Rebirth 2003

Chapter 764: Check in the tea box

   Just when Lu Yang was having fun with Xiao Nuan, Chen Lian just woke up in an apartment in city b in the northern province of t. Well, he was woken up by his mother's sanitation.


   This injury made him unable to run around the world like before in a short time, so he could only honestly return to his hometown to live with his parents, and enjoy the service of his mother by the way.


When he opened his eyes, Chen Lian watched his mother mopping the floor and opening the window in his room quite vigorously. He looked helpless and complained: "Mom! What are you doing so diligently? Can't you do it after I wake up? I’m a wounded now! Didn’t Xiaoyu tell you yesterday that I need to rest?"


   Xiaoyu, naturally refers to his sister Wang Xiaoyu.


Chen Lian’s mother was in her forties, of medium build and soft face, but her tone was very aggressive today. Before Chen Lian’s complaint was over, she suddenly raised her head, stopped mopping the floor with her hands, and cursed: "Wounded Who would let you protect people? Why didn’t you get stabbed to death? You short-lived ghost! If you go on like you, you will die in the hands of others sooner or later! When you were young, I would not let your uncle Teach you gossip! I’m fine now, I’m only in my twenties, and I almost lost my life! You don’t care if you kill yourself? Do you dare to kill others with a knife? How? Doesn’t it feel very prestigious? Now you know that you are a wounded? When you took the knife to kill someone, why didn't you think you might have lost your life? Still wanting to rest? What do you want to do? I want to get well soon before going out to kill someone? I told you there is no way From now on, I will come to do your sanitation so early every day! You have the ability to go out now! Short-lived ghost!"


   Looking at the erupting mother, Chen Lian opened his mouth slightly, blinked, and suddenly realized that he could not refute anything.


   stayed for a while. He said weakly, "Isn't this my kind of favor to help Xiao Yu return to others?"


   "Repaying the favor? Repaying the favor for your life? Xiaoyu owes someone so much favor? Need you to pay for it? If you don't have a brain, you don't admit it! Do you really want to **** the old lady?"


Chen Lian's mother again scolded Chen Lian bloody, Chen Lian raised her hands in a headache and surrendered, and confessed: "Okay, okay, okay, mom! Can't I make a mistake? I will never again. No, you let me go, okay? I'm really a wounded now! I don’t have the strength to fight with you! Don’t let your son not die by someone else’s knife, but die by your mouth! I beg you mom !"


   "Short-lived ghost!"


   Chen Lian's mother saw Chen Lian get soft. The anger finally disappeared, but he cursed in a low voice.


   Just then, Dad Chen Lian walked in with a box of Longjing tea leaves that Chen Lian brought back to him yesterday. The light green package was Lu Yang before Chen Lian got on the plane. One of several gifts given to Chen Lian.


   "Why did you two quarrel early in the morning?"


Father Chen Lian, who had just entered the door, complained first, and then, without waiting for Chen Lian’s mother and Chen Lian to reply, he already pointed to the tea box in his hand and asked Chen Lian: "Xiao Lian! You are really giving this tea to you by Lu Yang. of?"


   Chen Lian and his mother looked at the tea box in Chen Lian's hand strangely.


"What's wrong with his dad? It's not that this Longjing tea is fake, is it? I heard that the kid surnamed Lu is very rich! Isn't it stingy to this level? Xiao Lian saved his life this time... "


   Chen Lian asked suspiciously, looking quite surprised.


   Chen Lian also had this suspicion at this time. He echoed: "Yes, Dad! Is there a problem with this tea?"


   "Tea is fine! But there is a piece of this...what is this called?"


   Dad Chen Lian shook his head, and while talking, he took out a piece of paper from the opened tea box, but for a while, he couldn't remember what this thing was called.


Mother Chen Lian walked over in a few strides and snatched the piece of paper from her husband. Dad Chen Lian's expression changed, and he rebuked, "Hey! Be careful! This thing is worth five." One hundred thousand! Don't tear it!"


   "Check? A check for half a million?"


   Mom Chen Lian just took the note into her hand and took a look. His eyes widened, Dad Chen Lian couldn't remember the name of this thing for a while, but she called out at a glance.


   "A half million check?"


   Chen Lian was a little dazed. Looking at the beautifully printed check in my mother's hand, I remembered the scene of the farewell at the airport yesterday. I recalled that when Lu Yang handed over the box of tea, he specifically mentioned: "Haha , Chen Lian! Last time you said that you don’t like tea. But your dad likes it very much! So, today I prepared a box of Longjing for your dad. It’s not worth much, but it represents my heart. Please help me pass it on To your father!"


  Naturally, it is impossible to have a check for 500,000 yuan in a normal Longjing tea box. Needless to say, Chen Lian also knows that the check in the tea box must have been put in specially by Lu Yang.


   "Let me see!"


   After Chen Lian reacted, he quickly told his mother.


