Rebirth 2003

Chapter 441: That night

? Dao Xinyi came out of room 306, instead of going downstairs to buy things as she said earlier, she glanced at the stairs on the fourth floor with a strange expression. There was an elevator next to the stairs, but Dao Xinyi did not go. Paying attention to the elevator, after standing for a few seconds outside the door of Room 306, Dao Xinyi walked up to the stairs with a complex expression and walked slowly up to the fourth floor.


   Where Lu Yang lives, she also knows that when Lu Yang asked for a room at the front desk of the hotel, she deliberately listened and heard that the room number was 415, and she was about to arrive at a room at the end of the corridor.


   stood at the entrance of the stairs on the fourth floor for a few seconds. Dao Xinyi did not go to Room 409, but went up to the stairs on the fifth floor, stopped at the turn of the stairs, and seemed to be listening to something.




The time passed by second by second, and the waiting time always felt very slow, but Dao Xinyi was obviously a very patient girl, standing so quietly at the corner of the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors. Listening quietly.

   My heart beats a bit faster, and I feel like I'm doing bad things.


   A moment later, when the sound of footsteps reached the fourth floor, Dao Xinyi's heart jumped, and he nodded quietly. It was Zhang Li! Zhang Li, in a snow-white princess dress, stopped for a moment at the top of the stairs and looked at both ends of the corridor. Seeing that there was no one, she speeded up and walked to the left side of the corridor, where Room 409 was.


   Zhang Li had no idea that a person would be hidden at the corner of the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors.


   Seeing Zhang Li's figure walking in the direction of 409, Dao Xinyi frowned slightly. She didn't know if she was happy or unhappy, she had expected Zhang Li to go to Lu Yang tonight, but subconsciously. She still hoped that she had guessed wrong. The last time she saw Lu Yang and Zhang Li walk into the bar holding hands in Shanghai, it was not the kind of relationship she thought. But tonight, just in the scene that I saw just now, a trace of luck in Dao Xinyi's heart was shattered.


   I don’t know what the reason is, maybe I want to make sure again, maybe Zhang Li just went to Lu Yang to discuss the script?


   knife Xinyi knows that this possibility is extremely small. But after she froze for a while at the corner of the stairs, she stepped lightly and came down the stairs. Back in the corridor on the fourth floor, Zhang Li was not seen in the corridor or at door 409, so she should have entered.


   Dao Xinyi has a complicated mood. Step by step, walk to the door of room 409. Maybe there are no occupants on the 4th floor, maybe because it is late at night, the occupants are resting, or they are already preparing to rest, no one appears in the corridor, otherwise, with Xinyi's temperament, he will definitely turn around and go back.




   Before Zhang Li knocked on the door, Lu Yang hadn't rested yet. Just came out of the bath, wearing the hotel's snow-white bathrobe. Sitting on the rattan chair by the window, in front of it is a round table with a glass top. The frame under the round table is also woven with rattan, which has a combination of simplicity and modernity.


   There is a cup of steaming hot tea on the table, um, and Lu Yang's laptop.


Before Zhang Li knocked on the door, Lu Yang was searching the Internet for information about Jiu Pao. When Wang Lin asked him to help revise a script, Lu Yang came up with a new script with copyright disputes. With such an oolong in front, he prepared this time. Investing in "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", Lu Yang naturally wanted to search for the original author's information.


   Lu Yang remembered that before that movie, there was a novel of the same name, and it was the work of director Jiu Pao.


   As a result, this search resulted in a speechless discovery of the novel of the same name, which was published in January this year. If I had thought of this earlier and wrote the story in advance, where would I still face this situation now?


   But, immediately, Lu Yang smiled again.


It has just been published this year, and Jiu Dadao must not have started preparing for the film. Maybe he didn’t even have the idea of ​​filming. You only need to pay a film adaptation fee. Can’t you get the film adaptation rights for this novel? ? Before "The Girl We Chased Together" on the big screen, Jiu Dao's reputation had not yet been revealed. Maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars would be able to win the right to adapt this novel.


Well, maybe you can invite Jiu Pao to be the assistant director by the way. He doesn't know if he has the ability to be a director at this time. It should be appropriate to be an assistant director. At this time, Wang Lin should want to direct his new movie to Dai Qingwa. Said the meaning with Dai Qingwa.


   Let Jiu Pao be the assistant director, so you don't have to let yourself lose faith in Dai Qingwa.


   When Lu Yang didn't have much money at hand, all the writing works he needed, whether it was a script or a song, wanted to do it by himself as much as possible.


   Now that he has a wealth of wealth, his thoughts are gradually changing, and the copyright fee of more than one hundred and two hundred thousand yuan will no longer make him feel painful.


   I just thought about it in my heart, the door was knocked, was it the waiter or Zhang Li?


   With this question, Lu Yang walked over and opened the door. Zhang Li smiled, squeezed into the door, closed the door, and hugged his neck and started kissing.


