Rebirth: Japanese investor

Chapter 377: sorority

   Chapter 377 Sorority

  Azabu, Aoyama, and Shirogane are the gathering places for the wealthy in Minato. The reason why they have internal digestion is that the housing prices in the port area are not so expensive.

   For the average person, at most, they look at the price and fantasize about it. The vast majority of people who own real estate in Azabu, Qingshan, and Platinum have experienced more than one generation of struggle.

  If you are a person who has achieved success in a generation, it is either a speculative success that risked his life, or he is gifted. Otherwise, it is simply impossible.

   In Japan, the traditional family structure of three and four generations living together is rare, but it does not mean that there are none. In places where real estate is more expensive, it is more common.

  The current ordinary young people simply cannot afford to buy a house, so the place they rent is not only smaller and smaller, but also more and more remote.

  Fathers, grandparents, etc. catch up with the fast lane of Japan's economic development, they will all buy a house and buy land, so as to become people with property.

   By the time these ordinary young people step into social work, the good times of Japan’s economic development will long be gone, leaving them only jobs with long working hours and low income.

   The biggest headache for them is the monthly rent. According to the income of the United Nations, one third is used for rent, one third is used for living, and one third is used for savings.

   But, in fact, that is impossible. In Tokyo, one of the three major international cities in the world, the cost of living is quite high.

   The rent alone can spend half of the income, or even more. As for the place to rent, it is nothing more than a small space of ten square meters, or even less than ten square meters.

   As a result, young people living at home were born. I have lived here for more than ten or twenty years, and I have long been used to it. The biggest benefit is the ability to save on rent.

   After paying the living expenses, the parents and others will not interfere any more. You can also live comfortably.

   Even if you don’t pay, you can still live. In the world, only a very small number of parents will actually kick their biological children out of the house.

   Unless the relationship with the family is particularly tense, he will take the initiative to move out. Or just want to live completely free. Among them are the escapist otakus in Tokyo's middle-class families.

   As for the non-Tokyo metropolitan area, the people who go to Beijing to work hard are often the hardest group. They have given up the original means of production in their hometown (not farming) or they can't find jobs at all in their hometown.

   Some of them are either reduced to Internet cafe refugees, or they are rented together by a group of people, shaped like ants. There are still ants in Tokyo.

   They generally gather in places with cheap rents such as Adachi Ward and Arakawa Ward. Otherwise, it is Shinjuku and Shibuya, a place suitable for young people to work.

   As long as the rent is not rented, the money in one’s hands can be increased by half at once. Ordinary young people who were born in Tokyo and have a house at home, even if they are only doing a fairly ordinary job and are in the bottom of the company, they can be liked by many women.

  In the marriage and love market, they have more advantages. After Kazuya Takahashi's active self-introduction, he was immediately accepted by the old women of the Rose Society, and that was because of his background.

   The most direct benefit of a Hong Kong woman marrying a Hong Kong man is that wealth will not be divided and lost, but will instead strengthen and consolidate her own class.

   When it comes to talking about money, Japan is less reserved and more direct than the Chinese. They often ask each other how much their annual income is?

   Do Chinese people usually ask this? Chinese people will only ask, do you have a room? Do you have a car? Have a deposit? As for the height and weight, it doesn't really matter.

   "The game is about to start. Let's go and watch!" Kazuya Takahashi kindly faced the Suwon Snow Road.

   Suwon Snow glanced at her mother, and the meaning she got was to go! She just appeared in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window with Kazuya Takahashi.

  Takahashi Kazuya also took two binoculars and handed one to her, while the other was kept for her own use.

   "Mrs. Suwon, if you don't like Takahashi, you might as well give it to me. Although I don't have a daughter, I still have a niece who doesn't have a boyfriend!" Mrs. Yongshan was not joking.

   "I never said that I disliked Takahashi." Mrs. Suwon did not intend to give up her love. She is not stupid, and the current development momentum of the Hard Gold Group is booming.

   In the future, it will only get better and better. Kazuya Takahashi is also one of the group's executives. As you get older, your income will increase.

   Not to mention that he is so young, and he is small with Kishimoto Masayoshi, which means that there is still more room for improvement in the future. In addition, his family background is five generations of lawyers in Qingshan, Hong Kong.

  According to Japanese tradition, when a child buys a house, the parents will also make a private sponsorship. What Japanese parents give their children money, but also pay gift tax and the like, it has not really been strictly implemented.

   Furthermore, parents can buy it, and let the children live in vain without paying rent. Or, parents will give some living allowances in private.

  Taxes are still visible to some people. Even if they saw it, it was themselves, after all, even they were more or less playing like this.

  Inheritance tax is also a big joke in Japan. If Japan really implements these laws and regulations, will there still be a serious solidification of classes in Japan?

   Minato Ward, Chiyoda Ward, and Chuo Ward's Sandoshin Some of the people have lived there for hundreds of years. According to inheritance tax and gift tax, it is not a certain family for a long time! Others not only continue to live well, but also get richer and richer.

"Rie, there must be many high-quality young single unmarried men in President Kishimoto's company. At that time, we might as well hold a sorority meeting with the ladies of our Rose Club and these outstanding men from the Hard Gold Group." Mrs. Hashimoto suggested.

"I think Mrs. Hashimoto's proposal is good. The scope is not limited to our Rose Club, it can also be expanded to anyone related to our Rose Club." Mrs. Yongshan naturally wanted to introduce her niece to her family. A good man to be a girlfriend, and then to get married.

   "This..." Sakai Rie, as a young woman, does not like to do this kind of thing that middle-aged women like to do. She showed some hesitation.

   "I think this is a good proposal. Many of the executives of our Hard Gold Group are so busy with work that they have no time to fall in love.

   Among them is Takayuki Minamino, Minister of Personnel. He is me and justice. There are also propaganda minister Natsume Ryosuke, and hard gold e-commerce president Miyazaki Longjing.

  By the way, middle-aged men who have been divorced, do you want it? Kobayashi Kiyoshi, the president of Hard Gold Capital, and Katsuhei Yamaguchi, the president of Hard Gold Construction, are also single. Kazuya Takahashi turned to face them and responded positively.

   (end of this chapter)

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