Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 3 Chapter 46: Weird cold fusion

Surprisingly enough, nuclear fusion technology is nothing new. The fusion theory was first proposed in 1920, and it would be a century ago in two years. But at present, the nuclear fusion realized by human beings is somewhat faced with a problem:

Either uncontrollable or useless.

Uncontrollable nuclear fusion was actually created by humans long ago. Its name is the hydrogen bomb, which was born during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Although the power is huge, it is only used as a weapon, and the detonation of a hydrogen bomb requires an atomic bomb as a lead, and it is definitely not to think about relying on it to generate electricity.

If you want nuclear fusion to generate electricity, you must first find something to pack the fusion material. But controllable nuclear fusion is essentially an artificial sun, and conventional materials certainly cannot hold it. In the 1950s, several Soviet scientists proposed the use of giant magnetism to confine ribbon fusion fuel. This theory became the basis for the design of controlled nuclear fusion, which is still in use today.

It turns out they were right, and the device, known as a "tokamak," does work successfully. It's just that the running time can only be calculated in seconds, and it has to be shut down as soon as it takes a long time to avoid burning out.

And nuclear fusion today is all about losing money: These magnetic confinement devices are powered by electricity, and can generate as much energy as they run once, rather than igniting them. It's a bit unbearable to lose once at a time.

Various factors have turned these fusion devices into dollar incinerators. Chen Yizhe remembers that the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) was built two years later. It used the power of seven countries, including China, with an original budget of 10 billion euros and took 10 years to build. But only two and a half years after the construction started in 2013, the construction cost alone cost 15 billion US dollars, and it was not finished until Chen Yizhe came back.

During this time, Chen Yizhe theoretically asked Apocalypse to make theoretical speculations and calculations on hot and cold nuclear fusion, especially the calculation of plasma physics and fusion energy in thermonuclear fusion. However, in preparing for the actual practice, Chen Yizhe did not choose the direction of thermonuclear fusion, the main thing is that the requirements of thermonuclear fusion are relatively high.

In magnetic field confinement fusion, the plasma must meet three conditions, the temperature must be higher than 50 million degrees Celsius, it must be stable under high pressure, and it must be confined in a specific space. These three conditions are then implemented into specific parameter details, that is, the particle density of the plasma. The product of the three parameters of constraint practice and temperature must not be lower than a certain threshold.

These three conditions are not the biggest problem for Chen Yizhe, because the three conditions finally point to the container and semiconductor materials. If you want to use high-intensity magnetic fields to realize fusion energy, then the new design method of superconducting materials and devices will be easy. is the most critical step.

For Chen Yizhe, the biggest problem at this stage is the ultra-high energy required to ignite the nuclear fusion reaction, which is precisely what Chen Yizhe lacks the most.

Therefore, in the end, Chen Yizhe chose cold nuclear fusion. Although this theory is likely to be a beautiful fantasy of scientists, if there is no real practice, how can we know whether it is true or false?

There are also several ways of cold nuclear fusion. Chen Yizhe finally decided to use the nickel-hydrogen cold fusion reaction.

For the possible reaction mechanism of nickel-hydrogen cold fusion reaction, if it is really possible, Chen Yizhe thinks it should be like this: hydrogen ions and nickel lattices resonate, and this resonance allows hydrogen atoms to have a chance to approach the nickel nucleus at close range.

Chen Yizhe made a reaction vessel for this purpose. The reaction vessel is made of metal composite material, which is resistant to high temperature and high pressure. The reaction vessel is placed inside a copper tube, and the water flows through the interlayer between the copper tube and the reactor. Inlets for water and hydrogen are provided. The reactor is charged by the current flowing through the resistance wound outside the copper tube, and when a certain temperature is reached, the reactor starts to work.

However, when Chen Yizhe was doing experiments, he found that fantasy is beautiful and reality is cruel. Among them, nickel and hydrogen do have a chemical reaction, but it is just a chemical reaction, not a nuclear reaction, and the heat generated is actually very high. Small. When nickel is placed in hydrogen, it only makes the hydrogen atom gain an extra electron, which is the negative ion that generates hydrogen, and then there is no more.

Chen Yizhe tried to use thermal excitation, mechanical excitation, electric or magnetic pulse to see if he could trigger the entire reaction system, and then it was useless at all. Then I adjusted the device, the temperature, the recipe, etc., but still little change.

It took a week and still no hope, Chen Yizhe was about to give up.

At this time, Chen Yizhe decided to do the triggering himself. Chen Yizhe rarely used nanoworms to make microscopic changes in the atomic structure, because the energy required for modification at this level is indeed very large.

Fortunately, what Chen Yizhe has to do now is to replace the electrons of the nickel atoms with the negative ions of hydrogen. Although the energy consumed is large, he can still accept it.

In the microscopic world invisible to the naked eye, the nanoworms push away the electrons that hold the nickel atoms, and then push the negative ions of hydrogen in.

Because the negative ion of hydrogen has a larger mass, it is closer to the nickel nucleus than the electron of the nickel atom in microscopic physics.

I saw that under this condition, when the negative ions of hydrogen slowly approached the nucleus of the nickel suddenly released Auger electrons and X-rays.

At this time, the negative ion of hydrogen near the nickel nucleus loses electrons and becomes a free proton.

"Damn! A small step to success?" Chen Yizhe, who observed the entire reaction process, exclaimed excitedly.

Why Chen Yizhe called it a small step to success, because if the process ends here, it will eventually release Auger electrons and X-rays. Auger electrons are just secondary electrons created by the excitation of electrons in atoms, while X-rays are just low-energy photons that can be absorbed by lead and tungsten shields to release heat, which is released as infrared terahertz rays. The sum of the two is actually not much energy, and it is much smaller than the energy consumed by Chen Yizhe to control the nanoworms.

However, this process can still continue. The repulsion generated by the nickel nucleus can accelerate the proton to a state where it can be bombarded, and the proton can react with other nuclei to produce more reactions. For example, the generated proton bombards the lithium nucleus, which can produce alpha particles. An alpha particle captures an electron to produce a helium atom, and each kinetic energy absorbed by one particle releases a large amount of heat. Chen Yizhe roughly calculated that the energy generated was close to 20 times the energy he consumed. On the other hand,

Chen Yizhe then took the time to redesign the entire device, and soon, a wonderful cold nuclear fusion reaction device was born.

It is said that it is a strange thing because only Chen Yizhe can use this device in the world, because its ignition completely needs to be controlled by Chen Yizhe with nanoworms.

Moreover, this kind of cold nuclear fusion actually does not have much difference between the consumption of mass and nuclear fission. In the whole process, only one-thousandth of the matter is turned into energy, which is still a little different from thermonuclear fusion.

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