Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 18 Fang Xiu's Treasure

Fang Xiu cleaned the entire secret room, reconnected a hidden wire from the gap between the upper wooden boards to the underground secret room, nailed it to the wall with wire nails, and installed a light tube and a light bulb.

Next, the walls were all whitewashed with gypsum powder. The corridors, secret rooms, halls, and rooms, as well as the large iron gates of the inner room, were all painted with paint. Fang Xiu threw out the original table and chairs, and put An assembly cabinet and several sets of furniture above were removed, and a tea table and a single-seater sofa were placed in the hall of the secret room. Finally, the place does not look so spooky and spooky.

Fang Xiu solemnly put all three of his supernatural items in the cabinet in the secret room. Except for the ring of the saint, he has already regarded this underground secret room as a place to store his supernatural items.

While running in and out, Fang Xiu unintentionally saw the traces of many wheelchairs being run over in the yard. Fang Xiu could feel a person without legs pushing the wheelchair in and out with difficulty.

It turned out that Wang Hao had been hiding here before. This place and Dongmen District where Fang Xiu was located were just at the two ends of Weigang City. No wonder Fang Xiu couldn't find him.

"Then! This is my treasure house!"

Fang Xiu's face still had traces of paint, and he was full of smiles. He held a paint bucket in one hand and a brush in the other. He just sat on the back of the single-seat sofa and looked around at the brand-new underground secret room. He felt a sense of accomplishment. How should I put it, there is a taste of childish fun coming true.

When he was a child, Fang Xiu often imagined that he had a treasure house and hid all his treasures in it. Now, Fang Xiu really has a treasure house of his own. Things, but they can be called real treasures, absolute extraordinary items, each of which has great power, and any one of them will cause huge trouble if it is lost.

Sitting like this, Fang Xiu didn't know why Wang Hao's words suddenly sounded: "I am your guardian of Tibet. I have sworn that I will always help you guard the sacred treasure."

"Is this kind of place guarded by one person forever?" Fang Xiu felt that the so-called Shenzang he was guarding must not be such a casual and simple place as he is now. , it sounds full of tragedy and desolation.

"That's really desperation!" Fang Xiu put down the paint and brushes, lit a cigarette and smoked, then took a deep breath and exhaled a smoke ring.

He glanced at the three items placed in the cabinet again, turned off the lights, locked the newly installed anti-theft door, and backed out.

Lost the light, the secret room turned into darkness, but the three supernatural items emitted a different light. The supernatural aura of the deceitful clown is colorful, with a hazy dreamy brilliance, just like the clown weaved for others. dream.

The hand of mighty radiates a silver radiance, while the blood of the Deep Diver is a dark red radiance, naturally carrying a bloody and evil smell.

The three kinds of light intertwine together, and a little bit of strange fluorescent light can be seen circulating in the room. Gradually, a hazy silhouette appeared on the side room inside the iron gate and the small window of the fence, on the cold brick bed made of blue bricks. .

The outline was illusory, and it took several hours before it became more solid, and gradually climbed up from the green brick bed.

It leaned on the window, secretly looked outside, and looked at the three extraordinary items hidden in the cabinet.


Fang Xiu slept very restlessly at night, he always felt that he could not fall into a deep sleep, and it was already ten o'clock when he woke up in the morning, Fang Xiu was still yawning continuously, as if he hadn't slept all night.

"Maybe it's because of the bed? I'm not used to it when I just moved here."

The new home is very big, Fang Xiu turned around a few times before coming to the bathroom, and then turned around again before coming to the cloakroom to change.

He is going to tidy up his new home in the past few days, and buy some necessary things. Just after tidying up the secret room in the basement, Fang Xiu looked at his mobile phone. It reminded him that Fang Xiu should tidy up the garden and weed today.

Because the original memo pad has become the time-space ruler's management log, it is too troublesome and inconvenient for Fang Xiu to carry two notebooks. Fang Xiu also started to change his mobile phone to note some important events.

The next day, Fang Xiu still didn't have a good rest. He always felt that he was dreaming at night, but when he woke up, he couldn't remember any dreams.

Fang Xiu got up, stuffed one foot into the slipper, and probed the other foot twice, but couldn't find the other one. Fang Xiu looked around and looked under the bed, but still couldn't find the other one.

"Strange? How come one is missing? Either all of them are missing, which means I forgot in another place? What the hell is missing one? I came in wearing one?" Fang Xiu felt that this was very strange.

Fang Xiu got up, and when he was washing up, he saw himself in the mirror, with dark circles under his eyes.

After rubbing his face, he raised his head and looked at the mirror on the wall.

However, the scene that happened at this moment made Fang Xiu's heart tremble in fright. The water on Fang Xiu's face and hands continued to drop, making a ticking sound, but his face turned pale.

All I saw in the mirror was a young man with short hair who looked energetic, but he looked tired because he didn't have a good rest.

But what was wrong was that besides Fang Xiu, there was another person in the mirror at this moment.

It was a girl wearing a white hollow lace sleeve top and a big red dress on her lower body. The clothes were retro and gorgeous, full of the sense of the times of the last century. She looked to be about ten years old, and her height had just reached Fang Xiu's chest.

Her face has obvious Asian features, but her eyes are blue, and her thick black hair is like a waterfall, combed into two braids. At this moment, she is standing beside Fang Xiu, with one hand in her hand. Hands are placed by the side, one hand is placed behind the back, and the body is sideways. Ming Ming is not very old, but has a Chinese classical and gentle beauty.

Fang Xiu immediately lowered his head and grabbed the opponent's hand like a conditioned reflex, but when he grabbed it, he didn't grab anything. Even when he lowered his head, the moment his eyes left the mirror, he found that there was nothing beside him.

Fang Xiu raised his head and looked into the mirror again, but found that he saw nothing, as if the horrifying scene he saw just now was all Fang Xiu's hallucinations and imaginations.

Fang Xiu was terribly frightened this time, not because of fear, but because of the sudden strangeness, even Fang Xiu's big heart was almost frightened to a sudden stop.

"It's not right! It's not right!"

"There must be something weird!"

Fang Xiu immediately took out his Time and Space Ruler's log to see if there was anything abnormal that reminded him, but found that there was nothing written on it, and the previous record was still maintained without any update.

"No? Could it be that I misread it just now?"

Fang Xiu changed into a suit of clothes, walked out of the house, and immediately saw that the garden, which had not been fully tidied up yesterday, had been completely tidied up now, the lawn was trimmed neatly, and a row of small trees against the wall had also been pruned .

Fang Xiu turned his head, and suddenly noticed something he hadn't noticed before. The hall and stairs of his house were so clean that they seemed to reflect light. Everything that had been messed up on the sofa and table had been tidied up.

As for Fang Xiu, he hadn't mopped the floor or tidied it up in the past few days.

PS: Actually, I want to call it King's Treasure House, but I feel so ashamed, hahaha! By the way, ask for a recommendation ticket!

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