Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 1: In the first season, what classes are you in?

The meeting is not long, and it mainly talks about class division, teacher assessment and other issues.

After listening to the teachers in the next section, the first reaction is that the second middle school is about to change.

However, for the change of the sky, everyone responded with different expressions.

Young teachers, as well as teachers with strong teaching ability, are all bright and eager to try.

But there are also some people who are worried or disdainful. Most of these are teachers with poor ability or old qualifications.

The reality is like this. If there is a positive and motivated person, then there will be a day of ambiguity.

Just like the same teacher, some are serious and responsible, and some are really bad.

After the meeting, Zhang Nan left a few teachers alone.

At first, the people who were left didn't know why they were left to talk alone, but when the other teachers were gone, everyone recognized each other, but they had a bottom in their hearts.

Without it, these teachers have one characteristic in common. They are all major teachers in the new school year of high school, and they are not heavy in teaching tasks, and only teach one class.

Moreover, that class is the fourteenth class of high school that will be formed soon.

To put it nicely, call an enterprising class. But everyone knows that it's actually a poor student class.

Moreover, what they didn't know was that, in fact, during this holiday, each of them, both overtly and secretly, through various channels, had a relationship with the new principal.

Some even gave gifts and were accepted by Zhang Nanxin comfortably.

"Don't be nervous," Zhang Nan spoke first, still kind.

"I am a principled person, what is going on is what is going on. I speak more straightforwardly, but it's fairly easy to get along with."

Everyone smiled and knew it secretly.

What principle? Of course, the gift was delivered, and the relationship came, and the principal naturally helped them.

In fact, it is true. This principal Zhang is still very agile in his work. For a small northeast town like this, after receiving the gifts and leaving the relationship, the work is still boring. That is because there are many people.

But Principal Zhang, no, very happy.

The reasons why these few of them gave gifts and left the relationship were nothing more than just a few reasons.

Either the business ability is not enough and the level is not enough. Either the wind reviews are not very good.

Like Liu Yanbo, last year's performance assessment was the lowest, and he had trouble with the parents of the students. It is said that this semester will have to be transferred to the junior high school.

However, high school earns a lot. Who wants to go to junior high school to coax children?

As soon as the principal was replaced, Liu Yanbo immediately asked Zhang Nan for his relationship.

As a result, this is no, he is still the head teacher of the high school class.

At this time, Liu Yanbo laughed with him, "Principal, what instructions do you have?"

Zhang Nan showed his signature friendly smile, "It's not an instruction, just a few more words."

"You probably have some understanding of the situation of Class 14. As the principal, although you don't have any hope for Class 14, you still have to fulfill the responsibilities you should fulfill."

Everyone nodded, "The principal can rest assured, we must be serious and responsible."

"Yeah." Zhang Nan nodded, but frowned. It felt like he was not satisfied with this answer.

He groaned again, "Forget it, I'll just say it!"

"It is of ulterior motive to arrange you to class 14."

Take out last year's assessment form, "Say it straight, don't mind."

"Several business needs to be improved!"

When everyone heard this, they all bowed their heads, and they really needed to be improved. If the business is good, who would go to the back door and trust the relationship?

Zhang Nan, "That's why... I only give you the teaching task of Class 14, which is relatively easy."

"It doesn't take much effort to manage this class. In my spare time, I also look for my own problems and strive to make progress, so that we can better take over the excellent class!"

Smile again, "Tell the truth! If there are no special circumstances, there will be one semester in Class 14. How much is left at that time, it depends on your abilities!"

"When Class Fourteen is disbanded, there will be a few old teachers in the first and second year of high school who have retired at the age of next semester. Who will take over their teaching tasks depends on your own performance."

Everyone knew once again, and listened, these should be regarded as Zhang Nan's direct descendants in the second middle school, right? They are inseparable from the relationship.

Now it seems that the headmaster is quite interesting, at least he has a heart-warming relationship with everyone.

Although I didn't say it clearly, but...

No hope...

Dissatisfied with a serious and responsible answer...

Can't spend much energy....

Disbanded in half a year...

How much is left depends on your abilities...

What I have already said is very clear. Class 14 is a cumbersome. It affects the entrance to a higher school. There are more thorns, and it is a **** stick when placed in other classes.

The principal does not want them to be a stumbling block to the progress of the Second Middle School. Then clear it in disguise!

This point, ha ha, familiar!

It's hard for others to say, but the few sitting here are all masters.

Take Liu Yanbo as an example. The thing she had with her parents last year was because she couldn't get used to the underachievers in the class and tried to drive them away.

