This is actually quite good. It did not amplify the contradiction, and it was the best result for the secret rivalry between Qi Lei and Cai Wei.

   Guan Xiaobei saw that these two popular games were not right, "Can Viagra win, right?"

   Fu Jiang frowned, "It's wonderful, King vs. King, Wukong vs. Vegeta, hurry up and face a wave!"

   I was very uncomfortable financially, "Can you stop calling "Viagra"? How awkward!" There is no position at all, which makes Qi Lei go wrong?


   Finally, Cai Wei and the others drove, Qi Lei ten people, five 28 bicycles, and tools.

   What's even more exaggerated is that Qi Lei and the five boys didn't even wear shoes, and went out barefoot. Carrying five girls, swiftly scattered Huan'er on the highway.

   On the way, Zhang Yang got a head start, and everyone screamed "Recently Annoying".

   Caiwei two cars followed behind, which was really annoying.

   Fu Jiang looked forward in the back row and complained, "Hey, how good is it for us to ride a bike too!"

   Fu Man glared at him, "Biking? You have to be talented!"

   cursed bitterly, "A bunch of two Bs!"

  The scolding Cai Wei and Guan Xiaobei frowned, and said: "Manman, it's almost done, how glorious is that with Coco Li! You can't get through it?"

   It's okay not to persuade, the more I persuade Fu Man, the more angry.

   After walking along the road for four or five miles, Qi Lei and the others pulled over and told Cai Wei: "Let the car stop on the side of the road, you can't drive in."

   really can't drive in, because there is no way at all.

   There are rice fields on the roadside, stepping on the stalks and walking in, everyone finally knows why Qi Lei and the others don’t wear shoes, because wearing shoes is a burden.

  The ground stalks are covered with mud, so I can’t get through with shoes.

   Everyone had to hold their footwear and socks in their hands, line up and head toward the depths of the rice field.

   That kind of feeling, what do you say? Very novel.

   At least for the children in the city, it's too new.

   The mud under his feet is slippery, cold and icy, so he can only move forward cautiously and crookedly.

  The waist-high ears of rice are scratched and itchy, and the eyes are filled with grassy fields, and there are rolling mountains in the distance.

   If the angle of view can be stretched high and far, people in this endless world are just a few small ants, but they are so conspicuous in this sea of ​​rice.

  The so-called idyllic scenery is not without reason.

   With the vastness of the world and the washing of the green fields, the trivialities in the city are also drawn away by the vastness. It is easy for people to let go and melt into the happiness in front of them without knowing it.

   What's more, it's a group of boys and girls, just being happy together.

   Tian Jing, who had been walking for more than ten minutes, finally heard the sound of water, and a big river suddenly lay in front of him.

   However, there is a wire rope on the river with a ferry boat tied to it. On the other side of the river, there are dense forests and mountains.

   At this time, Qi Lei and the five boys have completely confided in joy, took off their shirts, shirtless, and jumped into the river wearing only big pants.

   The water is not deep, nor in a hurry, I just lost my waist.

   Qi Lei ferryed Xu Xiaoqian and Cai Wei over twice.

   Tang Yi and the others swam directly over.

   Looking at Fu Jiang, they are so envious, they also want to go into the water.

   It's a pity, I can see that the jeans I wear are all live and lee. They don't fit properly, and I can't bear to wear them anymore.

   Fu Jiang: "Hey, I have to wear big pants tomorrow!"

   Okay, this guy is thinking about tomorrow.

   After crossing the river, there is a cave, and there is a small col under the dense forest, which is the destination of this trip.

   "嚓!" Fu Jiang began to complain again, "I really know how to play."

  'S Cai Wei, Guan Xiaobei and the others want to beat him.

   You are still in the end, have you really become a city dweller who has never seen the world?

   However, there is one thing to say, it is indeed a good place.

   There is a pond in the col. There should be fish, because Qi Lei and the others are carrying fishing rods!

   By the pond, there is a small watermelon field. From a distance, the watermelon is not small.

