You took the initiative first

Although he sympathized with Paris’s experience, Lin Hao would not remind her that this was all of her own free will, and the video should have been filmed two years ago.

“I don’t want you. I’m just a businessman. Those reporters are still interested in you rich and powerful daughters.”

After hearing Lin Hao’s words, Paris changed the topic and said: “Ivanka is also a rich and powerful daughter. You and her Are the things true? Or are they just reported randomly by the media?”

Looking at Paris, who was looking like a gossip, Lin Hao was a little speechless. Gossip is really a woman’s nature, “Some are true, most of them are rumors. We are Very good friends.”

“Does that mean you haven’t dated yet?” Paris licked her lips and looked at Lin Hao seductively.

“Not now, but maybe in the future. I admire Ivanka very much.”

Looking at Lin Hao’s smile when he talked about Ivanka, Paris asked in a strange way: “What do you think of me?”

Lin Haogang I took a sip of wine and almost spit it out. I was a little confused. What do you mean? Sister, we have only met three times this time. Did we speak more than 10 sentences in total?

“Ahem, of course it’s very good. You come from a well-known family, and you are in the upper class in terms of appearance and temperament. I saw the movie “Nine Lives” you starred in this year, and your performance was very good. And you are also a trend indicator for girls in New York. In acting You are very famous in the fashion industry and fashion circles. I think no one in New York doesn’t know you.”

Paris was very satisfied with Lin Hao’s answer, and she thought so too. She picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Lin Hao again.

“Which one of us is better looking than Ivanka?” Paris sat down next to Lin Hao and asked in a seductive voice.

Of course it can’t be compared. Lin Hao looked at Paris and thought in his heart, let alone appearance, just the size of her chest. Ivanka directly killed several Pariss in an instant. Paris’s chest size is small. Yes, Lin Hao can’t even mention her nature, and Ivanka’s appearance, temperament, and reputation are countless times better than Paris, and there is no comparison at all.

Seeing that Lin Hao didn’t speak, Paris became a little anxious and moved closer to Lin Hao. What did this girl want to do? “Why don’t you say anything? Just tell the truth.” Paris was drunk. , his face was a little red, and he looked at Lin Hao and asked.

“You both have your own merits and your own beauty.” Paris was a little dissatisfied when she heard Lin Hao’s perfunctory answer, and then asked.

“If you were asked to choose one to be your girlfriend, who would you choose, me or Ivanka?” This time Paris leaned directly against Lin Hao’s body, and Lin Hao could feel the softness on his arms. , although small, but still there.

Paris asked softly in Lin Hao’s ear. At the last moment, she blew a breath in Lin Hao’s ear, which made Lin Hao’s body feel hot.

This girl is clearly trying to seduce him, can he be fooled? It was not that he was manipulated. Lin Hao said decisively: “Ivanka was chosen at that time.”

Lin Hao’s words made Paris stunned for a long time, and then asked a little angrily: “Didn’t you say that we each have our own merits? Why? Choose her instead of me?” Paris changed her charming and seductive attitude and became very angry.

“It’s very simple. I know Ivanka relatively well, and I know her personality, hobbies, and temper quite well. As for you, you just sat down and drank a few glasses of wine. If you have to choose, of course you will choose her.”

Listening to Lin Hao’s words, Paris slowly calmed down. It was indeed like what Lin Hao said. Even if she and he had just met, she was too impatient. Thinking of this, she felt a move in her heart. She knew why she had to compare with Ivanka, but today’s party stimulated her.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s drink.” Paris asked for more wine at the bar.

The two of them had one drink for you and one for me. In the end, we didn’t know how much we drank. Anyway, Paris was drunk and couldn’t walk steadily. In the end, Lin Hao helped her leave the bar and came to the Presidential Hall on the 39th floor. suite.

Taking out Paris’s room card and swiping the card to enter the room, Paris wrapped her hands around Lin Hao’s neck and kissed Lin Hao’s lips.

At this moment, Lin Hao was a little confused. What was going on? Pie in the sky, or a honey trap. Through the chat just now, Lin Hao probably had some understanding of Paris’s psychology. It was basically the jealousy among women. She had many aspects. Can’t compare to Ivanka, is jealous of Ivanka, and wants to surpass her.

Feeling the softness of Paris’s lips, Lin Hao’s heart swayed. Although Paris will have a bad reputation in later generations, that will happen in the future and has not happened yet. She is only 21 years old now and has relatively little experience. .

Lin Hao has played a lot with women, but Lin Hao has really never played with a world-class rich lady like Paris. Ordinary girls can be settled with money or some benefits, but with status like this, If you touch someone with status, you will be in trouble, and it will not be easy to escape.

After Lin Hao returned to China in his previous life, his family had tens of billions of assets, but he never touched those who were well-matched. It was just because of trouble. If he did touch it, it would be easier to talk to him, but if he met some who were more serious, it would not be easy to get rid of. Well, I might have to get myself involved.

At this moment, I felt itchy in my heart. I originally planned to push Paris away and walk away. But for some reason, I just couldn’t walk and died. Anyway, it was Paris who took the initiative. As all readers have seen, it was witness.

Lin Hao hugged Paris into his arms and kissed her crazily, even more fiercely than Paris. His hands began to be dishonest and roamed all over Paris’s body.

Although Paris’s figure is not as good as Ivanka’s, she still does a good job in managing her figure. Her skin is not rough like other European and American girls at all, but is very delicate and smooth. She doesn’t have armpit odor, body odor or anything messy. Instead of smelling like it, it has a refreshing fragrance. I don’t know what kind of perfume it is, but it smells very good.


Things happened so fast that Paris didn’t even react. Although she drank a lot tonight, her consciousness was still very clear. Lin Hao deliberately asked Lin Hao to send her back.

She had taken the initiative to kiss Lin Hao just now on purpose. When Lin Hao wasn’t paying attention, she was going to secretly take an intimate photo of the two of them in the room with her mobile phone, and then send it to Ivanka.

At today’s party, Ivanka’s last words almost made her angry to death, and when everyone surrounded Ivanka, you must know that she was the focus of everyone before.

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