Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 72: The early arrival of the Internet age

   Qi Lei mentioned the strategy of 20 yuan for 6 pairs and another umbrella. This time even Zhao Wei was confused.

   Don't look at him as a decoration on the side, but Qi Lei's sentence and that sentence, let alone Zhou Tao, Zhao Wei's appetite is full of him.

   How can you make five or six hundred thousand yuan a year from selling socks? Dreaming.

   Now Zhao Wei is also calculating, 20 yuan / 6 pairs, plus an umbrella, what kind of routine is this?

   In fact, this routine is still consumer psychology.

   Now, Qi Lei’s marketing method is a triple pair of 5 yuan to attract traffic and earn money for high-end goods.

  Family can play this way and can fight for a lot of money, but if every family plays this way, there is no way to survive.

   Drainage and drainage, once the flow is evenly shared, the five yuan triple pair will only be dumped at a low price, and there is no flow to speak of.

   In contrast, 20 yuan and 6 pairs are indeed not cheap, but I will give you an imported umbrella...25 yuan umbrella! Still imported.

   That's different. Who won't take advantage of this?

   A lot of people rushed to pay for the gimmick of picking up an umbrella.

   But, do you really take advantage of it?

   Calculating the account, even if the 6 pairs of socks are calculated at the price of 70 cents given to Qi Lei by Zhou Tao, they only cost 4 yuan 2.

   And an imported umbrella, the retail price is 25 yuan. But pay attention! Is the retail price. Although imports are imports, they are Russian goods.

   Because of the border between Longjiang Province and Maoxiong, Russian goods were everywhere in Longjiang in the 1990s. It is also drenched in the light of imported goods, and the price is higher than that of domestic products of the same category.

   But in fact, Russian goods are not European and American products. In addition, the bear has just gone through the split for a few years. It is a period of economic downturn and material shortage. The ruble is super worthless, resulting in a huge export advantage.

   To put it bluntly, things are old and cheap, and imported goods are even lower than domestic goods.

   People from other provinces may not be very clear. In the 1980s and 1990s, the first group of people who became rich in Longjiang, a considerable part of them were Russian goods.

   A profit is not enough to describe it, it simply doesn't require capital.

   3 cents of domestic paracetamol tablets and 5 cents of Analgin tablets were wrapped around the waist and taken out of the country. When they reached the highest point, they sold for a piece of five or more than two.

   And bring goods back from there, let alone umbrellas, clothing, etc., mink skins are said by the catty that second-hand old furs are shipped back as trash.

   To get the goods from Teddy Bear, plus transportation and customs duties, an umbrella of good quality and under the banner of import costs only a few dollars.

"Let's calculate it at the cost of 5 yuan." Qi Lei settled the account for Zhou Tao. "Adding the cost of socks, six pairs of socks and an umbrella, it only costs 9 yuan 2, and there are nearly eleven yuan. Profit margins."

   Zhou Tao: "......"

   Well, she knows better than Qi Lei, how can there be an umbrella for five yuan? Half of it is about the same.

   Zhou Tao is stunned, as Qi Lei said, it's very simple! But how could she not think of it?

   But after a careful calculation, isn't it?

   It is indeed huge profits, and it can indeed increase sales, but it is impossible to make a detailed calculation of earning five to six hundred thousand a year!

   You have to sell 300,000 pairs of socks and 50,000 umbrellas before you can earn half a million.

   If she set up a street stall, she would not be able to sell so much if she was exhausted.

   "Where did you make five or six hundred thousand this year? Even if you squeeze your sister dry, you can't sell that much money!"

   Zhou Tao made Qi Lei feel a little slow, and he didn't react for a while.

   Qi Lei was anxious for her, "You, don't think about it by yourself in the future, honestly follow me to eat and drink!"

   I hate that iron cannot be made into steel, "The cost of more than nine yuan, you fifteen yuan to pull out the stalls, leaving them five yuan profit, are the vendors in the entire Longjiang Province working for you?"

   Zhoutao: "……"

   Qi Lei hasn't finished speaking, "Now there are five-yuan triple-double stalls everywhere, the more you can't make money, and I'm worried that there is nowhere to transform."

   "As soon as the marketing of buying socks and giving umbrellas came out, the big game I laid out in the early stage, wouldn't it be revitalized?"

   Zhou Tao, "..."

   Zhou Tao seems to understand something, she has to stroke it.

