Rebirth 2003

Chapter 192: In the turmoil, "Magic Sword Eternal" is released

The emergence of digital stations and the departure of a group of editors such as the starting point of the editorial department have caused an uproar in the online literature world. The digital station buyout plan has caused a sensation. Any place that pays attention to the online literature world, regardless of readers, Authors and editors are all talking about it, and various gossip messages are flying in the sky among readers, authors, and Long Kong.

Some readers who are dissatisfied with the starting point chanted that there will be new places in the future. Some authors changed their vests and cheered in those places in Longkong, predicting a new chapter in the online literature world, and hard-working Internet writers no longer have to work hard. That's a penny for every thousand words. Exhausted all kinds of beautiful words to praise the digital station’s first buyout system, advocating the emergence of the buyout system, not only the majority of writers will get a higher status, the phenomenon of eunuchs, which is common in the online literature industry, will also be stabilized by the writers. Income, and get an effective reduction.

Xwen Online, as a giant in the publishing industry, is also using its own influence to blow new digital sites to the sky on two different media, the Internet and reality, claiming that the starting point is not a spring but a hundred flowers bloom. The gospel of the vast number of authors and readers, calls on the majority of writers and readers to support the digital station.

Those original novel sites that have been suppressed by the starting point before, also took this opportunity to ask everyone to work together to hollow out the starting point and end the era of the starting point. .

   For a time, the starting point instantly moved from the dominance to the turbulent period of people's hearts floating. It seems that the huge starting point, in the hands of a group of second and third-line websites, will soon fall into the abyss.

  At this time, in everyone's mind, the greatest value of a web-based website is the top gods on the front line and above.

   Those second- and third-tier websites and the founders of digital stations are bloody, obviously they think so too.

   Everyone sharpened their knives together, and wanted to hollow out all the great gods above the starting point, just like the Eight-Power Allied Forces dismembered the Qing Dynasty in the late Qing Dynasty.

   Today, it was reported that a certain great **** was about to leave, and tomorrow there was another great **** who had already negotiated a buyout price with another website.

   It seems that overnight, all small and medium-sized websites have plans to buy out.

   are looking for signature authors for their website and erecting their own pillars.

   For a time, all the great gods above the starting point became sweet and sour, and their value skyrocketed.

   First-tier, second-tier and third-tier authors, many people are also popular and want to take the opportunity to sell themselves for a good price.

   Soon, the starting point top god, known as the first annual income of blood red and misty Jiangnan, Yuntiantian, alcoholics, Tanlang and others, announced their participation in the digital station.

The top **** of the starting point was dug away 70% to 80% in an instant, and only a few people have not heard the news of being taken away, but the foundation of the starting point is also shaken. If the starting point does not take measures, the next thing will be inevitable. It is the departure of more popular authors.

   The pie drawn by Xwen online and digital stations is really good for everyone. While attacking the hegemony of the starting point, while advocating a better welfare plan, he took the opportunity to dig a large number of top gods from the starting point.

   Panicked and angry starting point, made a very irrational decision.

That was overnight, the ban on the million-character chapter of Yun Tiantian "The Legend of Cthulhu" was lifted, causing Yun Tiantian's great anger and backlash. He made his angry remarks everywhere, and even his own efforts were trampled by the starting point, and the direct economic loss exceeded More than one hundred thousand, and under the agitation of the digital station, a complaint brought the starting point to court, and made up for the precarious starting point.

   This also planted a bitter fruit for Yun Tiantian's future destiny.

   When a few years later, when the digital station played itself dying, and was unable to use the sky-high price to buy out the manuscript fee to nourish the blood red and the cloud sky and others, the blood red and the cloud sky and others returned to the starting point one after another.

Unfortunately, the blood red godhead is still there. When he left, there was no starting point for slandering. Therefore, after returning, the blood red can still enjoy the treatment of a platinum god, but Yun Tiantian was coldly treated by the starting point because of the original noisy. After returning to the starting point, he continued I wrote a few books in the starting point, and his popularity has always been in the position of third-rate authors, and eventually disappeared from the public eye.

   Of course, this is all a few years later. At that time, when the digital station was just established, Yun Tian's behavior really hit the starting point of the collapse and won countless sympathy points.

  Blood Red launched his culmination work "Evil Dragon Dao" on the digital station, the companion of "Naga Dragon Dao", the popularity is still bursting, Yun Tiantian launched the transformation work "Miscellaneous is also a kind of life", the popularity is also very good.

   At the same time, most of the great gods who have been dug into the past have launched carefully prepared new works of high standards, such as Tan Lang's "Facial Makeup", "Guide Record" by the alcoholic and so on.

Suddenly, the digital station seemed to have robbed most of the popularity of the starting point at the beginning of its establishment. From time to time, the website traffic broke new highs. The editor team of the digital station was greatly encouraged and launched a group of new authors discovered by themselves. , Blowing those new books to the sky, it seems that everyone has the qualifications to become gods.

