Rebirth 2003

Chapter 323: I think I can save one more time

   It was past 12 midnight, and Lu Yang, who was still in the dark small room with the code word, received a call from Wang Lin. Wang Lin knew that Lu Yang usually didn't go to bed until the early hours of the morning. He was indeed better than Lu Yang.


   "Wen University! The first promotional video is out! It is available on several major video websites. If you have time, take a look! Give some advice when finished!" Wang Lin said over the phone.




   Hang up the phone, Lu Yang opens the IE browser, enters the "Gate of Rebirth" trailer in the browser search box, and hits the Enter key at random, and the search results come out.


   Thousands of search results, Lu Yang clicked on the first search result-Youku Video.


   In recent years, there are not many video sites, and the more famous ones are about Tudou and Youku. A new video page pops up. The name of the video is just a few words for the first trailer of "Gate of Rebirth".


The video was buffered for more than ten seconds before it started playing intermittently. This is also one of the main reasons why there are not many video websites these days. In 2006, Internet speeds were generally not fast. Online videos were always stuck. Need to buffer for a while, impatient people have the heart to smash the computer.


   Lu Yang had an electronic cigarette with white smoke in his mouth, and looked at it patiently, not caring how many times it got stuck in the middle.


As soon as the picture of the trailer came out, the melody of the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" slowly sounded. In the beautiful melody of the song, the picture of the trailer began to play, and the first thing that appeared was a slightly humiliated teenager with a nervous expression. Standing on the edge of the woods behind an old building, he was holding a small handful of wild flowers that he didn't know where he had picked. As if waiting for a certain girl, the boy's inner monologue also sounded: "Why isn't Jiaqi here yet? It should be coming soon? I wonder if she will accept my flowers..."


   On the video screen, the boy walked around nervously for a while. After a while, I sat down on a stone bench next to him. The dazzling sunlight slowly turned yellow. It turned out that the sun was setting before unknowingly. At this moment, the eyes of the young man who had been waiting for a long time lit up and his vision inside. Finally an angel-like fresh and refined girl appeared. The smile on the girl's face was as beautiful as a blooming flower, and the young man was about to rush over subconsciously. Then his face suddenly changed, and he stopped. It turned out that he was behind the girl. There is also a handsome tall boy. The boy had a sunny smile on his face, chasing the girl, and the girl chuckled and ran in front. In a moment, the eyes of the short and poor boy on the edge of the wood dimmed.


A voice-over sounded on the video screen: "I hate Gao Fushuai! I hate it since I was a child! I think Zhou Yu's words are very good-both Shengyu and He Shengliang? Gao Fushuai is my natural enemy! So I don't need other reasons to hate Gaofushuai. !"


   The voice-over voice is a deep young voice.


   The picture turned, the short and poor boy who was on the edge of the woods just now hides nervously in an empty alley. Holding a torn sack in his hand...


   The sweat on his forehead oozes out little by little. One of them seeped into his eyes, and there was a dazzling scorching sun on the top of his head. The sweat on the boy's forehead didn't know whether it was caused by the sun or the tension.


Finally, in the previous screen, the tall young man chasing the angel-like girl, dressed in five and six people, combed the three or seven points that made the short and poor frustrated, drove a windy racing car through the alley, hiding The teenager behind a small corner in the alley suddenly rushed out, trying to cover Gao Fushuai's head with a torn sack. As a result, the nervous short and poor frustrated rushed out a bit early. Not only did the broken sack not cover Gao Fushuai, but also Gaofu. The handsome car crashed out.


The broken sack fell on the ground, and his face was bruised and swollen. There was still two blood flowing from his nostrils. Gao Fushuai was curled up in the alley with pain. Gao Fushuai was shocked and burst into anger when he saw the broken sack on the ground. The watch, threw down the brand-new car, and rushed over to punch and kick Xiaoqiongwu. After venting for a long time, he actually sent Xiaoqiongwu to the teacher and accepted the teacher's saliva baptism.


   On the screen, the voice-over sounded again, still the low voice of the young man before.


   "In order to eliminate natural enemies, I have fought a lot, and the result is..."


On the video screen, with montage editing techniques, scenes flashed quickly, Xiaoqiong frustrated the miserable end after fighting with Gao Fushuai one after another. In the end, he watched Gao Fushuai and his goddess Jiaqi enter a key university. , And after he failed the rankings, he could only follow a group of gangsters, help people collect protection fees, watch the scene, and occasionally participate in the fire merging of two gangsters, and he was often beaten in an inhuman form.


Finally, once, in a fight in a nightclub, I was stabbed in the abdomen by someone who missed his hand. After more than ten years of hard work, the short and poor frustration finally fell in a pool of blood. Scenes of the past flashed before my eyes, and a weak inner monologue sounded. : "If... if God can make me do it again, I won't be like this again..."