In the end, it was not handled well, and it caused a lot of trouble.

In short, I understand what the principal's intention is.

The emphasis is also on "one semester, fourteen classes will be disbanded, and how much is left depends on their ability."

"Oh, yes!" Zhang Nan looked at their changing expressions and didn't say much.

It seems to remember something, "I just came to Shangbei after all, and I want to reform again, but I always have to convince the public. It is inevitable that I will kill everybody."

"There are many children from city leaders in Class 14, you know, it must be fair!"

"So, serve snacks, don't overdo it!"

When Liu Yanbo heard this, he immediately smiled, "The principal can rest assured, we know it!"

Zhang Nan looked at her meaningfully, "It's good to have a number, but don't be wrong!"

Liu Yanbo still nodded, "The principal put one hundred and twenty hearts, at least the family members of the leader, we will not let them fall behind."

Zhang Nan...

Still smiling, but no one knows what he is smiling at.

the other side.

When he returned home with Xu Xiaoqian, Qi Lei was pressed there to chew the book.

But, I'm really not in the mood.

After more than half an hour, the two of them had their own thoughts and talked less.

Finally, Qi Lei said, "Poor baby!"

Xu Qian didn't understand, "What?"

Qi Lei, "I said, poor baby! How did you come over these years?"

"Puff!" Xu Xiaoqian was amused by him, and stopped lying on the table.

Qi Lei laughed too, neither of them knew where the laugh came from.

Xu Qian answered her heartfelt words for a long time: "I'm really too difficult!"

Laughing enough, straightened up, tidyed up his appearance, and You are going to be the first place in the exam, and quickly get out of the poor student class! "


"Have you heard? What can you do if you stay in that kind of class!"

Even though Xu Qian smiled happily, she was actually very worried about Qi Lei.

In her view, learning requires an atmosphere, and there is no atmosphere in the poor student class. Even if there is, it is a strong atmosphere for sleeping and skipping classes.

In this regard, Qi Lei is still not serious, "Your mother said it, that's called an aggressive class."

In turn, she persuaded Xu Xiaoqian, "Don't worry! What happened to the poor student class? Just like talented people."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Blind comfort!"

Qi Lei, "I'm serious, my mother actually makes a lot of sense."

"This is my strength, if I can't even handle this, how can she recognize me as a son-in-law?"

Xu Xiaoqian narrowed her eyes, "Qi Xiaolei, you seem to be shameless again!"

Qi Lei, "Hey, I want to try anyway and prove it to my mother!"

Xu Xiaoqian: "....."

After a while, he whispered, "I don't need your proof, let alone prove to my mother!"

Qi Lei didn't answer the conversation, and gave her a reassuring look, but her thoughts drifted away.

Is it really just to please Zhang Nan? no.

Zhang Nan was talking about one aspect, but after agreeing, Qi Lei also had his own considerations.

In fact, he didn't have many advantages in his previous life. He only had one thing, and he was willing to work hard.

Otherwise, he would not go to graduate school from vocational high school.

However, this world is different. Perseverance alone is useless. If you want to fly higher and see farther, you need more ability.

To be honest, Qi Lei does not have the talent and wisdom of others, and is not as transparent as other reborn people.

However, God has given him such a chance to hang up. If he fails, it would be a pity.

So, learn more and practice!

In fact, it is the same truth to play the guitar with him and Yang Xiao to play the piano. It's just a matter of enriching your own methods outside class.

The difference is that Qi Lei can't use the guitar to step into the future life, but Zhang Nan gave him this opportunity.

This world left a huge stage for the reborn, and Qi Lei just lacked a posture to take the stage.

Although the poor student class is indeed a bit difficult, Qi Lei can imagine who there is.

Take Xu Xiaoqian home in the afternoon, and drop by to the train station to pick up Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

These two goods brought back a lot of things. Two electric pianos and a set of drums were bought by Yang Xiao, the cheapest one.

Going home and unpacking it, "Why is there still an old piano?"

Two guitars, one is old.

Tang Yi, "Sent from Yang Xiao. It's too old, I threw it for you to practice, and this set of effects."

After speaking, Tang Yi still grinned, "I'm wronged you, use an old qin. But you can just do it!"

Then, holding his new violin and not letting go, it will be as boring as possible.

Qi Lei who got him was quite depressed, and when he picked it up, he didn't seem to be too old. The color combination of milky white and wood primary colors is unassuming and very fanciful.

To be honest, I like it.

Look at the brand again, [Fender].

Well, Qi Lei didn't know this turtle, and he touched the electric piano for the first time in his two lives.