   "It seems that kid is still a bit conscientious! Take it! With these half a million, your wife will have lost it! I didn't expect that your short-lived ghost won't get the knife in vain this time! What!"


   The anger on Chen Lian's face has been completely dissipated, she walked to the bed with a somewhat complicated expression, and threw the check in front of Chen Lian.


   Chen Lian hurriedly took it in his hand and looked at it. As expected, the cheque read 500,000 yuan, and there was Lu Yang's autograph underneath.


   It's really a check for 500,000!




Chen Lian was a little stunned again. When he grew up so much, he really hadn’t earned so much money. Although he used to have a lot of skills, his salary was not low when he was out, but he has always been lavish, spending two for one. Qian's temperament, he often borrows money from friends and sisters. Where can I see a check of such a large amount?


   Even, this is the first time he has seen a check.




   After thinking for a while, Chen Lian asked his parents, "Dad, Mom! Do you think I can get this check? Do you want to return it to others?"


As soon as these words came out, Chen Lian's mother raised her eyebrows and scolded, "Your brain is broken? You got it for your life! People give it to you, you just want it! I've heard of the kid surnamed Lu Very rich! You keep this half a million for great use, and you give it back to others, and they don’t lack this money! I say you are really stupid or fake? You don’t know if you have money?"


Dad Chen Lian coughed and said, "Xiao Lian! Listen to your mother! Don’t be so mind-blowing sometimes! This opportunity is not always available! You accept this check, even if others know it, No one will say that you shouldn't take it! I see, you should give this check to your mother! You will give it to you when you get married! You are not too young anymore! Right?"


   Chen Lian looked at the check in his hand and said to his heart, he was reluctant to return it. Such a large sum of money can solve many of his problems, such as house, car, wife...


   Inexplicably, Meng Feifei's face flashed across his mind.


"haha okay!"


Chen Lian smiled, handed the check to his mother, and said with a smile: "Mom! Now you don't come to my room so early to do sanitation? Well, yes! Help me withdraw the money in the check and deposit it in the bank as soon as possible. Keep it in your account! This check is not good for long-term storage as a passbook!"




   His mother gave him a blank look, but when she accepted the check, the smile on her lips couldn't hide.




   After Mom and Dad went out, the door of the room was also closed when Mom went out. There was only one person left in the room. Chen Lian picked up the phone and dialed Teng Hu's number.


As soon as the phone call, he told Teng Hu about the incident. After listening, Teng Hu was silent for a moment, and then responded: "Before you go to Lu Yang this time, I will tell you that Lu Yang is a good friend. He will not be stingy to his friends! Since he gave you the 500,000 yuan in this way, his meaning is obvious! He is afraid to give it to you in person, you are embarrassed to accept it, if so, then you accept it Right! Your mother is right. The money is nothing to Lu Yang, but it is of great use to you! Ha ha! Don’t show up with Li Zhong! At the airport yesterday, he saw you hang up one this time Beauty, he is already too jealous, and knowing that you still have half a million, he will be even more unbalanced in his heart! Haha!"


Listening to Teng Hu’s reminder, Chen Lian also laughed twice, but said: "Hey! I almost forgot if you didn’t tell me, I called and told him the news right away! He couldn’t balance his heart? Hehe, want This is the effect! If he doesn’t care, I’m really not interested in talking about it!"


   "You! Still this virtue!" On the phone, Teng Hu was helpless, but he didn't stop it anymore.


After calling Teng Hu, Chen Lian, a show-off guy, really hung up another call to Li Zhong. He said the matter seriously on the phone. The result was obvious. It was not Teng Hu’s expectation on the phone. Li Zhong's heart for strangling Chen Lian was gone, and he called Chen Lian out of luck this time.


After   , Chen Lian thought for a while, then dialed Lu Yang's cell phone.


When Lu Yang received his call, he was picking up fishing rods and fishing gear in the storage room. Xiao Nunnan had seen Blackback with him just now, and after playing with Blackback for a while, suddenly came up with an idea and asked Uncle Lu if he was fishing today. ?


   Children are all Maybe in her careful thoughts, she has always remembered the scene of Lu Yang before fishing in the lake in front of the villa.


   It is January, winter!


   In the eyes of many people, this kind of season is not suitable for fishing, except for Lu Yang. He is a true fishing enthusiast. Before his rebirth, apart from novels, his biggest hobby was fishing.


   Don't say that the weather today is good, even if the weather is bad, even in winter, he also fished.


   Plus, he hasn’t been fishing for a long time. When I was mentioned by Xiao Nun, I was hooked up immediately. I can’t do strenuous exercise recently, but fishing is fine.


   So, she took her daughter to the storage room to get fishing gear.


The fishing gear was taken, and when he was about to go fishing, Chen Lian called to thank him for the check. After receiving this call, Lu Yang chuckled twice and said, "You are welcome! If you have any difficulties in the future, just tell me. This money is nothing. When you get better, you can come to play with me! Don’t you like wine and beauties? Come here, I’ll ask you one-stop!" (to be continued)

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