Miniskirt, white suspenders

“Come here to witness the great moment.”

“The handsome guy is the founder of Facebook?”

“What a great idea.”

There were many comments. Lin Hao quit after reading for a while, and got ready to go to bed after taking a shower , I still have things to do tomorrow. I checked my phone before going to bed. There were a lot of messages, most of which were sent from China.

There are people from Dong Mengxue, Shen Yuxuan, and Lin Fugui and Zheng Wanrong. Because of the time difference, they usually only send messages and only make phone calls on weekends.

Lin Hao took a look. Both Dong Mengxue and Shen Yuxuan expressed their longing for each other. Lin Fugui and Zheng Wanrong were also similar. They mainly asked whether they were doing well here.

After Lin Hao replied to them one by one, he went to bed.

Early the next morning, after Lin Hao finished exercising and had breakfast, he came to an office building near the school. Allen, Daniel and Sam had already arrived. The three of them had not slept all night last night and had been staring at the background. The data.

“Lin, you are finally here. Did you know that as of this morning, the number of Facebook registrations has exceeded 5,000.”

Seeing Lin Hao and Allen running over with excitement, “Lin, are we going to Success?”

Last night, Alan, Daniel and Sam were all excited as they watched the data keep rising. Every time the numbers jumped, they were extremely excited. This was their first time starting a business.

“It’s only 5,000. When it reaches 500 million, it can be said to be successful. It’s still very early.” Lin Hao said, opened the door of the company, and walked into the company with three people.

The company’s space is larger than that of the investment company, and it is well-decorated. You can move in directly to work. All office supplies and other items have been purchased. Mary, the HR manager of the investment company, has been very helpful. All of these are She got it done.

“Lin, this is really great. This is my dream company.” Daniel said excitedly.

“That’s amazing, Lin, how did you do it?” Sam looked at Lin Hao and asked.

“You know what the heck, Lin comes from a big family in China and has a lot of money. It’s not easy to find an office space.” Allen said with a proud look on his face.

“Stop bragging. How’s it going with the dance teacher I asked you to contact yesterday?” “I’ve

already contacted you. A senior girl from the school is very good at dancing. She can do any dance. I told her your request. It’s a piece of cake.”

“That’s good, we’ll start practicing dance in the afternoon, and the flash mob event will officially start in three days.”

“No problem, they will all come over in the afternoon, so what should we do now?” Allen asked.

“Someone will come for an interview this morning. I have contacted a headhunting company. The company will expand in size and accelerate its development starting today. I plan to start developing to other schools after 70% of people in our school have registered for Facebook. First to other schools in Los Angeles, and then to the whole of California.”

“Sounds cool, guys keep us busy.” The three of them shouted excitedly after hearing Lin Hao’s plan.

To be honest, starting an Internet company in Los Angeles is not a good choice. You should go to Silicon Valley in San Francisco, which is the paradise of the Internet. Although Los Angeles and San Francisco are both on the West Coast, the two cities are 615 kilometers apart. Lin Hao is still in school, but he can move there when the company gets on track.

Soon the interviewers came over in the morning. Lin Hao and Allen interviewed administration, finance, and personnel, while Daniel and Sam interviewed technical staff. The division of labor was clear.

Lin Hao has a lot of interview experience, which is enough to handle these. As for Allen, he is just a soy sauce and helps Lin Hao. Daniel and Sam are still very skilled, so interviewing others is not a problem at all.

“Lin, I think this is very good, why was it passed?” Allen asked in confusion when he saw Lin Hao put a big cross on his resume.

“The clothes were too revealing, the makeup was too heavy, and the interview was openly teasing the interviewer.” The girl just now, the two lumps of flesh on her chest almost fell out, and she gave Lin Hao a wink as soon as she came in. The key is that Just like that, if she was really beautiful, Lin Hao wouldn’t mind letting her be a secretary or something, but it was nothing. As soon as he saw that heavy makeup, Lin Hao had no sexual interest.

It’s just Allen who likes this kind of thing. After hearing Lin Hao’s words, Allen smiled and stopped talking.

In one morning, about a dozen people were interviewed, and several of them were pretty good. Lin Hao notified them on the spot that they had passed the interview, and the same was true for Daniel and Sam.

The company has been officially registered a few days ago. The registration place is in the Bermuda Triangle. The company’s name is Facebook, its Chinese name is Facebook, and its common name is Facebook.

In the afternoon, all the 30 young ladies and 10 handsome guys who helped yesterday came. It would be strange if they didn’t come. Lin Hao paid by the hour, and the price was much higher than if they went to work by themselves. They also came with them. The one who teaches dance.

She has a great figure, the kind with bulging front and back, and peach buttocks. She is also very good-looking. She wears a miniskirt and a white suspender belt, and her whole figure is fully exposed.

“Lin, let me introduce you. This is Ava. She is a great dancer. This is the boss of our company, Lin Hao.” Allen introduced the two of them. Ava said

with surprise after hearing Allen’s introduction. Said: “The Facebook you created is very fun and great. After I registered yesterday, I played all night and signed up to participate in the school beauty activities.”

Ava was so excited that she held Lin Hao’s hand with both hands. The mountain peak swayed up and down due to excitement, and it took a long time before it stopped shaking.

“Thank you. If you like Facebook, I believe you will definitely get a good ranking.” Lin Hao held Ava’s hand and thought it was a pity when he saw the mountain stopped shaking.

After everyone arrived, the line dance began. The dance taught by Ava was very simple, with not too many moves, but if there were many people, it would be very entertaining. Those who didn’t know how to do it would follow and watch, and they would not be able to follow the dance very much. You can learn it even at a young age.

Ava has a very good figure. When she was teaching dance, she was a feast for the eyes of a group of male classmates. They almost drooled. The girls looked at Ava’s figure and then looked at themselves. They pursed their lips and could only be envious, jealous and hateful. .

Lin Hao also practiced dancing together. Lin Hao planned to do the Facebook project himself instead of looking for professional managers or letting others take charge. At least he must be responsible for the early stage. As for the later stage, in order to raise funds Or maybe it’s to make Facebook develop faster, that’s another matter.

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