Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 68: A bit difficult

   How much does the school of Harbin No. 3 Middle School have in the hearts of Longjiang people?

   Let's put it this way, even if Guo Lihua dreamed of her son as a flower in her dream, she would not dare to lean in the direction of Harbin Third Middle School.

   For junior high school students in non-Harbin city, not only ordinary students are out of reach, even Xu Xiaoqian's kind of God-learning may not be able to control this dream high school.

   is too far away.

   It is a top class with an average score of 650 or more. Every year, students who are admitted to Qingbei and foreign prestigious schools must be counted as "nes".

   The most maddening quote among the three is:

   "If you don't study hard, you can take the exam for Harbin Institute of Technology!"

   But this is the reality. I can't get through the heavy line there, so I am embarrassed to say that I came out of the third middle school.

   That is the gathering place for learning God.

   Guo Lihua heard the news, her whole body was not good, and she couldn't say anything anymore.

   Zhang Nan on the phone did not despise such a gaffe, it was no surprise.

  The third middle school has this ability, which makes all parents gaffe, and makes all Longjiang students crazy.

   said to Guo Lihua: "The call today is just to inform the students, and our school will post the follow-up enrollment procedures and notices."

   "That's right....Is classmate Qi Lei at home? We want to know about this kid in advance."

"In the!"

   Guo Lihua immediately called Qi Lei who was about to go out to answer the phone, "The teacher from Harbin No. 3 Middle School is looking for you."

   During the period, I did not forget to pull Qi Guojun, and said viciously, "Your son is going to Harbin No. 3 Middle School!!"

   Qi Guojun was startled, but frowned.

   Qi Lei was going to make an appointment with Xu Xiaoqian. He didn't know what was going on. He frowned when he heard about it.

   Anyway, I answered the phone first, "Hello teacher!"

   Zhang Nan on the other end, combined with the image in the news, felt like a well-behaved little boy, "Hello, classmate Qi Lei!"

   "Did your mother tell you? Your situation meets the special recruitment conditions of No. 3 Middle School, and I hope you can take your study career to the next level in No. 3 Middle School."

   Qi Lei's heart was stunned, and his brow furrowed deeper.

   looked back at her mother, saw her eyes full of expectations, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said a word that made Zhang Nan vomit blood.

   "Teacher, can I choose not to go?"

   Guo Lihua was startled, and the director Zhang opposite was also startled.

   On the contrary, the expression of Qi Guojun, which had been hesitant to speak, was relieved, and he lightly pressed Guo Lihua's shoulder, which meant that she should not lose her temper.

   Zhang Nan, who was on the opposite side, set off a stormy sea and remained silent for a long time before he asked.

   "Can you give me a reason? Is it because you don't want to leave Shangbei?"

   just barely said, are you going to stick to my daughter?

   "Student Qi Lei, I think you should be clear that the third middle school is in Longjiang and its status in the country."

   "We have the best educational resources in Longjiang Province, and we also have exchange relationships with well-known foreign high schools. We also encourage students to participate in various domestic and international competitions. The opportunities offered by the third middle school are beyond your reach in Shangbei."

  What are you kidding? Ha Sanzhong! got rejected?

   Qi Lei first gave his mother a calm look, and then said to the phone: "It's an honor to be recognized by the Third Middle School, but..."

   "This is the case. The Third Middle School is indeed a good school, and I am very yearning for it. However, referring to my personal situation, the Third Middle School is by no means the best choice."

   "Oh?" On the phone, "Why?"

   Qi Lei, "The teacher may not be very clear. In addition to my composition and English proficiency, I have poor grades in other subjects and almost no foundation."

   "Also, I am not one of those people who are particularly gifted with studies."

   "If you enter the third middle school, not only is it not a good thing for the third middle school's overall performance, it is also difficult for me to adapt to the learning rhythm of the third middle school."

   "Once the grades cannot keep up with the average level of the third middle school, it will be a blow to my self-confidence. Are you right?"

   Qi Lei's answer was logically clear, and it was so cool that Zhang Nan had nothing to say.

  The first thought in my heart was: it's broken!


   Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei didn't make much trouble.

   Rejecting the third middle school is not an impulse, let alone giving up such a good opportunity for someone.

   How big a **** occupies a big pit, as far as his talent and level, Shangbei No. 2 Middle School is a bit high, let alone Ha No. 3 middle school.

   The learning tasks, learning atmosphere, and competitive pressure are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

   When he gets there, he will have to bow his head and be a man. Does he have a way to survive if he is a scumbag?

   Unless he spends all his energy and all his time in his studies for the next three years, there may be different results.

   But, I was born again! In addition to schoolwork, there are other concerns. Is it possible to bet all of your energy on schoolwork?

