Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 70: Puzzle Piece 4

   The almost exceptional report from Taiwan Province and Taiwan did not dissipate overnight. On the contrary, the continuous fermentation is still to come.

   On July 27th, the provincial Taiwan struck while the iron is hot and made a special flood fighting news with the theme of "Being with You".

   Although it did not directly point out the theme of the summer camp "Aspirational Youth" in Shangbei City, regardless of the street interviews, the topics and determination displayed by the frontline officers and soldiers, they both intentionally or unintentionally rely on that.

After the broadcast of   , it also got a lot of response.

   On July 29th, the Longjiang Provincial Education Commission launched a proposal to learn from Shangbei students to the whole province.

   More than a dozen youth groups from middle schools and universities in Harbin have stepped onto the embankment to show their condolences to the officers, soldiers and people on the front line of fighting the flood.

   and sent a pennant, which is exactly the sentence above: How can there be any quiet years, but someone is carrying the weight for us!

   On July 30, CCTV, in the report on the front line of Jiujiang's flood fighting, the banner of the people appeared for the first time.

   How can there be quiet years?

   At this point, the nationwide flood fighting situation has been on the rise.

   The peak has not yet arrived, but as Qi Lei wrote in his composition, the line of defense built by Chinese sons and daughters with flesh and blood... Rage waves are especially fearful!

   But these don't have much to do with Qi Lei. He can only do so much. He can't send carbon in the snow, I hope it will be the icing on the cake.

   And the whole thing is not entirely useless to Qi Lei personally, on the contrary, there are many benefits.

   First of all, it's business.

  The reports from the provincial channel are explosive, and now all of Shangbei knows that a group of middle school students did an earth-shattering event in the night market.

   Every day there are people who come to see the excitement, pay homage to the mascot, and come to cheer the children with kindness, and there is an endless stream.

   Anyway, in the socks industry in the Shangbei Night Market, Qi Lei is no longer invincible, and many citizens want to buy a few pairs even if they don’t lack socks.

   Just the day after the provincial station was broadcast, more than 20 booths were surrounded by water.

   On that day, the friends did not close the stall until 12 o'clock.

   Wu Ning returned the goods and settled the accounts, netting more than 3,000.

   Although it has fallen back in the next few days, it still maintains a net income of more than 1,000 a day, which is already a pretty scary figure.

   Anyway, I don’t have to worry about the bargaining fees of the three brothers, and there is still a lot of pocket money left.

   Well, in fact, there is no need to worry about bargaining fees.

   After the Provincial Education Commission issued a proposal, candidates such as Qi Lei, Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Lu Xiaoshuai successively received invitations from the Second Middle School, Experimental Middle School, and Private Middle School.

   The bargaining fee of several thousand yuan is so waived.

   Although it may only be regarded as a dispensable welfare for the second generation of rich and official, such as Lu Xiaoshuai and Jiang Haiyang.

   However, among these 53 people, in addition to wealthy families and high school sophomores, there are more than a dozen fresh graduates whose family conditions are not considered wealthy.

   These are all brought in by Lu Xiaoshuai and Coco Lee.

   They joined the summer camp, not out of the mentality of winning and playing, but purely wanting to earn a little money and share some pressure for the family.

  Some of them failed to pass the exam and faced high bargaining fees. Some even gave up the illusion of entering a key middle school. They are ready to enter general and vocational high schools. Now they are waiting for unexpected surprises.

   This is what Qi Lei thinks is the biggest gain of this show.

   His rebirth not only changed his own destiny, but also changed the destiny of others, and his sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

   In the end, Qi Lei gained 49 friendships.

   Coco Lee, Lu Xiaoshuai, they didn't really accept Qi Lei until this moment, and they even seemed to be looking forward to it.

   After learning that Qi Lei was definitely going to the second middle school, most of the people in this class rejected the invitation of the experimental middle school and the private middle school, and planned to go to the second middle school with Qi Lei.

   In the words of Coco Lee, "Stone, you are invincible. You have not yet enrolled in high school, and there is only your legend left in the first year of high school."

   Although it is a bit of a joke, it is not out of nothing.

   At least as the owner of the circle of idiots, Qi Lei is considered to be a real person, and is about to enter the next stage of leading a group of idiots to stir the situation.

   Fortunately, the principal of No. 2 High School has been transferred, otherwise he would be very worried.

   These are all benefits that Qi Lei can immediately see.

   Of course, there are benefits that he can't see, but he tries hard to get.

for example:

   Li Chunyan remembered this kid who was gifted with journalism.

  Longjiang Night Flight's editor-in-chief Qin also left a deep impression on Qi Lei.