The effect device that was assigned to him is also old, [Ibanez], I still don't recognize it.

who cares!

I plugged in the broken speaker that had been removed from the Qi Lei's dual-card recorder, and then tried to sound.

As a result, after trying for a long time, Tang Yi frowned, "Hey, do you think your old piano is better than mine? Or, let's change it?"

Qi Lei: "..."

In the end, he said in unison with Wu Ning, "Be careful, it's expensive!"



September 1st, the school season.

The scorching heat of the north has not faded, and Qi Lei's high school era has finally kicked off.

Early in the morning, Guo Lihua prepared a table early to feed the three little brothers. Then he put the new schoolbags bought by Cui Yumin one by one in his arms.

"I'm in high school, and I have a snack, don't study hard to see if I'm used to the three of you!"

"get out!"

"Telling!" Brother San got on his bicycle and disappeared into the alley.

As soon as I left the alley, I ran into Lu Xiaoshuai, Zhang Xinyu, and Jiang Haiyang who were waiting at the entrance of the alley.

The six hadn't moved yet, and two of them trot over from a distance, both of whom were difficult brothers who set up a street stall during the holiday.

You were not welcome, and sat down in the back seat of Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Haiyang, "Go!"

A group of people marched toward the second middle school mightily.

In the meantime, I picked up several familiar ones, no matter if there is a car or not, just get in and leave.

By the time the gate of No. 2 Middle School, there was already a large team of more than a dozen people, attracting the attention of many boys and girls.

Because they didn't wear school uniforms, they recognized them as freshmen at a glance.

The boys in the second and third year of high school even whispered, "This little B boy is very ‘ramp’ (rampant)!"

Someone who understands things, hehe smiles, but doesn't interrupt.

There is rampant capital, pretending to be clear is called "stand up", and pretending to not understand is called "nonsense, nonsense"!

And this group of high school freshmen should belong to the group that "stands up", after all, they were well-known when they were in the third year of junior high.


As mentioned before, the layout of the second high school, the south teaching house and the west teaching house are two rows of old bungalows, which are the classrooms of the first and second grades.

To the east are men’s and women’s toilets and dormitories for students.

To the north is the main building.

The little friends entered the school gate and went straight to the main building.

Because as usual, the first floor is on the first floor, the second floor is on the second floor, and the third floor is on the third floor.

Go to the teacher's office of each grade, as well as the third school year at the east end. There are 14 classrooms on the first floor, and there are one to fourteen classes from east to west.

Of course, according to the annual enrollment situation.

Usually there are not enough 14 classes, just like there are only twelve classes in the second year of high school, and the third year is Li Cowen and the others, and there will be 17 classes at the beginning of this year.

Because there are repeat students and bargaining students who specialize in borrowing from the second and third middle schools, there are several more classes.

Qi Lei and the others have been in the second middle school for three years, and the process is very familiar.

Lock the bicycle to the carport and go straight to the first floor of the main building to find out which class I belong to.

At this time, Lu Xiaoshuai and Zhang Xinyu were the most excited because of the pleasure of touching the prize.

Yes, it is to draw the prize!

They don't care much about which class they are assigned to and which teacher teaches them.

What they care about is whether there are a few middle school and elementary school classmates, friends, and a few beautiful girls in their class, whether they are the type they like.

Well, in fact, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian are almost like this.

The difference is that Tang Xiaoyi thinks of men...

I want to be in the same class with Qi Lei or Wu Ning.

Although Wu Ning thought about girls, he prayed not to run into them.

"Don't be in the same class with Cheng Lele! Don't be in the same class with Cheng Lele!!"

Um! Wu Xiaojian played for a summer vacation and was about to vomit. Cheng Lele is not his type! Had it not been for my father, he would not suffer this crime!

As for Qi Lei...

Qi Lei entered the main building and walked directly to the westernmost side. From Zhang Nan, he already knew that he was in the postgraduate class.

Don't look for it at the end, where can I look for?

But came to the position of Class 13 and found that Class 13 was at the end, and the classroom of Class 14 was given to Class 37 of Senior High.

This is also normal, indicating that there are 13 classes in the first year of high school this year! As the third grade classroom was not enough, it was allocated to the first floor.

Xin said, I should be the 13th class, right?

There was a list posted at the door of the classroom, that is, the list of the new students.

Stepped forward and scanned it again, "..." No!

Qi Lei was kind of strange, "Not Class 13?"

Go ahead and look at the list of Class 12, not yet!

Look at Class 11 again, there is nothing!



There are more.

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