Rebirth 2003

Chapter 165: Fancy Cao Xue

Two days later, Cao Xue finally came back. When Cao Xue came home, she was visibly haggard. There were faint dark circles in the eye sockets, and the smile on her face faded a lot. Lu Yang felt distressed. In the evening, Lu Yang personally cooks a table of her favorite dishes for her.


   In the middle of the night, when Lu Yang finished writing and went to bed, he accidentally bumped into Cao Xue, which was very light, but her eyes opened and she seemed to have not fallen asleep.


   "What? Grandpa's illness is very serious?" After Lu Yang went to bed, he hugged her in his arms and asked softly in her ear. Cao Xue pressed her face to his arms and said quietly: "There is no life-threatening for the time being, but the doctor said that in the future, my grandpa will go to the hospital for dialysis and other medications every month. A lot of money."


   "Is there not enough money? If you don't have enough money, just take it from the business money of the Internet cafe! If it is not enough, tell me again!" If it's just a matter of money, Lu Yang is still a little confident.


   "Not for the time being." Cao Xue shook her head slightly. But Lu Yang's words still made her feel warm. Her grandfather was different from her father. He had been an official for a lifetime, but he didn't have much savings. If it weren't for publicly funded medical treatment, the illness would almost bring down her uncle's family.


In the past, Cao Xue never had to worry about money, because her father was there before and the family had never bothered about money. Now her father is in jail, and all the huge sum of money left by her father has been handed over to the government. A lot of pressure in life finally came to her.


   Lu Yang didn't say anything, he just hugged Cao Xue a little tighter.




   Taiwan, "Unlimited Kills" is still on sale. On the Internet, "Unlimited Kills" is still fighting **** the monthly ticket, occasionally reaching the top of the monthly ticket list. From time to time, he will be beaten to the second place again, and everything seems to be the same.


   Three more days have passed, and this month is about to end. At noon that day, Lu Yang, who was having dinner with Cao Xue in the cafeteria, received a call from Ji Rujing’s manager, Sister Lan. On the phone. Sister Lan smiled and asked where Lu Yang was at the moment, saying that she was at the south gate of the school.


   This call came suddenly, beforehand. Lu Yang didn't know that Sister Lan was coming to H City to look for him today, and he didn't expect that she was already at the South Gate now, and everyone had already arrived. Naturally, Lu Yang would come to receive him immediately. No matter what the other party is because of. The visitor was a guest, and since he was looking for him, Lu Yang naturally wanted to receive him.


   Stopped a few bites of the meal, Lu Yang and Cao Xue rushed to the South Gate together. At this time, it was lunch time. Lu Yang guessed that Sister Lan hadn't eaten most of them, so she would definitely invite her to dinner next. Anyway, he was going to a restaurant to eat, so naturally there was no need for Cao Xue to continue to eat the food in the cafeteria.




   There is the newly built Namdaemun. Sister Lan, wearing a beige dress, and a man in a suit wearing sunglasses stood casually beside the flower bed. Both smiled relaxedly and were obviously in a good mood.


The man in the suit with sunglasses is no one else. It is Chen Yu, who bought the song "Beijing Beijing" from Lu Yang last time. The first time he met with Lu Yang, Ji Rujing brought him here. Now he and Lu Yang It's considered to be acquaintance, plus the fact that he has become famous recently, and he no longer needs Ji Rujing to accompany him. Besides, Ji Rujing has recently performed a business performance and has no time to accompany him.


Looking at the male and female students coming in and out of the school gate, Sister Lan sighed: "I didn't expect that Lu Yang, who was still in college, was so talented! As far as I know, every one he has sold so far The song has become popular, and his song, who sings it! Some time ago, I heard from a friend that the boy scout had regretted it. When you sang this song "Beijing Beijing" it became popular."


   Sister Lan’s last sentence was naturally said to Chen Yu, and she gave him a smile when she said it.


Chen Yu laughed, shook his head and said with a smile: "The Boy Scout is an idiot! Why do you mention him? I am only worried that Lu Yang has no songs at hand. There should be a lot of people asking him to buy songs recently? Although his The song is a bit expensive, but it's worth the money!"


   Sister Lan frowned slightly, and said, "I hope there will be more! I heard that he is currently writing an online novel with all his strength, publishing almost 10,000 words every day, I am afraid there is no time to write songs."


   Chen Yu glanced at Sister Lan unexpectedly, and said, "Sister Lan has been following his news?"


   Sister Lan smiled and shook her head. "How is it possible to keep paying attention? I am so busy at work every day, but before I came, I deliberately learned about it."




   The two talked and laughed. After a while, Sister Lan, who was not wearing sunglasses, saw Lu Yang walking by.


   "Lu Yang is here!"


   When reminding Chen Yu, Sister Lan's eyes lit up, and the girl who came with Lu Yang in hand is so beautiful! Especially the pure temperament, like a daffodil that just bloomed.


   Chen Yu heard that Lu Yang had already arrived, so he quickly took off his sunglasses and looked over.


Soon, Lu Yang and Cao Xue came to the two of them, smiled and shook hands with them respectively, and then briefly introduced Cao Xue. From before to now, from the first sight of Cao Xue, Sister Lan’s His eyes were always on Cao Xue. At this time, after listening to Lu Yang's brief introduction, he took the opportunity to shake hands with Cao Xue and said with a smile: "Hello, hello! Miss Cao Xue is really a brilliant show of Zhong Tiandi!" It's so good! Lu Yang must be so fascinated by you that you can't find North, right?"


