Crazy Game

“You can start with some Chinese classics, such as Journey to the West, which is suitable for all ages and is widely circulated, as well as Jin Yong’s martial arts novels.” Lin Hao made a suggestion.

Hearing Lin Hao’s words, Li Xueling’s eyes lit up. He has always wanted to develop a domestic online game. The popular games on the market now are basically all foreign, and there are very few domestic ones, so after seeing the big game “Miracle MU” After he succeeded, he came up with this idea. However, during internal discussions, everyone had many differences and it was never finalized.

Now after listening to Lin Hao’s words, I instantly had thoughts. Lin Hao is right. Chinese classical masterpieces all have a large fan base, including the four major classics and martial arts novels.

Take Journey to the West as an example. Everyone in China knows about it. He has also played “Westward Journey” released by NetEase. It is really a piece of shit. If he had been asked to do it, it would definitely not be like it is now.

“Boss, I know what to do.” Li Xueling said.

“Let us applaud the game department again and celebrate your success when I get back.” Lin Hao said and clapped, and the conference room was once again drowned in applause. September’s salary was paid after the National Day. By the way There are also bonuses for successful game release. The company-wide minimum is 3 months, the maximum is 12 months, and the game department starts with 6 months.

This is already huge. When Lin Hao comes back at the end of the year, he still doesn’t know how big it will be. After hearing this, several supervisors in the game department are already calculating how much they can get, and they will announce this good news in a while. Tell the staff below.

After the meeting, other departments also made reports. For example, the finance department reported the company’s financial status, income and expenses, and the logistics department, etc.

The meeting lasted for four hours. It was already 9 pm in Los Angeles and 1 pm in China. No one had eaten, so Lin Hao ended the meeting.

It’s too late, and there’s nothing to eat now. Lin Hao now calls nearby restaurants and asks them to deliver food, but most of them are closed now, so he can only order KFC.

While eating a burger, I browsed Facebook. Facebook was extremely lively at night. Today was the first day of the event. All the students in the school were very enthusiastic. The girls were busy canvassing for themselves. It can be said that they tried their best. , the boys were discussing which girl was more beautiful and who would be elected as the final school beauty.

There are countless new updates in the school every second, and it’s hard to see them clearly. Everyone’s enthusiasm is so high that the one posted last night in Lin Hao’s own updates has completely gone out of the circle.

The number of retweets is actually higher than the number of likes, and the comments below are also surprisingly high. It seems that everyone likes this poisonous chicken soup for the soul very much.

Lin Hao thought for a while and wrote another sentence: “Don’t worry about things that can’t be solved today. Because they may still not be solved tomorrow.”

After posting, he went to bed.

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shone into the bedroom. Lin Hao opened his eyes, got up, brushed his teeth and washed. When he came to school, his classmates all looked at Lin Hao, which made Lin Hao a little uncomfortable.

“Lin, the sentence you posted last night was really great. Everyone in the school liked it very much. Please come up with me and help me. Damn it, your followers have exceeded 10,000, and I only have a few hundred.”

“Think about it for yourself, has yesterday’s data come out?” Because Allen and Daniel were both staying in the hotel, they knew the news faster.

“It has come out. Yesterday, more than 30,000 people in the school participated in the school beauty event. It can be said that the whole school participated. Yesterday’s dynamic sending volume exceeded 100,000+, and the peak occurred at 8 o’clock in the evening, with more than 30,000 people online at the same time.”

Allen became more and more excited as he talked, “There is also good news. The school has passed the entrepreneurial project we applied for before. Not only will we have 100,000 US dollars in entrepreneurial funds, but the school will also provide a lot of help, such as recommending our company to some investment institutions. Project, help us with financing, send special personnel to guide us, etc.”

Hearing Allen’s words, Lin Hao felt happy. It was not because of the 100,000 funds or any financing help, but mainly because the project added the title of the school. If the school provides endorsement, many things will be much easier.

For example, if you want to promote it to other branches of the University of California in the future, you can ask the school for help. With the school’s help, the promotion will be much smoother. Otherwise, it will be a bit inconvenient for people from outside the school to go to these schools.

American universities are very powerful, especially these famous schools, with alumni all over the world. There are many things you can’t do. It’s only a matter of words for the school to come forward. I am still a student of the school, so I can’t be bullied by others. , don’t help, just have an attitude.

The two still wanted to discuss, but the teacher came over, so they had no choice but to give up. Lin Hao studied in a business school, and the teacher’s level was still very high. In class, he often analyzed some classic cases from the world’s business community, and kept up with current events. .

They also often simulated various business wars, including acquisitions, etc., and also asked everyone to open a stock market account, use simulated positions to trade stocks, and various other operations.

Lin Hao now finally understands why so many big bosses drop out of school when starting a business. It’s because they don’t have time to do these homeworks, and they don’t even have time to come to class. Starting a business is very busy and there is no way to be distracted.

For Lin Hao, it was impossible to drop out of school. If he really dropped out of school, Lin Fugui and Zheng Wanrong immediately came to Los Angeles from their hometown. When they studied abroad, Lin Fugui held a big banquet, attracting people from all over the country. They invited everyone and spent 5 million US dollars to let Lin Hao attend the Los Angeles University. If he dropped out of school and went back, it would really disgrace both of them.


The school beauty event is in full swing, and the three-day audition has entered a fever pitch. The event held on Facebook has even appeared in some newspapers.

“UCLA’s “Who is the Campus Beauty” event, tens of thousands of people participated in the event at the same time, for the first time in history.” – Los Angeles Times

“For the first time, voting was conducted online, by Facebook on UCLA’s “Who is the Campus Beauty” event? More than 30,000 students from all over the school participated in the event, and the popularity was unprecedented.” – CNN

Three days later, the audition ended, and the winner group and the loser group were divided, entering the second stage of pairwise PK, the company Early in the morning, Allen was reading aloud while holding a newspaper, with a circle of people surrounding him.

Lin Hao saw such a scene as soon as he entered the company.

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