   The logic here seems to be like this:

   Did you say that Qi Lei’s five-dollar triple-double marketing strategy was deliberately taught to her, and she hasn’t asked her any benefits yet...

   just want to borrow her Zhou Tao's hand to muddy the water in all the sock stalls in Harbin?

   made everyone jump in at five dollars and three pairs, but couldn't pull it out, couldn't make money, and stared.

   Finally, he buys socks and gives umbrellas to harvest all the stalls to work for him?

   Well, Zhou Tao figured it out, it should be such a logic.

   slapped the table: "Qilei, you're still a person!?"

   This is an evildoer, who eats people without spitting out bones.

   suddenly realized a problem, in front of Qi Lei, she was a little kid, who made people play around.

   And Qi Lei can't be said to be scolding when facing Zhou Tao, nor can he be said to be exasperated. In fact, there is no sense of accomplishment.

   is all about picking up people's teeth. This marketing strategy of buying socks and giving umbrellas has been done by later generations, and they are also 16 or 17-year-old children.

   I earn more than the number he said a year, and the real annual income of one million is still a twist.

   This is the advantage of the rebirth. It has nothing to do with experience or education. Anyone can use it directly when they go back to the past.

   It is not good to say, this is the golden finger given by the times and vision.

   No matter how ordinary people go back to the past, the marketing strategies and discount coupon activities on Taobao, just a little bit of careful consideration is enough.

   are all ghost tricks that transcend the times and play the human heart to the extreme.

   If you still can’t play with this, that’s okay. The poisonous chicken soup and copywriting on Douyin and Weibo are enough to run several million-level marketing accounts.

   If it doesn't work anymore, just creating hot words on the Internet can be very confused.

   What "mushrooms, blue skinny" and so on, coupled with the next generation of smashing Internet animation, two days can also attract a large number of fans, completely popular.

   and Zhou Tao finalized the details of the cooperation, Qi Lei alone called Zhao Wei aside and handed over 20,000 yuan to him.

   Not all these 20,000 were earned this month. Last week, Tao Qi gave Lei Qi Lei more than 13,000 pairs of cheap socks and high-end socks to pay for it!

   10,000 yuan, let Qi Lei count in it.

   smiled at Zhao Wei, "You believe it now?"

   Zhao Wei's mind is a bit messy, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it's a pie in the sky.

   But, I really believe it.

   took the money, "How can you trust me that way?"

   Qi Lei didn't answer directly, but only said, "I want to fight for your sister."

  Zhao Wei: "..." Nodded, "Then...what about the salary?"

   Qi Lei was happy, "What salary? How much salary do you want? Set a price yourself."

   Zhao Wei was silly, he was really thinking about it for a while, and after gritting his teeth, he asked for a monthly salary that he believed to be an astronomical figure.

   "One thousand! One month!"

   Qi Lei: "……"

   sighed secretly, "Can you pursue something? I'll talk about money later, it must be more than a thousand."

   He didn't say how much to Zhao Wei, so he couldn't say.

   He understands Zhao Wei's character and gives too much. He thinks that you are giving alms and stubbornly.

   Give less, Qi Lei can't pass his own level.

  Because he owes Zhao Wei too much to his later generations, it is easy to say when he becomes familiar with each other and becomes a brother.

   And when Zhao Wei heard more than a thousand, it would be more practical, "Don't worry, I hard this time!"


   Zhou Tao was impatient, and she was going to do what was finalized. She drove the car in the afternoon and took Zhao Wei back to Harbin.

   Zhao Na was just like in her dream, and she was worried that her younger brother was roaming outside alone. She almost didn't move her home to Zhao Wei, so she took everything she could.

   Qi Lei did not follow them to Harbin.

  , Zhou Tao, except for a bit of a businessman's drill, is actually not bad. There is nothing wrong with taking care of her.

   Secondly, Zhao Wei is already 20, so there is no need for a 16-year-old child to care too much.

   but a worry, let Qi Lei relax a lot.

   With Zhao Wei as a coolie in the front, their three brothers can play around in the back with peace of mind and enjoy their unbridled youth.

   On the other side of Zhou Tao, what actually lacks are ideas, insights beyond this era, Qi Lei just made up for this shortcoming.

   As for how to do this business, how to grow bigger, but it is more experienced and better at managing than Qi Lei.

   In short, Qi Lei is quite satisfied. He doesn't need to worry about making money.

   Back in Harbin there, Zhou Tao took Zhao Wei to the underground city wholesale shop first, and handed over the business in the store to a competent employee, and completely acted as a shopkeeper, ready to concentrate on socks and umbrellas.

