Rebirth 2003

Chapter 451: 1 enter the palace


   "Huh? I, I forgot..."


   Tong Liya blushed, lowered her head and replied weakly. The lighter in Lu Yang's hand had already burst into flames. Hearing this, he stopped in front of the cigarette **** and looked at Tong Liya, whose face was getting redder, rather speechless.


   Lu Yang seemed to hear a cry of crows, sister Ni! Fortunately, I won the battle. If I lose, I hope the police will come to rescue him.


   Lu Yang didn't say anything. After lighting a cigarette, he took out his cell phone and found sadly that his broken cell phone was almost falling apart. A beautifully-lined spider web cracked on the screen. It was really a curve of sex!


Lu Yang laughed at himself and tried it. Fortunately, there were more spider webs on the screen, but the machine was still usable. Lu Yang called the police with this broken cell phone that was definitely to be replaced. As a result, the woman who answered the call was called. After inquiring about the detailed location, the police told Lu Yang that someone had already called the police. The police were rushing and had been out for several minutes.


   "You really didn't call the police?"


   At the end of the call, Lu Yang looked suspiciously at Tong Liya, whose face was still flushing. Tong Liya shook her head honestly, blinked her eyes twice, and asked curiously: "Is someone already calling the police for us?"


   Lu Yang nodded, and hung up another phone call to Wang Lin. On the phone, Wang Lin heard that Lu Yang was attacked today, and was shocked. After hurriedly asking about the location, he said that he would bring someone over.


   While talking on the phone with Wang Lin, Lu Yang subconsciously took a look at the Audi car that had been smashed into his face, wondering if it could be repaired.


   Putting the broken phone back into his pocket casually, Lu Yang twisted his neck. Feeling a burst of swelling and pain, Xing Rong's legs were split on his neck, if it weren't a stiff neck, he took it down. I'm afraid that his neck was cut off by him, too cruel!


   Tong Liya saw that he didn't speak any more, she cautiously approached him, her big smart eyes blinked curiously, and whispered, "Mr. Lu! Do you know how to martial arts?"


   Lu Yang looked at her speechlessly.


   "What's the matter?" Tong Liya was a little embarrassed by him. Lu Yang took a breath of cigarettes and looked away. He muffled: "Is there something wrong with your concern? Are you not going to ask me if I am injured?"


   Tong Liya's face was red again, she was embarrassed by Lu Yang's words, and her hands were twisted awkwardly. Then he whispered: "I'm sorry! I forgot..."


   I forgot everything...


   Lu Yang suddenly missed Cao Xue a little bit. Tong Liya looked no worse than Cao Xue, but she was not his woman after all, after such a fierce battle. Her first concern was not whether he was injured. But does he know how to use Kung Fu? If it were his Cao Xue, at this time, he would have rushed up to ask him if he was hurt, and tears must have come down from his distress.


   Lu Yang suddenly lost interest in Tong Liya, feeling quite boring.


   With this thought in his mind, Lu Yang suddenly turned his head and grinned at her, saying, "It's okay! Women should be stupid! Men like stupid women!"


   "Really?" Tong Liya's eyes lit up and she believed it was true. Lu Yang smiled and nodded, already wondering what to say.




   in a place that Lu Yang didn't notice. About 30 meters away from the scene of the fight just now, behind an old second-floor window, a pair of small lovers are talking excitedly to a small Apple phone.


   Girl: "Have you all been photographed? Is there any? The picture! How is the picture? It is not clear? Let me see! Let me take a look!"


Boy: "Of course! I took it! I took it all! Hehe! I didn’t expect that this time I came to Lijiang Ancient Town and I would encounter such a thrilling scene! Is it worth the fare? Kung fu! Those people just now All Kung Fu is used! Surely it is! It's so **** exciting! It's not a movie! It turns out that the real Kung Fu is like this..."


Girl: "Haha! It's very exciting! I used the knife just now. I don't know if it is the black club that will commit vendettas or the gangsters committing crimes! How about you say we don't post this video on the Internet? There should be A lot of people click it? By the way! We must choose a more beautiful author name, um! I think it’s done! It’s called Favorite Xiaomei!"


   The boy gave his girlfriend a strange look, he wanted to object but he didn't dare to object, because the girl was called Xiaomei. However, thinking of the popularity of the video after the video was posted on the Internet, the boys felt better.




When Lu Yang was about to smoke a cigarette, the police car finally arrived. There were two police cars and seven or eight policemen. They saw only one Audi, which was deformed by the collision, and two `men` and one woman. The police were astonished. , But still pulled out the gun for the first time and pointed at the three.


   "Don't move! Hold your head with your hands! All squat down for me!"


