Rebirth 2003

Chapter 135: Beautiful, but unfortunately

Lu Yang took Tong Yaqian away from the train station. Lu Yang was half a step ahead. Tong Yaqian who was half a step behind was in a good mood. From stepping on the land of this strange city, her bright eyes began to look around with a smile. The railway station to which she was headed, also seemed very interesting in her eyes. 【First Release】

After getting into Lu Yanglan's taxi, her eyes were still looking at the scenery outside the car window. It seemed that no matter where the city was, it was so fresh in her eyes.

"Have you never been to Wuhu?"

Seeing her look fresh, Lu Yang smiled and chatted with her casually.

"Well! It's said that Wuhu is half a city, half a city, half a city, half a city, and water, why didn't I see the mountains or the water?"

Lu Yang laughed at the mention of this.

A few years ago, when Wuhu was engaged in urban publicity, I made a song called "Half City, Mountain, Half City, Water". It sounds pretty good. People who have never been to Wuhu really think that there are a lot of mountains and rivers here. In fact, He grew up so old that he really didn't see any decent mountains and waters in the local area, but also the muddy waters of the Yangtze River.

"Don't believe the rumors! The police also said that Skynet is slack and not leaking! Have you seen the bad guys all caught up?"

"Then what do you have here?"

Hearing how Lu Yang, a local, said of his hometown, Tong Yaqian withdrew her eyes and looked at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang thought for a while, and said: "Snack! I feel that the snacks here are still very rich! The taste is also good!"

"Then you take me to taste it?" When it comes to eating, it seems that no woman doesn't like it, and Tong Yaqian's eyes lit up immediately. People in Wuhu can indeed eat. There are three schools of the eight major cuisines of Anhui cuisine. One of them is the genre along the Yangtze River that originated here in Wuhu!

Those who don't know how to do it, hear Anhui cuisine. The first reaction is the cuisine of ancient Huizhou. In fact, the ancient Huizhou school is just one of the three schools of Huizhou cuisine. In addition, there are also the Yanjiang school and the Yanhuai school.

The three genres have their own characteristics, and there are not many similarities. It was classified as a cuisine just because of the geographical proximity.

Seeing that Tong Yaqian became interested in the snacks here, Lu Yang was a landlord. Naturally, she would meet her small request, and immediately let the taxi rush to Shuanglong Alley. As far as Lu Yang knew, it was the most famous place for snacks in Wuhu. Time-honored snack bars are everywhere.

To the place. Just got out of the car. The scents that came to the face caused Tong Yaqian's index finger to move. Speaking of it, Lu Yang hadn't been to this place since his rebirth. It had already come anyway, and Lu Yang took Tong Yaqian into it.

"So much? What shall we eat first?"

As soon as she approached Shuanglong Alley, Tong Yaqian was dazzled by the dazzling array of snacks inside. I don't know where to start.

"Xiaolong Tangbao! Eat less first! If you're full, you won't be able to eat anything else!"

"Hmm! Listen to you!"

He was talking about Lu Yang's, when he was really eating. Tong Yaqian can't stop. Xiaolongtangbao is also sold in other places, but Lu Yang has also traveled to several places in his previous life, including large and small cities, but no place has Xiaolongtangbao as good as Wuhu. .

Of course, it may also be a matter of taste. Lu Yang likes it anyway.

For more than an hour, Lu Yang took Tong Yaqian to try seven or eight different kinds of snacks, some of which were recommended by Lu Yang, such as the old grandma beef noodles, stinky dried seeds and kidney cakes, and shrimp noodles.

There are also a few that Tong Yaqian wanted to eat after seeing it herself, such as duck necks, roasted sparrows, and so on.

After eating seven or eight things, and seeing other things, although they still wanted to eat, they said they couldn't eat anything. So Tong Yaqian had to reluctantly leave with Lu Yang.

When he was about to walk out of Shuanglong Alley, Lu Yang accidentally caught a glimpse of a biscuits shop with "Geng Fuxing" biscuits on the signboard. He didn’t know if it was authentic. Geng Fuxing’s biscuits were very famous in the local area. Instead of selling such small things, Lu Yang had heard of his famous name in his previous life, but had never eaten it before. When he saw it at this time, he wanted to buy something to taste.

It is rumored that Geng Fuxing biscuits would shatter when they fell on the ground. All they were talking about was its crispness. Regardless of whether the restaurant in front of him was authentic or not, Lu Yang thought that since it dared to hang this sign, the taste should not be much worse, so he went forward to weigh it. Two catties.

"Is this delicious?" Tong Yaqian took a small bite curiously, her eyes widened, and then she was surprised to tell Lu Yang that this sesame cake was delicious.

In school, the Tong Yaqian whom Lu Yang knew had always been confident and elegant. He had never seen her like this before, but it was a bit new.

After eating the snacks, the two took a taxi back to Lu Yang's hometown.

When the car leaves the city and the endless wilderness on the side of the road enters the line of sight, the atmosphere of Wuhu is different. This is the taste of Wuhu.

Looking at the lush wilderness outside, a calm atmosphere of a small city came into her heart, Tong Yaqian's whole body also calmed down, just looking at the scenery quietly, her heart seemed to become tranquil at this moment.

"Is it better to see here than in the city?" Lu Yang took Tong Yaqian's expression into his eyes, and his mood became more comfortable. In his bones, Lu Yang was a quiet person who didn't like the noise and fast pace in the city.

Sometimes, Lu Yang suddenly felt strange, wondering why the more the world develops, the more tired the people living in it. For high-rise buildings? For luxury cars?