   Some words, Cao Xue's cheeks are flushed up the mountain, and Lu Yang and Chen Yu are smiling, Sister Lan is really bragging!


   Lu Yang asked, and learned that the two of them had come here just after they got off the plane and hadn't eaten yet. At the moment, they took a few people to a taxi to a nearby three-star hotel, ordered a table of dishes, and asked for a bottle of red wine.


   During the meeting, from the chat with each other, Lu Yang knew that Chen Yu’s recently released new album had a good sales volume, the song became popular, and he also became famous. This time I came here and wanted to buy another song from him.


   But Sister Lan got out the information she wanted to know from Cao Xue, and learned that Cao Xue actually learned music and was good at a variety of musical instruments. Listening to her voice, she should have a good singing voice.


   Yes, Sister Lan saw Cao Xue at a glance. Cao Xue has a good appearance and a better temperament. Now that she knows that she is still studying music, she is more satisfied in her heart.


   She works as an agent, and wherever she goes, she pays attention to the newcomers who have the value of signing contracts. The identity of Cao Xue is the most fascinating sister Lan.


   There are not many girls in China who are as beautiful and temperamental as Cao Xue who still study music. If Cao Xue was nothing more than that, Sister Lan wouldn't be too excited. The reason why she really wanted to sign Cao Xue was because she was Lu Yang's girlfriend!


This identity is destined that as long as she does not break up with Lu Yang, Lu Yang will continue to write songs for her in the future. Other singers may want to get songs from Lu Yang. If you don’t say 100,000 songs, it depends on his mood. Sometimes, even if he is in a good mood, others can afford the price, but he still may not be able to buy the song, because he may not have a well-written song on hand.


   But if you sign Cao Xue, should you worry that Cao Xue will not sing new in the future? As Cao Xue's boyfriend, Lu Yang has to work hard to write for Cao Xue even if he is in a bad mood, even if he does not have a good song at hand!


Because of this thought, Sister Lan didn’t say much to Chen Yu at today’s banquet. She spent most of the time talking and chatting with Cao Xuepan. After the meal was over, she had made an appointment with Cao Xue. Tomorrow Be a guide for her and visit City H together.


   No one knows the true purpose of Sister Lan at this time.


Regarding Chen Yu's request, Lu Yang went back in the afternoon and after listening to his "Beijing Beijing" on the computer, he agreed. Although there is still a gap with the original version of this song, it has almost satisfied Lu Yang, and Chen Yu is still very polite to him at the moment, which also makes Lu Yang satisfied.




The next day happened to be Saturday. Otherwise, Cao Xue wouldn’t be able to agree to Sister Lan’s request. In the morning, the two took a taxi and went around the city. Speaking of which, City H had no scenic spots, so she could only take Sister Lan. I went to the mall, but Sister Lan didn't care about it, and even showed great interest.


   Until noon, after the two ate some local snacks, Sister Lan invited Cao Xue to drink coffee. After the coffee was served, the surroundings calmed down, and Sister Lan mentioned her thoughts to Cao Xue.


   "What? Do you want to sign a contract with me to be my agent?" After hearing what Sister Lan said, Cao Xue's first reaction was to be caught off guard, without any psychological preparation at all.


   Sister Lan took a sip of coffee gracefully and nodded with a smile.


   "Do you think I have the talent to be a star?"


   Cao Xue still couldn't believe it.


But Sister Lan, who knows Lu Yang's value well, still smiled and nodded, and said with certainty: "Of course! You are beautiful and temperamental, and you happen to be a music student. In your junior year, you must have learned almost everything you should learn. Now, sign a contract with me, and I will ask the company’s professional vocal teacher to give you some pointers. You have a good chance of becoming popular!"


If it was before, Cao Xue’s father hadn’t left the house, Cao Xue might have rejected this proposal at once, because she didn’t lack money, her family didn’t lack money, and her father would not agree to let her be a star. , Her father had already told her it's okay to learn music, but you are not allowed to enter the entertainment industry!


   To put it bluntly, Cao Xue's father agreed to Cao Xue's study of music, just to make Cao Xue happy and let her learn what she likes, and Cao Xue did not dream of being a star before.


But now it’s different. Her father is already in jail. She and her mother have no savings and they still live with her grandfather. Now grandpa is also seriously ill and can no longer shelter her and her mother from the wind and rain, although Lu Yang said in the future She is in charge of the income of the Dragon Clan Internet Cafe, but if she always uses the money to subsidize the family, with Cao Xue's personality, she will not be happy.


   Now there is an opportunity to be able to support herself and make money on her own. Cao Xue, who has never thought of being a star, hesitates.


   "Sign with me! Participate in next year's Super Girls and strive to get a good ranking! Then release your first album like Zhang Hanyun, and your debut is complete!" Sister Lan is still drawing a blueprint for Cao Xue's future. (To be continued...)


PS: Thanks to the Second Governor and Sanya Shanliang for rewarding 100 points again, thanks for the light makeup and rewarding 2576 points again, thanks to Mo Guilin for rewarding 5988 points again, thank you for your monthly pass, congratulations on becoming Mo Guilin Book rudder master! This is the third chapter of today, ask for a monthly pass! !


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