the weather is getting hotter.

When the sun is at its strongest near noon, even the mice rush to hide in their holes.

The village seemed very quiet at this time, only the humming of cicadas.

For farmers, not working is exhausting, and staying at home is also boring, so many people go to the fenced courtyard to chat and watch TV.

When the big guys got together, they had to talk about what happened to the Chen family some time ago.

"Peach Blossom is really unlucky. Xiangjian met such a family, and you said things didn't work out. How could that family make such a fuss?"

"Huang Laomao'er looks very kind, but how could he know that his old lady is so mean, alas."

"It's more than mean! It's just that she stayed at home most of the time before, and no one outside knew that's all. Her eldest daughter-in-law was tortured out of her appearance in less than two years of marriage, and now she's fighting for a divorce."

Qi Qi was serving herbal tea to her aunts and aunts, when she heard someone mentioning the second uncle's house, she immediately stretched her ears.

She has also been to the second uncle's house in the past two days. Sister Taohua still smiles every time she sees her, but the smile is not as happy as before.

"His family is full of chicken feathers, hum, the old lady of the Huang family is so disgusting, just Peach Blossom—" The speaking woman paused, and lowered her voice, "Peach Blossom's reputation is completely ruined by her now! She was kicked out last time." After our village, she went back and sang peach blossoms everywhere, saying that peach blossoms are promiscuous and disobedient, calling peach blossoms a prostitute, messing with men and women, and so on! Anyway, it has spread all over the world now, and the spread is terrible! I am afraid that no one will dare to talk to peach blossoms in the future. Look at each other... that old woman is really not a person!"

"She's making such a fuss, to put it bluntly, isn't it for the benefit? When you came last time, you heard her keep asking Jianhejia to give an explanation, saying that she would pay compensation, didn't she just stare at the food factory? Now the workers in the factory Her salary is at least two hundred and fifty yuan a month, and the one hundred and eighty yuan a month that she works hard to set up a stall with her son is not that much? She is not jealous!"

"Look, this kind of family will suffer retribution sooner or later, and you will see who dares to marry into their family in the future!"

Serving the elders a bowl of herbal tea, Qiqi turned on the electric fan in the main room to cool everyone down.

When it was over, the little boy went to the yard, squatted in the shade of the loquat tree in the corner of the yard, practiced calligraphy with a branch with a slumped face.

One or the other, absent-minded.

"You little brat, why do you have to worry about so many things?" Eggy jumped out. The chicken paws bounced on the muddy floor, grasping the words that the little baby had just written so that they couldn't make out clearly.

"Eggy, don't make trouble, I'm practicing calligraphy." Qi Qi pursed her lips, and held the chicken aside with her small hands.

As a result, as soon as he let go of his hand, the little chick came over to make trouble again.

"Why is your little chicken so skinny!" Qiqi got angry and tried to grab the little chicken.

"I'm telling you, your face is as ugly as these words."

"Nonsense, Qiqi is pretty! My nose and mouth are as beautiful as my mother's, and my eyes are as beautiful as my father's!"

Squinting at the little baby's unconvinced demo, the corners of Eggy's lips curled up.

It's so stinky.

While playing alone, the sound of footsteps could be heard outside the fence.

Qi Qi immediately stood up, poked her head and looked out.

Outside, Chen Jianhe and Taohua father and daughter, one carrying a hoe and the other carrying a sickle and dung dustpan, were walking back along the path outside the courtyard.

Looking at this direction, it should be to Uncle Heizi's house.

"Second Uncle, Elder Sister Taohua, the sun is so strong now, what are you going to do?" Wa'er held the low fence wall with her small hands, stood on tiptoe, and tried to stretch her little head to talk to the people outside.

Seeing her, Chen Jianhe, who was originally stern, showed a smile on his face. He poked his big hand over the wall and rubbed his baby's head, "Second uncle, go clean up your uncle Heizi's yard. It won't take much effort. , I’ll go home later.”

"Why didn't Uncle Heizi clean up the yard by himself? He is young and powerful!" Wa'er was even more puzzled.

Naturally, Chen Jian and the elders would not explain anything, but their faces looked a little uncomfortable.

It was Taohua who smiled, and explained to Qiqi in a low voice, "Last time he helped my family, so let's help him clean up the yard, and it will be considered as repaying the favor."

After she finished speaking, the black air around the old father became more intense, and his brows couldn't be lowered any more.

Peach Blossom is helpless.

This time, they didn't want to come by themselves at all.

This is the exchange condition proposed by Heizi.

The last time he helped drive away the old lady of the Huang family, her father casually said during dinner at home, if there is any difficulty in the future, just say that he can help once.

Who would have thought that Heizi was not polite at all, and immediately said, then help me tidy up the yard at home, the grass grows too high, there are too many mosquitoes, and it is inconvenient to walk.

Almost out of breath, her father threw the bowl on the spot.

Afterwards, her father had to scold lazy things at home every day, and he didn't even take care of his own yard.

Qiqi watched Erbo and Sister Taohua walk away, blinked her eyes, turned back and ran back to the kitchen, picked up a pot of herbal tea and ran out.

It's so hot now, and you'll get thirsty soon after working, so she brought herbal tea to the second uncle and the others.

When she ran to the dilapidated yard, work had already started inside.

Chen Jianhe has always worked neatly, with great strength and quick movements, and he cleared up a corner of the yard's weeds in a short time.

In the midsummer weather, weeds grow lush in the yard.

Because it has not been cleaned all year round, there is an unpleasant smell in the air, and mosquitoes and flies are flying around.

And made Chen Jian and the elders so angry that they were cursing while working.

"You said how long it's been since you came back, maybe half a year? You've been living in this kennel for the past six months, and you didn't even take care of your own kennel?"

"Such long hands and feet, are you looking at them? An embroidered pillow? I'm too lazy to do any work. How do you know how to eat with your hands?"

"If my son is so lazy, I will clean him out of the house directly!"

The man scolded fiercely, and his words were full of hatred for iron and steel.

When Qiqi first entered the door, she heard the scolding, and was worried that Uncle Heizi's unscrupulous temperament would insist on contradicting the second uncle.

It made the second uncle even more angry and made the fight even more rigid.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw that the old god was there, sitting on a stool with only three legs at the door of the main room, with drooping eyebrows and eyes, and there was no movement at all.

Can be at ease.

Qi Qi, "..." Watching the elders work for her, it's kind of reassuring!

Taohua was also working hard, as if she didn't see the person sitting at the door of the main room, and she also felt a little bit of tension when she was working.

Don't shout dirty and don't be afraid of being tired.

Under the bright sun, in a short while, the neck and back were already covered with sweat.

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