Zhang Li obviously had just taken a shower, and she carried the floral aroma of bathing dew on her body. It smelled very good, because she drank some wine on the wine table in the evening, and her white cheeks were blushing and her eyes were a little confused. Li, Lu Yang embraced her fragrant and beautiful body, kissed her for a while, then smiled and asked, "Don't go with your boyfriend? Don't affect your relationship because of me!"


   When Lu Yang asked these words, he couldn't tell whether he was out of morals or whether he wanted to test Zhang Li's inner thoughts.


   Zhang Li glared at him charmingly, her dazzling white arms resting on Lu Yang's shoulders, and said, "Don't mention him! I broke up with him for a while! Now I only belong to you..."


   Lu Yang loves to hear these words, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Zhang Li's beautiful face, and then led her soft into the room.




The soundproofing effect of the hotel room is very good. Dao Xinyi stood at the door of Room 409 with a rapid heartbeat and heard nothing. This made her a little unwilling. Her white teeth bit her red lower lip and thought about it. Quietly put his ear on the door.


A faint groaning sound finally passed into Dao Xinyi’s ears from the door, but in an instant, Dao Xinyi’s white face was flushed, and he didn’t dare to listen anymore, and his heartbeat quickly left. His expression was a little flustered, a strand of hair fell to his cheek, and he didn't want to stroke it.


   It really is that kind of relationship!


   Dao Xinyi never had a fluke in his heart.


   kept running from the fourth floor to the third floor, Dao Xinyi still had his heart beating like a drum, and only then did she start to realize that the palms of her hands were already full of sweat.


Dao Xinyi didn't go back to the room immediately. She stood on the stairs on the third floor for a while. She remembered that she had come out as an excuse to buy things downstairs. At the moment, she hurried downstairs to buy some daily necessities. At the same time, Also take advantage of this little shopping time to calm down my panic.


   She thought that she had completely discovered the real secret of Lu Yang holding Zhang Li as the heroine of the two movies. There was confusion and confusion about her future. She suddenly understood why so many people like to compare college to an ivory tower.


   also finally understands why the world would describe college students who have just stepped out of university as having just stepped into society.


   It turns out that in the eyes of many people, universities, outside of the real world, the reality is cruel, and universities allow everyone to have dreams.


   It turns out that ideals are full, and reality is very skinny, which means that.


   Is this sentence specially created for college students who have just stepped into the society? Hasn't Lu Yang just graduated from university? Why does he change so fast?


   Zhang Li also just graduated from university...


   Am I going to do this too?


   knife Xinyi was in a mess.


   There are always many men who think that women with sweet smiles are very powerful and arrogant. In fact, only these women with sweet smiles know this. This is completely nonsense! With their sweet smiles, they hoped to get everyone's goodwill, and with an arrogant attitude, they discouraged some bad men.


   In fact, the sweeter their smiles, the more they show their lack of self-confidence. Otherwise, they don’t need to use smiles to reap the favor of others. Women who are truly strong and arrogant will disdain to welcome others with a smile.


  Dao Xinyi every smile is charming, her heart is not strong.


She is very confident in her appearance, but she does not have much confidence in whether she can be successful based on her beauty alone. In the past few years in art school, she has met many beautiful and beautiful seniors, and eventually became Canary of the money man.


   Men reflect their value by conquering the world, women achieve success by conquering men!


  When he walked into the nearby supermarket, Dao Xinyi suddenly remembered such a sentence in his mind for some reason. I didn't know where to hear it before.


   At this time, her heart was numb, and she seemed to hear the woman's groaning in her ears.




A dozen miles away, Xiao Jian was sitting alone in a dimly lit food stall On the greasy wooden table in front of him, there were a few plates of fried stir-fries that were about to be eaten, and the table was awkwardly placed. With five or six beer bottles, Xiao Jian's gloomy heart opened his dimly drunk eyes, and he was still drinking mouthfuls at the bottles.


His heart is so bitter that he can drip water. He has forgotten to eat food until now. He is holding a wine bottle in his right hand and a mobile phone in his left hand. The screen of the mobile phone shows Zhang Li and his photo, Zhang Li nestled in his arms. , The smile is like a flower, and the smile is very bright and charming.


   Every time I saw this photo before, Xiao Jian felt proud in his heart, but at this time it was all bitter.


After drinking a few more sips, he finally stood up and paid the bill. He came out of the food stall and staggered into a mobile business hall not far away. He hiccups while taking out his ID card and asking for it. A mobile phone card.


   He hasn't given up yet, Zhang Li pulled his number into the blacklist, he wanted to apply for another mobile phone card, and then call her. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you "Ye", book friends 141214194459123, nine green dragons for rewarding 100 points, thanks to beef biscuits for rewarding 200 points, and thanks to carrot _Ding for rewarding 1888 points, thank you for your monthly pass!


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