After sending Teng Chun home, Lin Shen drove home himself.

A few days later.

The Spring Festival of 1999 has officially arrived.

This is the first time Lin Shen has returned to his hometown to celebrate the New Year after spending the Spring Festival outside for two years.

The Spring Festival in my hometown is the same as before. On New Year’s Eve, the whole family gathers together to have New Year’s Eve dinner and then watch the Spring Festival Gala together.

Lin Shen’s products were not absent from this year’s Spring Festival Gala. After all, in this day and age, the Spring Festival Gala’s ratings are still very exaggerated, its appeal is very strong, it has strong exposure attributes, and it is a good way of publicity.

This year’s Spring Festival Gala, the very popular Ren Xiaoqi attended the Spring Festival Gala. He is so popular now.

Correspondingly, Master Kong’s iced black tea, which he endorsed, also achieved terrible sales last year.

In this year’s Spring Festival Gala, there was a sketch program called”Cheer Up”. The sketch actor Huang Hong had a line that made countless people in front of the TV shed tears and made countless people curse him for several years.

In the sketch, Huang Hong plays a state-owned enterprise employee who joined a bicycle factory at the age of eighteen. After working hard for ten years, he suddenly encountered a wave of layoffs, so he was laid off. He could only set up a stall on the street to encourage people to use bicycles. Son. Huang Hong shouted on the TV,”Workers must think about the country. If I don’t get laid off, who will get laid off?” This sentence made him scolded for several years.

Because those who were really laid off lived a miserable life. Losing their stable iron rice bowl was the second most important thing. On the other hand, they lost the central spiritual pillar of their lives, as if they didn’t know what they could do in the future.

There are also many people who find it difficult to maintain their lives and live a life of hunger and cold. They can only make a living by picking up rotten vegetable leaves.

There are even many couples who are laid off together. In the evening, the husband takes his wife to the Xian Bathing Center on his bicycle and sends the wife to the Xian Bathing Center to make a”misstep”. Later, there was a joke. At the entrance of the Xian Bathing Center, many old men were riding bicycles waiting for their wives to get off work.

Later, a film called”Going to the Sea” was made abroad to reflect the wave of layoffs in Long Guo. It tells the story of laid-off female workers who”made a mistake” when they went abroad during this period.

Sure enough, Zhang Lian felt very angry when she saw this skit.

“This skit was really insulting. Zhang Lian said angrily

“Those who write sketches cannot understand the bitterness of being laid off, so they are just talking nonsense.”Lin Guohui also said

“Well, you don’t know, our county is fine, but I heard that in Changrong County next door, those laid-off workers are having a miserable life. How could it be so easy to act in a sketch?”Zhang Lian said.

Lin Shen nodded. The wave of layoffs in Longguo has reached its peak in the past two years. It is not obvious in this county. After all, no matter how hard it is for everyone, there is always land in their hometown.

But Lin Shen is in S Hai, this kind of The wave of layoffs was particularly profound.

Lin Shen wanted to do something about this, but there was only a limit to what he could do. People came to Lin Shen’s house one after another to pay New Year greetings, and Lin Shen also received them.

There were many New Year’s greeting calls from high school classmates.

I couldn’t help it. At the last class reunion, Lin Shen gave his home phone number to his high school classmates, because everyone asked Lin Shen for it collectively, and Lin Shen was too embarrassed to refuse. After getting rich, everyone wanted to get closer to Lin Shen, so naturally they called him one after another.

In addition to his high school classmates, people like Mu Tingting also kept calling Lin Shen to wish him a happy New Year. In the morning, the phone calls calmed down a bit.

In the afternoon, Lin Shen stayed at home, and someone came to the door again.

This time, it was Chief Song and Secretary Bao. Lin Shen went out when he saw Chief Song. They greeted him.

Sure enough, Chief Song’s visit this time meant that he would be transferred to the city after the Spring Festival.

Although Lin Guohui was a little surprised when he heard that Chief Song was going to be transferred, he quickly said:”This It’s a good thing. Mr. Song, you have stayed in our Donghu County for so many years. Logically speaking, you should have been promoted long ago.”

Lin Shen remembered that in the last life, Song Huang was promoted earlier than in this life, but he didn’t expect that in this life it would be later.

“In fact, it is all arranged by my family.”Song Huangchang laughed and said

“Arrangements at home?”Lin Guohui doesn’t quite understand.

“Well, when I came to Donghu County, my family arranged for me to keep a low profile and stay away from power struggles.

They originally planned to transfer me after two years.

As a result, the development of Donghu County can be described as rapid, so my family changed the arrangements for me and asked me to stay in Donghu County for a longer period of time.

All achievements in the development of Donghu County will be recorded on me.

This will be on my resume from now on.

of golden honors.

It’s been long enough now, though, so I’m off to the city.

I probably won’t be able to stay in the city for long, as I will be transferred again soon.

“Chief Song said.

Lin Guohui was stunned for a moment.

“Unexpectedly, Mr. Song is still a person with a great background. Lin Shen said with a smile.

No wonder the Song Dynasty leader in his previous life also rose to prominence.

“If Governor Song leaves, our county will……”Lin Guohui hesitated and said

“Don’t worry, I also have feelings for Donghu County. After I leave, I will still pay attention to Donghu County. And I’m gone, but Secretary Bao is still here. He will change from my secretary to the deputy county magistrate in charge of commerce in Donghu County.”Song Prefecture Chief said.

From the prefecture chief’s secretary to the deputy county chief all of a sudden, this kind of transfer is very powerful.

“So, the main reason I came here this time is to say goodbye to you.”Chang Song said with a chuckle.

It can be considered that he has worked with him for a long time. Lin Guohui was still a little sad and said:”Then I wish you success and promotion.”

Song Huang smiled and said:”Brother Lin, you are too polite. Half of my political achievements over the years are due to you. I should thank you more”

“Then, Mr. Song, please have dinner at our house tonight. It is estimated that there will be no chance in the future. Lin Shen said

“Okay, then I’m welcome.”Song Huang agreed with a smile.

That night, Song Huang stayed at Lin Shen’s house and had dinner with Lin Shen’s family. Then he hurried back to the county that night.

Lin Guohui was still a little melancholy, after all. In the future, he would have to deal with a new leader, and he probably wouldn’t be as comfortable as dealing with Chief Song.

Lin Shen didn’t feel that way. Donghu County had nothing to do with him anyway.

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