Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Chapter 61: What about the idiot circle?

   After five o'clock, the time agreed with Zhou Tao has passed.

   Brother three were blowing wildly with the three girls while staring at the passing freight bus.

   I have to go up and ask about it almost every time I pass by, but I can't wait for Sister Zhou Tao's goods.

  The angry Tang Xiaoyi couldn't control his mouth again, "This old lady, do things scarcely?!"

   Xu Qian is very strange, "What are you waiting for?"

   Coco Lee said: "They are waiting to receive the goods!"


   Xu Qian was a little wrong, and whispered to Qi Lei, "Are you really in business?"

   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, how fresh!

   "Didn't I tell you last time?"

   "..." Okay, Xu Qian didn't believe me last time. Qi Lei couldn't help but look different.

   When everyone was about to give up until 5:30, a "national sacred car" suddenly stopped in front of the three brothers.

   Don’t get me wrong, it’s not Wuling Hongguang.

   In the 1980s and 1990s before Wuling Hongguang became famous at home and abroad, it could be called a sacred car. It must be "Tianjin Dafa"!

At that time, the first batch of taxis in almost half of the cities in the country-"Noodles", the first fortune tools for self-employed, the first cheap and affordable, capable of pulling goods and carrying people, this is the Volkswagen's sacred car that goes up and down the river. Stuff.

   And, don’t look down on it. Those who can make a big deal in ninety years are no ordinary people.

   The car stopped next to Brother San, blocking his sight.

   Tang Xiaoyi was rather unhappy. He stood up and scolded, but Zhou Tao giggled at them when he saw the driver's seat.

   "Sister Tao!?" Tang Yi was shocked, and understood all at once, "The service is too in place, right? Is it home delivery on credit?"

   Zhou Tao shook her forehead happily, "Get in the car!"

   No one thought that Zhou Tao personally delivered it. And the reason is very good, "What about something more than a few thousand dollars! Don't you let me take a look?"

   is a pun in Qi Lei, "I think you are a weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster. I'm not at ease!"

   "This kid!" Zhou Tao cheeked and rolled her eyes: "How do you say it? Now it's the favor you owe sister!"

   "Hmm." Qi Lei nodded, "This person is so expensive!"

   Zhou Tao just giggled, "How expensive is it?"

   sent everyone to the booth, the car parked at the back, and the people sat in front of the passenger to dry his thighs.

   Tang Yi and Wu Ning feel nothing, they are better and more lively with them.

   Xu Xiaoqian was very vigilant, and asked Qi Lei in a low voice: "Why isn't she leaving?"

   Qi Lei glanced, "This is here to steal a teacher."

   I asked Qi Lei how to do business last time, but Qi Lei didn't tell her. As a result, they came by themselves, and the idea was naturally the same as those socks stalls in the night market who learned Qi Lei.

   Xu Qian frowned, "Then you let her steal it?"

   Qi Lei, "Steal, it's not always certain who will take advantage in the end!"

  Nong Xu Qian thinks Qi Lei is pretending to be advanced, "Qi Lei, you are not like a fool's circle at all."

   "No." Coco Lee didn't know when he leaned in and interjected, "You stay away from him, you are not a good person, let alone our circle."

   Qi Lei stared, "I'm a wise man in the circle of fools! Can't you? You have to be bullied to death without me!"


   A group of people waited and waved their hands.

   Enough trouble, Qi Lei, Coco Li, and Yu Yangyang had a formal conversation.

   "Are you sure? That's the arrangement for the summer vacation? You messed up with me!"

   Coco Lee glanced at her mouth, "Does your Sister Coco slap herself in the face?"

  Yu Yangyang also nodded, "I told my family yesterday and my family is very supportive."

   "Well, then!" Qi Lei smiled, "But if you have something to say first, the good things of fifty a day are gone."

   "What!?" Coco Li quit, "Qi Shitou, don't take you like this! If you trick my old lady, turn your face and change your mind?"

   Qi Lei heard it hurt his teeth, turned his head and explained to Xu Qian, "This female idiot has nothing to do with me!"

   Xu Qian also giggled, and she knew what kind of character Li Cowen was when she got along for a short time. To put it bluntly, it is the kind of talking but not the brain.

   However, Miss Xu was silent and did not refute Qi Lei's subtext.

   In the eyes of others, it is tantamount to accepting Qi Lei's explanation by default.

   Qi Lei's head hurts a little, she did it on purpose!

   Leave her alone and turn to Coco Lee, "Don’t worry, it must be more than fifty!"

