Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 5 Chapter 34: With the heart of the government

Hours of dialogue with the Prime Minister ended quickly, and Chen Yizhe did not know what the Prime Minister's final decision would be.

Even if Chen Yizhe's words are hype, and even if the Prime Minister has conducted a field inspection, it may not be possible to implement Chen Yizhe's housing concept in the end.

After all, real estate involves a trillion-dollar market-level economic product, and slight policy changes will also cause fluctuations in the entire real estate industry, not to mention that this time Chen Yizhe wants to reshuffle the entire real estate industry.

However, unlike the previous life, in this life, due to the emergence of carbon-based integrated circuits, more funds flow into this industry, and the corresponding real estate capital inflow is much less than in the previous life. Even so, if Xia Meng's actions did not have the cooperation of the government, it would be like a man's arm blocking the car and overstepping his abilities.

In the end, the prime minister just said to Chen Yizhe, "This matter still needs careful thinking. However, you can conduct a pilot experiment in Pengcheng first, and I will let the Pengcheng government cooperate with the work. Once it is finally feasible, then it can be done. Spread it all over the country!"

The Prime Minister can say this, in fact, it is the greatest trust and support for Chen Yizhe.

On November 12, Xiameng Group issued an announcement that it will intensively supply co-ownership houses in the next four years, with more than 100,000 units per year.

The news immediately shocked the real estate developers in Pengcheng. You must know that Xia Meng had been taking the rental route before. Even the rental route has squeezed the real estate developers in Pengcheng, and now Xia Meng is about to sell the house, it is impossible to guess whether it is good or bad for real estate developers, after all, Xia Meng's business line is too strange.

And when Xia Meng announced the news of the fourth-generation housing, other real estate developers also responded to the ancient times. Xia Meng's public property rights this time are still bad news for real estate developers. Especially when the appearance of the fourth-generation house was more beautiful and the interior was more intelligent, they realized that this might be Xia Meng's intentional redefinition of commercial housing. The existing commercial housing and the fourth-generation commercial housing have drawn a technical gap. Once Xia Meng controls the price of the fourth-generation housing to be similar to the existing commercial housing price, it will inevitably have a great impact on the existing commercial housing.

"I don't know what Xia Meng thought about it. A private enterprise doesn't care about interests but cares about the government's heart. It can only be said that he is too full. But he himself is full, but his peers can only I've been hungry all the time!" a real estate developer's boss surnamed Ren said in an interview with the media.

"For some people, their so-called interests are always only immediate interests. They only know that they can make money and they will try their best to make money. But Xia Meng is different. Xia Meng looks farther, and real estate developers must develop healthily and steadily. , it must be on the basis of economic stability and people living and working in peace and contentment. Moreover, I believe that real estate developers will never go hungry. At most, they will look at the piece of meat in front of them, but feel depressed because they can’t swallow it!” Reply to a real estate boss on pp.

In this matter, except for real estate developers and real estate speculators, most of the people are on Chen Yizhe's side.

"Xia Meng's fourth-generation house looks so good from the video, right? The sky garden, I can grow vegetables in the garden, and I don't have to go shopping!"

"It seems that I really want to sell the current commercial house. Such a house not only has a sense of the future, but also feels like home!"

"From now on, I will try my best to save money and try to buy a fourth-generation house! By the way, what does public ownership mean?"

"Stupid, half of the property rights belong to you, and the other half belongs to Xia Meng Group. This is public property rights. When you live in, Xia Meng won't care about you, but when you sell your house, you must get Xia Meng's consent, and, basically, The last person to sell is also Xia Meng!"

"The house I bought is not mine, so what else should I buy?"

"You buy a house for half the price and you can live for a lifetime, isn't that enough? Unless you are a real estate speculator, the phenomenon that Xia Meng has always wanted to eliminate is scalpers. It is also a kind of scalper. In this regard, I very much agree with Xia Meng’s approach, the house itself is used for living, and the restriction of property rights can make the house look back on the attributes of living!”

However, a netizen expressed his opinion from another point of view, "House prices across the country are rising, only Pengcheng seems to be the most normal, but at the same time, this will also lead to a major problem. What problem, That is, when housing prices, consumption are cheaper than other first-tier cities, and wages are not lower than first-tier cities, the population of the whole country, especially fresh graduates, will flood into the city of Pengcheng, which will lead to fewer people in the original place. The urban population situation in Pengcheng is more severe. And the population expansion will inevitably lead to the end of the price hike. In other words, this will be an unsolvable problem! Xia Meng's approach is only a temporary solution , it's just delaying the problem!"

"I don't think Xia Meng's approach is just to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. In fact, the ultimate key to the house problem lies in the government, and in different regional policies. If every city has a conscientious enterprise like Xia Meng, then I believe , the real estate problem in first- and second-tier cities in China will not be so terrifying in the past two years. I think there are only two ways to solve it now, one is to implement strict population size planning and control in Pengcheng, and the other is to let Xia Meng has entered other first- and second-tier cities, and let these cities, like the Pengcheng government in terms of land resources, provide greater support and cooperation to Xia Meng!"

"Don't look at Xia Meng's size, but compared with the real estate developers in the country and the forces behind them, Xia Meng is actually a weaker party. In the city of Pengcheng, Xia Meng is playing at home, so Only in this way can real estate companies retreat, but once they enter other first- and second-tier cities, I believe Xia Meng will struggle. Therefore, to let Xia Meng enter other first- and second-tier cities, unless the central and local governments are on Xia Meng’s side , otherwise, unrealistic!"

At the beginning of Pengcheng media reported that Xiameng Group and Pengcheng government had traded 3 more residential land in November, and all the land will be used for the construction of the fourth land. Generation housing, its area will be close to 3 million square meters.

However, there has also been some bad news. For example, some large real estate developers in Pengcheng are spreading the news that Pengcheng real estate will collapse in the future, and on the other hand, they are silently acquiring reserve land in small and medium-sized real estate markets.

In the 1990s, American financial writer Hilary Rosenberg put forward the "vulture theory" in the production and sales book "Vulture Investor". There is a sentence in it that says:

"In the season of food shortage, vultures will always follow the weak prey, exert mental pressure on the prey, accelerate the death of the prey, and then peck the carcass to keep themselves alive."

Today, these large real estate developers are like this. They are not afraid of Xia Meng at all. The appearance of Xia Meng will only accelerate the disconnection of the capital chain of small real estate developers, which also gives them the opportunity to swallow.

And now, all they have to do is compete with Xia Meng for patience!

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