There is also a grass shack next to the watermelon field, and there are wild flowers, weeds and dense forests on the surrounding mountains.

   Anyway, the thief is comfortable.

   Tang Xiaoyi slumped wet on the grass curtain, shirtless in the sun, Wu Ning and Zhang Yang went fishing with fishing rods.

  A few girls sat by the shack to rest, Zong Baobao conjured up a pair of poker cards and leaned over, "Keep the red tip, who will come?"

   Qi Lei pointed to the melon field at the bewildered Cai Wei and others: "My own home, pick the ripe ones."

   "There are fishing rods in Wu Ning, round jujube (wild kiwi) on the mountain, and Shanlihong (wild hawthorn), but don't cross the beam (don't turn to the back of the mountain)."

   "Don't worry, there are no snakes in this mountain, but beware of grass crawlers."

   I didn't care about them when I finished speaking, and took Xu Xiaoqian to look for watermelons in the melon fields.

   Xu Xiaoqian is actually the first time to go to the countryside, and it is the first time to come to this kind of place, following Qi Lei, a little bit chirping: "This is too enjoyable, right?"

   In this regard, "Where is this? Tomorrow I will take you to a more fun place."

   pointed in one direction, "There is a pebble beach downstream, where you can play in the water, go to the ground dragon (a stuffy net), and catch crickets and shrimps. Let's go there to catch fish and shrimps and grill them now."

   Xu Xiaoqian was a little jealous when she heard that, this is what people call childhood!

   is even more looking forward to.

   Qi Lei picked two big melons, and one of them was directly distributed to everyone. The other hugged to the river, threw the ice in the river and waited to eat.

   Back to the shack, everyone had dispersed.

  Zong Baobao was playing poker with Da Ling and Yang Xiao. Fu Jiang didn't know when he got involved in the organization, so it happened to be four people together. Finance will provide Fu Jiang as a think tank, where he is arguing.

   Jiang Chunlei stood leaning against the shack, his face was not bad or not.

   Zhang Yang got off the pole and was pushed into the mountain by Kou Zhongqi.

   Seeing Xu Qian's return, Erling beckoned to her, "I will take you to pick round jujubes."

   Xu Xiaoqian doesn't even know what round jujube is, of course she is willing, and she has not forgotten to pull Cheng Lele.

   Qi Lei didn't go up the mountain with them, found a shade of a tree, and enjoyed the noisy and peaceful time very much.

   Looking at the two groups of people making a fuss, although they all have positions, they are still young people after all, and the boundaries are actually very blurred.

   Over there, Guan Xiaobei took Jiang Chunlei's guitar and played it twice, but unfortunately it didn't tune.

   Tang Yi saw him playing the piano, and he was intrigued, "Give it to me!"

   brought a strum and everyone knew what the song was.

   "Glorious Years"!

   Although the xylophone almost tasted a little bit, the boys hummed unconsciously, and finally became louder and louder.

   Only Jiang Chunlei narrowed his eyes, "Smelly brother!"

   Okay, I learned it with Zong Baobao on the road.

   looked at Fu Man subconsciously, and Fu Man gave him an encouraging look: Go!

   The gloomy and dirty two of them are a little out of place.

   And these were all seen by Yang Xiao, but he shook his head and muttered: "Brother smelly."

   Just now Fu Man and Jiang Chunlei had a sticky talk. She heard a little bit, which seemed to encourage Jiang Chunlei to provoke.

   As for how to provoke? If Yang Xiao still couldn't tell, he would be stupid. He wanted to find Tang Yi's fault on the guitar!

   It's just that Yang Xiao didn't take it seriously, let alone an early warning.

   As for why you didn’t take it seriously? Okay, I'll find out later.

   Jiang Chunlei was a little hesitant at first, whether he would be unpleasant to please Fu Man. Now Yang Xiao scolded him with contempt, a little bit above his head.

   said to Yang Xiao meaningfully, "Who is the smelly brother, it's really hard to say."

   After finishing speaking, he walked towards Tang Yi.

