Rebirth 2003

Chapter 328: January

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In the next few days, Lu Yang flew around in the sky, arriving in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Chengdu. Everywhere he went, apart from the routine signing activities, he would eat and drink with the local gods. Song, when he was in Guangzhou, the great **** who came to meet with Lu Yang also asked Lu Yang to go to the health department, but Lu Yang refused with a smile.


Every time I eat and drink with these great gods, I always have to discuss some writing issues. Some people ask about Lu Yang’s writing experience; some people ask about the details of Lu Yang’s other copyright sales; others hold them like a skeleton. Please come to Lu Yang for advice on the idea or outline of your new book.


In any case, Lu Yang’s reputation in the online literature world has now been established. The fifth consecutive monthly ticket list, the first sale of the copyrights of TV series adaptation, game adaptation, etc., are a symbol of success, whether these people are not. Like Lu Yang's works, at least I admit Lu Yang's success in my heart.


  Successful people have their own successes. These great gods who are also not small on the Internet will inevitably want to learn something from Lu Yang.


   While in the capital, Lu Yang saw Zhang Li again.


Lu Yang arrived in Beijing in the afternoon on the 3rd of January, and checked into the hotel booked for him by the publishing house. When Lu Yang was in the room at night, he suddenly received a call from Zhang Li. It turned out that she had heard that Lu Yang was in Beijing today. In the phone call, Zhang Li said to Lu Yang: "I waited for you to call the phone for a day, but I haven't waited until, so I have to call over!"


   Having said that, after hesitating, Zhang Li's voice dropped a few times and asked softly: "Do you want to contact me anymore?"


   Although Lu Yang has no moral integrity in the relationship between men and women, he encountered this kind of problem. Still not used to hurting each other, let alone receiving a call from Zhang Li. He was also a little hot in his heart, and in his mind, the fascinating things he had done in Shanghai with Zhang Li in the hotel a few times, the angel-like face and the sexual figure, especially that one. The long, white and slippery legs really left a deep impression on him.


   These images came to mind. Lu Yang replied affirmatively: "Of course not! I'm just afraid of affecting your life. After all, your boyfriend is also here."


   Ran hòu Zhang Li said: "It's not closed. Where do you live? Do you want me to come over tonight?"


   Facing the temptation of beauty, Lu Yang knelt shamefully, and blurted out, "Okay!"


   followed, and told Zhang Li the address and room number of his hotel. That night. It was another ridiculous night.


Every time I do something like that with Zhang Li, Lu Yang can always be very open. Maybe it’s because Zhang Li and he are not boyfriends and girlfriends, so you don’t have to think about pity; maybe because Zhang Li is also very dominant in bed. dòng; Or maybe just because I like this sneaky feeling.


   In short, every time, Lu Yang can be very happy, not tossing Zhang Li exhausted, never give up.


Nowadays. While sitting on the plane back to K city in Y province, Lu Yang closed his eyes and rested. The scenery of that night is still emerging in my mind.


Every time after doing something like that with Zhang Li, Lu Yang will always have the idea of ​​indulgence in his heart. There will be a period of time to feel that with beautiful women, if there is no emotion involved, it is just to satisfy the physical needs. It's great, you don't need to be as tired as being caught between Cao Xue and Tong Yaqian.


   But every time, after returning to Cao Xue or Tong Yaqian, he felt that it was wrong to indulge.




In the past few days when Lu Yang was busy signing and selling, among the seven book fans of Lu Yang, some people posted photos of autographed books in the group every day. The first few days of signing were especially large, because the few days ago, it was extremely big. Most of the book fans are enjoying the New Year's Day holiday, and only a few days later, it gradually disappeared.


   The reaction was at the signing site of Lu Yang. There were also a lot of people a few days ago. Later, as the book fans went to work and went to school, the number of book fans who rushed to the scene gradually decreased.


   Especially when the last stop became the capital, there were already only a hundred book fans who came to the scene.


   Even so, the leaders and staff of the publishing house still laughed out of sight. Compared with the popularity of many traditional writers at the time of signing, it has already exploded those traditional writers.


   When he returned to K City, Lu Yang's life returned to peace again. He went to work and went to work every day, and went to bed with codewords.


   What makes Lu Yang dumbfounded is that because of this long vacation, in private, several colleagues have asked him to ask for leave!