   Then I arranged for Zhao Wei’s accommodation. Originally, Zhou Tao wanted to rent a house to Zhao Wei. Although it was a provincial capital, it was really not expensive to rent an older building or a bungalow in 1998. It was done for two to three hundred yuan.

   "It's okay, this money is my sister, and I don't owe that kid favors!"

   But Zhao Wei didn't do it.

   Zhao Wei thought a lot about this road, especially Qi Lei's sentence: "to give your sister a better spirit", which pierced Zhao Wei's pain point, this time he thought well.

   So, he doesn’t agree with spending money before earning money.

   Besides, he is not stupid, Zhou Tao's diligence is obviously impure.

   "Sister Zhou, you have to trust me, just let me live in the store, and you can also help you see the store."

   Zhou Tao hurts her self-esteem so much, she has nothing to say.

   What are you doing against me? It's really unbelievable. Are all the young people so thief nowadays?

   But, to put it another way, it's... how accurate is that little kid Q Lei looks at people!


   As for Zhao Na, don't mention the gratitude.

   "You can come to play in the future, sister won't charge you money!"

   Tang Yi and Wu Ning felt a little embarrassed when they heard it, "You should or should give the money, but it's affirmative if you come often."

   Qi Lei was busy with Zhao Wei and when Zhao Na was done, the two brothers did well and played all day.

   Besides, the play is pretty beautiful.

   They found that although Zhao Na’s computer was quite broken, it was a second-hand machine. But let's not say, it's so fast, it's smoother than the new computer that you often go to downhill.

   Very comfortable.

   I can only say that Zhao Na's craftsmanship is really good, and the computer tuning is very nice.

   Wu Ning: "One yard goes to one yard, sister, you just need to keep a good machine for us in the future."

   Zhao Na said, "My Weizi is not sensible. If I caused you trouble before, please bear with me! The money is definitely not collected, or the sister will become someone?"

  , however, Qi Lei said: "That's fine, it's better if you don't need money, you must come every day!"

   He really wasn't polite with Zhao Na, it was unnecessary.

   Later generations, Zhao Na, Zhao Wei and him are like a family. Zhao Na is like his relatives, so please don't be polite!

   "By the way, Sister Na!" Qi Lei remembered something, "Why don't you install the Internet?"

   Tang Yi and Wu Ning heard, "Net? What net?"

   Okay, two turtles, don’t even know what the Internet is!

   And Zhao Na is learning this, of course she knows it clearly, frowning and saying: "It's not pretending, it's too expensive."

The meaning of    is a bit reluctant.

   Besides, she never thought about using the Internet instead of games to make money.

   The Internet services available to the common people in China actually went online in 1995.

However, it is really not affordable for ordinary people. The high initial installation fee, coupled with the outrageous Internet fee, even if Zhao Na spends a lot of money to install the network, few people use it. rise.

   Calculate according to the current cost, and then add the initial installation fee and so on. Ten dollars an hour is not too much.

   But, Qi Lei wants to kill the Internet! Especially after Xu Xiaoqian stimulated him with Xiaowangwen'er, he was not very addicted to the Internet in his previous life, and now he is very eager to live on the Internet.

   lowered his head and groaned, "Sister Na, do you think this is okay? I'll pay you, how about you install a net?"

   Don't think about installing a computer at home, even if Qi Lei makes money on his own, my mother will not agree.

  In the eyes of their adults, the public use of computers is equivalent to a game console.

   So I can only save the country by curve.

   However, it is very difficult to put it here with Zhao Na. How can someone pay someone to install a network on the first day of meeting?

   groaned, "Forget it, actually I want to see if anyone is willing to spend money on the Internet."

   looked at Qi Lei, "You can wait a few days!"

   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, knowing that it was a little abrupt just now, but it is just right now.


   is still a little excited. I thought that it would not be until 1999, or even the beginning of 2000, to be able to access the Internet, but it is now ahead of schedule.

   is worthy of joy.

   There, Coco Lee, Tang Yi, and Wu Ning still don’t understand what’s going on.

   came over, "What kind of network, is that fun?"

   Qi Lei nodded, "Fun!"

   "What's there to play with?"

"can chat!"

   "Cut!~~~" The three of them waved their hands together, "Who can't chat? What's fun? You are fooling people!"

   "Oh!" Qi Lei sighed leisurely, ignorance is terrible.

   That is opening the door to another world!



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