   On the screen of the trailer, a doctor in a white lab coat arrived late. After a checkup, he sighed and put down his stethoscope, and asked regretfully, "Do you have any last words?"


   Shortly and poorly opened his mouth, weakly grasping the doctor's hand, intermittently: "Doctor...Doctor...I...I think...I can still...I can rescue again..."


   Before he finished his words, he grabbed the doctor's hand in a frustrated way, loosened it weakly, and dropped it. A pretty little nurse next to him pouted his mouth in disdain...


The picture of the video, with the death of Xiaoqiongtai, all went dark. If the script was not written by Lu Yang, the story may end here, but the script was written by Lu Yang, so Lu Yang knew that this story was the only one. just started.


   Sure enough, the dark picture brightened little by little, and the previously dark picture suddenly became brighter. Even the light from the window into the small room seemed to have a warm feeling.


   Dwarf who was lying on the bed opened his eyes blankly, he actually returned to his teenage years...


The picture turned, and he returned to the previous alley. This time, Xiaoqiangzuo did not hold the torn sacks in his hand, just like the old **** was standing in the middle of the alley, Gao Fushuai once again rode in with a brand-new racing car. Being frustrated by Xiaoqiong and driving a man to the ground with a car and kicking him down on the ground, for many years of procrastination life, Xiaoqiangfighting has made a fight, and his movements are as graceful as clouds and flowing water. He beat Gaofushuai on his knees and begged for mercy. .


   The picture turned again, a classroom full of students, a teacher wearing glasses announced the test results on the podium, Xiaoqiangshu actually got the first place in the class and was praised by the teacher.


After that, a few pictures flashed. When I was chasing the goddess Jiaqi, from the first refusal to the final hesitation, the final picture was frozen in a modern office. Jia Qi, who was sitting opposite, blinked her left eye, Jia Qi blushed and hurriedly lowered her head, pretending to work hard.


  The picture ends here. On the final freeze-frame picture, a line of big characters jumps out of the picture: "The Gate of Rebirth", director: Dai Qingwa, screenwriter: Wen Chou! On February 1, it will be released nationwide!"


   The entire trailer is less than one minute in length. After watching it, Lu Yang smiled faintly. The trailer alone, Dai Qingwa and Wang Lin did, had a better effect than he expected.


The storyline of this movie is not complicated, nor can it be complicated. When Lu Yang wrote this script, it took only about two hours. It was basically a short story about the rebirth of a standard Internet-based city. Such a story, Lu Yang Yang didn't know how many he had seen in his previous life.


   For Lu Yang, he doesn't care about whether a movie is artistic or not, as long as he can give the audience a refreshing story.


   As long as the audience is happy, the box office should not be too bad!


  The original intention of writing this script was to thank Wang Lin for his support before. Later, Wang Lin suggested that he decided to invest together.


   Now the first trailer is out. After watching this trailer, Lu Yang has more confidence in whether the film can make money. From his personal feeling, this trailer can attract him.


   Now it’s up to the audience’s reaction. It won’t take long for the trailer to circulate in the next two days, and you can see that the audience is not expecting it anymore.


After thinking about it, Lu Yang logged into his q`q and posted the network link of this trailer to all his q`q groups. Not only did he post it to all his book fans, but also the author groups and classmate groups. Yes, I posted one.


   As for forums like Longkong, Lu Yang did not promote it. He believed that with his current fame, as long as news from him came out, there would definitely be a lot of people who would help him in Longkong to promote, make complaints, and provoke him.




It’s already late at night at midnight. In reality, many people have had several dreams. On the Internet, there are still many night owls active, playing games, codewords, reading novels, watching movies and TV shows, and shopping. The forums are boring, but I don’t want to sleep, a lot.


   Lu Yang’s trailer link was sent to those groups, and it immediately attracted the attention of many night owls, especially in Lu Yang’s 7 book fan groups.


The 7 book fan groups are already full, each of 500 people, 7 groups is 3,500, after twelve o’clock ~ online, diving, not to mention there are thousands of people, how many There are definitely a hundred.


   Lu Yang posted the link to this trailer in the name of Wen Chou, and many people immediately spoke out.


   This said: "Catch a wild Wen Chou! Come catch it! Don't let Wen Da run away!"


   That said: "What link? Wenda! Is it okay to send a link without telling what the link is? Isn't it a link to a love action movie? Hey! Thank you Wenda! A fellow of Wenda!"


   Someone said: "I was surprised to see Wenda? Wenda! I grew up reading your book! My family grew up reading your book!"


   This someone's screen name is: a set of old clothes.


   After Lu Yang sent the link to all the groups, he was the first to open the original book fan group. As soon as he came in, he saw this joke that made him laugh and cry. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you for your rewards and monthly tickets! I don’t know whose name has sensitive words. I have published the chapter testimonial thank-you list several times, but I couldn’t pass it. Sorry! I can only thank you so much! Almost crazy

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