Rebirth 2003

Chapter 734: 0 jun 1 shot

Lu Yang took the binoculars and looked tens of meters away. Under the street light, Shao Dahai walked to the green belt on the left unhurriedly. Next to the green belt, there happened to be two charming young women chatting, one wearing a dark green. The dress, the skin is fair, the breast is half exposed, and the faint gully can be seen under the light of the street lamp.


The other is wearing a brown tight-fitting hip skirt, wavy and curly hair, and a melon-seeded face. The biggest feature is long legs and long arms. The two young women look like the middle class. They are exquisitely dressed, and the whole person looks like at a glance, It's the kind of woman who doesn't touch the sun with her ten fingers.


   Lu Yang looked at Shao Dahai towards the two young women, frowning involuntarily, wondering in his heart, is Shao Dahai here to tease the two young women?


In the telescope lens, Shao Dahai stopped about four or five meters away from the two young women. He seemed to hesitate, but then he quickened his pace and walked over, with a little unclear smile on his chubby face.

what! ! ! "


The two unprepared young women flashed forward like an electric shock, Hua Rong turned her head bleakly, Lu Yang saw through the telescope Shao Dahai smiling cheaply, and opened his mouth as if to say something to the two young women. In the camera, the two young women cast a contemptuous look at Shao Dahai, and each cursed something. Turn around and walk away holding hands.


   But Shao Dahai did not catch up.


  What's the point of this? Just to scare those two women?


   Lu Yang was suspicious of Shao Dahai's behavior. He suddenly couldn't understand.


   However, Lu Yang quickly understood. Because in the telescope lens, Lu Yang saw Shao Dahai waiting for the two young women to walk away, and looked around with a smile, and saw that there was no one nearby. Shao Dahai walked to the two young women just now. Next to the green belt, he squatted down to untie the laces of his leather shoes, while pretending to be tying his shoes, his eyes were searching for something in the bushes of the green belt, very quickly. Shao Dahai tied his shoelaces, quickly reached out, picked up a card from the bushes, and received it in his hand.


"So it's like this! He scared the two women just now because of this card? What kind of card is this?" In the passenger seat, Xiaocao, who was also holding a telescope, saw this scene, suddenly realized, and at the same time, another question was raised. What is that card?


   Lu Yang frowned more tightly than before, and he also didn't see what the card was. But his instinct told him that Shao Dahai came here at this time, definitely not just to get a card!


   Shao Dahai got the card and straightened his collar. Turned around and walked towards the door of the big hotel with a relaxed pace.


   Lu Yang frowned and moved the lens of the telescope. In the dark, the five red-emitting characters of "Tianfu Hotel" were very eye-catching.


hotel? card?


room card?


   Lu raised his brows. I guessed that the card just now should be the room card, but in such a short period of time. He didn't expect more, but instinctively Shao Dahai got his room card in the green belt outside the hotel to enter the hotel. It's not a good thing to go in nine out of ten.


   "Mr. Lu! Do I need to follow the lean monkey?".


Although Tian Shengcai does not have a telescope in his hand, but at such a distance of tens of meters, there are many street lamps and high-pressure sodium lamps on the square in front of the Tianfu Hotel. A man the size of Shao Dahai walks towards the hotel’s door. He is not blind, and he naturally looks at it. Got to be clear.


   At this time, he asked Lu Yang for his next step.




   Lu Yang replied with a sullen face, and without waiting for the master's command, Skinny Monkey opened the door and got out of the car immediately.


"and many more!"


   Lu Yang stopped him. Lu Yang wanted to follow him by himself, but Shao Dahai was too familiar with him, just as he was so familiar with Shao Dahai. Only seeing each other's back can immediately recognize each other.


   After all, how do they say they were classmates for four years.


   "Mr. Lu! What else do you want?" Tian Shengcai looked at Lu Yang suspiciously, and the Skinny Monkey and Xiaocao looked at Lu Yang in the same way.


   "Is there a miniature camera? If so, bring one! You have to show me wherever Shao Dahai has been and what he has done!"


   Lu Yang looked directly into the eyes of the thin monkey, and ordered in a deep voice.


"Mini camera? Yes!" Xiaocao replied immediately. The thin monkey promised, and he reached out to find it in his luggage, and waited for the thin monkey to pin the micro camera under his collar. After getting off the car, Tian Shengcai also took out his laptop. To connect the monitoring screen to the computer screen.


   Tian Shengcai is sitting next to Lu Yang, so all the pictures on the screen are in Lu Yang's eyes.


   Shao Dahai entered the revolving door of Tianfu Hotel, followed by the thin monkey.


   The two of them could not be seen by the telescope. Lu Yang and Tian Shengcai could only use the monitoring screen. Xiaocao sat in the front passenger seat. Although he wanted to see, he couldn't see it.


   The monitoring lake has been shaking because the camera is mounted on the skinny monkey, and the skinny monkey has been walking and tracking Shao Dahai.


