Rebirth 2003

Chapter 168: Annual meeting invitation

Returning to the rental house at noon, Lu Yang started to check the information about the company that would definitely be awesome in the future.


   Jiaduobao is also called Wang Laoji, which has not yet been listed, this pass.


   Alibaba, a bit famous, but it has not yet been listed, pass!


   Apple, launched in 1980, and is still producing computers. It seems that the Apple mobile phone that made Apple's big announcement will be out in six or seven years, or seven or eight years. It will take a long time to consider.




When    searched Baidu's listing time, Lu Yang was stunned.


This thing was actually launched in August this year. He missed such a good opportunity. Baidu will have great opportunities in the future. Lu Yang knew it. He didn't expect it to be launched in August this year, and he was a reborn person. Knowing nothing, it is simply unforgivable.


   But then Lu Yang smiled bitterly again, even if he knew it at the time, so what? With his savings in August at that time, if he smashed it in, he probably wouldn't have a bubble.


The reason why he wants to buy stocks now is because of the continued popularity of the two books "Three Warlords" and "Infinite Killing", especially since the signing of "Infinite Killing" on the mainland and Taiwan is royalty-free, especially on the Taiwan side. The royalty share is as high as 15%. When the book is all over, it may not be necessarily millions of dollars.


   After eating the instant noodles made just now, Lu Yang fell into thought.


   Buying Baidu's stock must be a big deal, but everything has to wait until all the royalties are obtained.


   After thinking about it, Lu Yang searched 360 again. This thing will also be very awesome in the future. It will be a free anti-virus software forever.


   search results stunned Lu Yang again.


   360 anti-virus software has not yet come out, Lu Yang knows this, but he did not expect Qihoo 360 to be established in September this year. This is still in the initial stage of entrepreneurship! The company has only been established for about 3 months.


   Lu Yang looked at the information about 360 searched on the computer, thinking about the possibility of investing in it in his mind. One thing is very important, and that is if you want to invest. It must be as early as possible, the sooner the better.


   It’s just, I don’t know if the other party will be eye-catching.




   I found the contact number of the other party’s company from the Internet. When Lu Yang called, he was very enthusiastic when he learned that he was interested in investing in their company. Then the call was transferred to a manager.


After the other party was polite, the first question asked was about the amount of Lu Yangneng's investment. When Lu Yang said 1 million, the other party smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu! Our company just received one. For VC investment, the financial pressure hasn’t been that great recently! But thank you, Mr. Lu, for your optimistic view of our company!"


   Hang up after speaking.


   This result did not come to Lu Yang's expectation. When I made this call, I just wanted to try my luck. It seems that the other party really looks down on one million yuan!


   Putting down the phone, Lu Yang searched for Teng`s information again.


  Teng` News was listed in Hong Kong in 2004. Buying this stock will also have a good return.


   It's noon time. Lu Yang has been searching and pondering the company information in his memory that will grow into a giant, and finally decided to wait for the end of this semester and take advantage of the winter vacation time to operate this matter.




   Lu Yang is thinking about how to develop, but in Z City, Sister Lan and Chen Yu are sad. Cao Xue did not bring them good news, but even worse news.


   Lu Yang asked Cao Xue to tell them that he would no longer write songs.


Chen Yu pinched his eyebrows, sighed, and said, "Sister Lan! What do you think about this? How can I release my new album without Lu Yang's main song? And there is Rujing over there! There is a TV show asking her to do it. For the theme song, she also counted on Lu Yang to write a song for her!"


   Sister Lan was speechless. After a long time, he said, "It seems that I have really been self-defeating this time! If the company finds out, I must be criticized! You see... Or, let's terminate the contract with Cao Xue? Then send her back. Do you think you can let Lu Yang calms down his anger?"


   "This..." Chen Yu thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid this is not enough! We have offended him, and want them to ignore the previous suspicion, I'm afraid we have to show a little bit of sincerity."


   Sister Lan: "For example?"


  Chen Yu just said that. When Sister Lan asked, he scratched his head. After thinking about it, he said, "Why don't you call Rujing? She might have an idea!"


   "Then try it!"


   Sister Lan dialed Ji Rujing's phone with a wry smile. As soon as the phone was connected, Ji Rujing asked, "Sister Lan! Has the matter with Lu Yang settled?"


   Sister Lan: "……"


   Ji Rujing: "What? It hasn't been resolved yet?"


Sister Lan: "Rujing! It's not that easy. Cao Xue just told us that Lu Yang said that he would not write songs in the future. Chen Yu suggested that we not only send Cao Xue back, but also show a little sincerity to make it possible. Let Lu Yang calm down his anger. Chen Yu is still waiting for that song to make a new album! I heard that you are planning to ask him to write the theme song for the TV series. Please help me think about it! How can I redeem the consequences of this incident!"


   Ji Rujing: "This... let me think about it..."




   At dinner time that same day, Lu Yang received a call from Sister Lan.


   Lu Yang also wanted to hear what she thought, so he pressed the answer button.


