Rebirth 2003

Chapter 317: Meet Cao Xue and Tong Yaqian

In the evening, Lu Yang and Cao Xue had already had dinner. Because the school was going to hold a New Year’s Day party tonight, Lu Yang, a teacher in the third middle school, needed to attend, so after dinner, Lu Yang did not go to the small room to prepare code words. At the dining table in the living room and dining table, he is signing his books to book fans in Shanghai. Every book fan has a simplified copy and a traditional book, both of which are "Magic Sword Eternal". , There are real names and recipient addresses, most of which are also marked with a five-pointed star.


   These book fans who are marked with five-pointed stars have participated in the Shanghai operation last time. On the signed books for these book fans, Lu Yang has to write a blessing, and then his signature-Wen Chou!


At this time, Cao Xue was standing in the middle of the living room sorting out the clothes she had just changed. There is a party tonight, and Lu Yang will naturally not leave her at home. Anyway, the party tonight will be held on the playground. Her seat.


   Cao Xue sorted out the clothes on her body, and smiled sweetly and asked Lu Yang: "My dear! What do you think of my clothes? Is it beautiful?".


   Lu Yang smiled and looked up, nodded, and praised: "Pretty!!"


With Lu Yang's English skills, he can only say a few similar sentences. When he was in high school, he could not speak English at all. He had almost given up English in a few years in college, and he did not use his memory that was different from ordinary people to study hard after he was reborn. English, Lu Yang knows what he will do after graduation. English stuff will not be of any use to him. The most important thing is. He has no interest in that kind of bird language, and he says that interest is the best teacher, when a person is not interested in something. It is hard to learn well.


   Hearing Lu Yang actually tugged in English, Cao Xue smiled and gave him a white look, but she was still pleased with Lu Yang's praise.


   As mentioned earlier, the autographs that Lu Yang sent this time were carried out in batches by province and municipality directly under the Central Government. Tonight, it happened to sign a physical book to a book fan in Shanghai, and he just praised Cao Xue in English. Lu Yang signed a copy and began to sign another book fan in the Shanghai area, his gaze shifted to the bottom of the list. I saw a net name called: Homecoming.


   This screen name is very common. There are any screen names on the Internet, but the real name and recipient address behind the screen name made the smile on Lu Yang's face froze. The pen that was about to write the blessings also stopped.


   Feng Tingting. Shanghai Hengxin Foreign Trade Trading Company...


If it’s just Feng Tingting’s name, Lu Yang can think that it’s just a duplicate name. The name of Feng Tingting is not uncommon in China because it is such a big country. Duplicate names are normal, but with the recipient address at the back, the possibility of duplicate names is extremely high. Small.


   It’s not a coincidence that girls with the same company and the same name?


   suddenly. Lu Yang vaguely remembered this "Like Water Flowing Years" screen name, which seemed familiar, and seemed to have asked him some questions.


   "Hey! Honey! What's wrong with you?"


   Maybe he noticed Lu Yang's abnormality. Cao Xue, who had already arranged his clothes, went to sit down at the dining table and asked Lu Yang with a smile, and called Lu Yang back to God. Lu Yang smiled and said, "Nothing!"


   Immediately, continue to write blessings and signatures on the two books, even if this Feng Tingting is her! Lu Yang's choice is also treated as ignorance, just treat her as an ordinary book fan!


It’s just that despite thinking like this in my heart, and writing blessings and signatures skillfully on his hands, I still can’t stop thinking of Feng Tingting’s appearance and the conversation that I vaguely remembered in his memory. Lu Yang can’t remember the specific content of the conversation. , But Lu Yang was sure that he should have spoken to this person whose online name is Si Shui Liu Nian.


   Maybe, when you come back from the end of the party tonight, you can check the Q`Q chat history.




   When it was getting dark, Lu Yang and Cao Xue came to the Third Middle School holding hands.


On weekdays, at this time, in addition to the high school, which is still studying in the evening, the junior high school has already returned home from school, but tonight is completely different. The high school does not go to the evening self-study. All the teachers and students of the junior high school are still in school, one place. There is a characteristic of the place.


  Lu Yang's previous ten years of reading career, whether in elementary school, junior high school, high school, or university, rarely saw such a grand school party. The reason may be regional differences!


Most of the shows in the party are usually singing and dancing. Most of the ethnic groups in the inland provinces are Han people, and the Han people are not famous for singing and dancing. The city of Y province and K city is completely different. There are more than 20 ethnic minorities here, many of them are minorities. The nation is widely known for its ability to sing and dance.


  Only the first three classes of Lu Yang's lectures, as far as Lu Yang knows, most of the students are ethnic minorities, such as Miao, Dai, Yi, Naxi...


   There are many ethnic names that Lu Yang has never heard of before, but it seems that each ethnic group has its own characteristic song and dance program. If you put on the unique style of the ethnic costume and sing and dance, it will be refreshing.


Lu Yang and Cao Xue didn’t go to the big playground right away. At this time, the party had not started yet. There were basically all students there. Lu Yang was not the class teacher, so he didn’t need to go to maintain order. When the time came, just go with other teachers. .


  According to the usual practice, the front row of the party will reserve a good place with their teachers. This is probably one of the reasons why many people like to be teachers! Although the salary is not high, the authority is not large, and the leaders may even wear small shoes, but in public, the feeling of respect is really wonderful.


