Rebirth of Fortune Soars

Chapter 2200 New Ideas

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Yingcheng Expressway section is tolled!

Everyone's eyes lit up after hearing this.

This is feasible.

Moreover, as long as the fare increase is not high, it will not make any difference to passing drivers.

Today's Yingcheng is not like other places that expect to make a fortune from tolls.

Many local finances sometimes rely on tolls to make a fortune.

In particular, those who continue to charge after the originally set charging period are relying on this source of income to generate additional local income.

As for Yingcheng, it is not needed. In terms of profit and loss, they only need to increase the toll a little bit.

This way, there will be no pressure on passing drivers.

"Moreover, we can even expand this outpost with the expansion of Ying City in the future." Qin Fengxiao said, "This outpost can actually be very useful. We can not only use its outpost for monitoring, but also to avoid Someone wants to check Yingcheng Life Plaza, and at the same time, it can also detect passing vehicles to combat smuggling."

Smuggling is the most hated thing for a local economy. This can easily cost the local economy a large amount of tax revenue.

As for smuggling, because the profits are too high, many criminals have repeatedly taken risks and banned it.

By placing these outposts, detection can be carried out when necessary.

As long as there are clues and intelligence, the smuggled vehicle will not be able to escape at all.

Intercept directly.

When everyone heard this, their faces showed surprise, and they praised Qin Feng's proposal endlessly.

This time, several problems were solved.

Although, the hidden dangers of Yingcheng Life Plaza still exist. But there is no doubt that the risk has been reduced a lot.

"Of course, there is another point, that is, we will start to restrict its propaganda." Qin Feng said.


"But after the restriction, will it have an impact on his business and outsiders won't know about it?" Everyone was worried.

Originally, Yingcheng Life Plaza was the source of everyone’s small treasury.

If the business is going to be bad, then why should we keep it?

If you are worried just for a little money, then there is no need.

This is a bad deal.

Qin Feng grinned.

"Not promoting does not mean that no one will come. Moreover, we just need to change our promotional methods." Qin Feng said, "We must focus on our official promotional brands, such as travel, automobiles, finance, etc. This is our image , our external business card. As for Yingcheng Life Plaza, I think we only need to deliver advertisements to targeted customers."

Deliver advertisements to targeted customers.

Everyone's eyes lit up with curiosity.

"In Yingcheng Life Plaza, we can take a high-end route to avoid too many ordinary people coming, which would cause too bad effects. Moreover, ordinary people's consumption level is also limited." Qin Feng said, "On the contrary, it is easy to cause the entire place to suffer The grade will be lowered, the profit will be reduced, and it will attract the attention of the senior management and crack down on us. You know, if the senior management really wants to crack down, our various methods will only delay the time."

Everyone nodded.

If the higher-ups really want to attack you, if they really want to do anything and use any means, they will not be able to resist you.

This is not alarmist.

"So, we don't want to take the civilian route. We should take the high-end elite route. Of course, if foreign tourists come, that's okay." Qin Feng said, "Earning a lot of foreign exchange does not affect the lives of ordinary people in the country, then, I think You probably won’t notice this much.”

After a discussion, everyone agreed with Qin Feng's point of view.

If you just earn foreign exchange and don't have much internal impact, then it's still okay.

Of course, it is possible to make money from those big bosses.

Ordinary people, forget it.

"But, are we going to go to various departments in prefecture-level cities to collect information on local wealthy people? They will never give this.

"The person in charge of the marketing department said solemnly.

You said you were sending them an invitation and inviting them to come and spend money. The local governments will never give it to you. You are poaching. If you do this, maybe all the local rich people will come to Yingcheng.

If so, what do they do? Does their local economy still need it?

Therefore, this will definitely not be given.

It would be troublesome for Yingcheng to go to various prefecture-level cities to investigate.

This will consume a lot of manpower and material resources, and may be wary of the local government or even evicted.

This is not impossible.

Qin Feng thought for a while, this is indeed a bit troublesome. There is really no guarantee that such a situation will occur.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Qin Feng's mind.

"I have an immature idea!" Qin Fengfu came to his mind. "I recommend a person who has always been interested in creating a rich list belonging to China. We will provide funding and let him interview as a third-party media person. . Then make a list. And to the people on this list, we will send invitations to invite them to attend the Rich List Summit."

Rich list!

Everyone was stunned, this was the first time they heard of this.

Qin Feng blinked, never heard of this?

Hurun Rich List, haven’t you heard of it?

Shouldn't this have been available last year?

Qin Feng quickly turned on the computer and logged on to the Internet to check.

Not really.

This is a bit conflicting with my own memory.

But it doesn't matter, you can go find him yourself - Hurun is it.

With its own investment, no, Yingcheng's investment, the Hurun Rich List will definitely be more successful.

In particular, Yingcheng will be able to find space to host a rich list summit.

It will be even more successful than it was then.

"Would those big bosses be willing?" Zhang Fuyin wondered.

In today's market economy, those big bosses have money and are very powerful. They're not that easy to talk to.

This is unlike later generations, where many economic lifelines were controlled by politicians, and the big bosses did not dare to be disrespectful in any way.

But now, it's different.

"They will be willing. Such a summit will help them get to know more wealthy people. Moreover, it will allow them to feel the magic of money. They will be willing." Qin Feng said with a smile, "This person, Now that you have money, what do you want to do? Of course it’s for fame. Just money and no fame, but many people don’t want to. If we give them a chance to become famous, they will naturally be willing.”

Everyone nodded.

This statement does make sense.

"Master Qin, please help me with this matter. If you need people, give them, and if you need money, give them money." Zhang Fuyin said sincerely.

The concept of this thing is so new. Although they can understand, they are afraid of making mistakes.

It's better to let Qin Feng handle it.

Qin Feng did not shirk. Qin Feng originally wanted to go back to the capital, and Hurun seemed to be in the capital.

I happened to be visiting Lao Bai and at the same time I went to meet Hurun.

It is definitely feasible to create a Hurun Rich List Plus.

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