Rebirth 2003

Chapter 330: Lu Yang in action

   As for the movie release, Lu Yang couldn't get involved, but in the next few days, Lu Yang also did a few things within his capacity, hoping to help the box office after the movie was released.

The first one is to contact his editor-in-chief, Mr. Z, and convey his meaning to the start-up executives through Mr. Z. On the morning of January 28, after Lu Yang uploaded the first chapter of today, he boarded Q`Q to the editor-in-chief. Send a message, and the specific communication content is as follows.

   Wen Chou: "Boss! I want to ask you for a personal matter. Are you free now?"

   Usually, if an author asks the editor if he is free on Q`Q, editors who are busy all day will generally not reply, and occasionally take the time to reply: "If you have something to say, don’t ask if you are free!" That’s fine.

   But now that Lu Yang is one of the pillars of the starting point, Old Z will naturally not reply like this.

  Old z: "What's the matter? Let's talk! Those who can help will definitely help!"

For ordinary street writers, no matter what they have, they always ask for editors, but for great gods, many times, they no longer need to ask for editors. Instead, every editor will be polite to them and dare not at all. If you offend, you are afraid that the great **** will leave the station and lose their own job. Even if the great **** does not leave the station, changing a vest and going to another editorial team will be a great loss to them.

   What's more, Lao Z has always had a good reputation in the author circle. Generally, no matter which author finds him, his attitude is very good, and he never puts on the air of editor-in-chief.

   Wen Chou: "That's it. I invested in a movie this year. The name is "The Gate of Rebirth". Have you heard of it?"

  Old z: "Hehe, I have been online for many years, of course, I have heard that, if you need my help, you should just say it! Don't go around!"

   Seeing old z's reply, Lu Yang in front of the computer smiled slightly and continued to type on the keyboard.

Wen Chou: "It's like this. This movie is not a big investment, but it is my test of the waters. It is of extraordinary significance. I don't want the box office to fail. So I would like to ask the starting point to help me make a publicity topic! Well, how much money does it cost? , I can give it!"

  Old z: "Let the starting point help you with the topic? What do you want to do? I don't know if this matter will work, I will try my best to help you fight for it!"

Wen Chou: "I think about the format of the topic. I will record a video myself, plus the four trailers before this movie. I want to put them all in the topic. The position of the topic needs to be at the top of the starting point homepage. The position of the bulletin board, it’s best to be in the first place, and the name of the title should also be in enlarged and bold fonts, uh, the font should be bright red, the more prominent the better! Boss! How to say, I am also the author of the starting point, I The investment in movies that can sell well is also a publicity for the starting point, right?"

   After Lu Yang sent this message, it took a while, just when Lu Yang wanted to ask again, "Are you still there?", did old z reply back.

Old z: "You kid has an idea! The idea is a good idea! Once this promotion is done, readers who have almost landed on the starting point will notice that it can bring you a lot of potential box office, but last time you put "Magic Sword Eternal" The film adaptation rights of the movie were sold to the giant, but the above is very unhappy. Anyway, I will report to you now! Try to help you get it down! However, I guess that the cost of such a special promotion is indispensable! By the way , How long do you plan to keep this topic on the homepage of the starting point?"

   Wen Chou: "One month!"

One month is the deadline for most movies. After a new movie is released, as long as the attendance rate is not too low, it can generally be released for one month. However, if the attendance rate is too low, the theaters have the right to advance unilaterally. Draw the movie.

   Some may be drawn within a week of the screening, and some will be drawn within two or three weeks of the screening.

   No matter how long it is, Lu Yang has a one-month publicity period. Even if the mainland box office is not very good, the topic at the starting point is hanging there, and the box office share of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

   There are even later DVD sales.

   Old z: "Okay! I will fight for you now! Wait for my news!"

   Wen Chou: "You have a boss!"

  Old z: "You are welcome!"

   After saying this, Lu Yang sat in front of the computer and waited for the news. Before the news came, he had no intention of starting the code word.

   From 2006 to 2007, Starting Point had never done such a special promotion for any author, and even Starting Point himself had not posted an online video on the website.

   Even if you look at all the novel websites in the entire online literary circle, there seems to be no such precedent. The previous propaganda on novel websites was only a few photos at most, nothing more.

   Lu Yang was able to think of hanging a video at the starting point for thematic publicity, and it was also accidental.

   I have never done a similar topic before starting point, and I have never posted a video on the web, but there is no before, which does not mean that we can’t do it now. Everything is human! I haven't fought, how do I know that it must not be possible?

   A few years later, the game advertisements that the starting point hangs for Shanda, even the pictures are activities, and the game promotional videos are one after another.

   Lu Yang sat in front of the computer, idly watching the chat records of seven book fan groups, and occasionally logged into Longkong to browse the battle sections inside and outside the circle. There are always the latest news in the industry.