The atmosphere in each office tonight is very harmonious, or rather casual. You don’t need to sit in your own office properly. You can stop by wherever you want. Some teachers even take off their suits and dress casually. .


   The leaders also have smiles on their faces, and no one will spoil everyone today.


   When Lu Yang and Cao Xue walked into the office, the teachers who were chatting all looked over. Lu Yang is no different tonight, but Cao Xue next to Lu Yang surprised everyone.


   When Lu Yang met Cao Xue for the first time, he was attracted by Cao Xue's beauty. One can imagine how beautiful Cao Xue is, even though he is not tall. But if it is scored, it can be scored at least 90 points or more.


   Even in the eyes of many people, Cao Xue's beauty. Nearly perfect.


When Lu Yang and his group of interns came for internship, Tong Yaqian and Qian Xiaoyu were two big beauties recognized in everyone’s minds. Overtly and secretly, I don’t know how many people have pursued them. But at this time, I saw Cao Xue. The individual's gaze subconsciously looked at Tong Yaqian who was sitting behind the desk.


   Tong Yaqian is tall and elegant. Cao Xue is fresh and refined, and for a while, no one can tell. Which of the two is more beautiful?


   Incidentally, everyone gave Lu Yang a higher look.


   There is a saying in society that the woman who sees a man knows whether he is capable or not.


woman. sometimes. It's like a man's business card! A good woman can definitely add color to her man. At this moment, Lu Yang was envied and hated again.


   There is only money, and there is such a beautiful girlfriend...


   Some people who are jealous will have such thoughts in their hearts, such as: Good x has been a dog! Good cabbage has been swept away by pigs! A flower is stuck on the cow dung!


   Lu Yang is definitely not the only one bringing his family tonight. When I saw Cao Xue, many male teachers brought their wives or girlfriends. The smile on his face began to become unnatural.


   The teacher is also a human being, and being a human has a passion for comparison.


   My own woman is not as beautiful as others, and it is absolutely false to say that I am not envious.


No matter what everyone thinks, when they saw Lu Yang bringing his girlfriend in, they all greeted Lu Yang and Cao Xue with smiles. After all, Lu Yang has been in the limelight recently. Just one game copyright has sold for two million. It was enough to make people dare not look down upon him. What's more, everyone was eating the extra meal Lu Yang gave to everyone in the cafeteria two days ago.


   I ate other people’s food and saw each other.


   Xu Heng and Shao Dahai are also here tonight.


   After being punched and kicked by Zhou Shaofeng after drinking, the two of them have been recuperating recently. They have had a swollen nose and swollen nose and have not gone to work for a long time.


When    entered the door, Lu Yang paid attention to the image of the two of them. Xu Heng still had a band-aid on the corner of his eye, and the corner of Shao Dahai's right mouth was a little green. If you don't pay attention, you can't see it.


   Just glanced, Lu Yang's attention fell on Tong Yaqian. At this time, Lu Yang didn't want to bring Cao Xue here. Subconsciously, Lu Yang didn't want the two women to meet.


But Cao Xue kept telling him recently that she wanted to come to see where he works, and that she wanted to see Tong Yaqian. Lu Yang didn’t know when she knew that Tong Yaqian was also doing an internship here, but since she already knew it, Lu Yang was also unlucky to keep the two of them from seeing each other. In that case, Cao Xue was even more suspicious.


   Lu Yang noticed that when he and Cao Xue walked in holding hands, Tong Yaqian, who was smiling and chatting with Xu Xiaoman, suddenly lost the smile in his eyes.


  Xu Xiaoman beside Tong Yaqian also opened his mouth slightly, with a surprised look on his face.


   Tong Yaqian's reaction was faster than Lu Yang had imagined, but she was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and walked over, stretched out her slender white right hand to Cao Xue, and said, "Long time no see!"


   Cao Xue showed a generous smile, shook the palm of Tong Yaqian's stretched out hand, and said, "Long time no see!"


   The minds of the two of them are a bit strange at the moment. Tong Yaqian knows Cao Xue's place in Lu Yang's heart, and Cao Xue also knows that Tong Yaqian likes Lu Yang. When Lu Yang came here for internship, Tong Yaqian also came over, and Tong Yaqian's thoughts were already clear.


   This is also one of the main reasons why Cao Xue recently decided to come and live She knows that Tong Yaqian is a rival!


   "Huh? Teacher Tong! Do you know Teacher Lu's girlfriend?"


   A female teacher in the office asked Tong Yaqian unexpectedly, and Tong Yaqian smiled and said, "More than knowing each other? We used to be good sisters in a dormitory!"


   "Ah? That's it! No wonder you have such a good relationship with Teacher Lu!"


   The female teacher suddenly realized it, but she immediately stirred the nerves of Cao Xue and Lu Yang. This sentence was simply telling Cao Xue that Lu Yang and Tong Yaqian had an unusual relationship. (To be continued...)


PS: Thank you Feng~~Brother, Uncle Dou, laugh, Aku, you are so handsome, じve Bin Shao, Suifengju, Xiaocao’s pride rewards 100 points, thanks to Sheng/, Lao Na rewards 588 with Rejoice Point coins, thank Tianai Xingkong for rewarding 1888 coins, thank pig small intestine, big love wood = rebirth reward 10,000 points, congratulations pig small intestine to become the host of this book, congratulations big love wood = rebirth on the fan list third , Thank you Lao Na for presenting 10 chapters with Rejoice, and thank you all for your monthly pass and five-star evaluation vote! Thank you!


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