Successfully Acquired Google

“Let technology change life, this is my philosophy. Whether it is Google or Facebook, which I created myself, they are essentially to make life more convenient.”

This sentence that technology changes life made many people in the conference room Their eyes lit up. This sentence summed it up well. Larry and Sergey looked at each other. They believed that Lin Hao’s words were sincere. What they were most afraid of was that Lin Hao had obtained 80% of the company’s shares. After acquiring shares, the company was eager for success and wanted to make the company profitable quickly, causing the company to lose its original intention.

“Lin, welcome to join Google.” Larry and Sergey said to Lin Hao together.

“Haha, thank you.” Lin Hao stood up and shook hands with the two of them.

“Congratulations to all three of you.” William also stood up and said. After more than two months of busy work, this acquisition was finally completed. His performance this year can be said to have exceeded the target.

“Congratulate yourself too, Citigroup made a lot of money this time.” Larry and Sergey said to William.

“We won three times, and everyone got what they wanted.” William said with a smile.

Lin Hao got 80% of Google’s shares, Larry and Sergey got 1.732 billion US dollars, and became billionaires directly, and their positions remained unchanged. They also had 20% of Google’s shares and were still the bosses. Citi completed this acquisition, except Obtaining monetary benefits also increases the company’s experience and qualifications in such billion-dollar acquisitions.

Although an agreement has been reached, there are still many details to be discussed, which cannot be solved in one day. However, Lin Hao does not need to worry about those details, and can be left to other people in the company to handle them.

That day, Lin Hao, the major shareholder, invited the entire company to have a dinner together. Originally, Citi wanted to hold a grand celebration banquet to celebrate this event, but Lin Hao refused. Technology companies still have to use technology to speak, and in such a high-profile manner. It’s easy to make people jealous.

Lin Hao directly booked a floor of the Four Seasons Hotel to host a banquet for the entire company. People at Google are a bit unstable during this period. Many people know that someone is acquiring the company. There have been rumors that the major shareholder is going to be replaced. Many people are a little worried about themselves. work.

Today it was finally confirmed that the new boss will treat guests at the Four Seasons Hotel. Many people are curious about what changes will happen in the future of the company.

In the lobby on the 22nd floor of the Four Seasons Hotel, more than 400 Google employees were all present, and everyone was chatting and whispering.

“Do you know who the new boss is?”

“I heard it’s Citigroup.”

“No, the media has reported that he is a Chinese before.”

“No, Chinese?”

“Don’t guess, we’ll find out later. , Already here.”

Lin Hao, Larry and Sergey walked into the hall chatting and laughing. In the afternoon, the three of them exchanged their views on Google. Many of Lin Hao’s views made their eyes light up. , there was a feeling of sudden enlightenment, and many things coincided with each other. The two of them had a feeling of regretting that they had met Lin Hao late.

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After everyone arrived, Lin Hao took the microphone and walked onto the stage in the front center.

“Hello everyone, many people may not know me yet. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Lin Hao. I come from China. I officially acquired 80% of Google’s shares this morning and became the largest shareholder and controlling shareholder of Google. It is a great company and I like it very much. When I first came into contact with Google, I thought it was amazing and very cool. At that time, I thought that I must join it and become a member of it. Today I

finally It has come true, I have become a member of this great company, and I have the honor to work with so many great, very cool people. I want to say that you are the best, you are the best group of scientific and technological personnel of this era.”

Hotel The hall instantly burst into warm applause, and someone even whistled. People like to hear good words, and Lin Hao praised them as soon as he came up.

The applause stopped after a long time, and Lin Hao continued.

“Although I have become the largest shareholder, everything in the company will remain unchanged. There will be no layoffs or salary cuts. All employees of the company will receive an additional 10% salary increase starting from January, which is not included in the original salary increase range. .”

After saying this, applause rang out again. If they just thought Lin Hao was a bit pleasing to the eye, now they have begun to like Lin Hao, the new boss. It is so awesome that it makes their worries disappear instantly, and it also adds Salary, but this is great.

“The company’s CEO and technical officers are still Larry and Sergey. They are great founders and will lead Google to continue to be great. The company will increase its research and development efforts and invest more funds. , used for scientific research and innovation.

That’s all I have to say, everyone has a good time tonight and has enough food and wine.”

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he walked away, but the applause did not stop and lasted for 5 minutes.

After sitting back at the table in the first row, Larry, Sergey, William, and a group of Google executives all drank with Lin Hao enthusiastically, and the atmosphere was very good.

Lin Hao toasted William alone. To be honest, it is basically impossible to acquire Google without the help of Citigroup. Larry and Sergey were not prepared to sell their shares, but Citigroup, as a member of the capital, It is still the leader among American capital. Its influence is huge and the power of capital is infinite. In the end, Larry and Sergey changed their minds.

Of course, capital is also the most ruthless. When you have no value, they will abandon you without hesitation. However, everyone uses each other, and now Citigroup is still useful to Lin Hao.

“Lin, you are our most distinguished customer at Citi, and we should serve you.” William clinked glasses with Lin Hao.

“Haha, it’s a pleasure to work with Citi.”

Throughout the night, many Google employees came to Lin Hao for a drink. The main reason was that Lin Hao was young and younger than most people present. It didn’t look difficult. touch.

Lin Hao refused to accept anyone who came, and ended up getting drunk. It was Benjamin who helped Lin Hao back to the hotel.

The next day, Lin Hao was woken up by a burst of cell phone ringing, and Lin Hao answered it in a daze.

“Lin, you are in the news again, and it is also a TV station. Today’s newspapers are all about you. Did Google really succeed in acquiring it? And it cost 3 billion US dollars?” Allen asked Lin Hao excitedly while holding his mobile phone.

This morning, when he saw the news, he was surprised. He knew that Lin Hao was going to San Francisco, but he didn’t expect that the acquisition was successful so quickly. There was another thing that he didn’t understand. He knew that Lin Hao wanted to acquire it before. When I went to Google, I went to find out more about it. Although Google’s technology is very good, its users rely heavily on Yahoo. Now that it has broken up with Yahoo, most people are not optimistic about Google’s subsequent development.

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