   Coco Lee, "What do you mean?"

   Qi Lei, "I will give you twenty a day."

   Coco Lee, "Do you treat me as ignorant?"

   Qi Lei: "Add a profit commission!"

"How many?"


   Coco Lee thought, even if she earns Qi Lei a hundred yuan for a night of exhaustion, she will only get 10 yuan? He is simply a feudal capitalist!

   "Don't do it! You are so dark!"

   Qi Lei was angry, "Can you stop for a while and let me finish talking?"


   I saw Qi Lei's uncle show you the wretched look of the goldfish, "I can still make you a lot of money."

   Coco Li subconsciously shrank his neck and hugged his chest.

   "What are you doing!?"

   Qi Lei: "……"

   I have a headache again.

   Only if I didn’t see it, I continued to flicker: "Your sister Wen is a top figure in the second middle school and vocational high school, right?"

   Coco Lee proudly raised his head: "Of course."

   Qi Lei: "Then you get people! Bringing someone will not only give you twenty head money, a booth, and also give you a 10% commission!"


   Not only Coco Lee, everyone was dumbfounded.

   Even Zhou Tao stared at Qi Lei, this product is nothing short of it!

   Cocoon Lee is bowing his head to settle accounts, damn, that's really...a lot of money!

   If she buys ten stalls, not only will she have 200 yuan per capita, but the commission for the ten stalls will also be considerable.

   "Then...what kind of stall does the old lady have to work with? Just lie down and wait for the money to be collected!"




   Qi Lei didn't want to talk to her, so he rashly said, "It's not just you, but Yu Yangyang and Cao Xiaoxi, you can all! Bring a booth and let it sit at 10% plus 20 yuan. How about?"

   Coco Lee didn't even think about it this time, "You can have this!"

   Just do it, pull up Yu Yangyang and rush to the phone booth.

   "You are waiting!"

   She went to shake people.

   She, Coco Coco Lee, is in the second middle school and vocational high school, and she dare not say anything else. She still has contacts. Who doesn't give Sister Min a face?

   Even if you don't give face, you have to squeeze Qi Lei's pockets.

   The brain makes up for Qi Lei's pain and gives money, and I am happy when I think about it.

  Unfortunately, there is still not enough brains. The more people she calls, the more Qi Lei earns, and Qi Lei is happier than her.

   Actually, Qi Lei's idea is also very simple.

   Isn’t the whole night market following me? Then let's use the simplest and rude method, Lao Tzu's tactics.

   One stall earns less, so I will put two. If two don't work, then ten!

   Calculated on the basis of two people in a booth, minus 40 yuan of labor, 20% commission, even if you earn 10 yuan, it is nothing.

   Of course, this is not the best way, but it is the way to get the most benefit, because Qi Lei has another plan.

   Li Wenwen over there:

   "Hey, Lu Xiaoshuai?... What night to pack? Can someone do something serious if they are too old?... Call both Jiang Haiyang and Zhang Xinyu to the night market. Sister will arrange a promising good thing for you!"

   Okay, she stretched the demon to the poor Lu Xiaoshuai first.

   And Yu Yangyang thought about it, and picked up the phone, "Mom, I found a part-time job for our worker."


   "Yes, socks are sold in the night market. If you go out at night without delay, it will only look like three or four hours."


   "Fifteen yuan in cash per person, and a 10% commission."


   "Well, it's settled, you go talk to them."

   Well, Yu Yangyang directly deducted five yuan.

   "..." Cocoon Lee sounds silly, is this all right?

  Yu Yangyang met her weird gaze, "Why? Of course there is a commission for the introduction of work, my mother said!"

   Cocoon Lee, who was just about to hook up with other sisters, became enlightened and quickly dialed out, "Dad, do our workers want to make extra money?"


   "A night market stall? One day..."

   "Twenty yuan a day! There is a commission, what a great thing!"

   After all, Coco Lee couldn't get rid of that heart, and said to her, elder sister earns a lot of money, is that five yuan less?

   But Li Gang on the other side of the phone couldn't stand it anymore, and roared:

   "Can you be more brainy? Your dad and I do engineering!"

   What are a bunch of masons and steel workers, can they go to the night market and go to the street?

   "Oh." Li Hanhan was very upset, "What do you think you are doing is not good? Be a contractor!"

   Li Gang: "..." Are we a serious construction company?

   Qi Lei, no matter how they pull people, they can pull them anyway.

