Rebirth 2003

Chapter 387: What a deep pit!


   I found the "Dragon and Snake Rise" under Wen Chou's pen name. Xiao Gang saw that the total number of words was only 12,000 words at a glance. Suddenly he felt the pain of an egg, it hurts too much!

   Such a small number of words, is it to read? Still not watching it?

   This is obviously a deep pit!

   If the book is not good-looking, it's fine. If it is good-looking, you can see the feeling. From now on, you will be chasing the book to the year of the monkey?

  The pain of chasing more, Xiaogang had a deep experience! When encountering an unhappy author, one chapter a day, or even two or three days, one chapter can make people rush out of internal injuries. If you encounter a pit of thousands of years, the author writes that he will be an eunuch, and he will never get out of the pit. NS. Reading at the starting point in the past two years, Xiaogang has seen many resentful posts in the book review section of those **** books.

   One of the most impressive is:

One year, when an old man was dying, he said to his grandson with trembling lips: "My child!...When so-and-so... is finished, you must...burn it...give it to me, I'm going to Look below!"

   The child said: "Don't worry, grandpa, I will try my best to live until that day."

   Grandpa closed his eyes with satisfaction after listening to his grandson's words.

Decades later, an old man who was about to die was kneeling before his grave, and couldn't help crying: "My grandson is not shameful, I have been waiting for so many years, and I haven't waited until it's finished. I am ashamed of my ancestors and ancestors! "

   After finishing speaking, he furiously attacked his heart, and his whole body trembled twice and stopped moving. Those eyes are still wide open, you can't catch your eyes! ! After his grandson died, he went to heaven. One day he met God. God said: "I can fulfill your wish."

  Grandson said: "Can you sink the island of Japan?"

   God said: This is too difficult. Let's change it. Sun Tzu said: "Then I want the complete works of XX book."

   God wiped the sweat on his head and said, "What was your last wish? Show me the globe..."


   This is just a joke, but it is enough to reflect the deep resentment of a book fan towards the eunuch's works. Xiaogang is still young, of course he doesn't want to have such a day, but if you don't read it, you can't help it! Besides, Wen Chou shouldn't be such a person, right?

   had a ideological struggle, Xiao Gang finally clicked on the book, "Dragon and Snake Rise", which is only a few chapters.

   Chapter One, Tang Zichen

The beginning of the article gave Xiaogang a good feeling. The background of the story is a modern city. The protagonist Wang Chao wakes up early for morning exercises. In the park, he sees a woman who is out of vulgarity. She is playing a set of boxing techniques. The author has only a few strokes and sketches a poor academic performance. , But the protagonist who likes morning exercises, and the mysterious and unpredictable woman with a simple ponytail.

   From the perspective of the protagonist Wang Chao, a mysterious world unknown to outsiders, lifts a corner of the veil-the world of national magic!

   When Xiaogang saw Tang Zichen say to Wang Chao faintly: "National martial arts is martial arts, but it is not martial arts. Martial arts that only kill people and do not perform are the real national martial arts!"

   When I saw this sentence, Xiaogang felt like he had been electrified. There was a tingling sensation, and it was a very flavorful sentence! Are there such martial arts around us? Why not perform?

   One chapter, two chapters, three chapters, four chapters...

   There are only four chapters, Xiao Gang quickly finished reading the four chapters, Xiao Gang stared at the computer screen blankly, still thinking about the mysterious and unpredictable world of martial arts.

   The article mentioned what is performing martial arts and what is true martial arts.

   There is an example, mentioning a certain contemporary eagle claw king who wore gloves and went to the ring to punch...

   Is this performance martial arts?

  Eagle Claw King Nine Successful Husband wore gloves on one hand to compete with people, and it was a real thing. Xiao Gang didn't know what to say about it.

When Tang Zichen taught Wang Chao’s national martial arts, he told Wang Chao why national martial arts only kill people and do not perform. Because national martial arts are all attacks on vulnerable parts of the human body, while performing martial arts are forbidden in the name of martial arts. Attack the vitals of the opponent.

  Using martial arts to cultivate one's body and nature is a joke in Tang Zichen's eyes!

   Self-cultivation and cultivation are enough. At the beginning of martial arts, it was originally designed to kill the enemy and abandon the natural function of killing the enemy. What is necessary for the existence of martial arts?

  This theory has greatly subverted Xiaogang's worldview!

Since childhood, the kung fu movies and TVs he watched, the real masters, all emphasized that martial arts are only for physical fitness and self-cultivation. There are a lot of movies and TVs like this. Xiaogang, like many people, also thinks that martial arts is originally. As it should be, I never thought about what was wrong with this sentence.

   Sitting blankly in front of the computer screen, Xiao Gang suddenly thought of a famous saying-when a lie is said a thousand times, the lie becomes the truth!

   When the role of martial arts becomes physical fitness, when knives and guns become decorations, they are no longer what they are.

   Four chapters, the storyline of "Dragon and Snake Rise" has not yet unfolded, but just this beginning has attracted Xiao Gang deeply.

Suddenly, Xiao Gang groaned, hitting his left hand vigorously with his right hand, and cursed: "You're so cheap! You're so cheap! Only four chapters, you can't wait to slaughter! Have you fallen into the pit? The law is over!"

