Li Zekai rolled his eyes, sat on the sofa with a calm expression, crossed his legs and said,”Dad, even if I don’t mess with him, he won’t give up. I think we should transfer all the assets out of Huifeng Bank. Once Jiang Feng If they want to deal with us and cut off our funds, then even if they want to resist

, they won’t have the strength.” Of course, Li Jiacheng knew that there was no way to reconcile with Jiang Feng, and everyone would be angry if his father and son dealt with him again and again.

What he just said was just to ask Li Zekai to stop irritating Jiang Feng and avoid aggravating the matter.

“You are right, the money should be transferred out.”

Li Jiacheng nodded, acknowledging his words.

“In this case, you make an appointment with the senior manager of Standard Chartered Bank and I want to talk to him.”

There are only a few big banks in Xiangjiang. Hang Seng and Huifeng have been annexed by Jiangfeng, and the only one left is Standard Chartered. Although it is not as strong as Huifeng, it is still much better than other banks. More importantly,

Standard Chartered He is from country y. With the current relationship between Jiang Feng and country y, it is impossible for them to get together.

In addition, he also owns Standard Chartered Bank. He is considered one of the shareholders of Standard Chartered. At least he can have a say in major decisions.

“OK, I’ll go right away.”

Li Zekai put down Erlang’s legs, put out the cigarette in his hand, got up and walked slowly over……..

Jiang Feng was honored as Time Magazine’s cover figure of the year, and the employees of Jiang Feng’s companies are happiest.

When I go out with my head held high, I wish I could write on my clothes that I am an employee of Mr. Jiang’s company.

This sense of honor has reached its peak after the Times report.

Cover character of the year.

Quan Daxia became the third person on the cover of the year in decades, and the first in Quan Xiangjiang. With this added influence, all employees of Jiang Feng’s companies cheered….

It must be said that this report by Time Magazine has greatly enhanced Jiang Feng’s prestige and influence.

After Governor Liang heard that Jiang Feng had reached the summit, he took the initiative to send a letter of invitation and wanted to visit Jiang Feng. Unfortunately, Jiang Feng was not there.

The visit was unsuccessful. Although Wei Yixin was a little disappointed, he still told Li Jiaxin and others that he planned to visit again.

After leaving the Jiang family, Wei Yixin was thinking about how to curry favor with Jiang Feng.

More and more news is spreading that he is about to leave office. The London side of Country Y is very dissatisfied with his soft and moderate policy towards the people of Hong Kong and is determined to find someone to replace him.

Although no specific candidate has been announced yet.

However, Wei Yixin knew that he might really be leaving office this time.

Since we want profits, wouldn’t it be nice to reap some benefits while we have the power?

He has decided to hand over the Xiangjiang Second Airport, the new international airport project on Lantau Island, to Jiang Feng.

Anyway, leave it to the people of Xiangjiang. If you establish a good relationship with Jiang Feng, a man who is very likely to become the richest man in the world, and support and take care of him casually in the future, you will have no worries for the rest of your life.

In fact, not only Wei Yixin thinks so.

The entire Y country people in Xiangjiang understand this truth.

While there are still a few years left in 1997, I will use my power to seek some personal gain.

As for the ICAC, they are only used to deal with people from Xiangjiang. People like them from Country Y have judicial immunity and don’t have to worry about investigation at all.

In fact, with Jiang Feng’s current influence, no one in Xiangjiang is willing to offend him.

Even the Hong Kong government is like this.

If you offend this big shot, if you say a few bad words about the Hong Kong government in the international community, it will cause a huge fishing turmoil. also.

Jiang Feng’s company has 200,000 to 300,000 employees in Xiangjiang. If he is offended and withdraws in anger, then why won’t these workers cause trouble to his government?

Therefore, facing a person with huge influence like Jiang Feng, the only thing the Xiangjiang government can do is to win over him.

Jiang Feng didn’t know much about these fishing boats in Xiangjiang.

At this time, he had just arrived at Xiangjiang Airport……

Huifeng Bank Headquarters

“Boxin, how is the tiger hunting operation going?”

After getting off the plane, Jiang Feng went straight to Huifeng Bank without stopping, without even returning home.