   There must be no 7 days in the New Year's Day holiday. Lu Yang just enjoyed the 7-day holiday, so many teachers were blushing with jealousy.


   Only a few months of internship? How many times did Lu Yang take the week-long holiday?




   On the monthly ticket list in January, another dark horse appeared!


   A novel with a few flying knives on the cover has entered the field of vision of countless people.


   "Cun Mang"!


   On the evening when he returned to City K, when Lu Yang logged in to upload a new chapter, when he saw the book at the tenth place on the monthly ticket list, he sighed inwardly: The era of Big Tomato has begun!


   Big Tomato's debut novel "Legend of Star Peaks", from the release to the end, few people commented on that book. It can be said to be unfamiliar, but when "Inch Mang" came out, Big Tomato showed its sharp edge!


In addition, at this time, because of the departure of Xuehong and others, there are only a handful of top gods. It is the time to make gods vigorously. Big Tomato's "Inch Mang" will be uploaded from the end of September and will be on the shelves in mid-November. After November With the fight in December, and its rising popularity, Zhuyì has already made Zhuyì this impressive work.


   Many people have already seen the sharp flying knives on the cover, and then they see the title of the book-"Cun Mang", which makes people feel very creative.


   Looking at the introduction of the book again, it is actually the modern version of Xiao Li Feida?


   In 2006, everyone still remembers Jiao Enjun's version of "Little Li Flying Sword". When "Little Li Flying Sword" was first broadcast, how many teenagers were fascinated by Li Xunhuan's flying sword skills?


   The appearance of "Cun Mang" just scratched the itch of countless people's hearts! Coupled with Big Tomato's whimsy and straightforward narrative, this book has attracted a large number of readers from the beginning of its upload.


   At this time, the performance after being put on the shelves in November and December. Successfully attracted the attention of the editorial department. At the beginning of January, "Cun Mang" was given a big push. Just send this book to the top ten list of monthly tickets.


   brightly blind the eyes of countless great gods.


   For the majority of readers, this is good news! There is another good book to read.


   Many people think that this is just an accident, but Lu Yang knows that this is just the beginning. After Big Tomato, new gods will spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain.


   Many people think that web writing has reached its peak. In fact, the golden age of online writing has just begun!


   Big Tomato has just begun to take off, the monthly ticket list of January. The most is still the contemplative "Beast Blood Boiling" and the magical "Buddha is the Tao".


   Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternity" is still being updated without delay. It has two chapters a day, and is spit out by countless book fans, and it is still me. Lu Yang originally planned to save more manuscripts last month. This month, there was an outbreak of competition for the monthly ticket list.


But last month there were too many things. His number of manuscripts was not up to date, no manuscripts were saved, and he wanted to compete for the monthly ticket list, so he could only lie down like a sick cat, watching the outbreak today It will break out tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will open a single chapter.


  The monthly ticket list has softened, but Lu Yang's reputation has not declined in the whole January. Because "Gate of Rebirth" will release a new trailer every other week.


   With the participation of Lu Yang. The quality of each of the following trailers is not inferior to the first one.


   The second trailer starts with a short and poor male protagonist who was stabbed by someone in a nightclub. As he died, he reached out and grabbed the doctor's arm and said intermittently, "I think I can save it again..."


   When this screen appeared, many people who watched the trailer burst into laughter.


   I think this way of death is too happy.


All the trailers not only cover major online video sites, but also broadcast on every provincial TV station in the country. I don’t know how many people have never watched online novels, and I never know who Wen Chou and Dai Qingwa belong to the family and individuals. When I saw this trailer, they all laughed.


   Then the picture turned, the short and poor after death returned to his youth, lying motionless on the bed in the small room, squinting his small eyes and looking at the light coming in from the window, his thoughts entered a state of memory. In the memory, the boy was standing on the edge of the woods with a bouquet of wild flowers in his hand, and his inner monologue sounded. The boy was waiting for the arrival of the goddess in his mind, Jiaqi.


  Ran hòu really saw the goddess coming, but behind it was chasing a handsome man.


   The sound was heard outside the picture, and the boy said Gao Fushuai was his natural enemy.


However, the hòu picture turned to that dark alley, nervously short and poor, holding a torn sack in his hand, preparing to attack Gao Fushuai, but because he rushed out a little earlier, he was accidentally knocked out by Gao Fushuai. Falling with a blue nose and a swollen face...


