Realistic Game

Chapter 378: 7-ring algorithm!

   Chapter 379 Seven-ring algorithm!

  The cartridge rotates slowly, and a stream of computing power maintains the movement of the spell model.

   And Mo Lan watched this scene quietly, and suddenly realized.

   "There is nothing wrong with my previous speculation.

  Spells do use a certain essence of the element to cast spells, and master mages can only cast spells if they touch the essence.

  I guess all of these are correct. The only thing I didn’t expect is that this essence is actually reflected in this way. "

  Mo Lan thought a lot when researching, and after thinking about it for a long time, in Mo Lan's view, the essence of the Seven Rings may be a crystal, it may be a rule, but he did not expect it to be like this.

  Simulate the essence of the movement through the spell model and the spell node.

  The result of the continuous movement of the entire spell model is the space itself. Although it is insignificant compared to the space, it already reflects some of the essential corners and corners of the space elements.

  The law of elements is the law of heaven and earth, and part of reflecting the essence of elements means part of reflecting the law of heaven and earth!

  If one to six spells are simply a simple application of the law of elements.

  Then the seven-ring spell has been through the law of elements to explore the essence behind it.

  Through the element, simulate the essence of the element through the magic model, and use the essence of this element to move the rules between heaven and earth!

  No matter how advanced the technology is, the mighty power of nature is irresistible. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, meteorite falls, and supernova eruptions are all forces of nature, all forces of heaven and earth.

  Man is invincible, manpower is meager, and it will never be possible to reach this terrifying energy level.

  Under the implementation of this concept, since it is impossible to reach this level of energy, then move the world, use the power of the world, and use the power of the world to attack.

   "This is the reason why a seventh-order fighter can control the country, right?

   Tier 1 to Tier 6 are just using their own power to provoke elemental battles in the environment, no matter how powerful they are, there are limits.

  And the seventh level directly moves the power of the heaven and the earth, four or two shifts a thousand catties, manpower is limited, and the sky is endless.

  Thousands of people, how about 10,000 people, an earthquake, a tsunami, the number of people is insignificant.

  If this road develops to its limit, leveraging the power of heaven and earth. I am afraid that destroying a country is just a matter of gestures. "

  Mo Lan probably understands that the master-level flash art can be cracked. The flash art is just using space elements to move. The master-level can already touch the heaven and the earth, or is it compatible with the heaven and the earth?

  Heaven and earth are space. Although I don’t know what I did in this way, using rules to influence space is not so incredible.

   "More importantly, this spell model is not a finished product, but a method?"

  Mo Lan looked at the cartridge that was still running, and he could clearly sense that the cartridge always had a part of the computing power blessed by this seven-ring spell.

  Nearly three thousand spell nodes operate, simulating a certain essence of external space elements at all times.

  "This means that there are no spell scrolls above the seventh level, at least now the method of making spell scrolls cannot be applied to seventh-level spells.


  Mo Lan thought of a possibility.

  "This kind of dynamic spell model, this method means that even if the wizard arrives in an unfamiliar environment, or even in a foreign world with different rules, he will not lose the ability to cast spells.

   is a short hibernation at best. After a little familiarity, the wizard can use the same method to release spells that comply with the rules of the alien world.

  I don’t know if it’s just the mage or the professions of the whole world.

  The spell model in this transcendent core seems to be forbidden. No, it may be because the transcendent core itself is "dead" and cannot be used as a reference. "

   Mo Lan's eyes flickered, and the amount of information contained in the seventh-order space spells was simply too much. Without in-depth study, Mo Lan could understand a lot of things just by looking at its operation mode.


  Mo Lan took a deep breath, and recovered, no one knew what he was thinking at this moment, his eyes were deep, and he did not do anything, but directly sat down beside the magic element pool next to the fire element pool.

  Here is his treasure house and his meditation room.


  Force yourself to enter meditation. In the state of meditation, the violently fluctuating heart gradually calms down, and the fluctuating heart lake slowly calms down.

  Eight hours later, when the meditation time was over, Mo Lan opened his eyes and got up, the state has been completely adjusted.

  After confirming that he was in good condition, Mo Lan sat at the desk, picked up the pen, and cast his eyes on the spell on the ink cartridge again, stunned when he subconsciously wanted to record.

  "Wait, how can I record the magic model of the movement with a pen?"

  Mo Lan thought for a moment, then put down the pen and muttered.

  "Although the movement of the mage model is complicated, it is not chaotic. As long as the experience is summarized, it can be recorded in words. In short, it is to be recorded if the spell model is thoroughly understood."

  Mo Lan knocked on the table.

  "The spell model is not a series of three-axis coordinates from the first to the seventh ring. The seven-ring spell model is moving, with a certain rule of movement, then maybe it can be called an algorithm!

  Yes, the spell model of the first to sixth rings is constructed with a three-axis coordinate system. Once the seventh ring is reached, the magic model must be embodied by algorithms! "

  "Algorithm. It's still too far away from me. Let's study it slowly."

Mo Lan glanced at the three-dimensional spell model. Although it was on one side of the ink cartridge, it looked like there was a layered space in which nearly 3,000 spell nodes moved in their respective orbits to form this seven ring. Spell model.

  Mo Lan still doesn't know the name of this spell, or what function this spell has.

  And so far I dare not use it.

  Even if the memory is on the ink cartridge, Mo Lan still dare not use it.

  Mo Lan rubbed his forehead looked at the corner of the seven-ring space system spell model, and looked at the outermost part of the spell structure with the least number of spell nodes.

  Just looking at its structure, the relative position of the spell nodes can't be seen.

Immediately, Mo Lan understood that one must not only look at the relative position within a single structure, but also look at the overall situation, the track, the movement, the relative position, and the fact that it seems invisible, but it does indeed connect the spell node and the spell. The magic line of the structure.

  The difficulty of research soared instantly, and Mo Lan slowly focused.

  The mental power is connected to the prototype of the tower, and the computing power is fully utilized!

  The mental power is connected to the ink cartridge, and the computing power is fully activated!

  Mechanized thinking, full computing power!

  At this moment, Mo Lan felt that his thinking was unprecedentedly sharp, and his thinking speed was accelerating. At this time, he looked at the movement trajectory of the technique structure and the relative changes of the magic line in the movement. It was still jerky, but it was not as difficult to understand as before.

  Time passed bit by bit, day after day passed. On this day, while Mo Lan was studying, Xu Zongxin walked in.

   "President, they are here."

  (End of this chapter)

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