Rebirth 2003

Chapter 117: Cao Xue is gone

After the Lantern Festival, Lu Yang guessed that the publishing house should also be at work, so the next morning, Lu Yang sorted out 65,000 words, and sent it to the publishing house he often contacted with an outline. edit.

   Then, continue to codewords alone at home. When the codewords are tired, they can look for a movie on the computer to watch, or look for two old songs to listen to, and then continue.

   After 11 o'clock in the evening, at the end of the day's codewords, Lu Yang boarded the starting point website to see if there were any new fierce books recently, but found that the starting point monthly ticket system had been promulgated.

   Looking at the top of the monthly ticket list, "Profane" and "Mercenary World", Lu Yang remained silent.

   I only remember that the starting point was the implementation of the monthly pass system this year, but he didn't expect it to be implemented so soon. His new book hurriedly hurriedly rushed, or he didn't upload it before the monthly pass system went online.

   However, because the monthly pass system has just been implemented, there are not many readers who have monthly passes. Even the first and second-ranked "Profane" and "Mercenary World" have only a handful of 40 or 50 votes.

   ranked tenth in the overall list, and only had a poor two dozen votes.

   If it is a few years later, the works of these great gods, that monthly ticket is not thousands of votes?

  The distance is not too big. As long as Lu Yang's new book is strong, it will still be able to fight it after it is released.


   Two days after the Lantern Festival, the school opened.

   Lu Yang saw Cao Xue again, only to find that after a new year, she felt a lot of emaciation, and asked her what's wrong? Cao Xue just threw into his arms, holding him in tears.

   "What the **** happened?"

   I've never seen her cry in front of me. Lu Yang was anxious when she saw her crying like this, who was always cheerful. Cao Xue didn't answer. She just cried while holding Lu Yang's head and kissed Lu Yang hard.

   The original sweet kiss, Lu Yang became more flustered, and pushed Cao Xue's head away. Cao Xuecai said, "Lu Yang! We are going to be separated! I don't want to be separated!"



Lu Yang felt that his heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat. In his previous life, Feng Tingting also proposed to break up when he was fully involved, but Feng Tingting was very calm at that time. After talking in the coffee shop outside, he got up and left. Cao Xue couldn't stop the tears today.

   Lu Yang took a deep breath, suppressing the sudden anger in his heart, and asked as calmly as possible: "Why? Why separate?"

   Cao Xue came to kiss Lu Yang again, but was pushed away by Lu Yang who was upset.

   If it is really a breakup, Lu Yang doesn't want the last kiss, because that kind of kiss is not sweet anymore, it will only make him feel painful.

"My mom and dad insist that I go to study abroad! I don't agree, my dad is angry! Growing up, my dad has never been abusive to me. My dad said I must go if I go, and I must go if I don't! The certificates are given to me and mom. done……"

   The reason Cao Xue said in his mouth makes Lu Yang feel so untrue. Studying abroad?

   "Study abroad, why study abroad?"

   Lu Yang's most doubts are this.

   "I don't know! Dad didn't tell me in advance, he already helped me manage it."


It was not until more than a month later that Lu Yang knew the reason. He still heard from Cao Xue’s friend Zhou Jing. Cao Xue’s father was the head of the Organization Department of the J City Party Committee. He was in charge of the evaluation, appointment and dismissal of officials from all over the city. He said that in the past few years when he was the head of the organization, he used his power to buy and sell officials and was investigated by the provincial party committee.

   But because of the leak, Cao Guohua, Cao Xue’s father, transferred all his wife and daughter abroad in advance. He failed to escape and went to jail. However, his large amount of corruption has been unable to recover.

   Lu Yang learned these news from Zhou Jing only a few months later, and checked it on the Internet, and it was true.

   But at that time, when Lu Yang heard that Cao Xue was studying abroad, he didn't know the inside story at all.

Cao Xue stayed in Lu Yang for one night and left the next morning. Lu Yang was still asleep when she left. When Lu Yang woke up, Cao Xue was nowhere to be seen, and only left a note on the bedside. .

   "Lu Yang: I'm leaving, I will definitely come back to see you after the holiday, wait for me!"


As soon as Cao Xue left, although Lu Yang's mood was a little depressed, he was not too sad. Lu Yang really thought it was only going to study abroad. At most a few years, Cao Xue will definitely come back. During these few years, Cao Xue will come back. At home, he can also go abroad to see her.

So after Cao Xue had just walked for more than a month, Lu Yang focused on codewords in the rental house except for classes and Internet cafes. He wrote this book much faster than before, and he could write more than 9,000 words every day. .

The publishing house also passed the review, and the manuscript fee for this book has been raised again to 6000 yuan per episode. Lu Yang contributes three to four episodes a month. The publishing house alone earns about 20,000 yuan per month. The Dragon Clan Internet Cafe can also give him a profit of 50,000 to 60,000 per month.

On the    website, "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" is not yet on the shelves, but it is currently very popular. 180,000 words have been uploaded, the total number of hits has been more than 800,000, and the recommendation votes are more than 80,000. There are dozens of readers leaving comments in the book review area every day.

   Lu Yang's fortune seems to be pretty good this year.

It’s just that Cao Xue is gone, and she’s a lot Every day I eat alone, code words, and sleep alone. Everything is one person. I am tired of writing manuscripts and can practice boxing or play. Playing guitar.

   The few songs that Cao Xue has often played are the ones that Lu Yang has played the most.

   "The waves are blooming", "The Wedding in Dream", "You at the same table"...

   Every time you play Cao Xue's favorite songs, Lu Yang's mind will reflect the bright smile when Cao Xue played these songs.

  Sometimes, Lu Yang would go to Sanda clubs to discuss with people. There were wins and losses. He saw the eagle and tiger and crane shapes in Xingyiquan, as well as Bagua palms, kicks, kicks, and Baji.

   Going to Sanda club more times, Lu Yang realized that not many people actually practice Sanda in Sanda club, many of them are practicing other styles.

   Lu Yang’s school has nearly 20,000 students, and dozens of them have practiced. Almost all of them are in Sanda clubs. Those who haven't practiced but want to keep fit, many of them have joined the Taekwondo Club and the Muay Thai Club.

   In a blink of an eye, another week later, Lu Yang's new book "The Three Kingdoms Warlords" was on the shelves at the beginning. At that time, the book's collection had reached more than 14,000.

   is different from the nervousness on the eve of the previous two shelves. Because Cao Xue has left, Lu Yang, who has not been in a high mood for more than a month, is not nervous about this time on the shelves.

   At midnight, when the VIP opened, Lu Yang calmly passed two chapters up and went to bed.

   (Thanks to liu1111, still Yiyuan, book friend 111216080404218, Shenben arrogant 1 for the reward.)

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