   If Qi Lei knows this, he will jump up happily. This is the resource he wants most for reporting through provincial and Taiwanese.

   Because this is the first time, but it cannot be the last.

   has the channels of provincial and Taiwan provinces, so that he, the reborn person's voice, can be heard and spread farther.


   August 1st, one month after leaving school, Zhou Tao called again and wanted to chat with Qi Lei.

   Qi Lei actually knows what this "profiteer sister" wants to do.

   The hook was thrown out by himself last time. Zhou Tao has actually made a good amount of money in the past half a month. There is no reason not to bite the hook.

   The current Qi Lei is a cash cow in Zhou Tao's eyes. When the previous marketing strategy fails, he is naturally unsatisfied to return to the old state and wants to continue to make money.

   In this regard, Qi Lei is not as easy to talk about last time, and the purchase price of seven cents dismissed him?

   said to Zhou Tao on the phone, "Don't worry for now, just wait!"

   Can Zhou Tao not be in a hurry, "You child is really unhappy. You can do it. If you don't, you can pull it down. What are you doing?"

   Qi Lei, "Eldest sister, it's not a grind, but I am short of people now!"

   Zhou Tao heard, "It's okay, some of my sister is human, as you please!" Without waiting for Qi Lei to retort, "That's it. I'll be in Shangbei in the afternoon. Let's meet and say!"

   Snap, the phone hangs up.

   hung up the phone, Qi Lei looked a little dignified.

   He is not perfunctory Zhou Tao, he does have a way to make money, and there are many ways to play from socks alone.

   These marketing strategies that surpass the times are definitely more effective than his summer camp.

   However, there are two problems.

   First, he couldn't believe in Zhou Tao.

   He can maintain relationships with Coco Coco Lee and Xiaoshuai Lu by trust and friendship, because these people are still innocent and simple.

   But no matter how good Zhou Tao is, she is also an adult and a shrewd businessman. The way to deal with Coco Coco Lee was used on her, that is, she was uncomfortable, and she didn't know how to sell you.

   So, it’s not bad to want to make money with Zhou Tao, but Qi Lei has no time to spend with her.

   Second, it is also necessary to find someone who can be trusted to replace Qi Lei to deal with Zhou Tao.

   Qi Lei is a middle school student after all, and he is still too young to make money.

   is not the youth of the mind, but the kind of youth in external perception.

   After all, human beings are still social animals. In addition to their own abilities, they are always restricted by external forces around them.

   Take Qi Lei as an example, he will start a summer camp when he is dead, and give a side-by-side ball to work-study.

   If there is any big business, even Guo Lihua will have to look at him as a monster.

   Take Zhou Tao as an example. She can get to this point today and believe that Qi Lei has the ability to make money, and it is not a cognition formed in a day or two.

  Don't forget, what kind of scene Zhou Tao saw Qi Lei for the first time.

   was a little bit of change in cognition afterwards, and it got to where it is today.

   But here comes the problem, how can Qi Lei have so much energy to get the second and third Zhou Tao?

   In the eyes of others, he is just a child. And it is a child of the nineties, not the child of the enlightened era in later generations.

   Besides, he still has to go to school.

   Qi Lei also didn't want money to disturb his second B life prematurely.

   So, if Qi Lei wants to go a step further in making money, the most time-saving way is to find an "agent".

  He came to give his ideas, and the agent was in the front row and was responsible for the effort. It does not delay school, but also saves a lot of trouble.

   Qi Lei's so-called lack of people is precisely the lack of such a person.

   A person who at least will not be despised because of his age, and who, like Tang Yi and Wu Ning, can be completely trusted.

   And this person... actually has a choice.

   It's just that, in this time and space, that person still doesn't know Qi Lei.

   If you want to get acquainted and become brothers naturally, you need to wait and wait for a natural opportunity.

   It's a pity, obviously Zhou Tao can't wait. The guy has tasted the sweetness and can't stop.

  I thought for a while, should I continue to push Zhou Tao to wait, or would I pull that person into my circle in advance?

   In the end, Qi Lei compromised. It was not easy to cultivate a cat who loves to steal fish. Qi Lei was a little bit reluctant to let Zhou Tao go.

   called Cocoon Lee.

   Opposite: "What are you doing? My old lady is under your control at night, but she is free during the day!"

   Qi Lei's head hurts.

   "Do you know Zhao Wei?"

   "I know!"

   CoCo Lee was stunned, stunned as if sitting upright.

   "What's wrong? You don't want to attack Zhao Wei again, do you?"

   "Let me tell you, that's my brother, you must not bully him!"

   After finishing speaking, Coco Lee himself was stunned. Why did he talk about bullying? Shouldn't it be Zhao Wei who bullied Qi Lei?