   There are obviously not a few readers who fall into the pit like Xiaogang, otherwise the total hits of this new book would not exceed 120,000 so quickly.

   Is the book review area a sight? Just read a few book reviews!

At the top of the book review area, a reader named Anhui Nan Zaihu`bei wrote: "Obviously, he is writing martial arts works. Why did Wen University change its name to Guoshu? I think it is very beautiful? It is because the number of words is too few. ! The text is bigger and more! One chapter a day, you can do it too?"

The headless knight: "Wen Chou is a product, it must be a boutique! Who has any questions? Just, Wen Da! Put more points out! Four days later, you only released four chapters, how do you deduct this? What do you let us do? Love you?"

  Heaven and earth: "I haven't read the book yet, but the collection, recommendation, and reward have already been provided. When the 1 million words are available, we will start to slaughter! Post it as a proof! Help me supervise!"

Master Ling Xu: "Wen University's ability to dig pits is amazing! Seeing many brothers who have already entered the pits, I am very fortunate that I have reined in the precipice in time! Hey! Isn’t the Dao very witty? Does anyone admire and admire it? "

   Seven Gourd: "Will enter the pit willingly! Begging for more text! Although I know that it is not easy for you to double open, but for the sake of the party and the country, save the brothers! The pit is so deep!"

  Ranyou: "Does anyone know where Wenda lives? I'll take a knife and force him to release all the manuscripts! This typical pockmark is not called pockmark, it is a pitman! Even his own brother is pitted, frantic, mad?"


  Wen Chou in the primitive group.

   The car on the asphalt road: "Weakly ask, Wen Da! Can "Dragon and Snake Rise" have two chapters a day? I fell in!"

  Y`y Wandering Life: "Wen University is too wicked! I now hope that "The Magic Sword Eternity" will end soon, otherwise the snail-like update speed of "Dragon Snake Rise" will definitely make my brother look thinner!"

Brother    Yuan Yuan: "If I didn't enter the pit, it means I have no pressure!"

  Thor Group: "I didn't get into the pit either, but everyone resents so deeply. I feel itchy! How can I break it?"

   Chizhong: "The pit is tens of thousands of feet deep, please be careful when you enter the pit!"

   Mo Innocence: "Is the pit really so deep? It makes me chill!"


   In the dark field group.

The lamb passing by: "I scolded the one next door! Wen Chou's new book is unexpectedly good-looking, and I have broken up with him! I just took a look at it, Nima! I know it will explode when it waits for 50,000 characters. I still want to chase after me. Is this a disease? Is there any cure?"

   Baiyu in the waves: "Little sheep giant! You are surrendering the enemy! How can you make me sympathize with you?"

   Eating a book and spitting words: "Little sheep giant! Heaven's sins can be forgiven, and self-inflicted sins cannot live! God can't save you!"

   The boiling dust: "Is this little sheep giant presenting the rhythm of chrysanthemum flowers to Wen Chouju? Would you like me to call Wen Chouju?"

   Big Tiger: "Oh! I was waiting for the lamb's giant mourning soldier to win, but Wen Chou was killed! I knelt and `licked` so quickly, I don't believe in love anymore!"

   A dark hole: "I don't believe in love anymore+!"

   Baiyun: "No longer believe in love +2!"

   Bathing in the mist: "No longer believe in love +3"


The reputation of "Dragon Snake Rise" in the last few days did not surprise Lu Yang. In the face of the call for speeding up the update, Lu Yang ignored it, and kept it updated every It's not a play of personality, it's because there are too few manuscripts at hand, and I can't get up soon. I code two chapters of "Eternal Sword" every day, and two chapters of "Dragon and Snake Rise", almost reaching the limit.

  Sometimes, the speed of code words is not doubled in time, and the number of words coded every day can be doubled.

The physical strength can keep up, but the brain power is holding back. With more than 10,000 words a day, the whole person is mentally tired. If only a few days of outbreaks, it is indeed possible to write a few thousand more words, but the net text is the most What is needed is continuous and continuous updates every day. The outbreak of one or two days hurts God, but it is not happy to write later.

   The manuscript of the new book has been sent to two publishing houses in mainland China and Taiwan. Because of his current fame, the manuscript does not need to be reviewed at all. The manuscript has just been sent for two or three hours and he directly signed the contract.

   Perhaps the good reputation of "Dragon and Snake Rise" stimulated the authors in the throne group of the gods. Under the encouragement of everyone, the left-handed knife once again invited Lu Yang to give lectures in the group through Q`Q.

   Lu Yang can't remember how many times he has rejected the left-handed knife. Before, he was busy making excuses to refuse. Now the industry knows that he is ugly, and how many people don't know that he has resigned?

   Although the mood is not very good recently, and the code word task is not light, faced with the repeated invitations of the left hand knife, Lu Yang finally agreed, and the time was set at 8 o'clock tonight.

   This news was sent to the group bulletin board of the Throne of the Gods as a good news by the left hand knife. Seeing that the group leader left hand knife brother finally invited Wen Chou, many newcomers and authors in the group were excited.

   Many people are already thinking, what questions are we going to ask Wen Chou tonight. R1152

   The fastest update, please read without pop-up window.

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