Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Accelerates Tuvalu's sinking speed

There is only one hotel on the whole island of Tuvalu, which was donated by Taiwan in 1993. There are only sixteen rooms. When Chen Yizhe consulted, he realized that each room is basically the same. There are two beds, no TV, no hot water, let alone any internet. The balcony of Chen Yizhe's room is less than a few meters away from the sea.

Chen Yizhe came out of the hotel and started sightseeing along the main road of the island. This is an ocean-ash road that is only about 1,000 meters long, 50 meters wide, and more than 20 meters at its narrowest point. There are few pedestrians on the road, and the main means of transportation are motorcycles. Chen Yizhe saw only one bus.

On the only road in Tuvalu, it will make ordinary people feel very uneasy, because looking to the left, it is a rough sea, and looking to the right, it is an endless sea. When a pool of sea water comes out, people always feel that they will sink with the road if they are not careful. Funafuti Atoll is about 20 kilometers long, but the average width is only 20 to 30 meters. , you can take a "bath" here from head to toe.

"Don't go out for a walk after dark, because if you are not careful, it will disperse into the sea." He ran into Lao Song again while wandering, and he warned Chen Yizhe: "Tuvalu is too small and the terrain is too flat. Many places will be engulfed by the sea, even the road in the middle of the island."

"No wonder each house is supported by a dozen long pillars!" Chen Yizhe said.

"Actually, the houses of the Tuluwa people are no different from those built in ponds. When the tide is high, the sea water will seep up from the coral rocks under the ground, and the flat ground will become a pond!" Lao Song explained.

"That's no wonder you can't even grow crops!" Chen Yizhe sighed.

"A long time ago, people still planted some vegetables and crops. Now no one is planting them. Once the sea passes, everything will die. Who would want to plant them?" Lao Song continued, "So the vegetables that are easily spoiled have become extremely precious food here. , For a long time, meat is the staple food without green vegetables. People here generally suffer from fatty liver, high blood pressure, high blood fat, heart disease and other diseases in their 30s and 40s, and the average life expectancy is less than 50 years old. Many Tuvaluan In fact, people die suddenly, because they are too fat, and myocardial infarction often occurs.

Tuvalu has no agriculture or industry, only some scattered service industries, and zero foreign exchange reserves. The local people mainly rely on remittances from relatives who work or settle in foreign countries and donations from the United Nations.

I talked to Lao Song in the supermarket before. Every year, he imports many daily necessities from China and sells them at high prices in Tuluwa. According to Chen Yizhe, he can earn at least about 1 million yuan per year. Otherwise, it would not have been sticking to this bad place.

Chatting with Lao Song, suddenly a middle-aged man not far away greeted Lao Song.

Lao Song responded to the other party, and then quickly said to Chen Yizhe, "This is the current Wanwan ambassador to Tuluwa!"

Chen Yizhe took a closer look at the other party, and saw that the other party was wearing a white polo shirt, shorts, and slippers, and he couldn't see the ambassador's dress at all.

It is estimated that there is only the "ambassador" of Wanwan in Tuluwa, and I don't know whether it should be said that Tuluwa is desolate or Taiwan is desolate. These so-called "diplomatic countries" in the Gulf are actually just "gold-dollar diplomacy" relations, and the Gulf has always exchanged gold and yuan for their support.

Along the way, Chen Yizhe could see some icons of the EU, which are the EU's fund assistance for Tuvalu's water, waste and sanitation standards. But in fact, Chen Yizhe, after taking a walk around the flowers, actually found that Tuguo faces too many construction tasks, such as the construction of power stations, the construction of roads, the management and utilization of waste, and coastal protection projects and many other tasks. .

It seems that these tasks cannot be completed by relying on local people.

The next day, when Chen Yizhe passed the airport, he saw that yesterday was the runway where the plane landed, but today it has become a playground for pedestrians, walking dogs, and young people. Many young people are exercising on the track, but don't know what it's called? Like playing volleyball, but not the same. Chen Yizhe picked up the ball that rolled over and looked at it. It was woven from coconut bark.

Unlike yesterday's wandering, Chen Yizhe went to the government building today. The government building is a three-story house not far from the airport.

I originally wanted to find an opportunity to chat with the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, but I didn't expect the Prime Minister of Tuvalu to go abroad for a few days.

Although the current prime minister of Tuvalu cannot be seen, the former prime minister came to him, and the former prime minister was the elder brother of the current prime minister.

The former prime minister was named Safatu. He was relatively simple-looking. He introduced, "There is a plant in Tuvalu called Noni tree. I don't know if you know it?"

Chen Yizhe nodded. In fact, he had already seen the introduction of Tuvalu's specialties in the brochure of the hotel yesterday.

Safatu continued, "We are currently developing related medical and healthcare projects, but we have encountered certain problems with funding and technology..."

Safatu's meaning is nothing more than hope that Chen Yizhe can do more publicity when he returns to China to see if anyone is willing to invest and introduce this product into China. If there is a suitable opportunity, they will provide a full range of services.

Of course, Chen Yizhe could only respond well. After the medical matter was over, the two talked about other topics, especially local issues in Tuvalu.

"Because of environmental problems, at least 6,000 people have left Tuvalu to immigrate overseas, and there are less than 10,000 people living in Tuvalu. The problem is that Tuvalu has only one high school, and even a technical school. No, so even if you go abroad to work, you can only do the most 'low-level' such as growing fruit, harvesting crops, and being a cleaner."

"Before 2000, there was a small island about 5 meters wide and 10 meters long in the sea water in the middle of Funafuti Atoll. At that time, there were a lot of coconut trees on the island. Now, this small island has sunk to the bottom of the sea. , only a little shadow can be seen at low tide."

"I think the 5 billion people on earth should apologize to us." Speaking of the rising sea water in Tuvalu, Safatu said lightly, "But even so, no country is willing to accept Tuvaluan immigrants. "

"In fact, Tuvalu should be able to submit a report to the United Nations to buy land and establish a country. I believe that the United Nations will not sit back and watch Tuvalu really be submerged by the sea!" Chen Yizhe said.

"The problem is that Tuvalu has no money!" Safatu said helplessly.

"If someone is willing to buy the whole of Tuvalu, wouldn't Tuvalu have money?" Chen Yizhe said.

"It's not that no one has mentioned your idea, but who wants to spend a lot of money to buy an island that is about to sink?" Safatu said with a wry smile.

"There are always some people in this world, maybe they are willing to take a bet that Tuvalu will not sink!" Chen Yizhe smiled and handed Safatu a business card and said, "Safatu, this is my business card, if in the future One day, when you decide you want to leave Tuvalu as a whole, you can email me or call me this, and I'm actually the one who bet that Tuvalu won't sink in the end."

This is what Chen Yizhe said, but in fact, he came to Tuvalu this time to speed up the sinking of Tuvalu. The entire country of Tuvalu is composed of coral reefs, and this time Chen Yizhe intends to stop the growth rate of corals or even die in large numbers, so that Tuvalu, which is supported by coral reefs, will really "sink" because of this, not like the future. The land area does not decrease but increases.

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