   "What is he going to do?" Zong Baobao threw out a handful of cards.

   Yang Xiao didn't say directly, "Fuck him!" With a relaxed expression waiting to see the play.

   Baby Zong looked up and saw Jiang Chunlei walking towards Tang Yi, and he probably understood what was going on.

   "Looking for abuse?"

   Fu Jiang said, "The cards are played." He didn't understand what was going on.

   Tang Yi's song ended and won a lot of applause. Even Fu Jiang and Finance had to shoot twice.

   This made Tang Xiaoyi very satisfied, "What else do you want to hear? Just order it!"

   Alas, Tang Xiaoyi is still not stable enough, a little floating.

  As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chunlei in front of him spoke, "It doesn't play well! What are you showing off?"

   Tang Yi was taken aback, a little dazed, "What do you mean?"

   Isn’t that wrong?

   I saw Jiang Chunlei grinning, "What's wrong? Don't accept it? Don't move, you're going to kill someone! I can't beat you, the piano player talks with the piano."

   "You think you play well, don't you?"

   hooked his finger to Tang Yi, "Come on, I will teach you what playing the piano is."

   No matter how angry Tang Yi is, he can only endure such a rush, and handed the Qin over with a sullen face.

   Jiang Chunlei was holding the piano at this time, and he added, "Because you don't play the piano less in the future, you don't have that talent."

   played with the previous play.

   Tang Yi's face blushed at once.

   Jiang Chunlei played the "Glory Years" that Tang Yi just finished playing, tuned together, as long as the ears are not deaf, you can hear it. Tang Xiaoyi and others are not of the same grade, and the judgement is high.

   Tang Xiaoyi immediately realized that he had met a master, can he not blush?

   Qi Lei also frowned slightly over there, his face solemn.

   Putting aside his character, Jiang Chunlei's piano is really good, and Tang Xiaoyi is incomparable.

   It’s just that this grandson’s character is really bad. Whether you show off your skills or show off, there is always a limit.

   Tang Yi plays whatever you want. This is no longer a pretense, but a face slap.

   But Tang Yi gritted his teeth and stared, and there was nothing to do.

   Qi Lei didn't rush over, he wanted to know how Cai Wei and the others dealt with it, so let's take a look.

  Look at whether the stubborn piano can be resolved or the contradiction expands.

   At least from Qi Lei's perspective, he doesn't know whether Fu Man instigated or Cai Wei instigated. If it is Cai Wei deliberately looking for the fault, Xu Xiaoqian won't work in the middle.

   I can only say that this group of people is a bit despicable.

   In fact, the people in the government compound are really not that dirty.

  Fu Jiang and Guan Xiaobei finally realized that something was wrong at this time, frowned slightly and couldn't stand it anymore.

   They are not very familiar with Jiang Chunlei, they are Cai Wei's friends. But no matter what, they came out together.

   Jiang Chunlei is brilliant, they should be happy, but if you deliberately step on others, it is a bit boring, right?

   Isn't this just looking for a fight?

  Although they have hatred with Brother Qi Lei three, they have never done anything like that.

   Guan Xiaobei: "Fuck, it's so special!"

   The group of people in their yard are indeed dudes, but they are good at playing. This kind of thing is like eating flies.

   Fu Jiang had already moved, and he threw the poker and wanted to go out, so he wanted to stop Jiang Chunlei.

   Fu Man stood in front of the shack, "Go back and stay! What's the matter with you?"

  付****, didn't you do that? "

"To shut up!"

   Fu Man finished scolding the little brother and glared provocatively at Cai Wei in the distance.

   means, if you don’t help me out, some people give me an idea!

   And Fu Jiang, Guan Xiaobei, and Finance also looked at Caiwei at this time, after all, he was the leader.

   Cai Wei...

   Caiwei wants to curse, this silly B girl!

   At this point, where can he not see the whole story? Xin said, doesn't this mean digging a hole and burying me?

   The first reaction is to look at Qi Lei, which means: stay calm and not irritable, I will deal with it!

