What can I do with this money?

Regarding Allen’s words, Lin Hao did not deny or admit it. He let him guess and keep it mysterious. He brought Allen with him today because Allen’s performance during this period was still very reliable. Everything is done very well. Although he seems to be slippery and lustful, he is still very capable.

Moreover, Allen’s surname is Smith, Allen Smith. This surname is very common in the United States and is the most common surname in the United States. However, Allen’s family is not simple. This is another reason why Lin Hao brought Allen here today.

If you want to live in the United States without getting into trouble for a long time, you need to find more allies. In the future, TikTok will always be banned in the United States, but in the end it lost its voice and is still fine. That’s because it found a group of people to do it. Endorsement, these people have exerted their great power in the United States.

Therefore, although TikTok has been targeted, nothing has happened to it. Instead, it is doing well and has an increasing number of users.

“Lin, with all this money, why should we acquire Google? Isn’t it better to develop Facebook? We can directly promote it across the United States without having to think about it. We come to each school one by one.” Allen said excitedly.

“You have to eat your food one bite at a time, and you can’t eat it until you become fat. Otherwise, you will be stuffed to death. Facebook has no reputation at all now. Do you know how much it will cost to promote it directly across the United States? And the money spent may not necessarily have much effect. Good, and the rapid increase in the number of users and the lack of supporting services will lead to Facebook’s reputation. Content review is not that easy to do, and how can the security of users’ personal information be ensured?”

History There were several leaks of user information on Facebook, which led to Xiao Zha being pulled over by Congress and criticized several times, and he almost didn’t survive.

Although the development is a little slower now, it is more conducive to development if we proceed steadily. If any situation arises, we can make timely adjustments.

Allen was dumbfounded by what Lin Hao said and didn’t know how to refute, “Okay, what you said makes sense, but there’s no need to spend billions to acquire a little-known Google.” ”

Google is very valuable. Big, you will know later.” Lin Hao didn’t explain, and he couldn’t explain it. Although Google is developing rapidly in the search engine field and ranking among the top, he is not the only one on the market. There are many others, such as: MSN Search and Ask Jeeves, these two technologies are also very powerful. Google has developed very fast because it relied on Yahoo, but now they have fallen out, and Yahoo is also making its own search engine.

There was nothing going on in the company, so Lin Hao took Allen back home.

“Lin, can you change your house? It would be great to live directly in Beverly Hills. The environment and security there are world-class, and many stars in Hollywood live there.” When I thought of it, I could change my house

. Seeing so many Hollywood stars, especially those female stars, Allen was excited. If he had so much money, he would move there early.

“It’s pretty good here. It’s clean. It’s close to the school and not far from the company.”

Hearing Lin Hao’s words, Allen was anxious, “How can this place be compared with Beverly Hills? It’s the top place in the world.” Manor, as well as celebrities from all over the world, wouldn’t it be nice to be neighbors with them and talk about life? The most important thing is that you can expand your network and expand your social circle.”

Well, it seems to make sense, especially at the end First of all, expand your contacts and social circle. Lin Hao wants to mix in the United States. These are things that will happen sooner or later, but Lin Hao is not in time yet.

Lin Hao is not famous at all now, and people didn’t know you when you lived there. If you want to make friends with others, they are not willing to know you. Moreover, you are still Chinese. At least you have to wait until Google is acquired or Facebook becomes popular in the United States. Say it again.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com///)

By that time, even if Lin Hao doesn’t take the initiative, many people will take the initiative to get to know Lin Hao. Fame is just a business card.

“That makes sense, but the time has not yet come. Why are you so busy trying to please others? We want others to please us. The most important thing in interpersonal relationships is your own strength. If you don’t have strength, people will ignore you.”

Lin Hao’s words calmed down Allen who was in an excited state. He was not stupid. He was just too excited just now and didn’t expect it. Now that he calmed down, he naturally figured it out.

“Okay, you said that makes sense.” Allen shrugged.

“Go to bed early. There are still many things to do tomorrow.” Lin Hao said to Allen and went upstairs. It was up to Allen whether he would stay or go back to school.

The next day, Lin Hao woke up early. When he came back from exercise, he found that Allen was already in the living room. This surprised Lin Hao. It was already past 7 o’clock. If Allen had been there before, A deep sleep.

“Hi, morning.”


Lin Hao was still a little unaccustomed to it. After coming out of the shower, Allen actually ordered breakfast.

“You were right what you said yesterday. What we have to do now is to make Facebook a good job and promote it to the whole country and even the world.” Allen said to Lin Hao while eating breakfast.

This was the first time that Lin Hao saw Allen so serious. This was the Allen he knew. Sure enough, children from elite families were not that simple.

“Then let’s grow Facebook together.”

After breakfast, the two came to the company together.

The “Who is the School Beauty” event officially started at 9 o’clock this morning. Everyone in the company arrived early. Lin Hao did not sit in his office this time, but stayed with everyone in the lobby of the office area.

The activity is mainly divided into 3 stages. In the first stage, audition mode, all girls participating in the event will be recommended to Facebook users. When the main users enter the event topic, they will appear randomly in front of the users. At this time, they will be given Users have two choices, like or dislike, just like Tantan in later generations. The right swipe means like and the left swipe means dislike.

When the proportion of likes exceeds 50%, they will enter the winning group, and those who do not reach 50% will enter the losing group.

In the second stage, pairwise PK mode, people in the loser group will PK randomly in pairs, and those in the winner group will also PK in pairs. In the end, the winners in the loser group will PK with the losers in the winner group for a decisive victory. Out comes the winner.

Then these winners will compete against each other again with those who won in the winner group at the beginning, until the last 10 people are left, that is, the 10 most beautiful school beauties.

The third stage is the last 10 people. Through the whole school voting, the most beautiful school beauty will be selected, and nearly 10,000 US dollars will be awarded. The first stage lasts for 3 days, the second stage lasts for 4 days, and the final third stage lasts for 3 days. In total, 10 days together.

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