Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 114 Night talk in the courtyard

"Caught it."

The light in the private room was bright, and the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa shook the camera in his hand and smiled meaningfully, "When the time comes, I'll show you the finished film first. I'm looking for an angle that will satisfy you."

Yan Qin lowered his eyes, his eyes were light, "I believe your technology is worth your price."

He sat on the sofa, picked up the opened bottle of wine on the table, poured himself a glass, and drank in silence.

The light above his head shone on his handsome face, without the decoration of a smile, his facial features were sharp, giving people a feeling that he was hard to get close to.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to say any more, he said something in a low voice and left in a hurry.


"Is the crocodile spirit so bad?"

"What is collusion?"

"Why are there so many shrimp soldiers and crab generals helping the bad goblins, and the gourd baby wants to save grandpa, but no one helps?"

"Is it because there are more bad guys than good guys? Why are good guys so pitiful?"

In the small fenced courtyard at seven o'clock, the night has fallen and the lights are warm and yellow.

The baby's baby voice filled the small courtyard, rendering a lively and lively atmosphere.

The thin man lay on the bamboo chair, leisurely and comfortably, slowly answering one childish question after another for the little one.

"The crocodile spirit is too ugly, so it is bad, because ugly people do more mischief."

"When two bad guys do bad things together, they are called gangsters. Why? Because one of them is named Lang and the other is called Lang. Your name is very good, and it is called Qiqi."

"It's not that no one will help the calabash baby. It's because the mother of the gourd vine gave birth to too few, and one vine can only grow seven gourds. When grandpa is rescued, let grandpa plant a hundred vines, and there will be seven hundred gourd babies. The monster will surely Not an opponent, no one will be able to kidnap grandpa again."

"There is a saying that more is more than more, good people are smart, and bad people are stupid, so you should be a good person."

The little egg man was so angry when he heard that, he rushed to the man and punched and kicked his handsome face.


To teach his cubs this way?

Fucking human or not?

Is this to make his little boy grow up and have no place to hang out with?

The enemy sent to mislead the children, right?

"Dandan, what are you doing beating Uncle Fu?" Qi Qi listened carefully, while keeping her small eyes in the direction of Xiaodanman.

"Boy, listen to my brother. Fu is not a good person. You can't listen to his words. Later, brother will tell you the finely edited version of Calabash Baby!"

"But Uncle Fu tells good stories."

The corner of the little egg man's mouth twitched.

It sounds really nice.

Before today, it didn't know that a father could fool his own baby like this.

On the day when the truth is revealed, I guess it will be pretty good.

Fu Yanchi closed her eyes, somewhat enjoying the time.

A dilapidated fenced yard in the countryside.

The night is quiet and the moonlight is gentle.

Lying in the yard with a bamboo chair, under the moonlight, blowing the evening breeze, listening to the chirping of autumn insects, smelling the fragrance of loquat leaves, accompanied by a cute little baby...

Fu Yanchi felt overwhelmed with joy.

Breeze and moonlight, good nights will be together.

After seven o'clock, the fenced courtyard gradually became lively.

Villagers began to appear continuously, and they brought their own small horses, and after entering the door, they walked to the main room where they were acquainted.

Most of the families in the village have already had dinner and bathed at this time, and the next must-have program is to go to Zhang's house to watch TV, gather together, and chat.

Qiqi's little friends also started to appear one after another, squeezed to the side of the bamboo chair, and chatted around Qiqi.

Not afraid of life at all.

It seemed that the stranger lying on the bamboo chair was a dummy.

"Qiqi, are you visiting again?"

"Does the car in the alley belong to him? It has four wheels, it's beautiful and stylish! I want to buy a car like this in the future!"

"I secretly brought out my dad's playing cards, will we play together later?"

Seven seven one one response.

"This is Uncle Fu. He is not in good health. Let's keep our voice down and don't disturb him. Uncle Fu seems to be asleep."

After speaking, Qiqi stood up, stooped close to the man with closed eyes, looked at the man with the moonlight for a moment, made sure that the man was really asleep, immediately relaxed his movements, and waved his little hands to lead the friends away.

"My mother bought me a small box of popsicles and put them in the freezer, and I'll give them to you."

When the children heard the popsicle, their eyes lit up immediately, and they rushed towards the main room.

The courtyard became deserted in an instant, in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle in the main room, but it did not make people in the desert feel lonely.

Noisy and quiet accompany.

The refrigerator in the main room is now Zhang Xifeng's favorite appliance.

The meat and vegetables are frozen in it, it is not easy to go rancid, and it can be stored for many days.

On the bottom floor of the refrigerator, there is half of the space, which is Qiqi's snack store.

Surrounded by her friends, Qiqi opened the door of the refrigerator below, and the popsicles neatly stacked on the shelves came into view immediately.

The colorful wrapping paper is translucent, and there are popsicles of various flavors inside.

Goudan squeezed in the front, seeing so many popsicles, he stretched out his hand and wanted to give Qiqi a big hug.

The hand was stretched out, but I don't know what happened. Before the person hugged it, the hand seemed to be shocked, and it suddenly became numb.

Goudan, "Qiqi, is your refrigerator leaking electricity?"

Qi Qi, "..." The baby who watched the little egg man's discharge with his own eyes opened his eyes wide, not daring to speak.

"Eat, eat popsicles! There are orange flavors and mung bean ones!"

The crop of leakage was immediately exposed.

The children each had one, and half of Qiqi's snack store was gone.

"Qiqi, your home is so nice, you can put popsicles in the refrigerator and eat them whenever you want." The children were biting on the popsicles, and they were so greedy for Qiqi's refrigerator.

In summer, there will also be popsicle sellers who come to the village to sell popsicles on bicycles carrying cooler boxes.

But in the past, every family was poor, and they were reluctant to buy popsicles that cost a penny.

Occasionally, only five cents can be bought from the adults to buy the cheapest orange popsicle, and I can share it with my friends.

Even so, it was enough for them to be happy for a long time.

Qiqi sat among the friends, listening to them talk about eating popsicles in the past, her eyes widened with smiles, and she nodded heavily in agreement from time to time.

In the previous summer, she didn't have any popsicles, and she knew the gluttonous taste very well.

"In the future, when you come to my place, I'll give you some popsicles." Qi Qi thought for a while, and said, "If you don't have any, then you won't have any."

After the distribution, there will be no more, so I can't keep asking my mother to buy it.

Mom works hard to make money.

The children in front of the refrigerator were sharing snacks, and the adults were sitting in front of the TV chatting about their misery. In the courtyard, Fu Yanchi opened her eyes and turned to look inside.

This kind of excitement is rare, so I can stay overnight today.

Yueyue happened to be away, so Yi slept in her bed.

He chuckled, and the phone rang on his waist.

At the same time, the phone in the main room rang.

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