Rebirth 2003

Chapter 464: 1 lone struggler

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There used to be a short story to the effect that the boss of a shoe factory sent a salesman to an island to sell the shoes produced by their factory. After the salesman came to the island, he was surprised to find that there was no one on the island. In the habit of wearing shoes, they walk all over the floor with bare feet.

   So, the salesman went back and told the boss that there was no market for selling shoes on that island, and it was impossible to sell shoes there.

A few days later, a salesman from another shoe factory also came to this island and saw that no one here wears shoes. The salesman was very excited. When he went back, he told his boss that there was no one on that island. With shoes, we have a lot to do!

   As a result, they succeeded. The shoes they produced occupied all the markets on that island.

   This is a very ordinary story.

At the end of 2007, the starting point experienced the turmoil of the past year, as well as an additional 100 million investment this year, and some new benefits, from top to bottom, from editors to authors, to readers, and even other large and small websites in the industry. The starting point is regarded as the absolute hegemon of the online literature world, and no one can shake the position of the starting point.

What most people see are excellent authors with a monopoly of 80% or more and readers who have a monopoly of 80% or more. Can't compete with the starting point.

   has reached the top starting point, let it become synonymous with online texts, as long as you like to read online texts, no one knows the starting point.

   Many people are discussing in private that as long as the starting point is not faint, no one can challenge its dominance.

   In fact, this year's starting point is indeed very good!

   Other websites beyond the starting point, in order to grow and develop, in this year, almost all have their own small innovations, such as digital stations, which turned each list into two.

For example, the strong push at the top of the homepage of the website, the number stands next to the forced push list, and a hidden list of the forced push last week is added. As long as the reader clicks with the mouse, he can see more than a dozen books pushed last week. One list becomes two, giving more opportunities to promote outstanding works.

   I copied this set right after the starting point. Are you creative? I brought it over, it's mine!

   For example, a website launches works. Beside the catalog page of each book, a few recommended places for similar works are added, and the starting point is also copied over!

   Regardless of the innovations and highlights of other websites, as long as they are good, the starting point will be copied right away! Let these websites never have a chance to catch up.

The starting point is a very clever trick. It has the most excellent authors and the most readers in the industry. It does not need to have too much innovative ability. It only needs to absorb the ideas that others have racked their brains to maintain and even expand. The gap with those sites.

   This trick makes those websites beyond the starting point very weak!

   Fighting for capital and popularity can't be the starting point, and now even a little innovation, it will soon become someone else's dish! How do you spell it?

  Once this situation is formed, the industry generally believes that the starting point is invincible. The days of one outside legitimate website are more difficult than one. It is already very capable of maintaining costs, and most of them are operating at a loss.

   Even Tianying, which once ranked first in the industry, closed its station and went bankrupt.

   is that in this general situation where the starting point is dominating the world, there is a person who sees an opportunity! This person is the lord of the throne of the gods-the left hand knife.

   While he is more actively inviting well-known or unknown authors in the online literary circle to join the group, he is collecting various materials and data and carefully crafting a planning book.

A planning book used to impress the domestic game giants to establish a genuine web-text website. For this, he not only poured a lot of energy into himself, but also invited a dozen forum moderators and web editors of other websites. They have to do a big thing. !

This matter is very difficult. The online literature industry has already started as a dominant player. Although the game giants have money, many of them are not weaker than Shanda's big companies, but those giants will not be willing to take money to play games if they have money. Drifting! The digital station established by a text online has been a lesson from the past, and a large number of great gods are starting to buy out. The current situation is getting more and more difficult. If you don't make money, you are also facing the possibility of losing your money.

The planning book was quickly completed. Left-handed knife resigned from the work he was currently doing. With that planning book, one person began to run around in major cities across the country, lobbying the game giants one by one, and analyzing the current development of online literature with them. Momentum and future prospects, as well as the huge profits of online text adaptation of online games.

There are already ready-made examples of this. "Zhu Xian" developed by Perfect World was launched in April this year. It was popular across the country, and the works of Wen Chou, San Shao Ye and others have successively sold game adaptation rights, one by one adapted from web articles. The game is under development.

   This is destined to be a difficult battle!

   Now the starting point has a single big family, and the money invested in front of the starting point has been more than 100 million. For latecomers who want to grab meat from the beginning, the investment must not be less than 100 million. After hundreds of millions of funds are dropped, they may not be able to succeed.

   Left-handed knives went to sell each family, bumping into the wall again and again.

