Live Demonstration

A group of teachers and students in the classroom were all staring at Lin Hao. There is a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere in American universities. People often share ideas. After various ideas collide, new ideas emerge. Many people listen to others. After sharing, I came up with a new business idea.

Looking at the projection, Lin Hao entered the URL and entered a website with mainly black pages. The page was beautiful and concise, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

“The website you see is called Facebook. It is a truly personal website. You can change the style of the website at will and edit the content you want to post. Users can freely share what is happening around them at this moment. Things, such as drinking afternoon tea, such as we are in class now, record your mood anytime and anywhere.”

As Lin Hao said, he changed the black style background to hip-hop style, and then changed it to cyberpunk style. This move directly caused discussion below.

“This is just a small function of the website. Everyone is free to upload various styles of backgrounds that they have made. As long as it is not illegal, any style can be used without any restrictions.” After

Lin Hao said this, he took out his own Nokia 7650, this device has a built-in 300,000-pixel camera, but there is no front camera. Lin Hao turned around, with his back to the classmates, turned the phone upside down, pressed the shutter, and took a look after taking the picture. , the photo was pretty good, all the students in the class were taken in, but the pixels were not very high and it was a bit blurry, but it was usable.

After importing the photos from the phone to the computer, Lin Hao wrote on the editing page of Facebook.

“On October 2, 2002, students from the Economics and Management major at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Business, witnessed the birth of a great software – Facebook.” All the

students in the audience were watching intently . Lin Hao’s operation, when Lin Hao clicked the upload picture function, the class was shocked again. After Lin Hao selected the photo, clicked send, it appeared on the homepage of his website.

The picture quality is much better than when I took the photo just now. This is because Facebook has further processed the photo and improved the picture quality. This was specifically requested by Lin Hao, and this function is still under development. Sharing photos will It will be the most important function of Facebook, so Lin Hao pays special attention to it.

The classmates in the class watched Lin Hao’s operation, especially when the photo appeared clearly on the page, and started talking directly. It could even be described as a frying pan. Although there are some websites that can upload photos, they are very troublesome. And the picture quality is simply unreadable, but Lin Hao not only has clear picture quality, but can also edit the copy and send it along with the text, which is really cool.

Lin Hao gave Allen a gesture, and Allen understood it instantly. He immediately opened Facebook on his laptop, directly followed Lin Hao’s account, and then commented on the post posted by Lin Hao.

“It’s really cool to witness the birth of great software.” After posting the comment, he liked it and forwarded it to his own website.

Soon a red dot appeared in the upper right corner of Lin Hao’s website, and a 4 was displayed. When the mouse was placed on it, it showed two unread messages. After Lin Hao clicked on it, the message box displayed 4 messages.

“Alan followed you.”

“Alan commented below on your news on October 2, 2002, University of California, Los Angeles… Go check it out.” ”

Alan’s news for you Liked it.”

“Alan forwarded your post.”

Lin Hao clicked on the second prompt and jumped directly to the comments. After seeing Allen’s comment, Lin Hao replied below, “History will remember it. This day.”

This time the audience was completely in a rage, and the discussion became even louder. Lin Hao was still operating and directly clicked on Allen’s profile picture.

Allen’s profile picture was very naughty. It was a photo of him wearing beach pants at the beach. He had a good figure. Lin Hao seriously suspected that he had photoshopped. After some girls in the class saw it, they looked directly at Allen. Allen also whistled at these girls.

After clicking on the avatar, some of Allen’s personal information is displayed. You can choose to display this information or not. The United States is very strict about personal privacy. In his previous life, Zuckerberg was interrogated many times by the U.S. Congress.

Lin Hao clicked on Allen’s website. The style inside was completely different from Lin Hao’s black style. It was a very sultry pink. Lin Hao was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect Allen to have such a preference.

At this moment, all the classmates in the class laughed out loud. Allen was a little panicked after seeing Lin Hao click on his homepage. After Facebook was ready, he tried out many functions. This can change the style. His function was even ruined by him. When I was playing poker with my girl last night, he showed off to her and changed it to pink. In the surprised eyes of the girl, he pulled her and started playing poker on the spot, forgetting Changed back.

Lin Hao was not affected and went back to Allen. On Allen’s homepage, he saw the post he had just forwarded, as well as some other posts, all posted by himself. Lin Hao liked and commented below. , forwarded it, and sent him a private message.

“Brother, you are so naughty.” This message directly caused the whole class to burst into laughter.

Lin Hao’s demonstration allowed everyone to see a brand new social networking site, which was completely different from the past, and also very different from the blogs that everyone is using now.

“Everyone should have seen just now that Facebook can not only send text updates, but also send pictures, support forwarding, likes, comments, follow people you like, and can also implement online chat functions. Of course, this is not all of it. You have to experience more functions by yourself.”

“Facebook is now only open to college students. To use it, you must register with your school email address. This is a world without adults, without their harassment, without adults in the world. The troubles in the Internet are entirely for young people. We can express our personalities, publish what we like, show our hobbies, and share our lives in it. There are students from major universities around the world. We are peers, where you can make friends, communicate with people from all over the world, and maybe even have a cross-border relationship.”

At the end of the sentence, there was warm applause in the classroom, and many boys even whistled.

“Great, I must register for this website.”

“Hurry up and send out the URL.”

“It’s so cool, a world without adults, I’m excited just thinking about it.”

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