Shi Yuzhu just did what he said and immediately asked the company to publish a recruitment notice to recruit people to help him practice his account and equip himself.

In addition to older players like Shi Yuzhu, there are also elementary school players.

《”Legend of Hot Blood” has also become popular near junior high schools and primary schools, because these places often have one or two Internet cafes, and students are the main source of customers for these Internet cafes. These junior high school and elementary school students went into Internet cafes as soon as school was over and started playing Legend. Moreover, when playing alone, there must be seven or eight people watching behind you, and the Internet cafe was once very crowded.

These students, who do not have their own financial resources, often skip breakfast in order to collect money for Internet access and credit cards.

This shows the popularity of”Legend of Hot Blood”

《”Legend of Hot Blood” has only been in closed beta for one and a half months, and has officially moved from closed beta to open beta. Since the closed beta is an open beta without deleting files, the data will not disappear. In fact, there is no difference to the players. But in order to celebrate the open beta, the game has launched a lot of new game content. The most anticipated one is the newly launched”Sand City Hegemony”.

Of course, if placed in later generations,”Sand City Contest” is simply a”guild war” that all online games will have. However, in this era when”Legend of Hot Blood” has just opened the Dragon Kingdom online game, all guilds in the server can participate together. The melee is a grand event that shocks all players.

Especially now that”Legend of Blood” focuses on the game atmosphere of”no brothers, no legend”, such a major event that all players can participate in has quickly spread among players.

The gameplay of”Sand City Hegemony” has been posted on the advertising columns of and”Legend of Hot Blood”, which immediately aroused heated discussions on the forum.

“The guild of the Raging Flame Dynasty Dynasty requests to go to war!”

“Evil Eye recruits high-end players!”

“This is awesome. All players are required to participate in a big melee! This is to determine the best guild in the world for each server.”

“Participate! Occupy Shacheng!”

“This is awesome, I can’t wait, I don’t know what a huge event it will be by then!”

“Normally, we would fight hard to rob a pig cave, but now we are trying to rob a sand city. By then, won’t we still have thousands of troops?”

“Oh my god, I’m going to come no matter what I say that night, maybe I can pick something up or something.”

“I can already foresee the tragedy of that night”

“The top guilds in our server have started to recruit people like crazy. They must all want to compete for the first city master.”

“I am optimistic about the evil eye of our server. The president is the first Taoist priest in the server to bring a dog. I heard that he is a fierce thief. The overall strength of the guild is also the strongest”


Amid heated discussions among players on the forum and in the game, the first”Sand City Battle” held in”Legend of Hot Blood” finally began.

All major servers are in danger of being overcrowded and exploding. If Kingsoft Games hadn’t made preparations early, they would never have been able to handle so many people online at the same time.

Then every server is full of people, especially Shacheng, which is crowded with people.

Members of the guilds of major servers had already gathered together, excitedly waiting for the siege to begin.

At eight o’clock in the evening, the first”Sand City Battle” officially started. Before the start, Sand City was closed and only registered guilds could enter.

Other guilds that had not successfully registered could only stare outside. Although they stared, they did not leave. They were waiting for the siege to end and wanted to know who the first city lord would be.

Those guild members who were qualified to participate in the competition entered the sand city in a mighty manner, only to see that the sand city was crowded with people. Except for the members of their own guild, everyone they saw were their enemies tonight.

The members of these participating guilds had long been ready to go. After the official start, everyone rushed into the sand city.

According to the rules of the game, if you die in the first hour, you can be resurrected. In the next hour, it is a death battle mode. If you die, you cannot be resurrected. The guild that finally stays in the sand city is the owner of the sand city.

The vigorous”Sand City Battle” began, and the whole scene was very spectacular.

Among the countless Internet cafes across the country, if a player’s guild happens to enter the Sand City Battle, then there must be a group of players behind him, eager to watch this exciting scene.

And among these Internet cafes, there are bound to be people shouting excitedly and blushing with excitement.

Various scenes are comparable to fans watching a football game.

That night, a bloody battle took place in Sand City, which shocked the entire district server. All participating players were excited, and the sound of killing was loud.

Finally, after nearly two hours of fierce battle, the first Lords of Sand City in each major region server were born.

The guilds standing at the end occupied Sand City as victors and became the eyes of all players in the server.

That night, the number of people online at the same time for”Legend of Blood” reached 450,000, setting a record.

Kingsoft Game Company is all boiling. the next day.

The forum of was full of discussion posts about”Shacheng Hegemony” last night.

Mainly last night, it was so exciting and was talked about by all the players.

“The evil eye turned out to be the winner. I was absolutely right.”

“It’s so exciting. After I finished playing Shacheng last night, I was so excited that I didn’t sleep all night. My heart was pounding.”

“Me too, I didn’t fall asleep either, I was so excited, so stimulating”

“Last night, the warrior boss of our guild beat fifty people by himself. He kept taking medicine, and finally killed thirty people on the opposite side. But he was unlucky. He didn’t recover from the last mouthful of blood, and he died.”

“I heard, you are from the Snow Mountain Service, right? Your boss is called Hun Thirteen, he is from the God of War, right?”

“Yes, the soul boss became famous in one battle and is now the number one warrior in our server.”

“Seeing how lively your discussion is, is Legend really so fun?”A netizen who has never played the game sees others discussing Legend every day on the forum. Especially in the past two days, the popularity has been overwhelming. I really can’t help but be curious.

“certainly! It’s so fun, isn’t it!”


《The popularity of”Legend of Hot Blood” is like a virus, spreading wildly in this era when online games were just born. There is no doubt that”Legend of Hot Blood” will once again become a classic in the hearts of a generation.

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