Breaking through 2500W

Ivanka said to Lin Hao in a sweet voice: “My dear, I miss you so much and want to see you right away.”

Listening to Ivanka’s charming voice, Lin Hao felt hot in his heart. He really wanted to see you now. I flew to Philadelphia to meet Ivanka.

“I want to see you too, but there are still some things that need to be dealt with here. Only after they are done can I have time.” Although the contract has been signed, there is still a lot of work to be done, and Lin Hao will not be able to leave for a while.

“I know, you still have to put your career first. Christmas is coming soon. When we meet again, I will give you a surprise.” Ivanka said coquettishly.

Lin Hao felt something in his heart after hearing this, “What’s the surprise?”

“You’ll know it then, you can’t say it now.”

“Okay.” Lin Hao’s heart was filled with excitement. Was it what he thought?

After the two chatted for a long time, they hung up the phone.

In the afternoon, Lin Hao left the hotel and was immediately surrounded by clicking sounds and various flashing lights. The hotel entrance was full of reporters. Fortunately, Joseph, the four of them, and the hotel security guards were able to get rid of the reporters. This time There are many more reporters than before.

After arriving at Google, a group of reporters stayed here, and some reporters followed Lin Hao’s car to Google.

Lin Hao walked straight into the company, ignoring the reporters. Employees from Haohan Capital came to the company early in the morning and were doing various tasks, such as taking stock of the company’s financial status, the company’s personnel structure, etc.

“I think the company should launch its own mailbox, map, and browser. Now we don’t have our own Internet access. We only provide technical services. It’s easy to fall into a passive state. Just like Yahoo! They want to launch their own search engine. Once they really do If it succeeds, then Google will be completely kicked out by Yahoo.”

In the company’s conference room, Lin Hao put forward his own opinions. Although he was not involved in management, some opinions could be raised. Larry and Sergey heard that Lin Hao If so, I thought about it seriously.

Now Google does rely heavily on other Internet portals. Yahoo has not completely abandoned Google yet, but once the replacement is completed, the impact on Google will be great.

“I think Google should launch its own application services and directly face the Internet instead of just being a technology service provider.” Lin Hao then added.

In the conference room, many people nodded unconsciously when they heard Lin Hao’s words. Larry and Sergey had also wanted to make changes for a long time, but they hadn’t thought about it yet. Now they heard what Lin Hao said. Maps, emails, and browsers, I instantly have ideas.

The direction of the meeting changed directly. It was originally just a simple meeting. After all, Lin Hao came to work on his first day, but now it directly turned into a product conference. Larry and Sergey directly took Lin Hao to discuss product development. How the product should be made is explained above.

Lin Hao originally planned to stay in San Francisco for a few days and then return to Los Angeles. After all, Facebook has now reached a critical stage of development. However, the two of them dragged him to discuss the product every day and stayed there for 10 days.

Larry and Sergey now have no objections to Lin Hao’s acquisition of 80% of Google’s shares. They directly thought that Lin Hao would not be of any help to Google. However, they no longer think so. In the past 10 days, Lin Hao has done various things The whimsical thoughts completely conquered them both. They really wanted to open Lin Hao’s head to see how he came up with all these ideas.

Lin Hao just wanted to say that these were all done by Google in his previous life, and he just told them once.

On December 20, Lin Hao took a plane back to Los Angeles. After getting off the plane, he went directly back to Senna Emerald Manor. Larry and Sergey dragged him and fucked him for 10 days in a row. Lin Hao didn’t even sleep well. The two of them really You’re so dedicated. Logically speaking, you just got 1.732 billion US dollars. You shouldn’t buy luxury cars or mansions, and invite a bunch of young models to enjoy the happiness of wealth and freedom. As a result,

these two people didn’t rest for a day, and they just dragged Lin along. Hao held a 10-day product meeting.

Back in the manor, Lin Hao first took a good soak in the hot spring, and then enjoyed a delicious meal. This is what life is called. It would be great if there was a beautiful woman to accompany him. It is a pity that such a big manor is there.

“BOSS, these are the invitations just sent over by the manor’s gatekeeper. They are all invitations sent during this period.” Joseph handed over a stack of invitations.

Lin Hao has become very popular recently. Every day, he is chased by a group of reporters asking various questions. If Lin Hao is in a good mood, he will answer one or two. If he is in a bad mood, he will just ignore them.

I also received a lot of invitations like this when I was in San Francisco. After Lin Hao took them, he slowly looked at them. Many of them were invitations to dances, banquets, and various parties that Lin Hao didn’t even recognize.

There are also some people who want to visit Lin Hao. Haohan Capital has also become popular with Lin Hao. Many people want to get funds from Lin Hao. Lin Hao has given these to Benjamin. For investment matters, go directly to the company.

There are also some stars from Hollywood, sent by directors. The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, full of materialistic desires. Directors are looking for funds, stars are looking for resources, connections, and financial sponsors.

Lin Hao basically didn’t pay much attention to it, but there was an invitation letter from his next door neighbor. Xie Yi, the president of New Line Cinema, invited Lin Hao to attend a charity party he held tomorrow night. It was also the premiere of “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” The celebration party for “The Last Man”, which was released in the North American market on December 18, 2002, and grossed $62 million at the box office during its opening weekend. The film was produced by New Line Cinema, and some films will be auctioned at the party. Props, money will go to charity.

Charity galas like this are particularly popular in the United States. Celebrities, rich men, celebrities and other elites from all walks of life like to hold them.

The location is at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Thinking that they are neighbors and will see each other often in the future, Lin Hao plans to go there tomorrow to have a look. Anyway, it is right next door, just a few steps away.

Lin Hao didn’t know much about New Line. He only knew that it had released a lot of movies. Now it seems that it has been acquired by Warner, but it is still operated independently.

The next day, Lin Hao went to Facebook first. Now Facebook has been opened to colleges and universities across the United States, and the number of users has exceeded 25 million. This is basically the number of students in colleges and universities across the United States. It is basically difficult to increase unless it is open. New channels.

However, Lin Hao plans to stop for a moment. The number of Facebook users has exploded within a month, and he needs to digest it. The new promotion will not start until next year.

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