   Honestly, just a Shangbei key point, don't worry about it as soon as possible!

   looked at my mother for the first time, opened his mouth and said, "Say it, don’t slap your face!"

   Guo Lihua didn't move, her eyes were full of loss.

   It's not because Qi Lei missed a great opportunity by herself, but she herself.

   In fact, since the day the news was broadcast, Guo Lihua discovered that her son didn't seem to need her anymore.

   She really can't call the shots for Qi Lei anymore. Just by looking at her husband's expression, she knows that her son's choice is right, and she is really laid off.

   reluctantly squeezed out a smile, "If Mom doesn't hit you, you will be able to decide your own affairs in the future."

   Qi Guojun smiled brightly, and gave his son a positive look, "When I grow up, I have a sense of measure."

   This is in line with Qi Guojun's own character, he is good at stability. As soon as I heard that Harbin No. 3 Middle School, those are all immortal places with no boundaries, what are you going to do?

  Ning to be a chicken head, not a phoenix tail!

   Qi Lei: "......"

  嚓, this change is a bit unsuitable for you?

   Am I... completely free from domestic violence?


   On the other side, Zhang Nan hung up the phone in a daze. He never expected such a result.

   This kid is a bit difficult!

   You know, even the parents are gaffes, but a 16-year-old child is so sober?

   What Qi Lei said is correct. Before Zhang Nan made this call, he concluded that even with special tricks, such children are not suitable for entering the third middle school.

   It is not how much influence it has on Sanzhong. With his good essays, his future achievements will not only be a composition, a report copy.

   Any composition contest or literary award can offset the difference in his performance and bring honor to the third middle school.

   On the contrary, it is no good for Qi Lei to enter the third.

   A student who has a serious subject and has no talent for learning will be bound by the Third Middle School, smoothing out all pride, and restricting future development.

   As an admissions teacher, she knows this better than her parents.

   But, no matter how it is, it is also the third high school! The ranking of high schools in the country is also high!

   just let him refuse? How much concentration does this need?

   Calm and terrible!

  This made Zhang Nan realize the seriousness of the problem, this little kid is not easy, and her daughter is dangerous.

   Maybe... you have to change your strategy?


   Xu Xiaoqian waited for Qi Lei who was late, and didn't complain too much.

   "Walk with me?"

   Qi Lei saw that she was a little depressed, but he didn't know why.

   "Okay, where do you want to go?"



   So, Qi Lei loaded Xu Xiaoqian on, and began to rush all the way in Shangbei City.

   Logically speaking, you should choose a place with elegant scenery or a decent style to start a romantic date. At least you need to have the mood of the past month to live up to such a time.

   For example, the rice fields outside the city, the Xinghua Mountain in the south of the city, or places like Crescent Lake and Lalin River in the west of the city.

   However, at this moment, they didn't go anywhere, because no matter where they were, the scenery was no longer important.

   Two people and a car drove from the north to the south, and then swayed from the south to the east.

   Along the way, I talked about topics that didn't matter what it was, and laughed out loud because I didn't know what it was.

   Finally, when Qi Lei was on the verge of cramping, the two finally stopped at No. 2 Middle School and sat opposite the main entrance, on the edge of the broken building in the development zone.

   said it was a development zone, but it was actually a circle of commercial buildings surrounding a market.

  Because the developers are running away, only three floors are built on the side of the second middle school.

   The two sat side by side, looking at the second middle school across the way, Xu Xiaoqian suddenly asked: "Qi Lei, have you ever thought about going to university?"

   Qi Lei thought about it seriously, "Think about it."

   "Then do you have a goal?"



"you guess."

   "..." Xu Xiaoqian didn't want to guess, she gritted her teeth and nodded hard for some reason.

   suddenly changed the subject, "My mom also watched the news last night."

   Xu Qian is very calm, not looking at Qi Lei, but looking at the woods in the second middle school.

"she says..."

   "What are you talking about? This son-in-law is too ugly to have it?"

   "Listen to me."

   Xu Xiaoqian has no thoughts of joking at all, "My mother said, on your terms, you can be specially recruited to Harbin No. 3 Middle School."

   Qi Lei: "..."

   Xu Qian seemed to be complaining, and it seemed to be a statement, "Actually, I know her mind." Pouting her mouth, she was very dissatisfied, "Pretending to be enlightened, in fact, she is very careful, worse than my dad!"

   Qi Lei: "......"

   "Huh..." Xu Xiaoqian exhaled, "But what can I do? She is my mother and more cunning than me. Moreover, she is cunning once, but she gave you such a good opportunity, isn't it just right?"

   Qi Lei smirked suddenly, "So, what are you going to say? If you are willing to beg me..."