   There are still people discussing the Sima Sage incident that happened some time ago. This incident has been in the past for some time, and Sima is also dead. I didn't expect Long Kong to mention it at this time.

This incident broke out almost at the same time as Xuehong and the others ran away. At that time, Lu Yang was taking advantage of Xuehong and the others to leave. The starting point was turbulent, and he worked hard to write "Magic Sword Eternity", but did not pay much attention to this incident. After all, this incident , Lu Yang has experienced it in his previous life and knows what the final outcome will be.

   To be fair, Lu Yang liked Sima's "Living Color and Fragrance" and knew that Sima would eventually die of kidney disease, so Lu Yang did not make any comments when the saber and others attacked Sima.

   Although Sima in the wave of public opinion has been criticized by everyone for having a bad moral character, it may be true, but he is suffering from an incurable disease and cheating some money to save his life is not incomprehensible.

  No one knows one day he will get such a terminal illness. Who can be sure that he will not cheat others of money to save himself when he has suffered like that?

  Looking at Long Kong's post discussing the Sima incident, Lu Yang shook his head and quit Long Kong. As before, he didn't want to participate in this kind of thing.

   More than ten minutes later, on Q`Q, old z finally sent a message again.

Old z: "Wen Chou! I have already reacted to the general manager about what you just said. The general manager means that although this matter has no precedent, it is not impossible to look at your face, but The cost is a bit high, I wonder if you can accept it?"

   Seeing old z said, this thing is okay, Lu Yang's spirit is refreshed, the cost is a bit high? Lu Yang typed in immediately.

   Wen Chou: "How much does it cost?"

  Old z: "300,000!"

   Seeing this number, Lu Yang was shocked. Lu Yang's previous propaganda time was one month, and the starting point was 300,000 yuan, which was equivalent to 10,000 yuan a day! This is definitely the lion's big mouth! Is it really because I sold the game adaptation rights of "Magic Sword Eternity" to the giant before?

   According to Lu Yang, those TV stations broadcast the trailer of "The Gate of Rebirth", and a TV station did not cost 300,000 yuan a month.

   Lu Yang gritted his teeth and sent a sentence: "Are you forcing me to leave?"

  The starting point of the editorial department. At this time, the general manager was standing behind old z and offered such a high price. The general manager was also a little worried about Wen Chou's reaction.

   After all, it has only been a few months since Xuehong and other top gods collectively left, and the starting point has not been relieved. The reason why he shouted such a high price is to let Wen Chou dispel this idea.

   I have invested in a movie, and would you like to use it in the most conspicuous position on the homepage of the starting point? The general manager does not want to set this precedent.

  In his heart, he also doesn't want Wen Chou's movie to sell well.

  Once it sells big, and has tasted the sweetness of investing in movies, will Wen Chou still diligently write code words at the starting point in the future? Will other great gods follow suit.

   But, Wen Chou's reaction was so intense?

   As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked if he wanted to force him to leave?

   Several editors around, including Lao Z, Tian Ge, Haixing and others, all looked at the general manager. Wen Chou is a very difficult question to answer. Once Wen Chou is really irritated, maybe that guy will really go out in a rage.

   After all, they all know that Wen Chou is only 21 years old this year. He is just the age when he is full of blood, and he is often synonymous with impulse!

   It is not strange to do anything on

   The general manager's teeth clenched, he wanted to say: "Tell him! 300,000 points can't be less!"

   But he is not the age of Fang Gang, his reason is still alive.

   gritted his teeth and said to the old z who was waiting for his instructions: "Tell him! 200,000! Can't be less!"

  Old z nodded and sent this sentence to Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang in front of the computer saw this reply. The corner of his mouth curled up. Did the threat work? This is a good sign! Being able to threaten the editor-in-chief to threaten the starting point has always been something he wanted to do before but never dared to do it.

Everyone has a rebellious mentality. When anyone is in a bad mood, they imagine that they can be like Monkey King and see what they are upset. They are just throwing a stick. They used to be on the street for so many years. Every time they communicate with editors, they are cautious. Of course, Lu Yang thinks of it. I imagined that one day, I could speak to the editor like an uncle.

   But today, he finally did it, and the editor-in-chief was not angry, and he obediently dropped 100,000.

   If you can drop 100,000 in one go, there must be room for a price reduction!

   Lu Yang typed in the chat box: "Up to 150,000!"

   Just about to hit the Enter key and send this sentence, I suddenly thought that it was not the best choice to discuss tens of thousands of dollars. After thinking about it, Lu Yang deleted this sentence, re-entered the sentence and sent it over.

   Wen Chou: "My contribution fee for this month! I promise to update no less than 6,000 words every day. By the end of the month, all contribution fees, including reader rewards, monthly ticket awards, full attendance awards, etc., will be yours!" R1152

   The fastest update, please read without pop-up window.

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