   Qi Lei saw his expression and understood, and leaned back on the tree with peace of mind.

   On Caiwei's side, regardless of Fu Man, walk towards Jiang Chunlei.

   This time, it is time to show his boss's strength. You can't handle this, so what kind of big brother are you?

  The point is that he and Qi Lei have another level of competition, and he can't afford to lose this person!

   It's a pity that I haven't taken two steps yet. Neither Cai Wei nor Qi Lei expected that a person suddenly appeared in front of Cai Wei.

   is Kou Zhongqi who just came back!

   Caiwei didn't think much about it. He thought he was upset, and he patiently explained to Kou Female Wolf, "I'm sorry, Da Lei is not sensible!"

   After finishing speaking, I will pass Kou Zhongqi and go to Jiang Chunlei's side.

   As a result, the female wolf Kou was uncharacteristically, very gentle, "What's the rush? You have to let him pretend!"

   Caiwei: "……"

   Caiwei didn't understand too much.

What does    mean? How can you have a bad feeling?

   Then, the hunch became reality.

   Jiang Chunlei's song was over, with eyes all over, he provocatively said to Tang Xiaoyi, "This is called playing the piano!"

   Tang Yi couldn't wait to find a place to sew in, but couldn't hit anyone. Beating people now is too unproductive.

   Although Qi Lei didn't know why Kou Zhongqi stopped Caiwei, Tang Yi was suffering, and he couldn't even move.

   As soon as she stood up, she heard Kou Zhongqi, who stopped Caiwei, said lightly:

   "Xiao'er, kill him for my old lady!"

   Under Qi Lei’s wrong attention, Yang Xiao slowly got out of the shack, and complained to Kou Zhongqi, "What is your urgency? Let Qi Lei step on it first, and I will step on it again, so that you will have a long memory!"

   But there is no way, Kou Zhongqi said everything, and swept his hands to Qi Lei, meaning, come on, I'll come!

   Qi Lei sat back subconsciously, and said to his heart, Yang Xiao is also a master, right?

   Yang Xiao knows how to play the piano, Qi Lei can guess. Before, she had problems with the eyes of her three brothers playing the piano, but Qi Lei didn't know her level.

   I saw Yang Xiao come to Jiang Chunlei, "Bring it!"

   Jiang Chunlei still didn't understand what was going on, so he subconsciously handed the guitar over.

   In exchange for Wu Ning and Tang Yi’s surprised Do you also play guitar? "

   Yang Xiao smiled, "It's okay, it's enough to kill him!"

   After I thought about it, I felt that my momentum was changing under everyone's attention. Before the string was moved, almost everyone had an uncontrollable word-rock and roll!

   Yes, Yang Xiao stopped there, the smell of rock and roll had already come out before the piano rang.

   Then, the prelude sounded...

And then....


   Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Jiang Chunlei were going crazy with their scalp numb.

   Tang Xiaoyi stared at his eyes and slammed his head and scratched his scalp. His expression was more exaggerated than when Jiang Chunlei had just stepped on him, and there was already a smell of worship in his eyes.

   Wu Xiaoxian almost didn't fall into the pond, his mouth was open and his eyes were dull.

   Jiang Chunlei is...want to find a seam, wailing, where is such a goddess?

   Qi Lei also stood up suddenly, his forehead crisp, just as if it had been electric.

   For a long time, he said, "Fuck, Tianxiu!"

   You must know that there is a kind of music in this world that can make the people who love it instantly hormonal.

   For example, Dou Wei's--tomorrow...more, long, long! !




   On June 1, I wish all the book friends of the dying teenagers, Happy Children’s Day, and always have a young heart.

   Then, cheekily ask for a ticket. For the sake of the powerful update of Cangshan, hand in all the guaranteed monthly tickets!

   will be on the shelves on the 4th, this month is the month of the shelves.

   Although Cangshan still doesn't know whether it will rise steadily after it is put on the shelves, or it will be lost to everyone, but... still wants to fight and needs your support.


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