Sister Lan: "Lu Yang! This time it’s something, I’ll apologize to you first! I don’t know that you are so opposed to Cao Xue being a singer. Now I know, we can terminate the contract with Cao Xue, and we’ll be very sincere with you. I apologize, so if you have any requests, we can discuss them. For example, for new songs to us in the future, as long as you can maintain your previous level, we can increase the price! The specific price can be negotiated!"


This attitude made Lu Yang quite satisfied, but he was still unhappy, because when Cao Xue left, she said she was going to realize her ideal. With this idea, even if Sister Lan terminates the contract this time, similar things may happen in the future. .


   Turning off the gas stove, Lu Yang walked to the window, looked at the bushes in the community outside, and said, "What does Cao Xue mean?"


   "Huh?" Sister Lan didn't expect that Lu Yang would ask this in the first sentence, and she couldn't help but feel a little out of reach. She really didn't care what Cao Xue thought. I couldn't answer for a moment.


Hearing that Sister Lan didn't know what Cao Xue meant, Lu Yang didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with her, and said, "I still mean that about this matter. Cao Xue wants to realize her ideal. I don't oppose it, but I won't support it either! Do whatever you love!"


   finished. Lu Yang hung up the phone.


   I still feel a little depressed.


   As he said just now, Cao Xue wants to realize his ideal. He does not oppose it, but he will not support it either. Just a little disappointed, he didn't want her to enter the entertainment circle, once stepped into that circle, with his current power. It can't protect her at all.


   She is so innocent!


   Is there such a good mix in the entertainment industry?


   As for Sister Lan's behavior? Lu Yang didn't bother to be angry with them at all, didn't like it, and just stopped cooperating in the future.




   Putting down the phone, Sister Lan wanted to cry. She finally realized that this incident seemed to affect the relationship between Lu Yang and Cao Xue. She apologized and compensated as if it was useless. If Cao Xue couldn't recover with Lu Yang, it would be impossible to get a new song from him in the future.


   After thinking for a while, Sister Lan went to find Cao Xue.


   When Cao Xue understood Sister Lan’s meaning, she was stunned. Lu Yang only cared about what she thought. Did the thoughts I came out this time disappoint him?


   Cao Xue recalled carefully. I finally remembered how I convinced Lu Yang. It was the sentence-she wanted to realize her ideal. Then, Lu Yang, who had obviously disagreed with her as a singer before, finally nodded and agreed.


   That's a lie to him! He took it seriously...


   He must think that in my heart, realizing the ideal is more important than being with him, so he is angry...


How to do?


   Go back and explain to him, will he still believe it?




   Sister Lan saw Cao Xue sinking into thought. So she shook her head and left. She was no longer able to help with this matter.


After    Sister Lan left, Cao Xue thought about it for a long time, but still didn't know what to do. Under Liushen Wuzhu, she dialed her mother's phone.


   On the phone, Wu Yongli listened to Cao Xue's narration. He scolded her first, and then said to her: "Xiaoxue! Come back! You want to earn money. Mom helps you find a way. Although your dad has entered. There is still some influence. It is not difficult to help you find a job." , After a while, Lu Yang's anger disappeared, you can go back! You silly boy! Don't pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon! The reason why Sister Lan signed you must be to make good Lu Yang, and Lu Yang doesn't If you agree to go, you still go?"


   After hearing what her mother said, the next day, Cao Xue broke the contract with Sister Lan, and Sister Lan didn't embarrass her. On the third day, Cao Xue returned to her mother.


   also told Lu Yang of his decision on the phone.


Regardless of whether Lu Yang believed it or not, she told him her true intentions. Lu Yang told her to go back. She did not agree. The school had already completed the pre-internship formalities. Now when she goes back, she can’t have classes. From Lu Yang’s place, she I didn't know how to face it for a while.


   She already regretted her reckless behavior this time. She knew she had disappointed Lu Yang.


After going home to rest for a few days, she joined a company as a clerk under the arrangement of her mother. As her mother said, although her father has stepped down, there are always some people who miss his old love. problem.




   Lu Yang's life here has returned to peace again. Every day he goes to class, practice boxing, and codewords, but he becomes a person again, and his mood calms down. Cao Xue doesn't want to come back for the time being, and he doesn't want to pick her up for the time being.


   He also wants to be about the future, and also think about the relationship.


   On the monthly ticket list, "Unlimited Kills" is currently ranked second, but it is only 20 votes away from the first place, and there is hope to get the first this month.




   Two days later, Lu Yang received an invitation letter from the starting point author’s annual meeting. Lu Yang vaguely remembered that the second starting point annual meeting seemed to be in December, and he didn’t know how it was postponed.


   But no matter what the reasons are, I am in a good mood to have the opportunity to participate in this annual meeting of authors.


   Those great gods who have never had a chance to meet before, I should be able to see a lot of them this time! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)


  PS: Thanks to the fans! ! ! , Reward 100 coins, thank Liang Shanbo for rewarding 588 coins, and your monthly pass. This is the second chapter of today! Today is still 12,000 words.

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