Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 544 Qiqi is back

"When a man has status, doesn't he have too many temptations around him? There is a saying that there is a charming eye. I was planning at the time, if the brat really did something wrong to Peach Blossom outside, then Let them leave, and I will raise my own daughter and grandchildren. The orchard at home has a good income every year, but I can’t afford it? In short, I must not compromise.”

Immediately afterwards, Chen Jianhe changed the subject and smiled all over his face.

"Hey, who knows, that brat can really hold on! It hasn't changed, it hasn't changed at all. Xiao Jiang, who was working with him in the city, came home for dinner, and the top of Erliang's wine was shaken out, saying that Heizi was out socializing. Sometimes, someone came over to pass the call, but he didn’t answer it! I was so annoyed that I once asked the other person directly, 'Your name is Chen Taohua? Your father is Chen Jianhe? Why don't you just get out'!"

"If any temptation outside comes to him, it will all come back hahaha!"

"Don't worry, I'm really relieved."

The black-faced man in the past, now the black-faced old man, the hearty laughter kept coming from the main room, falling on the ears of the people in the courtyard, and the villagers who hadn't left yet laughed in good faith.

In recent years, the second uncle of the Chen family has become more and more fond of laughing.

There is a capable and filial son-in-law in the family, who is comfortable, and when he is in a good mood, there will naturally be more smiling faces.

No wonder he likes to show off his son-in-law so much.

In the first few years when Heizi lived abroad, the villagers actually had worries and murmurs in their hearts, but in the end they were happy to see the truth.

Heizi is still the same Heizi as before, he will go home on time for dinner every day, and he will call to report if he can't come back.

No matter how much money you have, as soon as you return to Taoxi Village, you will roll up your trouser legs, pick up a hoe and drive a tractor to work for your elderly parents-in-law. All your previous laziness will be wiped out.

He was also as mean-spirited as before, and would provoke his father-in-law to jump his feet from time to time, and after a glass or two of wine, he would coax the old man to smile.

This incident happened at random in the Chen family, and the villagers have already made it a joke.

Heizi was lying on the recliner, listening to the old father-in-law's laughter, a smile appeared from the corner of his mouth.

This is why he sticks to Taoxi Village.

He used to be a rootless duckweed, floating everywhere in the wind.

Here he is now, with a home, a family he's proud of.

For him, these are things that no amount of money can buy, and they are achievements that belong exclusively to him.

And this kind of achievement can fill the hole in his heart and give his heart satisfaction.

"Fu Yanchi," he said suddenly, his long and narrow eyes that were born with a sense of oppression slanted over, the eyes were dark and intense, "tell Qiqi for me, thank you."

Fu Yanchi raised the corners of her lips, and also looked at him, "Yeah."

Yan Xi was not willing to be left out, "Why don't I speak for you? It's just right, with my share."

"Can it be related? Can your brain grow in a normal place?"

"Why does my head grow abnormally? Isn't it also growing on the neck?"

"That's why your neck is crooked."

"Made, are you playing personal attacks? I've seen that you don't like it, so let's make a move!"

Yanxi took the lead, and the three middle-aged men, who together were over a hundred years old, fought like glue under the loquat tree in the middle of the night, adding some jokes to the women and women who watched the fun.

The three of them understood in their hearts.

If Qiqi hadn't come, they hadn't met and reunited, everyone's fate would have gone in another direction.

That girl, like a bond, connected them together and pulled them to a place with light.


The group didn't stay long when they came back this time, and set off for the capital three days later.

Because Yanxi and Dong Wangshu still have a lot of things to prepare for their marriage, even though the two of them have arguing, there is still a wedding to be done, and the dowry of the Yan family also needs to be brought out to make up for the missing process.

Zhang Xifeng and Mr. Fu are very worried. The little girl in their family is in her third year of high school and is about to take the college entrance examination. At this time, the two old people don't want anything to affect the little girl's emotions.

They planned to come back after the July 7th college entrance examination.

Taoxi Village is her hometown, and since she can go home, Zhang Xifeng still wants to come back, and stay in the village more at ease.

The old man also wants to go back to Guicheng. He has lived here for most of his life. The old neighbors, old guys and old friends are all here. When he comes back, he just visits every day, and his life is more fulfilling.

The capital city is of course good, but the relationship between people is still not as simple as that in the village.

These old guys are in the capital, and they can only take a walk and watch TV as a pastime in their spare time every day. In the words of the old man, they are so bored that mushrooms grow on their heads.

Back in the capital, there was another burst of busy work.

Yanxi has a wife and children and everything is fulfilled, so she is more confident in finding excuses to dodge her laziness.

Meng Jingxian, the mother, can only worry about the wedding. Although she is busy, she is also very happy. Sometimes she will pull Zhang Xifeng and Song Yueliang to help out with ideas, and the relationship between them will become stronger and stronger. close.

Qiqi ushered in the winter vacation in such a happy and happy atmosphere.

In December, on the day of the first snowfall in the capital, everyone from the Yan family and the Song family took another flight to Guicheng.

This time there were two more guests.

Mr. Xiao and Xiao Li.

Earlier in the morning Xiao Li had said that he would go back to Taoxi Village with the little girl during the holidays, and Old Man Xiao had the cheek to follow.

Excuses are available, as the future in-laws of the Yan and Song families, Yan Xi's wedding, of course he, the grandfather of the in-law, will be present, and by the way, take a vacation here to relax.

Xiao Li is not in the capital, so what's the point of leaving him as an old man to celebrate the New Year by himself?

It's better to come and join in the fun.

The villagers of Taoxi Village have long been looking forward to it, waiting for the mascot of the village to come home.

This time, I was notified in advance. As soon as the car drove to the entrance of the village, I saw people standing on both sides of the road who came out to greet them.

The adults were wearing down jackets with their hands in their hands, chatting and waiting for others.

The little children in the village were chasing and fighting with a small fire cage, and the whole village was full of noise.

Someone saw the car approaching from a distance, and immediately yelled, "I'm back, I'm back, Qi Qi is back!"

The chatterers stopped chattering, and the children stopped running, and followed at the feet of their parents and grandparents, staring shyly and curiously at the approaching car.

The car approached and slowly stopped in front of everyone.

Everyone gathered around immediately, leaning their heads towards the car window, "Qiqi, hey, I saw Qiqi, get out of the car quickly, I'm the second uncle, do you still recognize me?"

"Qiqi, the second uncle is here too. He brought you chestnuts fried in sugar. They are still warm. Come down quickly!"

At the back of the crowd, someone raised his crutches and poked left and right, forcing everyone to get out of the way. The old village chief, who was over seventy years old and had white and thin hair, came tremblingly with the support of his younger generation, "Qi Qi , Qi Qi!"

The door opens.

The little girl wearing a flower jacket and slacks got off the car with an earnest "Qiqi".

Before he could speak, his eyes were already red.

"Grandfather of the village chief, second uncle, uncles and uncles, uncles and uncles, Qiqi is back."

Tomorrow, the main text will end, there will be extra episodes, and there will be small explosions.

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