Rebirth 2003

Chapter 187: Signs of change


   "This is not something you can learn in one or two days!"

   Yan Shiyi smiled when Lu Yang said that he wanted to learn painting from him.

   "It's okay! I'm only 21 years old, and some have time to learn slowly!" Seeing a smile on Yan Shiyi's face, Lu Yang also smiled, knowing that it can be done in eight or ninety.

Sure enough, hearing Lu Yang's insistence, Yan Shiyi nodded, and said, "That's OK! You have such a high level of writing, you must be a patient young man, drawing and writing are the same! Both require persistent efforts. What you want is persistent water milling skills! Since you want to learn, I will not hide your own personalities. How much you can learn depends on your own efforts!"

   "Thank you, Mr. Yan!" The map problem was resolved as desired, and there was another teacher who learned to paint. Lu Yang was very happy, and immediately invited Yan Shiyi to the restaurant for dinner, saying it was an apprenticeship banquet.

   Yan Shiyi also did not refuse. Lu Yang has published so many novels, and he must not be short of money. There is no rejection after a meal. Besides, Lu Yangti's reputation is still a teacher's feast.

   Is there any teacher who thinks his students respect him too much?

   After an apprenticeship dinner, Lu Yang officially changed his name to Yan Shiyi, and accompanied by Yan Shiyi, went to a nearby stationery store to buy a complete set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

   Then Yan Shiyi accompanied him to the bookstore and bought two introductory books on ink painting.

In the days that followed, Lu Yang occasionally skipped class. Anyway, in the last semester of the junior year, most teachers no longer called names when they were in class. Lu Yang had already mastered the knowledge in the textbooks, and there was no need to waste a lot of it. Time in class.

For the time saved by skipping classes, Lu Yang used codewords from time to time, that is, writing the outline of a new book, or learning to draw ink and wash painting. As for practicing boxing, he has long developed the habit of practicing after getting up in the morning, sweating out, and then going to punch. After taking a bath, changing into clean clothes, you will feel refreshed all day long.

   Before his rebirth, Lu Yang didn't exercise much of his body. He had been in a sub-healthy state and had no major illnesses or disasters. However, his mental energy was not very good all day long, and he always felt that his brain was faintly swollen.

   After nearly three years of training, his whole body has strong and dense muscles and bones that are much stronger than before. Otherwise, his height won't grow so much after he is reborn.

   Yan Shiyi called Lu Yang every three days and five meetings, and asked him about the map design, what kind of power sects are in each place, where are mountains, lakes or swamps, where are there monsters...

   Every two days, Lu Yang also goes to Yan Shiyi to see the progress of the map, and asks for some knowledge and skills in ink painting by the way.

   The last reincarnation scene of "Infinite Kills", "Resident Evil 3", Lu Yang has also written all of it, and is currently writing the final regional battle.

   When writing this plot, Lu Yang's mood was complicated.

   This book increased his popularity to the highest point in history, and achieved results that he had never dreamed of before, especially the monthly pass for three consecutive championships.

  According to his original plan, this book will be written for about one and a half years at least, but unfortunately, he can only finish it shortly because of the Japanese demand for copyright.

  This month, "Unlimited Kills" has fallen to second place on the monthly ticket list.

   The first place is occupied by Yun Tian's "Legend of Cthulhu", the third is the blood red "Evil Wind", the fourth is "Ming" by the alcoholic, and then the "Airspeed Stars" by the three masters.

   In the book review area and the book fan group, many readers are calling for Lu Yang to add more and get the number one on the monthly ticket list. Every time he sees such remarks, Lu Yang only smiles bitterly.

   dare not fight for the first place anymore.

   The first three times, the Japanese side has already noticed his book. If it continues to be the first, there may be another film company that will take aim at him.

Lu Yang did not fight, and the other gods would not be soft. They broke out and asked for more monthly tickets. The total number of monthly tickets increased and became crazy. Within a week, Lu Yang's "Unlimited Killing" was squeezed to fourth place, and the trend of falling is still No reduction, many readers in the book review area sighed, lamenting why Wen Chou did not compete on the monthly ticket list this month.

In some author groups, some authors are already saying that "Infinite Killing" is no longer good, saying that "Infinite Killing" is just creative and powerful. Now the novelty of creativity has been lost, and the stamina is immediately insufficient, and the monthly ticket list has dropped three consecutive times. Position is the proof.

  , the editor in charge Tian Ge also sent a private message, making Lu Yangjia even more explosive to ask for a monthly pass.

   Lu Yang went to Longkong once in a while, and he also saw several posts about his book there, saying that he is not working anymore.

   During class in the classroom, Cheng Hua also leaned close to Lu Yang and asked Lu Yang why he didn’t ask for a monthly pass this month?

   Since becoming obsessed with novels, Cheng Hua has been chasing after Lu Yang's "Unlimited Killing". After reading the daily updates, he also found all three books written by Lu Yang and read them all.

In the book review area and the book fans group, Lu Yang did not reply, and the place where dragons and snakes were mixed in Long Kong was completely ignored. In charge of the editor and Cheng Hua, Lu Yang said that he is in a bad state and cannot break out. Add more.