   Lu Yang vaguely remembered that the name of one of the books seemed to be "Chan Long Yin", but the name was very special.

When the online literature world was in chaos, Lu Yang did not pay much attention to it. He has already begun to write his new book "The Eternity of the Magic Sword." .

   It appeared in his mind that he had heard the conversation between his father and his elder brother by accident. Qin Yu, who had never been able to cultivate, was very unwilling. He hated why he could not practice. He also wanted to share the worries for his father and the burden for his brother.

   It's a pity that he can't do anything.

   Under the setting sun, Qin Yu sat in a corner of the palace, looking lonely at the setting sun in the sky, thinking about his own thoughts, depressed, and a flying eagle that had been raised up to accompany him.

   His father and elder brothers, in order to avenge the great revenge, intend to rebel and overthrow the tyrant's rule, they both work hard day and night, but they all hope that Qin Yu, who can't cultivate, can live a life without worries and happily.

   It is precisely because of this that Qin Yu loves his father and brother even more, and hates himself for not being able to share his worries for him.

Every night, Qin Yu, who could not practice, would dream of a huge sword in a huge palace. It was sealed and refined by layers of seals. The huge sword was constantly moving, but he could not break the seal and woke up every day. After that, Qin Yu was deeply troubled by this, and never understood why he had such a dream.

   Qin Yu, who doesn't want his father and brother to worry about him anymore, keeps this secret in his heart, and suffers the pain of refining the samādhi in his dream by himself.

  Qin Yu, who couldn't cultivate zhenqi, was unwilling to be so weak forever, and could never share the burden for his father and brother, so he began to self-mutilate his body, seeking a lot of money for various methods of refining the body.

   Those who knew it all advised him not to waste time on body training, because since ancient times, no one has ever been able to rely on body training to become a real powerhouse.

But Qin Yu, who was unable to cultivate, but desperately wanted to be strong and able to share the worries of his father and brother, did not change his obsession. He still trained himself in a self-harming manner, and made his physical body stronger and stronger. The speed of Qi enhancement is comparable.

   Qin Yu walked farther and farther in the direction of cultivating his physical body.

   Finally, one day, his physical body was condensed to the extreme, and naturally he gave birth to an indestructible gas.

   let Qin Yu see a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

   He began to believe more and more that the potential of the human body is immeasurable, and that qi is by no means the limit of physical cultivation, and his obsession is getting deeper and deeper.


   When Lu Yang concentrated on writing this new book, the outside world was still harassing him. The number of stations became more and more, and the starting point became more and more fierce.

   has been almost pushed to the edge of the cliff by others. If you take a step back, you will fall into the abyss. Once you fall into the abyss, it is almost impossible to get up again.

Magic Sword Book League, Tianying Literature, Xilu, and Climbing Bookstore. Those formerly incomparable first-line websites are a lesson from the past. Once you play with yourself and want to get up, there is no hope, because it is not just your own efforts. Now, opponents who have already won won't give you another chance.

   Amidst the bad news, the editors of the starting point are trying their best to appease their authors, especially those popular authors who have not announced their departure. The only few great gods have been personally appeased by the editor-in-chief and even the general manager.

   Lu Yang has also received a call from the editor-in-chief of the second group, Z. As the author of the previous monthly ticket list for three consecutive championships, Lu Yang is now a **** of the gods, and he is naturally valued by the editor-in-chief.

   In such a mess, the end of "Infinite Kills" did not arouse much attention, only those readers who followed this book were talking about it.

   Almost all readers are surprised that this book will end so soon.

   Lu Yang did not care about the chaos in the outside world, nor did he explain to his readers why "Infinite Killing" ended so quickly, but quietly released the new book "Magic Sword Eternal".

   Title: "Magic Sword Eternal"

  Type: Xianxia

   Author: Wen Chou

Introduction: In a world where the strong is respected, you are a prince, but Qin Yu has never been able to practice. The father and brother are working hard day and night to overthrow the tyrant. Qin Yu hates that he cannot share the worries for his father and brother. He wants Find another way and get stronger quickly!

   This is a story about magic sword, welcome to try it out!

A brand-new story appeared in the eyes of many readers. Numerous readers who have been paying attention to Wen Chou, whether they are disappointed with "Infinite Killing" or not, open the book with the attitude of giving it a try, and read down bit by bit. .

   I have to say that "Magic Sword Eternity", which borrows from the beginning of "Star Change", has captured the hearts of countless readers from the very beginning.

  The protagonist is a superior prince. It was difficult for readers to feel substituting, but because of Qin Yu's innocence and his unwillingness to strengthen himself in a difficult situation, readers were deeply moved.

   Then, gradually substituted into it, and slowly realized the wonderfulness of this story, why did the true energy Qin Yu cultivated disappear for no reason?

   What does the sealed giant sword that appear in his dream every day represent?

   How can Qin Yu who can't cultivate true Qi make himself stronger?

   opens the first chapter, leaving readers with a few huge suspense. RS

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