Realistic Game

Chapter 236: Art-bang!

"Hey hey hey, look, it's raining heavily in Red Maple City, and it's covered with dark clouds, thunder god, someone must have confessed."

"Confession? No, no, no, this is a Daoist who is going through the catastrophe."

"Crossing the robbery, what fellow daoists can cross hundreds of miles across the robbery cloud, you see, I am in the capital of Morse, and the sky is also dark here."

"Huh? It rained in your place too? Me too."

"Upstairs, where are you?"

"The southern border of the Southern Empire."

"Fuck, it's far, it's directly across an empire."

"Not to mention the southern border of the Southern Empire, and the northern border of the Northern Empire.


"So far?!!! What kind of people do you have to do?"

"Du Jie's ass, someone confessed that he was condemned by heaven may be more credible."

"Will it be the end of the world? Our game is about to become a doomsday online game.

Cheers, happy! "

"The whole game just got dark, it rained for a few minutes, the time was exactly the same, there was no delay, the coverage was so large, it must be a supernatural phenomenon."

"It's like heaven, you guys, I won't hide it from everyone at this point.

It was my forty-nine-day calamity cloud that broke through the Nascent Soul Stage just now. It is because this world is too weak that the momentum is so great.

I have disturbed everyone, and I apologize. "

"Upstairs, don't lie, what I hate most is that you bragging group don't write drafts.

I'm telling you that the alien world is about to invade, and I am now blocked at the front line, and an evil god's attack just failed to stop it.

This caused a trace of aftermath to spread to our world, and this was the scene just now.

Now the situation is getting more and more urgent. I can no longer protect the whole time. Those who want me personal protection, now give me two hundred yuan, which is absolutely the most intimate service and the most personal protection.

Account number: 610308871. "

Mo Lan searched the number silently, transferred 10,000 yuan, and then called the police.

"Hey, Yao Yaoling, there is a liar here, yes, yes, I was cheated of 10,000 yuan."

Hanging up, Mo Lan closed the forum.

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, all kinds of whimsical ideas, all kinds of insights came out.

"Everyone on the forum is talented, with big brains, good-sounding speech, just a few glances, and one hour passed by accident."

After closing the forum, Mo Lan was also slightly confused.

"But what happened just now? Why is there suddenly a dark cloud covering the whole world.

The dark clouds all over the world are still falling together, stopping together, dispersing together, and even thunder is ringing together.

It can't be a coincidence, it must be a supernatural phenomenon, or a supernatural phenomenon.

But what level of extraordinary phenomena can cover the world?

In front of the whole world, the master is the scum, the legend is the scum, what is going on?

But it must be legendary, to what extent..."

Mo Lan shook his head.

"I don't know, it has nothing to do with me."

Mo Lan put aside this question and put his thoughts back on the sentence on the paper.

"Since the significance of casting spells lies in the activation and use of the essence of the element.

Then I can completely abandon all frameworks, get straight to the point, and go straight to the essence, so that I should be able to cast spells freely. "

Mo Lan said proudly, and then walked downstairs to the spell laboratory.

Activate the water shield technique and sharp technique that protect the wall, Mo Lan sits on the sofa chair on one side, quietly thinking about it.

"First gather the elements, activate the element traits, amplify the element traits, and then release them."

Mo Lan nodded after repeating it.

"Well, it sounds very simple."

Mo Lan began to gather the elements, and the first thing he tried was the most basic fireball technique of the fire system.

When there is a fire spirit, controlling the fire element is like driving an arm, gathering the fire element in an instant.

Only after gathering together, Mo Lan fell into contemplation.

"What shall I do next? Activate the essence.

But how can I activate the essence? "

Mo Lan's slightly feverish head gradually cooled, and his meticulous and rational thinking appeared again.

"The steps should be right. It was me who was wrong, and I didn't have enough understanding of the nature of the elements.

Indeed, one of the essence of fire element is violent, but how to activate this essence, how can I control it after activation?

I don't know these, and I don't understand enough. I need a deeper understanding of the elements.

Only if you understand enough, can you release the spell directly.

But now I need a medium and a country.

I also need the spell model. On the fire element, the others can be removed, but I still need the primer to activate the essence of the fire element.

For example..."

Mo Lan only memorized a few structures of fireball in a first-ring spell slot, and only a dozen spell nodes were left, and all the other spell nodes were discarded.

The thought moved slightly, the spell slot was activated, and the spell structure appeared in front of Mo Lan. Before it collapsed, Mo Lan controlled the fire element to connect.

The spell model lasted for a second, and then it collapsed.

Mo Lan's expression did not change at all, and once again modified the remaining structure, once again added a few spell nodes, and released them.




Time and time again, Mo Lan seemed to have regained the feeling of experimenting with spells and conceptual spells again when he was alone in the ground.

Facing the seemingly dull and dull experiments time and time again, Mo Lan showed a pleasant smile at the corner of his mouth.

Only by enduring the suffering of loneliness can the fruits of success be solved.

In the boring and unsuccessful experiments again and again, Mo Lan could see the essence behind it, sum up his experience, and made little progress, but each time he was a little bit better than the previous one, and each time he knew a little bit more than the last time.

"Each experiment requires countless experiments, and every experiment is not a temporary work.

It is true that there are immediate results, but they are definitely rare, either the European emperor or the genius.

Only people like me and this state are the norm. "


A fireball with the size of a thumb hit the target and went out.

"This is the norm. It is not a short-term effort. It took a full two hours to get such a trivial result."

Mo Lan relaxed the shackles of the spell model again and removed a mage node.


Mo Lan was not discouraged and experimented again.


A small flame hit the target, leaving a black mark.



The flame is getting bigger and The explosion is getting bigger and bigger.

Mo Lan's face was rather cautious at this moment, his hand pointed forward, his hand slowly squeezed, the spell slots were activated simultaneously, and only a few joint structures of eighteen spell nodes appeared outside.

The fire element controlled by Mo Lan swarmed away, and the spherical core of the fire element suddenly changed slightly.

The fire element from the outside quickly compressed inward, and when Mo Lan squeezed the big fireball of the basin into the size of a fist, he threw it out.

The fireball with the big fist hits the target lightly,

boom! ! !

Mo Lan's vision was completely obscured by the flames, and a group of spellcasting water shields suddenly appeared in front of him.

boom! ! !

At this moment, all the wizards beside the wizard tower raised their heads in astonishment.

The Mage Tower trembled...

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