Rebirth 2003

Chapter 119: Cao Xue returns

?? In order to appear formal and to protect the rights and interests of both parties, Lu Yang and Lu Shuping signed an employment agreement, and the negotiated conditions were written on the agreement. At the end of the agreement, an article was added, if Lu Shuping If Ping wants to resign, he must tell Lu Yang one month in advance, otherwise, the last month's salary will be deducted, and the two people will sign the agreement, and the agreement will come into effect.

   Two days later, Lu Yang recruited two network administrators. One was responsible for the night shift until 12 noon the next day with a salary of one thousand, and the other was responsible for technical services in the Internet cafe from 12 noon to 12 o'clock in the evening.

   In 2004, many Internet users were still novices, and the computer crashed, and they would not necessarily restart the computer. Therefore, after Lu Yang considered it, he felt that it was necessary to hire a network manager in charge of technical services. Which customer called the network manager and let him solve what happened. The salary of this person is also one thousand.

   Both signed an employment agreement.

   So far, all the personnel of the Internet cafes have been hired.


   On August 28, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Yang squatted on the flowerbed not far from the exit of the train station, holding a cigarette in boredom while looking at the exit of the train station in silence.

   When he was in the study room codeword last night, he received a call from Cao Xue. On the phone, the two of them got tired and crooked, and Cao Xue asked Lu Yang if she wanted her coquettishly.

Of course, Lu Yang thought about this kind of problem. In fact, Lu Yang really missed Cao Xue’s days by his side when he was so tired recently. Besides, he hadn’t done that kind of thing for almost two months, and Lu Yang was struggling. If it weren't for Cao Xue in his heart, with his mentality when he was just born again, I'm afraid he would have found other women to vent his fire long ago.

I thought of seeing Cao Xue in a while. Although Lu Yang had no expression on his face, his heart was full of joy. This kind of emotion has been long gone for him. Since breaking up with Feng Tingting, Lu Yang has never looked like it again. Looking forward to seeing a woman like this, none of the girlfriends he had made since his previous life really entered his heart, so Lu Yang thought he was incompetent and could not fall in love with anyone, as said on the Internet.

   At that time, Lu Yang was sad. Without a loved one, it would be difficult to feel happiness. No matter how much money he earns, his heart is lonely and lonely.

   But Cao Xue changed him and made his lonely heart young again.

   "Dear passengers! The train K339 from City M to City L has entered the station, and the train has stopped at Platform 3! Please be prepared for those picking up the train!"

After waiting for a while, the station's broadcast finally sounded at the exit. Lu Yang heard that Cao Xue's car had arrived at the station. He was refreshed and threw the cigarette **** in his mouth into the trash can next to him, and got up and went out. Go over there at the station, tidy up your clothes while walking.

Knowing that Cao Xue came back today, Lu Yang deliberately cleaned up himself. The whole person was refreshed, but he was worried about too many things recently. Compared with when Cao Xue came home, Lu Yang has lost almost ten catties. There is a flimsy feeling up there.

After waiting for a few minutes, many passengers who had just got off the train appeared in the passageway inside the exit. Lu Yang's eyes were scanned one by one like the searchlight of a devil. After scanning for two or three minutes, he saw most of the passengers who got off the train. After coming out, I saw Cao Xue's figure appearing behind the sparse stream of people.

   Today's Cao Xue looks like the first time Lu Yang saw him, with a snow-white skirt that only reaches his thighs, snow-white socks, and snow-white casual shoes. From top to bottom, she looks as white as an angel in a painting.

   The hair is neither long nor short, but with a simple ponytail in the back of his head, she looks beautiful, but it is better than countless girls who have put on makeup.

   After seeing this figure again after a summer vacation, Lu Yang unconsciously showed a smile of joy.

   When Lu Yang was looking at her, Cao Xue's eyes were searching for him.

At this time, there were no more people at the exit, so Cao Xue quickly saw Lu Yang. At that time, her smiling face was like a flower blooming, with a happy smile on her back. Cao Xue, with a small white bag and a black suitcase, trot over happily the first time he saw Lu Yang.

   At that moment, Lu Yang clearly felt a warm current flowing through his heart and opened his arms subconsciously.

   The next moment, Cao Xue happily jumped into his arms.

   Hugging her soft and fragrant body, Lu Yang seemed to hug the whole world, and he smiled even though he rarely showed expressions.

   "Do you want me?"

   Cao Xue asked Lu Yang with her slapped face up. Lu Yang didn't speak, but smiled and kissed her on the forehead, hugging her tightly.

   Cao Xue's face changed suddenly, she withdrew from Lu Yang's embrace, frowned and looked up and down Lu Yang carefully, and asked nervously, "Lu Yang! Why have you lost so much? Are you sick?"

Lu Yang knew that Cao Xue would be nervous when she found out that she had lost weight. At the moment, she stepped forward and held her in her arms again, rubbed her hair, and chuckled softly: "Don't be nervous! I'm fine, I am not sick. Just a little thinner! Go! Brother takes you home!"

   As he said, Lu Yang took the backpack from Cao Xue, and the suitcase on the ground, and took Cao Xue’s shoulders and walked to the side of the road.

   "But how can you lose so much when you are so good?"

   On the way to take a taxi, Cao Xue still couldn't let go.

   "Take you to a place and you will know why your brother has lost so much weight!"

  The time to The two of them have already arrived next to a taxi. Lu Yang opened the rear door, pushed Cao Xue in first, and then went to the trunk to put his luggage.


   After half an hour, the taxi stopped at the entrance of the Internet cafe.

   Cao Xue, who got out of the taxi, stared blankly at the Internet cafe that had been completely renovated. His eyes stayed on the Internet cafe’s sign for several seconds.

   Dragon Clan Internet Cafe?

   Then his eyes turned to the door of the Internet cafe that was already open for business. From outside, you could see that it was full of brand-new computers, and there were about a dozen students online.

   "You didn't drive this, right?"

After being surprised, Cao Xue asked Lu Yang in disbelief. She remembered that Lu Yang bought these two sets of facades. Lu Yang took her to see it last time, but it was just a summer vacation. An internet cafe.

   Lu Yang smiled and nodded. He didn't tell him about opening an Internet cafe for so long, just to see how surprised she was.

   "Hate! I opened such a big Internet cafe and only told me now! You see how thin you are!"

   Cao Xue suddenly rushed over and punched Lu Yang's chest with a fist, complaining very unhappily.

   This time I came back and saw that Lu Yang became so thin. She was really distressed, and she was fine when she left.

   "Go in and have a look?"

   Lu Yang paid the fare, took the luggage, and took Cao Xue's shoulder into the Internet cafe.

   (Thanks to the haggard and book friend 140909193209125 for the reward, the third one today! Ask for Sanjiang votes and recommended votes! Brothers Sanjiang was chrysanthemum and became the third.)


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