm cannot be compared with the piano. Rhythm master 4 keys, piano 88 keys.

Difficulty is different.

However, in Rhythm Master, there is a piece of music that has been adapted into a piano piece. Qin Feng remembered that it was the 1699th level of Rhythm Master, called "Girl's Fantasia", and it was a super difficult level in Rhythm Master.

However, it is completely different from the arrangement of piano music.

In Rhythm Master, no matter how difficult it is, it is limited compared with piano music. But after the adaptation, there was a brand new name called: Fantasia of Ghosts, Animals and Undead Souls.

Hearing the name, one knew how perverted and ghostly it was.

In just 6 minutes, the virtuoso has over 14,400 notes to play. That is, 40 notes appear every second.

On average, there are 8 notes appearing every 02 seconds. This is completely the limit of the performer. No matter how fast it is, it will not be soon.

But, in fact, ever since this sheet music was made out, it has been named ghost animal. Although there is a complete performance piece, it is programmed by computer and not played by humans.

No one ever played it. After all, most lovers have limited piano skills. And those masters, after seeing it, no one played it. Because it's too perverted.

Of course, if you are not perverted, you will not be labeled as a ghost.

In this case, if Qin Feng pops up, he can indeed crush Lang Lang.

But can it pop out by itself?

Qin Feng has an impression of this score, after all, when he first read it, he was also amazed. That's just not something people play.

Although I didn't remember it at the time, the song is very familiar, and I also have an impression of the notes falling from the sky.

At this moment, I thought about it in my mind, and then based on the current knowledge of music theory, Qin Feng quickly wrote it down.

"What is this, densely packed?" Shi Dazhu looked at it in a daze.

"Tomorrow's song!" Qin Feng said.

"What's your name?" Shi Dazhu asked.

"Girl's Fantasia!" Qin Feng still didn't say the abnormal name.

"Well, how long did you play?" Shi Dazhu asked curiously, "Half an hour?"

"6 minutes!" Qin Feng said.

"What? 6 minutes! Are you kidding me!" Shi Dazhu exclaimed, "How much is this?"

"A total of 14,400 notes!" Qin Feng said lightly, "2,400 notes in one minute!"

puff! Shi Dazhu spit out the wine in one gulp.

"You pervert! Have you played it well?" Shi Dazhu asked.

"Try it!" Qin Feng said, "Now my energy is extremely strong. In a few years, although my physical strength will be more abundant, but the energy is not as strong as it is now. Now I can try it!"

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, this is the most energetic age. After a few years, all aspects will continue to mature, but energy will slowly decline.

At this age, playing games without sleeping all night is fun. But after a few years, when you are in your twenties, you will need to catch up on sleep. It's even worse when you're in your thirties.

Right now, this energy is strong.

"You pervert!" Shi Dazhu complained speechlessly.

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