Rebirth 2003

Chapter 126: The Butterfly Effect


Lu Yang's situation in recent months has always been alone, and he has naturally been noticed by those who are interested. , Have you all the way!

The new week started. On Monday, Lu Yang took two books and walked into the classroom with his head slightly lowered. His image was much worse than a few months ago. Although his hair was still very short, his thin cheeks were obviously two or three days old. The unshaved beard and the slightly wrinkled clothes on his body are no different from most broken-hearted men, and the eyes are not as smiling as before, and they seem to have little interest in everything around him.

After entering the classroom, Lu Yang still habitually sat in the back row by the window.

Wang Qinqin, who came in behind him, looked at Lu Yang more. Wang Xiaoshuang, who was with her, took a look at her and found that she was looking at Lu Yang. He couldn't help but smile, and said softly, "What? Qin? Classmate Qin, aren't you the great writer? Hey! I heard Hu Gu said that our great writer seems to be out of love, and it has been months since he saw his girlfriend appear next to him!"


Upon hearing this, Wang Qinqin's eyes lit up slightly, but she did not deny that she was interested in Lu Yang.

Wang Xiaoshuang didn’t notice this, thinking that Wang Qinqin was only interested in the gossip of whether Lu Yang was broken in love, nodded, and whispered: “Hu Gu told me, it’s not far from ten! You didn’t see him nearest Don't you have any energy?"


Two big classes in the morning were quickly finished. Lu Yang followed the crowd to the cafeteria and ordered some food. He didn’t bother to go back and cook for himself alone. He was used to hardship since he was a child. He didn’t pick his mouth, and the food in the cafeteria was very good. fragrant.

Wang Qinqin followed him into the canteen, and as soon as she entered the canteen, a tall boy who was pursuing her recently greeted her with two boxes of lunch.

In terms of appearance alone, this person is much more handsome than Lu Yang. Seeing what he wears, he should also have some money at home. Recently, Wang Qinqin is madly pursuing Wang Qinqin. Originally, Wang Qinqin had already given up on Lu Yang. Therefore, seeing that this boy is in good condition, she moved a little. People followed her in front of her at noon and night, and she did not refuse. She already had a taste of boyfriend and girlfriend, but today Wang Qinqin learned from Wang Xiaoshuang that Lu Yang seemed to be broken in love.

Get in!

These four words are the decision that Wang Qinqin made after considering all morning.

I followed Lu Yang to the cafeteria just now, and was about to order a meal and sit next to Lu Yang! At this time, the prospective boyfriend appeared in front of her. Wang Qinqin felt bored for a while. After thinking about it, she said coldly to the boy with a warm smile: "Xia Zejiang! Please don't do this in the future! We are not suitable!"

Xia Zejiang's enthusiastic smile froze on his face, and he didn't understand what he had done wrong today. After seeing it hard, he would hug the beautiful woman back, so it would take a bamboo basket to fetch the water.

Xia Zejiang hurriedly stepped forward to stop Wang Qinqin who wanted to leave after speaking, and an argument began.

This kind of breakup + trying to save is very popular in colleges. The countless guys who like to watch the excitement who are eating and having dinner have all looked over, and some of them who are not too big to watch the excitement are already excited. I started to whistle, Wang Qinqin's "Yan" big breasts, this kind of girl wants to break up, that is something that countless boys love to hear! Some anxious boys have already shouted booingly, "Break up! Free to fall in love!"

The entire cafeteria was alarmed, and Lu Yang glanced over there, and saw that one of the protagonists of the incident was Wang Qinqin, but Lu Yang was not interested in mixing up such things and left after eating.

The heroine Wang Qinqin of the incident center has actually been paying attention to Lu Yang's side. Lu Yang saw that she had talked with a boyfriend, which made her very upset. Now she saw Lu Yang walking out of the canteen without looking back, consciously herself. Wang Qinqin, whose image had been destroyed in Lu Yang's eyes, was furious. She stepped forward two steps, knocked over the two box lunches in Xia Zejiang's hand with a slap, and then turned around angrily and ran out of the canteen.


There was a roar of unscrupulous boys in the canteen, and the gray-headed Xia Zejiang's face turned white and red, with no face left, and hurried out.

Wang Qinqin, who ran out of the cafeteria, had no face to chase Lu Yang at this time, and the unfortunate Xia Zejiang had no idea that the culprit was Lu Yang.

As the culprit, Lu Yang didn't know the inside story, and returned to the rental house without any psychological burden.

When going to the Internet cafe to collect business money at night, Lu Shuping told Lu Yang another unfortunate news-the two fronts next to the Dragon Race Internet cafe were just rented today. The renter was the proprietress of the Xingyu Internet cafe behind the school, Xingyu. Internet cafes are likely to be relocated here.

Lu Yang didn’t know what to say about this. In my memory, there was only one medium-sized Internet cafe here. I didn’t expect that he opened a Dragon Clan Internet cafe first, and then opened another medium-sized Internet cafe. The Xingyu Internet Cafe that did not relocate here is actually very likely to relocate here.