   And Xu Xiaoqian seriously suspected that Qi Lei was using fools to fool people, turning everyone into fools, so that he could dominate at will.


   It was early at this time, so he handed the booth to Wu Ning and Tang Yi, pulled Xu Qian up and left the night market.

   "It's getting late, don't you need to go home?"

   It's already past six o'clock. Good-looking babies like Xu Qian can't be crazy with them until midnight. You have to ask.

   However, Xu Qian frowned slightly. She just discovered a completely different Qi Lei, how can she want to go home?

   "Lei Qi..."


   "You made me take it off."

   Seeing Qi Lei raised her eyebrows, Xu Qian grabbed the blank, "Are you trying to say, where is your admiration?"

   Qi Lei, "No, I want to ask, what I used to be in your heart."

   Xu Qian was startled, "So? Just like that! It's interesting, heartless. Anyway, it's pretty likable."

   Qi Lei, "It's interesting... It's likable, I admit it. Heartless..."

   Xu Qian robbed him again, "Okay! I admit that I misunderstood you, not next time."

   continued: "Do you know? I originally planned to go to work on vacation after I was in my second year of high school. It is considered to be training myself! I didn't expect you to be faster than me!"

   "True! It must not be easy to take that step? I think I have the courage to be seventeen, or eighteen, and be more magnanimous. But you are faster than me, I want to learn from you!"

   Miss Xu put her arms behind her back, swayed from side to side with her footsteps, and kept talking.

   With a cheerful look, he slapped Qi Lei on the shoulder fiercely, "Not bad! I suddenly found out that, except for not very good at studying, you seem to shortcomings!"

   stared wide-eyed, "Hey! You don't even pretend to be a bad student, do you?"

   "Ahem!!" Qi Lei almost choked, "Swear to Grandpa Mao, it's not bad!"

   Xin said that when you look back, you have to make a confession with Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian first, and don't tell the results of the high school entrance examination.

   Xu Qian took Xu Qian to a store that made the door face decoration, which was equivalent to a business that made advertising plaques for later generations.

   Xu Qian did not understand, "What are you going to do?"

   Qi Lei: "Banner." It's the kind of long red cloth with white characters printed on it.

   Miss Xu is even more puzzled, "What are you doing with banners?"

   Qi Lei: "Prepare to do a big vote!"

   Okay, Miss Xu got it. She thought he was going to put slogans on the banner, such as: [5 yuan/3 pairs].

   But when she saw Qi Lei and the store explaining the style of the banner and the slogan, she was not calm again.

   "You...Which one is this trouble again?"

   Qi Lei asked the store to print on the banner:

  ——Summer Student Experience Booth for "Aiming in Youth"!

   And instead of making one, he ordered 20 at once.

   "The provincial and Taiwanese said they would come to interview me, so prepare in advance."

   Xu Xiaoqian ran away. "I don't know you anymore."

   This guy has a lot of heart, and I don’t have a fool like you.

   Regarding this, Qi Lei is still vague, "I'm the wise man in the fool circle, I can't do it!"

   But in fact Qi Lei was stimulated by three dads, and wanted to do something big! One piece...

   The important thing that the reborn person should do.


   Qi Lei paid the money, agreed with the store to come and pick it up tomorrow, and led Miss Xu back.

   It was almost seven o'clock at this time, and it was already dark, "I really don't need to take you home?"

   Xu Qian shook her head, "Ann! My mom is not at home, my dad must be back later than me."

   "Oh." Qi Lei felt relieved.

   But when he came to the booth, he regretted it again, turned around and ran away, "I'll take you home!"

   Xu Qian is very puzzled, didn't she say no?

   Finally, I took a look at the booth, okay, it's magnificent!

   Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Coco Lee, and Yu Yangyang were busy in front, and the Tianjin Dafa parked behind them.

   Next to the car, there were more than a dozen "elderly people" standing in arms.

for example:

   Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua...

   Tang Chenggang and Cui Yumin...

   Wu Lianshan and Dong Xiuhua...

   and Cocoon Lee's parents and her sister...

  Yu Yangyang's parents...

   Well, there are three people, Lu Xiaoshuai with low eyebrows and sullen eyes.

   It's almost, the back of the stall is more lively than the front of the stall.

   This is the adults who came to check the post.

   Qi Lei was a little panicked, it was the day before yesterday that he was domestically assaulted.

   Don’t do anything serious, just "beat twice" one by one...




  Thank you [|3en*] for the reward of 10,000 points, thank you [Mido Tina] for the reward of 66666 points...

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