   I often want to make an appointment with the bosses of a company, and have to wait a week or two, or even a month or two, the bosses are very busy! How can it be so easy for a little-known little person to make an appointment for the company boss as soon as he opens his mouth?

  Some companies directly refused, replying that the company is not interested in your plan, or that the company has no intention to invest in online literature.

  Occasionally, company bosses promised to meet him, but when they met, they wanted to persuade the bosses of large companies who looked like people to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in an industry that they were completely unfamiliar with. The difficulty was not ordinary.

During this period, the left-handed knife has been spending his own money, such as the cost of transportation, accommodation, food, and so on. Every additional day increases a little. In just over a month, I haven’t seen a cent. In return, tens of thousands of dollars have been spent.

   This is a lot of pressure for an ordinary person who does not have much wealth.

I quit my job, not only don’t make money, but I have to pay for it myself. The prospects are very good, but when I really do it, I often live in hotels and hostels all day long and wait for news. That kind of loneliness, right? The confusion of hope still lingers in his heart. If he hadn't had enough perseverance, he would have given up long ago.

The larger the company, the more cautious every investment. Even those large companies with a total of billions of billions of assets, the real liquidity will not be too much, and hundreds of millions of funds will be taken out at once to invest in a company that seems to have been Few people in a monopolistic industry are willing to take this risk.

   A certain article is bold online, and the corners are indeed dug beautifully, and the digital stations established are indeed in the limelight for a while, but how are they now?

The behavior of    digital station wielding a small **** to dig a corner, only allows the outside world to see the powerful god-making ability at the starting point. The top gods have dug away, and then they will show you a batch of new gods!

   This is a terrible ability!

   Even if the outside world realizes that the starting point is the middle-level author, what if they see it? The number of middle-level authors is really huge! No one has the courage to put out hundreds of millions of funds to dig those middle-level authors. This bet is really too big!

Dig the great god, the quality of the great god’s work is guaranteed, but the middle-level author may not be. Maybe the previous book is very popular, but the next book is very popular. Moreover, the appeal of these authors is not strong. After digging, they may not be able to attract much. reader.

   This is almost an unsolvable problem.

Seeing that the Spring Festival is approaching, there is still no progress on the left hand knife. First, I met with the bosses of several game giants. Finally, after hearing his plan, they either directly said that their company has no intentions in this regard, or turned to follow suit. He was discussing what fun and delicious things are in the local area, so he almost talked to him about wind, flower, snow, and moon.

In a month or two, the behavior of the left-handed knife has been spread in the online literature circle. At least, many authors and editors have heard about it. Many people are laughing at him for being too naive and printing it with a few dollars. The planning book that came out wanted to persuade those company bosses to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a website for him...

   is just whimsical!

   The dozens of forum moderators and web editors that Zuo Shou previously recruited, saw that he had no good news for a long time, and some people had left disappointedly. Before Zuo Shou drew them a very beautiful pie. Let them think that it is not difficult to succeed. Once it succeeds, they will be the leaders and backbone of the new website. Since then, they have become important figures in the online literature world, just like the starting point of a few young people in partnership.

In order to make a living, the left-handed knife himself also used this to use the time in hotels and hostels all day to make a novel. He wanted to earn some manuscript fees to support himself, but he still didn’t want to give up. All previous efforts have been lost.

   It’s just that the popularity of his works is very bleak.

   The reason why he was able to recruit such well-known and unknown authors to join the Throne of the Gods was not because he was a great **** in the online literary world. His fame in the online literary world came from the book reviews he wrote!

He spent a year or two to write book reviews to hundreds of authors free of charge. These book reviews are often one or two thousand words long. As long as any author asks him to write, he spends a lot of time helping others to read books. Many of those books are written. It's messy, most people can't keep watching, but he read it carefully, and then writes out his own feelings deeply, highlighting the areas where the authors are good, and the shortcomings, so that many street authors can improve.

   Over time, his fame has grown in the author circle, but it is also limited to the author circle and the ears of some editors. Most readers do not know him as a person.

   In short, he has a deep research on various rules, routines and so on on the Internet.

But the deep research on web articles does not mean that he can write well web articles. Well-known editors in the industry once said-when you have thoroughly studied the rules and routines of web articles, you can only do one. Edited!

On the night of New Year’s Eve, the left-handed knife was still alone in a dilapidated small hotel, working **** codewords on his laptop, only for the monthly contribution fee of three to four hundred yuan, although three to four hundred yuan. Less, but if you only buy instant noodles and spicy noodles, you can buy a lot. R1152

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