Realistic Game

Chapter 213: Spellmaster

   "Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's go and help too."

   Mo Lan did not continue this topic, but walked forward. At this time, everyone in the mage regiment had been dispersed in groups, ready to fight.

   "Mo Lan, what should be prepared is ready, now please start your performance."


   Mo Lan turned to look at the group of divisions, and said softly.

   "Now I will let you see how the wizard confronts the enemy.

  Mage is definitely not a simple firepower output, although the firepower output of one is very cool and simple, but...but..."

   Mo Lan hesitated for a moment, and immediately greeted a lot of kind laughter.

   "Forget it, no matter how much, today I will teach you how to outwit the mages.

   After all, not all enemies need to be killed, and it is not that powerful spells can be used in all situations.

   Just like now, the target is mixing with our president, the distance is very close, and the target can fly, moving fast.

   In this case, if you want to directly use attack spells to solve it, then it is very difficult. It is not that it is difficult to kill it, but that it is difficult to hit it. It is possible to use a large-scale, high-intensity attack.

  And more importantly, it may cause accidental injury, leading to..."

   "What are you doing, I'm still running, I'm still running!

   Leave me alone, shoot at me! "

   Mo Lan frowned when he was disturbed and shouted back.

   "Stop the noise, it's noisy, shoot at you?

   What should I do if I kill my Wingkong beast? Are you paying? "

   Zou Peng: ..........

   Mo Lan turned around again.

  "Come on, I will send you a spell model. It is not difficult. There are more than ten or twenty spell nodes. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with it.

   You don’t need to cast spells in a group, and when you completely release your control, I can come alone. "

   Mo Lan said, sending them the data of a spell model.

  "Free three first-level spell slots to inscribe this spell.

   After the inscription is finished, let's see if we can control this winged beast.

   As for the train of thought, let's talk about it slowly later. "

   So after five minutes, everyone finally became familiar with and memorized this very simple one-ring spell.

   And Mo Lan looked back at Zou Peng seeing this.

   "I believe your words."


   Zou Peng asked breathlessly.

   "This winged beast is very, very, very vengeful. I knew it would be like this. If you run for half an hour every day, there is only one pond left in this lotus pond."


   Zou Peng said weakly, and Mo Lan shrugged upon hearing this.

   "My side is ready, please lead it over."

  As soon as the voice fell, Mo Lan saw Zou Peng turn his head and spit out.


   For a moment, the round-headed and round-brained Wingkong beast was furious, and its small round eyes were suddenly filled with anger. The wide fins fluttered and the speed increased again, and it slammed towards Zou Peng.

   Zou Peng’s straight-line speed was far inferior to this air-wing beast, and he had always relied on a small range of movement to limit the speed of the air-wing beast and use it to avoid it flexibly.

   But at this moment, Zou Peng didn't evade, but suddenly burst into extreme speed, kicking his leg, leaving one after another clear footprints on the ground.

   In just one step, Zou Peng brought out an afterimage that appeared ten meters away, and appeared directly several tens of meters away in a few steps, instantly pulling away the distance.

   Zou Peng, who was sweating profusely, glanced back at his thoughts, pooh, and continued to run towards Mo Lan.

   Wing, furious!

   The speed at which Zou Peng just broke out made Mo Lan secretly stunned.

   "It's amazing, I can catch up to my flash at a speed like 20 more steps."

   Zou Peng raised his **** to Zou Peng silently.

   "Don't look at me with that look, I'm really nothing this time.

   You need to know that you are only at the professional level, and I am at the elite level. This gap is very normal. When you reach the elite level, there will be a qualitative leap.

   At that time, this kind of sudden advance method can pose a great threat to the wizard. "

   As soon as Zou Peng wanted to say something, he heard Mo Lan mutter again.

   "When I look back, I will organize the association president and elders to solve the problem, and crack this. There is nothing that can't be solved by developing a type-specific spell. If there is, then develop two."

   When Mo Lan spoke, his eyes were also locked on the winged beast rushing over at an extremely fast speed, feeling the strong wind surrounding it, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

   "Group Spellcasting: Circular Wind Spell!"

   Mo Lan's voice just fell, more than a dozen wind attribute spells rose, and the transfer of control was completed in an instant. The long-term meditation made Mo Lan's spiritual power a lot more affinity for the wind element, plus the strength of the elite wizard itself.

   This allows Mo Lan to easily bear the damage to the mental power of the elemental force resonance in the ring of the ring spell, and force the integration to complete this group spell.

   The moment when the group spell was completed, the Wing Kong Beast just entered the range of Mo Lan's spiritual power.

   Under the precise control of Mo Lan's mental power, a violent wind technique instantly formed around the Wing Kong Beast.

  Huhuhu! !

   The violent wind whistled, this circular hurricane technique that almost made Mo Lan commit suicide was released again.

  The air around the winged beast is directly evacuated, using the power of the spell to forcibly create a vacuum state.

  Circular gust of wind!

  Circular gust of wind!

   After the three groups cast spells in succession, a short vacuum zone was formed, and the air-wing beast rushed to the ground directly, the round big head quickly moved forward, leaving a deep groove where it passed.

   Mo Lan came back to his and said softly.

   "What do you think?"

   "The chairman found the weakness of the winged beast and cast a spell directly on its landing point, so that the winged beast was easily subdued."

   A mage looked at Mo Lan with admiring eyes.

   "Yes, what you said is very good. The moment the winged beast appeared, I used my eyes, ears, and mental power to make a very simple observation.

   Simple but detailed. Through observation, I found that it relies on imperial wind and imperial air, but it does not involve the element of wind.

   After knowing this point, I quickly figured out the way to deal with it, and took out a spell that I improved a long time ago, the ring wind spell.

  Using the characteristics of the circular wind technique to create a vacuum zone, forcing it to make a forced landing.

   fish stranded, then naturally there is no threat. The reason why I say so much is mainly to tell everyone that the mage has brought a word of "teacher", he is a magician, so our knowledge must be profound, and the magic library must be very rich.

   only have both..."


   A person suddenly interrupted Mo Lan's words. Mo Lan leaned his hand back when he heard the words, and lightly slapped his palm on the round forehead of the Wing Kong Beast that just stopped.

"Is there a problem?"

   "Uh, it's okay...wait, chairman, be careful!"

   The man yelled again as soon as he finished speaking, and Mo Lan's magical light flickered, his arm muscles instantly tightened, pressing down, directly forcibly pressing the struggling Wingkong beast's head on the ground, and turned his head.

   "Huh? Is there anything else?"

   "Uh, no, no more."

   The audience was silent.

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