   In fact, he has written more than 10,000 words a day recently, so he should not be in a good state.

   How to write the ending of "Unlimited Killing", Lu Yang hesitated.

   It’s definitely not enough to write the protagonist Meng Fei to death. Although I write it this way, I can finish it any time I want, but it hurts the reader’s heart too much. It’s not a world famous book, and there is no need to play tragedy.

   Everyone has been reading this book for so long, and finally saw a tragic ending, how troublesome?

   It’s just that the protagonist is not written dead, and there are so many classic horror movies that have not been written. At this time, the ending, how can the whole story seem to end not so abruptly?

This is a problem.

   For this reason, Lu Yang paused for two days and did not continue to write down, intending to think about the ending.

   There are a few ways to end in Lu Yang's mind.

   One is that, as in "Legend of Stars and Moons", the protagonist is lost in the illusion and lives with his beloved woman, carefree.

The book "Legend of Stars and Moon" may not have been read by most readers. This book is still not long after the rise of online literature, about 2002 or 2003. Lu Yang was in high school at that time, near the school. I rented it in the bookstore for rent. In his eyes, this story was very exciting.

  The creativity is very novel. It is about an era in which new martial arts in the future world is endless, and ancient martial arts are also reviving. A young man who likes to play cool, Xingfei, has trained into a mysterious heavenly innocence...

Lu Yang can't remember the specific storyline, but he can't forget the name of the book and the fictional world background. He vaguely remembers that the Valkyrie stele appeared in the book, and the ending of Xing Fei lost in the illusion. . That ending has always made him regret, what a good story, the protagonist is so powerful, and finally lost in the illusion and can't come out.

   If "Infinite Kills" also quoted a similar ending, it would surely make countless readers feel regretful, and many years later, they would still be unable to forget the story, but writing this way seems to be too cheating for readers, and many people will definitely scold their mothers.

   Another ending, writing the infinite world as a dream. At the ending, Meng Fei woke up in the real world and found that the previous experience was just a dream.

   But writing this way seems to make readers feel sorry.

   There is another ending, that is, Mengfei has cleared all the reincarnation worlds. It turns out that the reincarnation world also has an end. After all the reincarnation worlds are cleared, he will be able to return to the real world with all his skills.

   This ending, Lu Yang thought it was fair, and he was always hesitating whether to write it like this.


   Just when Lu Yang was considering the ending of the book "Unlimited Killing", the editor-in-chief of the fourth group of the editorial department of the starting point applied to add him Q`Q.

Blood thick, since he formally joined the starting point in 2005, in the original history, he has successively become the contracted editor of the second editing group of the starting point, the editor-in-chief of the second editing group, etc., not only responsible for the work of the second editing group, but also responsible for the starting point comments Edition, Sanjiang Pavilion recommendation, and the famous new starting point alliance.

   It can be said that he holds an important position and has great authority.

   There are only five editorial teams in the starting point, and he is in charge of one of them. The review version is related to the word-of-mouth of each book. Sanjiang Pavilion...

   What is Sanjiang Pavilion?

   There is a big difference between the former Sanjiang Pavilion and the present.

The biggest role of Sanjiang Pavilion is to discover potential new books. It is also a consortium of authors. It has a separate section at the starting point. A new book with sluggish popularity, as long as it is favored by the editor of Sanjiang Pavilion, recommended by Sanjiang Pavilion last week. It will greatly increase, and countless readers and authors will go to every new book recommended by Sanjiang Pavilion The works recommended by Shang Sanjiang Pavilion will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief.

   It can be said that in the early Sanjiang Pavilion, countless outstanding works were discovered.

Author alliances were established in the Sanjiang section. One of the most famous is the blood-dominated starting point new work alliance. At that time, how many hot works were marked with the phrase "starting point new work alliance works" at the top of the work introduction, which brightened countless people. Eye.

   For a period of time, almost all books marked with "Starting Point and New Works" were synonymous with fine works.

   It’s just that the reward, author, and reader rating plan that Lu Yang submitted to the editor-in-chief of the second group last year seemed to stabilize the position of old Z. Bloody did not join the second editorial group, but entered the fourth group.

   entered the fourth group of blood thick, still, still in charge of the Sanjiang Pavilion, the review board, and the new league.

Lu Yang landed on Q`Q that night, and when he saw the application for adding blood to his friend, he was taken aback. What does it mean to add him as a friend at this time? Thinking of the great change that is about to happen, Lu Yang was already in his heart. Almost understand.

   In March 2006, did that giant in the publishing industry already recruit blood thick?

   Lu Yang's first thought was to ignore the request to add friends, but then changed his mind. It wasn't that he wanted to leave with the thick blood, but two reasons appeared in his mind.

   First, Blood Thickness is still very powerful at the starting point. At this time, he will not attack him. The consequences are unpredictable. Second, Lu Yang is a little curious and wants to know what conditions Blood Thickness will offer to recruit him.

   The main reason is the second reason.

curious! It's pure curiosity! RS

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