What is this going to do? Are you going to turn this place into the rhythm of a street in Internet cafes?

Xingyu Internet Cafe, Lu Yang used to go often, the beautiful boss, Lu Yang also has a deep memory, but one day it will become a competitor, Lu Yang unexpectedly.

I don’t know how many Internet cafes will be relocated here...

With this bad news, Lu Yang went back to start the codeword.

A few days later, without Lu Shuping's report, Lu Yang himself saw that it was next door to the Dragon Clan Internet Cafe, and the two adjacent facades were being renovated.

Lu Yang was a bit speechless. The Dragon Clan Internet Cafe hadn't returned to his capital yet, and the competitors next to him appeared one after another. The Xingyu Internet Cafe would move here. Ten of them might have been affected by his rebirth.

This is the butterfly effect?

Lu Yang can't stop the relocation of Xingyu Internet Cafes, he can only let things develop. The various configurations of Dragon Internet Cafes are already top-notch in this small city this year. The newly opened Little Angels failed to defeat Dragons, Lu Yang did not believe it. The relocated Xingyu can trample the dragons under their feet, so let them toss as they please!

With this idea in mind, Lu Yang did not take any other measures other than asking Lu Shuping and others to operate the Internet cafe with their heart.

I still live according to my own habits every day, attending classes, codewords, practicing boxing, and guitar, and occasionally when I get interested, I go to the Sanda club to discuss with others.

With the increase in the number of discussions with others, Lu Yang's actual combat ability has gradually increased.


The popularity of "Three Warlords" at the starting point is increasing day by day, entering a virtuous circle, but because Lu Yang no longer needs to change monthly passes, the ranking on the monthly pass list is not high, generally hovering between 14th and 5th, and Lu Yang does not Mind, there are already more than 400,000 manuscripts on hand. Lu Yang plans to explode again next month, concentrate the 200,000 manuscripts he can use, and try to make another monthly pass list to see if he can make it to the monthly pass list. What sort of ranking.

(Although there are more than 400,000 manuscripts on hand, because of publication, online updates cannot keep up with the publishing progress. All Lu Yang can use is only 200,000 words.)

Seeing that this month is coming to an end, Lu Yang's plan is about to proceed, and a call comes into Lu Yang's mobile phone.

"Hi! Brother Lu! Can you tell who your brother is?"

There was a man's voice on the phone, with a sense of spirit, and his voice was familiar. Lu Yang thought for a while before remembering that it was the unnamed male singer who had bought songs from him some time ago-Boy Scout.

The last time we met, the Boy Scout was very polite to Lu Yang, begging Lu Yang to sell him the song "Back in Time", but he didn’t expect to contact him for a while, and now he’s calling back, it’s like a big brother. Lu Yang was silent for a moment, did not answer his words, and said calmly: "Something to say!"

The boy scout on the other side of the phone suffocated his words. Unexpectedly, Lu Yang was so innocent, he barely pressed a little sulking in his heart, and the boy scout reopened: "Brother Lu! Haven't you been paying attention to the music scene lately? Let me tell you, you sell mine. That song, after my new album was released, has become popular! It ranks very high on many music websites! You don’t know it, do you?"

Lu Yang really didn't know. Lu Yang visited music websites recently. After listening to the voice of Scout, Lu Yang opened a music website he used to visit on his computer and said casually: "Congratulations!"

Encountered with Lu Yang's indifferent attitude, the recently self-expanding Scout has chosen to go straight to the subject, but the momentum of a popular singer in his tone is still obvious.

"Let's put it this way! Brother Lu, I think your song "Beijing Beijing" is okay. I plan to buy it. There should be no problem with you, right?"

Lu Yang found the name "Back in Time" on the music website rankings, ranking fifth.

Lu Yang casually said on the phone, "No problem!", plugged in the headphones, and clicked to play "Back in Time" sung by the Boy Scouts.

Something similar to the music played in Then, the song of the boy scout also spread into Lu Yang's ears. As soon as he heard the voice of the boy scout, Lu Yang frowned, and remembered Lu Yang. Compared with the original version in Chinese, the Boy Scout sings more than one grade.

At this moment, the Scout said: "Okay! You have no problem with you! However, my popularity is much greater than before. Recently, many songwriters have wanted to cooperate with me, so this time our The price has to be lowered a little bit, I hope you can understand, brother, after all, now that I sing your song again, it has already improved your reputation..."

Lu Yang didn't wait for him to finish before hanging up the call.

A good song "Back in Time" is sung like this bird. Want to buy my song at a lower price?

On the other end of the phone, the boy scout who was talking about Xing stopped abruptly, and he was taken aback. Lu Yang's reaction was completely beyond his expectation.

I thought: What kind of temper is this guy? With my current reputation, shouldn't the price be reduced?

Without giving up on the call, Lu Yang directly hung up. RS


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