"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

In the sky, the helicopter circled the mountain, and the sound of the propeller turning could be heard clearly from the streets outside the park under the mountain.

At this moment, the entire Dongmen Park was blocked, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. However, on the road outside Dongmen Park, on the high-rise buildings in the distance, many people pointed their binoculars and mobile phones at this side.

The curiosity of the masses can't be stopped at all, and there are even many people who come here because of the name, from distant streets and other districts, just to take a look at the so-called gods and monsters, this is just reality, as for the Internet , It spread and made a fuss.

However, many people came here attracted by the fame and didn't see the scene they wanted to see. They just listened to the people who had experienced it before and kept talking exaggeratedly about the previous scene. However, even if they didn't see the gods and monsters, they could see When it comes to armed helicopters, many people are also satisfied.

"Straight 10, I really saw the real guy this time!" A young man who looked like a college student was holding a telescope upstairs in the distance, shouting excitedly with his neck reaching, his body bent forward so frighteningly He fell.

"This scene is too exaggerated, even armed helicopters have been dispatched!" An uncle holding a single and shooting was standing on the street outside the park.

"Who is this going to hit? A little monster?"

"It's fighting monsters! Didn't you see it? There are monsters on the mountain!"

More melon-eating people who came here attracted by the name have already heard about the incident last night. There are many videos about Huangyang Mountain monsters and gods on the Internet, which are spread everywhere. It can be seen everywhere, especially the scene where the gods lead the thunder and lightning from the sky, and a large number of dynamic pictures have been released.

"Where are the gods? I want to see the gods!" Many people came here more to see Fang Xiu. Even Fang Xiu didn't know that he had started to have fans.

After dawn, as if Fang Xiu had entered the world of death, the dense fog began to shrink, but did not continue to spread. A large number of police and fire officers and soldiers began to enter the mountain, but as soon as they entered the dense fog, they would immediately cut off contact with the outside world.

Following the arrival of the dispatched helicopter, the armed forces decided to land on the summit of the main peak.

But when they got close to the top of the main peak, they were attacked by the Elamon Undead Tree on the top of the mountain.

The huge tree body emerged from the mist. A terrifying and ferocious black demon tree showed a terrifying shape. It raised its vines and attacked towards the sky, trying to drag the helicopter down to the ground.

"Target found! Target found! Request to launch an attack! Request to launch an attack!"

"Request to attack, request..."

There was also a sound of panic in the armed helicopter. Although they had been prepared for a long time, when they really saw this kind of monster, everyone's heart skipped a beat and burst into panic.


But immediately saw the sound of machine guns, smashing the swarms of vines waving from the Necromancer tree into pieces, and then more vines waving up, the helicopter immediately raised its altitude, and launched two rockets directly from the sky bomb.

"I'm going! I'm going! There really are monsters!" This scene immediately ignited the emotions of the crowd below, and everyone gathered around and looked up the mountain.

"Rocket bombs, gunships and tree demons!" Above the building, the roof was full of people, many of whom were scrambling for binoculars.

"Does my Weibo deserve to be on the headlines? Hurry up and forward it to me, like it!"

The rocket bombarded the top of the mountain, and the violent bombardment immediately made the Necromancer tree struggle violently, but this time it was different from the last time, in the world of death, Fang Xiu was also attacking his body.

It is impossible for the Necromancer Tree to recover its body. At this moment, it really feels the crisis of life and death. However, the armed helicopter in the sky still does not stop, and the machine guns continue to shoot at it.

"Roar!" The violent roar was like gold and iron intertwined, and the high-pitched buzzing was elongated, shaking everyone around, and at the same time covering their ears, they felt dizzy.

Many people who were not considered strong fell to the ground in dizziness. Crowds of people turned their eyes white and lost consciousness.


As a painful roar came again, the dense fog above the entire Huangyang Mountain shrank in an instant, condensing into a huge palm, and grabbed the helicopter in the sky.

At this moment, everyone in the armed helicopter was frightened out of their wits. The huge palm passed through the ground, like a pillar reaching the sky, and grabbed them directly, as if pinching a bug.

"It's over! It's over!" The pilot covered his head. He had undergone all kinds of training, but he never thought that he would face such a situation. He thought about facing all kinds of powerful enemies, but he didn't expect that he It will fight against enemies like gods and demons like this.

Just as Yanyan clasped his palms together and was about to crush the helicopter, a ray of light penetrated from under the body of the Necromancer tree, and the soaring divine power radiated vertically and horizontally, like a beam of light illuminating the world.

Many people covered their ears and paid attention to this side. Their pupils dilated instantly, and they only saw the radiant light in their eyes. Their eyes were like a mirror, reflecting the bright brilliance.

That power penetrated the two worlds and directly defeated the core of the Necromancer tree.

The body of the Necromancer tree, as if it had been burned into a mass of empty shells, disappeared into the air with the wind blowing.

The air seemed to freeze for an instant, and then all the smoke lost all its cohesive power in an instant and collapsed.


The violent shock wave spread out from the Huangyang Mountain Peak as the core, and all the gray smoke gradually disappeared and faded away.

At this time, a black gate appeared under the ground on the top of the mountain. At this moment, one could see that within that black gate, an illusory world was rapidly collapsing and shattering.

From the ashes, Fang Xiu grabbed a seedling that wanted to escape. It was a miniature necromancer tree that was only as thick as an arm and one meter high. The trunk was covered with branches that looked like the hands of the devil. And the vines are gone.

The speed at which the world collapsed was unimaginable, madness crushed towards Fang Xiu in the center, he jumped out of the ground, three or two times, like a ladder cloud, he jumped into the sky on the air.

At this moment, the armed helicopter also broke free, staggered, and flew towards the distance. Many people who were covered their ears by the roar of the Necromancer tree's dying struggle before were all at a loss. Standing up, he looked at Fang Xiu above the clouds in the sky.

As the ray of light shot out, killing the demon tree and dispelling the clouds, everyone noticed Fang Xiu, and everyone saw what the so-called immortal was like.

It was a figure in a moon-white Taoist robe, and only those with binoculars could see the long silver-white hair and blurred face.

At this moment, the sun was slowly rising from the east, and Fang Xiu held the sapling of the Necromancer Tree in his hand, and looked at the earth with burning eyes.

Under the earth, thousands of people looked up at the sky and looked at him. Their eyes were exaggerated to the extreme, as if they were looking at the legendary gods and demons, Buddha, and God.

"Oh my God!" The reporter holding the camera forgot his own job for a moment, put down the camera hanging around his neck, held his head, and grabbed his hair vigorously.

"Really...really...a god!"

"Sanqing Taoist? Was that Jianguang just now? Is this the leader of Tongtian?"

"Lu Dongbin is descending to earth!"

Fang Xiu ignored how the people below looked at him, but instead looked at Huangyang Mountain. He held the Necromancer tree high, and with a strong wave, he saw a large number of fluorescent spots descending from the clouds, like a group of fireflies flying down , the fluorescence rotated and landed, falling from the cloud head into Huangyang Mountain, and fell into the body of the person whose soul was taken away before.

In an instant, I saw people who were unconscious and lost in the world of death, waking up from their lethargy.

Fang Xiu turned around, his white Taoist robe swayed, his long silver-white hair waved in the wind, and he walked away on the clouds with his whole body, disappearing above the clouds.

The clouds are rolling, the breeze is surging, the figure of the immortal is no longer seen, the monsters disappear, and the strange fog dissipates, everything is like a dream.

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