Rebirth 2003

Chapter 171: Stop writing songs

When Lu Yang came out of the bathroom, Rui Xiaoxiu had taken out the Yunnan Baiyao and bandages he had placed in the study and put them on the coffee table.

Lu Yang practiced boxing for two and a half years, and he was naturally injured, so the family prepared some simple medicines and bandages. Rui Xiaoxiu used to come often and knew where these things were placed.

Lu Yang glanced at her and those things, and while wiping the water stains on his head, he walked over and sat down beside Rui Xiaoxiu in silence.

There are two cups of hot tea made by Rui Xiaoxiu just now on the coffee table.

Rui Xiaoxiu carefully took Lu Yang's left hand over, dipped a cotton swab with alcohol, and gently wiped the bruises on Lu Yang's knuckles. The cotton swab occasionally touched the broken skin, and Lu Yang's hand reflexively shook. However, Lu Yang didn't care. He dropped the dry towel with his other hand and drank a cup of hot tea on the coffee table in silence.

"you're not feeling OK?"

Rui Xiaoxiu finally asked him gently when sprinkling powder on the broken skin.

Lu Yang glanced at her, but still did not speak.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Rui Xiaoxiu didn't ask any more, and silently bandaged Lu Yang's left hand, then took the initiative to sit down on Lu Yang's right, and took Lu Yang's right hand and started rubbing alcohol, sprinkling powder, and bandaging.

When everything was done, Rui Xiaoxiu went to clean up the alcohol and powder. Lu Yang looked at her silently and suddenly called her.

"come over!"

"Huh?" Rui Xiaoxiu turned her head and blinked her eyes to look at him. She was taken aback for a while before she could react, and then sat closer in confusion. "What's the matter?" she asked.

Lu Yang suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her onto the back of the sofa. Then she put her face close to her, Rui Xiaoxiu stared blankly, a little aware of what Lu Yang wanted to do. I want to refuse but I have some expectations.

Lu Yang didn't care what she was thinking. He lowered his head and kissed her little cherry mouth. The big hands that had just been bandaged also held Rui Xiaoxiu's head.

Rui Xiaoxiu opened her eyes to see Lu Yang's face close at hand, her cheeks getting redder and red, and her soft body getting hotter and hotter.

After kissing for a while, Rui Xiaoxiu's cheeks were already hot. With his eyes closed and his nose snorted, Lu Yang left her again like the last time. He leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes tiredly.

Rui Xiaoxiu opened her eyes and was a little disappointed to see him look like this. It was the same last time. After the kiss, there is no next step.

After thinking about it, Rui Xiaoxiu nestled in Lu Yang's arms. Lu Yang did not push her away, and she did not take any further action. She could feel that Lu Yang was not in a good mood today. It was not a good time to talk about love.

What happened just now tonight is for her. I am already pleasantly surprised.

Snuggling in Lu Yang's arms, smelling the breath of Lu Yang's body. Rui Xiaoxiu felt a moment of satisfaction, but this satisfaction was quickly broken by a burst of cell phone ringing. Her cell phone was ringing. She took out her cell phone to see that it was her mother's call.

Rui Xiaoxiu's expression suddenly changed. She thought that she was going to work with her mother before, but when she met Lu Yang, she forgot all of them, so she quickly answered the phone and told her mother that she would be there soon. When she hung up the phone, Rui Xiaoxiu said goodbye to Lu Yang somewhat reluctantly.

Lu Yang opened his eyes to look at her, nodded, and then Rui Xiaoxiu hurried away.

The living room was quiet again.

Lu Yang lay down for a while, then got up and went to the study to turn on the computer, began to code words, vented in Sanda club, took another bath, and Rui Xiaoxiu's kiss, so that his mood had calmed down.

Writing online novels is like this. No matter what you encounter in life, you must adjust your mood and continue to devote yourself in the shortest possible time. This line does not believe in tears, there is no good story, no stable updates, no matter how high the popularity is. Will quickly fall off.

When typing, my finger hurts a bit, but I can’t help it. Who can do it by myself! continue! Lu Yang endured the discomfort on his fingers and slowly tapped the keyboard, pushing the storyline forward a little bit.

Now I have written about the world of "The Grudge".

The mood returned to calm, Lu Yang didn't get stuck when he wrote, and he wrote two chapters in one breath, only to stop because he was hungry. The skin was broken and he couldn't get any more water. Lu Yang went out to find a restaurant, ordered two dishes and one soup, filled his stomach, and then thought for a while, went to the Dragon Clan Internet Cafe again, and a few days have not passed.

At the door, the crowds in the lobby of the Internet cafe came into Lu Yang's eyes, and the business of the Dragon Race Internet cafe was stable.

When concluding the sales money these days, Lu Shuping noticed the gauze in Lu Yang's hand and asked a few questions with concern. Lu Yang just said that he made it accidentally, without further explanation.

I haven't come for a few days, and the accumulated operating funds have been more than 14,000.

After taking the money, Lu Yang went back.

Two days later, Lu Yang received a call from Ji Rujing, saying that she, Sister Lan, and Chen Yu had already arrived in City H. They just got off the plane and wanted to meet Lu Yang.

The meeting place was the same cafe last time.