   This trailer is not much different from the first one.


   But the interested audience who has seen the first paragraph will find that the narrative method has changed this time!


   In the first trailer, the unlucky plots are played normally, while in the second trailer, these are all in the form of memories.


   This is the beginning of Lu Yang's insistence on changing àn!


Lu Yang couldn’t stand the pre-rebirth plot of the first eighty or ninety minutes. On Lu Yang’s suggestion, the first scene of "The Gate of Rebirth" was that the protagonist was stabbed to death with a knife, but he was directly reborn. The plots are all reminiscences, inserted in appropriate occasions throughout the movie.


   This is also the narrative style of Lu Yang's novels, a novel of rebirth. In the first chapter, even the first sentence, the protagonist has been reborn.


   This "Gate of Rebirth", Lu Yang also edited this way.


   In order to realize his intention, as the director Dai Qingwa was unhappy, Wang Lin decided not to add another one million in the later stage. The previously said two million additional publicity expenses were all borne by Lu Yang.


   With a total investment of 6 million, Lu Yang's investment alone would account for 4 million. In addition, he was the screenwriter, and he wrote the opening and ending songs.


   It is no exaggeration to say that this movie is his work.


   When the second trailer came out, not many people realized that "Gate of Rebirth" was different in publicity. When the third and fourth trailers also came out.


   No matter how thick the line is, people have discovered that this movie actually has four trailers?




   does not play cards according to common sense!




   Various comments have been released.


Because the four trailers of this movie are released every other week, although Lu Yang's "Magic Sword Eternity" is updated slowly and shows no signs of contending on the monthly ticket list, he has always been at the forefront of public opinion that has been discussed by countless people. superior.


   Seeing that the first month is about to pass, Lu Yang came to Shanghai again. This time he didn't ask for leave. He used the weekend to come by plane again.


In a small screening room, Lu Yang, Wang Lin, Dai Qingwa, and Beard watched "The Gate of Rebirth" again. This film had passed the review of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television a week ago and confirmed that it will be February 1st. Can be officially released.


   In theory, it is now a 100% finished product, but Lu Yang is still a little worried. If the viewing effect is not satisfactory, Lu Yang will request a re-editing, even if it is postponed, it cannot be released hastily.


   The first film he wrote and invested in himself, Lu Yang is not allowed to fail!




   The four people in the screening room sat quietly watching the movie on the screen. Time passed by. Lu Yang frowned slightly, and he didn't say a word.


   also lit a cigarette in his mouth halfway through.


   The whole movie lasts 90 minutes. When the last scene gradually turned into a distant shot and the ending song of "Back in Time" sounded, Lu Yang moved slightly.


Wang Lin used to turn on the lights in the projection room, and the three of them looked at Lu Yang again as they did last time. When Lu Yang was asked for his opinion last time, Wang Lin’s investment was still the same as Lu Yang’s. Now Lu Yang is already the most dà investment. Man, whether this movie can be released as scheduled depends on his opinion.


   Under the gaze of the three of them, Lu Yang showed a little smile on his face, applauded, and smiled: "Yes! What I want is this flavor!"


Hearing that, both Big Beard and Wang Lin smiled, only Dai Qingwa's expression was a little complicated. After a moment of silence, he got up and walked in front of Lu Yang, patted Lu Yang on the shoulder, and sighed, "Hey! I admit it, press you. The effect of the editing of opinions is indeed better than what I thought before! I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation next time!"


Mentioned this topic Wang Lin also sighed, and said: "Stop talking! I now regret not adding one million in the later stage! I have a hunch that the box office of this movie should not be bad! "


   Bearded also said: "Mr. Lu has a good job as an editor! At least you know how to tell a story!"


   Facing the trio’s flattery, Lu Yang was a little embarrassed, stood up and hugged Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin respectively, but Hu shook hands with Beard again to express his gratitude.


  Ran hòu Lu Yang invited the three to have a meal in a three-star hotel.


   The additional two million in the later stage of the film has already added all the copyright fees he plans to invest in the stock market and last month's manuscript fees into qù.


   Not only that, but also asked the passing lamb to borrow 200,000.


   If this movie can't make money, he will lose a lot this time! (To be continued...)


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