   Zhao Wei is also a gangster near the second middle school. Unlike Erbao, he does not commit to bullying students, but he has a more terrifying reputation than Erbao.

   Coco Lee's first reaction is: Qi Lei is about to "do it" Zhao Wei!

   Qi Lei is speechless, what kind of brain circuit is this girl?

   But, to be honest, if it weren’t for the later generations Qi Lei and Zhao Wei had too much overlap, the Qi family, including the Tang family and the Wu family, would owe too much to that pair of brothers and sisters, and Qi Lei would definitely not provoke him.

   That guy is now when his hands are black and his heart is black. No matter what your background is, you can just **** you.

   Withdraw his thoughts, "Help me ask something!"


   "I heard that Zhao Wei's sister got a computer room? Help me ask if it is turned on."

"Wait, then!"

   Cocoon Lee thought it was a big deal, so he was relieved and hung up the phone.

   It saves the trouble. It’s good to talk to Cocoon Lee. She doesn’t ask you why you are asking about it.

   Ten minutes later, the call came.

   "It's on, just over a week. Hey, I don't know if you don't ask, how come my sister runs a computer room, so I have to cheer!"

   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "It makes sense, let's go together!"

   Hang up the phone, call Tang Yi and Wu Ning over, "Go to a computer room with Coco Li."

   "Oh yeah!!" The brothers were immediately happy.

  This summer, because of Qi Lei, they rarely go to the computer room, and they always feel that there is something missing.

   And Qi Lei thought for a while, called his third uncle Qi Guodong and brother Xiao Liang, and called them out.

   Then the three brothers went out, met with Li Cowen, and waited for Qi Guodong and Xiaoliang at the agreed place.

   Six people just smashed the computer room opened to Zhao Wei's sister.

   The location is outside the west wall of No. 2 Middle School, an old bungalow, Zhao Wei's house is here.

   The black computer rooms of this era all appeared in a family situation, without plaques, and extremely remote, but they can be easily found by experienced gaming teenagers.

  Nothing, you only need to see whose door is locked tightly and whose window is tightly sealed, basically, it's not too far away.

   Everyone walked through the alleys with seven turns and eight turns. In the end, Tang Yi and Wu Ning were shocked, "Is this too biased?"

   Qi Guodong frowned, "How can I find such a place?"

   To be honest, Qi Guodong didn't want to come.

   He is no longer interested in playing games at his age. It was Qi Lei who was begging him to come over, saying that he was helping and suppressing himself. Until now, I don't know what the hapless kid is going to do.

   "Don't beg me next time there is such a thing!"

   Finally, everyone stopped in front of a big iron gate.

   Qi Lei looked at the familiar scene that has not changed in the next 20 years, and couldn't help feeling a little bit.

   took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

   After a while, "Who?"

   A vigilant and panicked question came from the courtyard.

   Qi Lei smiled when he heard it, and looked at Coco Lee.

   Sister Han still has this vision, and she said: "Sister Na, Xiao Wen, bring a friend to play on the computer."

   "Oh." The door opened and there was a young woman in her early twenties, who was dressed plainly but hard to forget at a glance, poked her head out.

   responded shyly, "Xiao Min, startled me."

   While talking, let the door open and invite everyone into the yard.

   These days, black computer rooms are like this. It’s better if they are related.

   The plants are all soldiers.

During   , he met Qi Guodong's eyes and turned his gaze aside shyly.

  The furnishings in the courtyard are like normal residential houses, a bit like Qi Lei’s.

  On the way here, Tang Yi and Wu Ning also learned about Zhao Wei and his sister Zhao Na through Li Cowen.

   In Li Cowen’s words, Zhao Wei and Zhao Na’s parents used to be in business with her dad, and the two have known each other since she was a child.

   In 90 years, Zhao’s family was in a car accident. Both Zhao Wei and Zhao Na’s parents were killed. The sisters rely on the little savings left by their parents to maintain their lives. In fact, they are quite pitiful.

   Besides, Zhao Na is very proud. Not only did she support her family, she was also admitted to the university, and she is now in her junior year.

   Of course, what Li Hanhan understands is only the fur.

   For Qi Lei, he knows more.

   For example, Zhao Wei got into trouble again recently and sent a **** into the hospital. Zhao Na is really worried that her brother is in Shangbei alone, so she can only take a break from school and go home to open this computer room, the purpose is to watch her brother.

   For another example, since then, Zhao Na never returned to campus, she wasted her studies and regretted all her life.

   Until the tragedy that led to the deaths of Tang Yi and Wu Ning, the fate of the families was also entangled and it was difficult to separate.



  Thank you: [pia1]’s 20000 points reward...

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