Operation Tiger Hunt was the codename given by Jiang Feng, Liang Botao, and Yuan Tianfan for Operation Jardine.

Liang Botao was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Feng. , because he knew that Jiang Feng had gone to the island country.

Although he was shocked by Jiang Feng’s sudden appearance, Liang Botao quickly said:”I have already acquired 19% of the equity of Jardine Matheson Strategy, and Brother Yuan is in London to report to major institutions Borrowed shares of Jardine Holdings, accounting for approximately 22% of the shares of Jardine Holdings”


Jardine Matheson Holdings and Jardine Matheson Strategy are cross-shareholdings.

Jardine Matheson Strategy holds 50% of Jardine Holdings, while Jardine Holdings holds 63% of Jardine Strategy.

Jardine Strategy owns 50% of Heung Kong Land , 75% stake in Jardine Hefa, 78% stake in Milk International, and 78% stake in Mandarin Oriental Hotel. If

Jiang Feng wants to acquire Xiangjiang Land and Mandarin Oriental Hotel, he must complete the acquisition of Jardine Strategy.

At present, Jiang Feng Here we hold 19% of the equity of Jardine Matheson Strategy and 22% of the equity of Jardine Matheson Holdings.

Although it is not as good as Jardine Matheson, it is enough to short Jardine Matheson Holdings and Jardine Matheson Strategy.

Now that it is enough, Jiang Feng feels that it is time to expose His fangs were sharp, and he said to Liang Bo:”Let’s start, short the Yihe strategy first!”

First short the Jardine strategy, let Jardine Matheson mobilize funds, and the other party will definitely buy it.

In this way, Jardine’s cash flow will be consumed.

Then let Yuan Tianfan short Jardine Holdings.

Jardine wants If they want the stock price to fall into junk stocks, they will inevitably increase their buybacks.

Unless they have a cash flow of 20 billion U.S. dollars, they are waiting to be beaten to death by Jiang Feng.

Taking a step back, Jardine Hess can really spend 20 to 300 U.S. dollars. Billion US dollars, Jiang Feng’s short-selling failed, which also consumed Jardine’s cash flow, and Jiang Feng also made money.

No matter how you look at it, it is profitable.

Under Jiang Feng’s order.

First, there was a rumor that Jardine There are problems with its milk international and milk sources. It imports low-quality milk.

Youdao spreads rumors and refutes them in one sentence.

Li Zekai used this trick to deal with him last time. Jiang Feng plans to learn from it.

Under Jiang Feng’s instruction Next, first let the major newspapers in Hong Kong come out to speculate, with the purpose of avoiding suspicion, and then let the Xingdao newspapers, New World newspapers, and even TVB controlled by New World speak out with all their strength.

By then, even if Yihe sues, Jiang Feng can He said it was just a reprint.

Even if he lost money, he wouldn’t be able to help much.

At the same time, Liang Botao also began to sell a large number of Jardine Strategy stocks……..

《Shocking!! Milk International dairy products are worrying! 》

A newspaper called”Xiangjiang Economic Observer” published this headline on the front page and described it in detail in the article.

“According to reliable information, the milk source of Jardine Milk International Co., Ltd. does not come from European pastures, but from low-quality pastures in Southeast Asia…..”

《The sales volume of Xiangjiang Economic Observer is not large, with a daily circulation of less than 10,000.

After spreading in a small area, it did not cause much sensation.

However, a number of tabloid reports followed.

No one paid attention to it either.

After all, in the eyes of the people of Hong Kong, the credibility of these tabloids is not high.

However, they soon changed this idea

《Milk International Company, milk source suspected of fraud?》——new world news

《Appalling! Milk International’s milk source is low-quality pasture milk…》——Star Island News.

With the reports from New World News and Sing Tao News, it swept through the entire Hong Kong like a hurricane.

The combined daily circulation of the two newspapers, New World Newspaper and Sing Tao Newspaper, exceeds 300,000….

It is among the top two in the top 3 list of Hong Kong’s authoritative media….

Now even the newspapers have reported on these two incidents.

For a moment, the hearts of the people in Xiangjiang who didn’t pay attention started to thump.

Is there really something wrong with Milk International’s milk? ps: I’m so tired after driving for 7 hours. I’ll resume updating tomorrow.~~~Feel sorry.

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