When Lu Yang arrived, the three of them were already waiting in a corner. As soon as Lu Yang arrived, the three of them stood up. Ji Rujing smiled like a spring breeze. She and Lu Yang had never had conflicts in their cooperation, so I saw Lu again. Yang, her pressure is minimal.

Chen Yu looked a little complicated, but still smiled.

The one with the most reluctant smile is Sister Lan. Recently, she also talked to Cao Xue on the phone and learned that her last behavior directly caused Lu Yang to separate from his girlfriend. There was always a feeling that she couldn't help Lu Yang. At this time, she felt the most upset. , Just count her.

The three of them stretched out their hands and shook hands with Lu Yang, and then sat down separately. The waiter at the coffee shop immediately came over and asked Lu Yang what he wanted. Lu Yang casually ordered a latte, sent the waiter away, and waited for Ji Rujing and the others to speak.

Ji Rujing laughed before saying anything. First, he said: "Lu Yang! I heard about what Sister Lan has done recently. This time, the three of us will come together! First of all, I want to apologize to you. I hope you can forgive Sister Lan this time. Actually, speaking of it, Sister Lan was kind enough to sign your girlfriend. She didn't know you were so disgusted!"

Sister Lan quickly agreed and apologized to Lu Yang in person.

The coffee came quickly. Lu Yang took a sip from the cup, nodded, and said, "Forget it! The matter is over, no need to say it. You come here this time, apart from expressing your apologies. It's mainly for Mr. Chen Yu's new song, right? "

When he said the last sentence, Lu Yang looked at Chen Yu who was sitting diagonally across from him.

At this time, Chen Yu finally spoke. It was still the low and hoarse voice: "Brother Lu Yang! I am very sincere to cooperate with you. The price of the song can be increased by 20,000 yuan. We have already said it last time. Today you can't shirk anymore!"

Ji Rujing: "Uh, apart from Chen Yuxinge's matter, I also want to ask Lu Yang for your help this time. Please also see that since our previous cooperation was a pleasant one, please do me a favor! "

Lu Yang: "What does Sister Ji want me to help?"

Ji Rujing: "That's it. Recently, there was a TV drama director. I asked me about the theme song of a TV drama. This, I can sing well, and my ability to write songs is definitely not comparable to yours. So. I'm here this time. , I mainly ask you to help my sister in this favor! And please don't refuse!"

Lu Yang: "What TV series?"

Ji Rujing: "The name of the TV series is "Don't Talk About Love Suffering". It is directed by Li Lu, the content! It is mainly about the entanglement between love and family, the choice between new appointment and betrayal! Love songs, Lu Yang, your age, should Can you write well?"

Lu Yang: "Don't Talk About Love's Suffering?"

Ji Rujing smiled and nodded.

Lu Yang has never heard of this TV series. Not to mention watching, shook his head now. Said: "I write songs all about what I want to write. You asked me to tailor the theme song for a TV series. I am afraid I can't help you. Besides, I asked Cao Xue to tell you about it last time. I won't write songs anymore."

It’s not that Lu Yang has money and doesn’t know how to make money, but that there are really not many songs he can sing. Maybe he can think of a few more in the future, but it depends on luck. In recollection, he might be able to write one or two songs, but when he heard the name of the TV show just now, nothing came to his mind, and he didn't know which song he could sing and did not release was suitable for this TV show.

Unfortunately, Ji Rujing and the others obviously don't think so.

Upon hearing Lu Yang's refusal, he intuitively thought that Lu Yang was still angry about what happened last time. Ji Rujing quickly persuaded: "Don't, Lu Yang! We all believe in your talent! Which song did you not succeed before? My sister has agreed. Director Li Lu, if you don’t help your sister, your sister will not be able to complete the contract. I am afraid there will be no more TV shows to find your sister in the future."

Chen Yu: "Brother Lu Yang! What about the song we said? Today we came with the utmost sincerity. You can't let us go home empty-handed!"

Sister Lan: "Yes, Lu Yang! Sister Lan, I did something I have already apologized to you several times. Even if you are still angry with Sister Lan, don't let your anger be on Rujing and Chen. Fish!"

The three of them were trying to persuade Lu Yang. Lu Yang couldn't tell the real reason, so he had to reach out and stop the three of them from continuing to say something to me. After thinking about it, they said, "Let's do it! I have two songs on hand. One is "Back in Time" that Mr. Chen Yu wants to buy, and another "In Spring", I can sell you both of these two songs! If you think which song is suitable for the theme song of that TV series, sell both Here you are! But I really won’t write songs in the future. It’s not about the money, nor is it because I’m still thinking about the last time. I really don’t have much interest in writing songs, and I don’t have that ability anymore! Isn’t this going to work? I don’t want you to raise the price of the two songs, it’s 100,000 as I said before!"

Ji Rujing, Sister Lan, and Chen Yu, you look at me and I look at you, and you can see that Lu Yang is really unwilling to write the theme song for Ji Rujing.

Finally, after the three of them made eye contact, Yukie Rujing said, "Okay! Since Lu Yang, you really don’t want to, then we can’t force it. However, when can you give us the two songs? Money, we can always can pay, payble."

Lu Yang: "Then today!" (To be continued...)

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