   "No!" Xu Xiaoqian suddenly turned to look at Qi Lei, "Don't move that idea! That's an opportunity, a good opportunity, don't give it up because of anyone!"

   Xu Xiaoqian enters the sage mode.

"Don’t think that I’m telling you what I want to keep, we...we are not there yet. At least no one can do without anyone, besides, I have no right to stop you from flying higher. That is. You have to take advantage of your opportunity."

   Qi Lei: "......"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "Go to your Harbin No. 3 Middle School, it's closer to the university you want to go to!"

   "If, I mean if, if three years later, we can still be like now..."

   "Then...See you at university! No matter where you go, I will follow you then!!"

   "嚓!" To tell the truth, Xu Xiaoqian is going to be rusty at this moment, Qi Lei is a bit unbearable, but at the same time very speechless.

   "You're really good! How come you see you from the second middle school, and you go to the university again?"

   "There is only one month left, but three years in prison will be added at once?"

   I saw Xu Xiaoqian switch from sage mode to Wenqing mode again, "Maybe...this is life."

   Qi Lei's tooth hurts a little, "Then what if we are not like this in three years?"

   "You can think about it, separate the two places? Don't look at Shangbei to Harbin, it is only a three-hour drive, but it is also a distance! People's hearts will change!"

   When Xu Qian was told by him, she suddenly felt a little tingling in her heart, her nose became sore, and her eyes were covered with mist.

   "Then...then let it happen!"

   "After this summer vacation happily, and then cherish each other, what is there?"

   Qi Lei: "..."

   "Student Xu Xiaoqian! As you said, we are not in that kind of relationship... But, after all, I'm a pretty little white face? Would you like to be so unfeeling?"

   "Qi Lei!" Xu Xiaoqian suddenly roared... "I didn't make a joke with you! Can you be more serious!"

   This is the first quarrel between Xu Xiaoqian and Qi Lei, and it may be the last...

"You don't understand, this is not the time for loyalty! If you miss this time, you will regret your whole life!" For fear that Qi Lei would say something naive, he suddenly lowered his tone, "Listen to me once? Don't worry, as long as you No change, no change, no matter where you go in three years, I will be with you."


   Qi Lei suddenly wanted to laugh, and he suddenly understood why the IQs of men and women in love would plummet, because there was indeed dog blood everywhere.

   It's just that she can't bear it, because Xu Qian is definitely not the kind of girl who talks...she will do it when she says it.

   "Xu are right, I might regret it for a lifetime if I missed this time..."

   "Oh!" Long sighed, solemnly, "Xu Youzhi, do you know? Your performance has been really bad these days!"

   "Since you know that I have also entered the second middle school, I have become a lot colder, which makes me very unhappy!"

   Xu Xiaoqian put her head aside, "I don't have one!"

   Qi Lei doesn't care about her, "Originally, I should have told you when the school started. At least this month, some people will cherish it and dare not make it again!"

   "But, I really can't bear to watch you feel uncomfortable,"

   Seeing Xu Qian put her head aside, she looked sad, "Tell me what?"

   Qi Lei took a deep breath: "Don't be uncomfortable, the enrollment call of Harbin No. 3 Middle School was called home early in the morning, so brother refused."


   Xu Xiaoqian turned her head fiercely, staring at Qi Lei, her eyes still red.

"What did you say?"

   I saw Qi Lei spread his refused! "

   Xu Qian was anxious, "Why? Are you sick?"

   Qi Lei, "What's wrong with the best school? Do you think I, a player who failed the subject, can take the first place? Back to the bottom, I'm going to find setbacks?"

   "Besides, I don't want to go to Qingbei, let alone go to Harvard Cambridge to suffer the foreign crime. I just want to take a test in Beiguang, do I need to go to the third middle school and be ravaged by various gods?"

   Xu Qian: "……"

   At this time, Qi Lei gave a smirk, "An Xin Ha! You are too stupid and soft-hearted, I dare not leave you alone."

   Xu Qian: "!!!"

   glared at Qi Lei for a while, then stood up abruptly, "I don't want to care about you!"

   turned around and left, his face was red to the root of his ears...

   "Asshole! You are a liar! I won't tell you soon!"

  Leave Qi Lei behind, pushing the car and chasing him.

   "Xu Xiaoqian, you have to treat me better in the future."




   "I gave up Harbin third for you, the sacrifice is quite big!"


   "You just said that you didn't want to go!"


   "I said that because I was afraid of your guilt."


   "Some face, it's expensive!"


   "Xu Xiaoqian, can you not pretend to be mature in the future? A thief is numb."


   "Qi, Lei! I will care about you today, I am a puppy!!"








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