   In the screen, Shao Dahai swaggered into the hotel lobby. He asked the lady at the front desk behind the reception desk in the lobby. He waved his hand and said something. After looking around, he walked straight to the elevator.


   Shao Dahai got into the elevator, and the thin monkey followed. Shao Dahai glanced at the thin monkey, his expression remained unchanged. Obviously he didn't know the thin monkey.


   Lu Yang saw Shao Dahai entering the elevator and pressed the 3rd floor. The thin monkey did not press the number, but directly pressed the close button, the elevator door slowly closed, and the elevator slowly moved up.


   Looking at the calm monitoring screen, Lu Yang's heartbeat speeded up somehow uncontrollably. He always felt that what Shao Dahai would do next would not be a good thing.


   But what is it?


   Lu Yang still couldn't guess for a while, he had too little information! Apart from finding someone to follow Shao Dahai, there is no other source of information, and he still knows nothing about the man behind the scenes.


what exactly is it?


   Lu Yang frowned tightly, and suddenly took out his cell phone to dial Li Rengang's number.


   "Huh? Mr. Lu? You called me a little bit frequently today! What? Have you received any new news? Do you already know who you said is going to be bad for our crew?"


   The phone rang several times before Li Rengang answered it. After answering, he teased in a relaxed tone.


   But where is Lu Yang going to talk to him at this time? He opened his mouth and asked: "Director Li! I have one thing for you! Who on the crew is out today? Are the leading actors still there?"


Li Rengang: "Huh? Mr. Lu, what do you ask this for? Is that person you said is going to be unfavorable to our crew? Have you made a mistake? Zi Peng and they are drinking with me! Isn't that who wants that? Do you even deal with me as a director? Ha ha, don't worry! Zi Peng is very good at fighting!"


   "Are all there?"


   When Lu Yang asked this sentence, on the monitoring screen, the elevator had reached the third floor, the elevator door was slowly opening, and Lu Yang's heartbeat was beating faster.


   He still didn't want to understand who Shao Dahai was going to deal with. It was just inexplicable intuition that the person Shao Dahai was going to deal with must have something to do with him.


   "Yeah! There are leading actors in the filming today! Who else is not here? Hey! Are there any other leading actors here today?".


   The following sentence of Li Rengang was obviously a few people drinking together on his side.




   Lu Yang suddenly hung up the phone.


   It was not that I heard who Li Rengang said that someone was not there, nor was he seeing someone familiar with him appeared on the surveillance screen, but that the name of Xinyi Dao suddenly flashed in my mind!


Just when Li Rengang answered him on the phone, Lu Yang felt wrong when the lead actor of the crew was drinking with him. Dao Xinyi sent him a text message not long ago, saying that he was going to meet with investors and investors tonight. Director, how could you be drinking with Li Rengang at this time?


   Unless Dao Xinyi is lying to him!


   But this possibility is extremely small! He is the biggest investor in "Jin Yiwei", and neither Dao Xinyi nor Li Rengang dare to deceive him on such trivial things that are easy to expose!


   knife Xinyi?


   "No, no one has come yet! Now I am waiting in the hotel box by myself!"


   Thinking of Dao Xinyi, between the electric light and flint, Lu Yang remembered this text message Dao Xinyi sent him not long ago.


   She is alone in the hotel box, and the investor and director have not yet appeared, she is alone!


   And this is a big hotel!


   Although his guess may not be accurate, Lu Yang dared not embrace that fluke. Dao Xinyi has a special place in his heart, although he is not his girlfriend, nor is he a woman! But Shao Dahai now has AIDS. If he does something against Xinyi, the consequences will be disastrous!


   All these are thoughts that flashed through Lu Yang's mind in a flash, and they all flashed through his mind before he suddenly hung up the call with Li Rengang.


It’s a long The situation at the time was that as soon as he hung up Li Rengang’s phone, he suddenly opened the door of the van, and brought a strong wind to rush out of the door. He also blew up and down the short hair on Tian Shengcai's forehead who was sitting next to him.


   When Tian Shengcai and Xiaocao reacted, Lu Yang had already rushed out of the van for more than ten meters and went straight to the front gate of Tianfu Hotel.




   Tian Shengcai and Xiaocao looked at each other, and they were all confused. They didn't understand what was happening to Mr. Lu, who was so mature and stable before?


   "Master! Us? Shall we follow it to see?".


Tian Shengcai hesitated for a while before he nodded and got out of the car. Seeing Xiaocao, he quickly opened the door of the co-pilot, jumped out of the car, and the two accelerated their pace to the hotel door. At this time, Lu Yang had already charged. Go to the revolving door of the hotel.


(Ps: I am out of chapter here, you should really want to scold people? Haha, recently many brothers said that I haven't added a change for a long time. Before going to bed today, please code another chapter! You can get up tomorrow morning and read it again!) (Unfinished to be continued……)


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