What's the point of those? If you don’t bring it with you or die, you’ll be a bull and a horse for those rich and powerful all your life. If a grassroots wants to get a house, if you don’t create the value of a few houses, it’s impossible to get it! Otherwise, where are the luxury car villas for those rich and powerful who do not farm or farm? Spending money like dirt?


When the sun went down, the taxi stopped at the entrance of Lu Yang's small courtyard. Lu Yang paid the fare and took Tong Yaqian out of the car.

When the family heard the movement outside the courtyard, the whole family rushed out.

Seeing the tall and beautiful Tong Yaqian next to Lu Yang, Lu Fei opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and said to Lu Ying in amazement: "No wonder I don't want to be married to Lu Qingqing! If I have such a girlfriend, I won't do it. !"

Lu Yingbai glanced at his second brother, but didn't say anything. Lu Yang's mother had already knocked on Lu Fei's forehead and whispered, "What nonsense? I think about these things at a young age! Don't talk nonsense outside, let Lu Qingqing's family hear it badly!"

When Lu Yang went to pick up Tong Yaqian today. I just said to pick up a friend. At this time, when I saw such a beautiful girl getting off the car with Lu Yang, the whole family thought this was Lu Yang's girlfriend.

Speaking of which, the six girls in Cao Xue and their dormitory, although Chunlan Qiuju, each has its own strengths, the most beautiful one is Tong Yaqian. The appearance and temperament are excellent. Although Cao Xue is also very beautiful, she is half shorter than Tong Yaqian.

"Hello, uncles and aunts!"

Seeing Lu Yang's parents, Tong Yaqian seemed very polite. It made it as if it was the first time that the little daughter-in-law saw her in-laws, making Lu Yang’s parents who had never seen this kind of scenes been messed up for a while, and then Tong Yaqian greeted Lu Yang’s younger siblings again, kindly like Treating his younger brothers and sisters.

"elder brother!"

When the family embraced Tong Yaqian when they entered the door. Lu Fei pulled Lu Yang a bit. Silently gave the big brother a thumbs up. Lu Yang knocked his hand off and whispered, "Don't make trouble! She's just my friend! Ordinary friend!"

After scolding his younger brother, Lu Yang also quickened his pace and followed in, leaving Lu Fei at the back, touching his nose depressedly, his heart was broken, and he said a few words, not because he was scolded by his mother. He was trained by his eldest brother, but he didn't feel that he had said anything wrong.

Although Lu Yang told Lu Fei that Tong Yaqian was not his girlfriend. Later, I told my parents about this in private, but obviously everyone didn’t believe me. My parents still regarded Tong Yaqian as a future daughter-in-law. My dad carried half a cigarette and went to the pond to fish. My mother slaughtered an old hen laying eggs, his younger brother Lu Fei was sent to the village to buy pork and drinks, and his younger sister was forced to lay hands and pull out chicken feathers.

Lu Yang was speechless, no one believed how to explain it. Tong Yaqian kept saying that you don't need to be so polite, you don't need to be polite, but her expression is very happy.

Tong Yaqian wanted to help, but was stopped by her enthusiastic mother, saying that she would not let her do anything like this, and asked Lu Yang to take her out for a walk.

The chicken has been slaughtered, and Lu Yang said that nothing is useless. Besides, Tong Yaqian is a friend no matter how she came to her house for the first time, and she should be polite.

Helpless Lu Yang took Tong Yaqian to see her dad fishing in the pond. The **** dog, Xiao Hei, became smarter today. Seeing that Tong Yaqian was picked up by her family, she hadn’t called her since the beginning. It was a dogleg to get to Tong Yaqian's legs, and from time to time she rubbed her white smooth calf twice with her body.

At the beginning, Tong Yaqian was a little scared when he saw such a **** dog, and soon he played with it.

Lu Yang sat on a stone bench by the pond, sighed inwardly, and silently took out a cigarette in his mouth. At this moment, he missed Cao Xue, and he missed it.

If it was Cao Xue who came today, his parents were so enthusiastic, and there was such a big black, Cao Xue would be very happy.

For more than half a year, when he was not writing a manuscript, Lu Yang had rarely smoked. In front of his parents, he never smoked. But at this moment, he felt uncomfortable, so he didn't care so much.

This was also the first time Lu Yang smoked in front of Tong Yaqian.

Tong Yaqian is a smart and sensitive girl, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to sit as the vice president of the school newspaper. Although she was playing with Xiao Hei just now, the corner of her eye was always watching Lu Yang’s reaction. At this time, she saw Lu. The smile on Yang's face disappeared and she smoked a cigarette Looking ahead with her eyes half-squinted, she probably guessed what Lu Yang was thinking.

Without ignoring Xiao Hei, Tong Yaqian gently sat beside Lu Yang and asked softly, "Do you miss Cao Xue?"

Hearing this, Lu Yang tilted his head slightly, glanced at her, nodded slightly, and then, without waiting for Tong Yaqian's words to comfort him, Lu Yang said: "Please do one thing! Do me a favor!"

At this moment, the two of them are sitting on a stone bench by the pond. In front of the pond is a pond made of stones. Next to the pond are the newly planted weeping willows. The willow branches are fluttering. It was a beautiful picture of love, but what Lu Yang said to Tong Yaqian was.

"Before I came back, my mother talked about a girl for me. I don't want to hurt that girl's heart. Please dress up as my girlfriend these days! Let her or her family see it and let this matter go! Is it?" (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you Xiyang Lizheng for rewarding 200 more coins, thank you yy for the 3,000-character reminder ticket, and 3064 coins for the reward, thank you for your support, today’s third update is offered. )

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