   Tong Liya was taken aback again, and anxiously explained that they were the victims and that the one lying on the ground was the murderer. After some inquiries and answers, all three people at the scene were taken back to the police station. The scene was quickly blocked by the police, preparing to collect evidence and collect fingerprints. After all, there are still a few murderers at large.


   There are also several policemen looking for witnesses nearby.


Maybe it’s because Xing Rong has been arrested, Zhou Shaofeng and others lack people who can make decisions, maybe because there are too many cameras along the way. After getting in the police car to the police station, the police captain who was in the same car with Lu Yang smiled and said to Lu Yang and Tong Liya: "Congratulations! The other people have been arrested! Now you can rest assured, Don't be afraid of their revenge!"


   Tong Liya was very happy, but Lu Yang just smiled faintly. He just wanted to know who the other masked was? Why on earth did these people want to attack him, as for Tong Liya? When Lu Yang saw Xing Rong’s face, he had already ruled out this possibility. It should be impossible for Xing Rong to know Tong Liya. The current Tong Liya is not well-known and has no money. If Xing Rong is only attacking them for beauty, Lu Young is hard to believe.


   Xing Rong’s family background, he knows a little bit, in a province and a city, not to mention powerful, not small, rich and powerful, is it not easy to want beautiful women? Why do you need to grab it in broad daylight?




   In an interrogation room, Lu Yang faced two police officers alone, one inquiring and the other taking notes.




   "Lu Yang!"


   "What Lu? What Yang?"


   "The land of the land, the flying up!"




   Lu Yang wanted to say "bring a handle", but there was no need to disgust the police, so he answered honestly: "Male!"




   "Born in 1985!"






   "Be specific!"


"writing a novel."


   "What did you do in the city? Answer it honestly!"


   "Look at my crew."


   "The crew? Your crew? What crew?"


   ""Dragon and Snake Fight"!"


After getting this answer, the two policemen looked at each other. Although there are often crews in L City who come to film for shooting, which crews are shooting recently, they are still a little heard of the police, each with a larger investment, or a director or a star For some famous people, before the crew has arrived, the top leaders will instruct them to ensure that the crew’s normal filming will not be interfered by the outside world. The investment of 15 million "Dragon and Snake", whether it is from investment or from the director From the starring perspective, they all belong to the crew that needs to be taken care of.


Obviously, the two policemen did not expect that the young man in his twenties was actually an investor in the crew. This news has yet to be determined, but it was enough for them to be surprised. The young man named Lu Yang said this. At that time, it did not seem to be lying.


   He was not the assailant this time, he was the victim. There was no need to excuse him from any background. Therefore, even though it was unbelievable, the two police officers believed most of them in their hearts.


This case was originally a vicious case. Xing Rong and others drove a commercial vehicle with a fake license plate and attacked tourists with a murder weapon. The police department has taken it seriously. Now it is heard that the victim is still an investor in the movie "Dragon and Snake". Wait for the news. After confirmation, the City Police Department immediately increased its attention to this matter.


   Especially after Wang Lin and others drove to the police station, the police station went up and down, and there was no doubt about Lu Yang's identity.


An ordinary person being attacked by a gangster holding a murder weapon is considered a major event. Moreover, the target is still a major investor in a movie. In these days, once anything is linked to the entertainment industry, trivial things are possible. Become a major event, not to mention such an evil **** case?


"Wen University! How are you? Did you hurt anything? Let's go! Let's go to the hospital for an examination! I was scared to death! How could something like this happen? Isn't this the first time you have come to the city? Gangsters? Or did you encounter enemies? Damn! You can encounter this kind of thing in tourist areas! Now the gangsters are getting more and more rampant!"


The first time Wang Lin saw Lu Yang, he rushed to pull Lu Yang's arm and wanted to take him to the hospital for an examination. Especially when he saw Lu Yang's neck with a bruise skin, he was very excited. , Vented it in front of the police.


I came with Wang Lin and Dai Qingwa, who had resigned as the assistant director of the crew of "Dragon and Snake Fighting". Dai Qingwa was in a good mood. Seeing Lu Yang sat in the interrogation room well, he breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, before arriving at the police station, his heart was also hanging, for fear that Lu Yang was seriously injured this time, and the new movie he said would follow Huang.


   "It's okay! It's okay already!"


Lu Yang patted Wang Lin on the shoulder and was a little touched. It just so happened that his transcript was finished. Tong Liya also finished the transcript. She was standing at the door. Lu Yang did not refuse. Wang Lin took him to the hospital, let alone. Xing Rong's few strokes did hurt him, not only on his neck, but also on his chest and thighs, he was stamped on by Xing Rong. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thanks to the unknown boy 253 for the reward of 100 points, thanks to Anqixi for the reward of 300 points, and thanks for the reward of 588 points for this tease! Thank you for your monthly pass.

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